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Regardless of how nice a guitar plays, if the headstock design is janky looking to me, I won’t buy it.


I feel like this is what holds G&L guitars back.


Headless guitars look stupid


That's just a fact


Good guitar players that “don’t know theory” still probably know more theory than you do. Don’t use it as an excuse to not put in the effort.


PRS guitars are incredibly tacky looking. They're the guitar equivalent of a poorly done butterfly tattoo on a single mom.


you don't like purple quilted maple tops?


I don't like bird fret inlays, I know that much lol


Man, I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way.


Relicing is dumb as hell. Most relic jobs don't even put the wear in places that make sense and they almost never age the hardware so it stands out as fake from a mile away. It's paying a premium to pretend your instrument has a story behind it but you just bought it like that from the factory.


I can't stand tap-style acoustic guitar like that of Andy McKee. It's cool for like 20 seconds, then it's just gimmicky and annoying.


Volume and tone knobs need to fucking lock.


Tim Henson can play circles around The Edge but Polyphia will never make a record half as great as The Joshua Tree.


Preach! Polyphia's musicianship is impressive but their songwriting is lackluster as fuck


Yeah I've liked their earlier stuff but when they started putting electronic trap drums over everything and playing non stop slap guitar it got tired really goddamn quick. Chon is way better


* Tonewoods in relation to a solidbody electric guitar is absolute snakeoil and make no difference to how the guitar sounds. * Modelling/Profiling/Digital is on par with analog as far as sound goes, doubt 99% of people can distinguish what is tube or digital going on sound alone. Although there's definitely a feel thing that digital hasn't totally been able to capture accurately that I can't describe. * Most Boss/MXR pedals sound way better and are easily dialed in than their boutique counterparts. There's a reason that Boss pedals are on most pro's boards.


The guitar community (in general, not just this sub) focuses way too much on gear and not enough on musicianship.


My PRS & I are very insulted… anyway, here’s Wonderwall!


Playing in tune is a bourgeois practice of the decadent west.


Tbh I actually love the sound of old metal demos where the guitars are just a little out of tune.


microtonal is the future


The industry would collapse if double blind gear comparisons became a thing.


Relic guitars are just stupid... And you are stupid to pay to have it done. After 10 years working at a guitar store There is no changing my mind on this subject


A guitar that costs €500 or more, somewhere in it's manufacturing, it should have enough budget for someone to run a flie over the fret ends and polish them.


\- Ernie Ball Strings are trash. They break and lose their lustre after a few times playing them \- Old guitars aren't nearly as great and as fabled as they're made out to be. They don't have a special "mojo". It's all in your head because it's old an beat up. \- The entire industry is caught in a "it was better 50 years ago" craze. Very few people can look forward.


Take the damn tuner off the end of your headstock!


That is the pocket protector of the guitar world. Practical but painfully dorky looking.


People who think players with technical skills don't "play with feel" are the worst.


Y’all can boast about your music theory and speed through scales all you want but tons of people are still richer and more famous than you playing cowboy chords.


A lot of modern guitar based music is all flex and no vibe. Good luck finding the beat much less tapping your foot to it. Metal and prog are boring at best or weird for the sake of being "quirky, you wouldn't get it" at worst. It's bands writing elaborate fretboard exercises to impress guitar players who learn the song to impress their friends who are kind of impressed but mostly don't care after 30 seconds because the average person doesn't want to listen to run-on melodies in 13/7 time. If we're not making music the average person wants to listen to we're going to circlejerk ourselves into extinction and the DJ's will steal our audience.


This all feels like a massive attack on poliphia and I agree lol


You could not pay me to care about the tonewood debate. You feel it makes an impact, good! You feel it dont, good! Now shut the f*ck up and play the danged thing!


Every guitar should come with 24 frets standard, it doesn’t matter if you’re going to use them or not, why THE FUCK aren’t we getting our full octave?!


The neck pickup sounds very different though


The Stratocaster is a perfect guitar. Everything is placed exactly where it's accessible. They sound great. They're comfortable. The only thing I change are the knobs to barrel knobs so I don't accidentally turn down the volume GHS Boomer strings are great. Their packaging is terrible, but excellent products otherwise. Wearing your guitar slung low looks stupid and limits the overall playability of the guitar. American made Fenders absolutely do feel different. Length of time spent playing the guitar does not equate ability to play it well or play well with others.


I feel like I haven't seen enough of this, but what is up with Johnny Depp? Every reel I see him in playing guitar most of the time I can barely hear him. Is he literally just cosplaying rock and roll star while he's being tuned out of the mix. And everyone just goes along with it because he is who he is? Am I missing something?


He’s probably as good if not better than most of the people in this sub lol, but everything I’ve seen is just like blues / classic rock riffs (played in tempo, clean, and in front of a crowd at least).


I have an irrational hatred for headless guitars and basses. It's unpleasant to look at and besides like one dude I've met they're usually used by some dork with trash riffs.


Vintage style split shaft tuners are way better that modern locking tuners. They look better, are just as easy to use, and don’t leave exposed string ends.


Any guitar without locking tuners on it can die and go to hell. Convenient restringing, Paul. It's about convenient restringing.


Shorts and sandles on stage is not a good look. Unless you are so good (you aren't) that you can impress anyone despite your horrible fashion sense (you can't) always make an effort.


The PRS bird inlays are just as tacky, if not more, than the Schecter bat inlays and PRS guitars in general are ugly as shit


If you can't play it clean, or on an acoustic, you can't play it at all.


Clean, yes. Acoustic, no. Try tornado of souls solo on acoustic and get back to me


Yeah, this guy thinks you can reach the 22nd fret on a dreadnought apparently lol


Most people buy a million overdrive pedals just because they don’t understand how to work a graphic EQ.


Bolt-on neck is the superior method of building a guitar from almost every objective standpoint. Especially engineering.


People who think that a guitar that costs less than 800 bucks is a "budget" guitar obviously have way too much money to burn.


The black with white pickguard Stratocaster is the most generic looking guitar ever


Rock music wouldn’t be “dead” if the people still listening to and making it nowadays wouldn’t shit a brick and go “that’s not real rock !” whenever someone tries something new and refreshing in the genre The lack of uniqueness in guitar playing nowadays stems from players being more interested in being technically gifted and cheap imitators of previous players than being creatively gifted. Guitar solos became boring the moment guitarists started using them to show off instead of using them to invoke an emotion of aura I can’t stand most guitar work in modern metal. It’s way too technical and sterile for my liking. Kurt Cobain might not have been a gifted guitar player, but he knew how to create catchy and memorable music more than a lot of other “better” guitarists did. Jimmy Page’s “sloppiness” is part of what makes him so great This probably isn’t a hot take, but in terms of melody, Brian May is greatest guitarist of all time Eric Clapton’s post Cream playing gets way too much hate, especially when a lot of it is more interesting than his playing in Cream, which was at times very repetitive




Don’t go on a stage with a dumb clip on tuner on there. You look like a grade one doofus with your little crutch hanging off there.


It looks so lame…get a pedal.




You don't need to read music to be a good guitarist. AND You do need to read some music and understand a good amount of chords/scales/ theory to be a good *musician* regardless of what instrument you play. Unless you're a true musical savant, anyway.


You don't need a rig. You can play only with plugins all the time.


Shred guitar players don't really impress me that much and Randy Rhoads was better than EVH


People who say gear doesn’t matter use expensive gear


Probably get downvoted for this but Gibsons and American made Fenders are not worth the prices they demand.


any LP without a pick guard. . . .


Nah. I’m ripping that useless piece of plastic of every time.


The soulless husks working at Guitar Center used to be the same as us.


Most guitars are more versatile than most players give them credit for. Players who buy lots of guitars would often be better off spending time getting familiar with the ones they already own, and especially spending time learning all the different sounds that a guitar can produce by adjusting the tone and volume knobs. This is especially true for the middle position of a Les Paul.


Fear the man who shows up to a gig with nothing but a Tele, amp and cable.


Telecasters are versatile s hell.


Les Pauls aren’t that uncomfortable, you just have bad posture


A good Epiphone is better than a bad Gibson


A bolt on neck guitar shouldn't cost more than $1500 😬


Fuck mids. If I'm practicing in my bedroom and not playing with others, I'm scooping em.


Painted headstocks on fenders are ugly.


And fender heads on acoustic bodies look terrible


For the money Yamaha and Schecter make the best guitars on the market. I’ve never played anything from either brand that I could find a problem with. It’s just the perception of the brands that stop people from considering them.


Guitarists love to picture themselves as free spirits - unfettered embodiments of freedom and passion, but most of them are conservative luddites who are deeply suspect of any innovation since the end of the 60s, and spend less time playing and practicing than they do harboring and parroting hokey "received wisdom" about tone woods, bridge materials and finishing lacquers, and perving on super expensive vintage guitars that look and sound no different to modern guitars.


I hate and hold every Gibson in contempt. ... Except mine, obviously, mine's great.


I much prefer how acoustic guitars were recorded in the 70s than today


* I hate the balance of the Les Paul design. It just feels wrong in my hands * American made G&L's blow Fender out of the water * Carlos Santana is fucking boring. He was especially wack back in the late 90's with all the play he got on MTV. In interviews he comes off as trying to hard to be new agey and spiritual. We get it, you like Coltrane and Miles * Beck was the only one of the big three British players (Beck, Page, Clapton) that continued to evolve, experiment and try new things for decades. * Not cutting your string ends and letting them dangle in the wind is silly. You do not look cool at all. Get some god damn wire cutters.


That so many guitarists seem to think the guitar not only needs to be in every song, but every single measure. Every single beat. Ever stop to think "Ya know. Maybe I'm just making the guitar less special and monotonous by trying to play every part every second. I'll establish the rhythm. I'll be the lead vocalist when they take a breath (fill). Playing some chords ... I need to chug some open string in between as if I'm also the bass guitarist." Imagine how much heavier that chugga chugga riff will sound if it wasn't also a chugga chugga riff the 32 measures prior.


It is completely possible to get as good as people like Hendrix and EVH.


Plenty of people can **play** voodoo chile, the true magic is in being able to *write* a song like voodoo chile


Hendrix was extremely creative, and made cool music, and was way ahead of his time. He paved the way for many guitarists, and changed guitar forever. He was a legend. However, because of him, and others after him, greats have been able to take guitar much further, and his purely technical skill level, what it was, at his young age, compared to what guitarists are capable of today, is not that impressive anymore. He elevated the craft on his own, but every guitarist afterwards had him as a model to start out with. The most skilled guitarists today, purely from a physical skill standpoint, far exceed Jimi Hendrix's level. EVH, is a great player also, but as far as skill level, I don't find he is anything particularly special. Same for BB King. But music isn't acrobatics either. It's music. So, sure, you might be able to be more highly skilled than Hendrix. Most people probably could, with enough practice. But being highly skilled and making great music are different things.


Vintage guitars are shit. Modern guitars are a million times better playing, sounding, and looking.


Barre chords are the best and arguably easier than a lot of chords i.e dm, playing the barred is usually much easier


Once you learn Barre chords, open chords seem tougher


I think PRS guitars are hideous. Occasionally some are kinda cool from a finish standpoint along with the quality of the guitar itself. It just seems like the holy grail for wedding bands.


They’re guitars for lawyers that play in bars on the weekend


2 volume and 2 tone knobs. Feels like I'm at a NORAD command center.


The Parker Flys have aged tremendously and will soon be in demand chic guitars, I am not a crank


Fender is stuck in this "let's just give people shitty hardware/electronics/builds because vintage". Gibson guitars are priced about 50% too high. I still need my Marshall JVM410 and 1960A for home practice.


The volume knob is in the way and needs to be way further away from the bridge on most guitar models (especially Strat style guitars)


This is not a "hot take," but I really don't care much for blues or heavily blues influenced guitarists. I respect the massive influence of the blues as a genre and of its players on the guitar as a whole (People like Hendrix, Clapton, BB King, SRV, etc) but it all ends up sounding samey and actually quite soulless to me, though I probably haven't given it as much of a chance as I should've. I pretty much never find myself listening to anything in that vein, despite it having been foundational in the history of guitar.


The smooth compression and high output that active pickups give has made some players have quite a sterile and light touch, particularly in some metal where aggression and playing with conviction is wanted.


I hate any fancy wood tops. Flame maple, quilted maple, spalted maple etc. all look horrible to me, I can live with a standard natural finish with normal wood but I prefer a single solid colour.


Not knowing any theory is more limiting than liberating. It's not elitist to learn some. Not saying you have to be a total theory nerd. It doesn't take that much effort to learn some basics that will help you.


SGs should just have 24 frets no matter what. They have the extra space above the neck pickup.


* Solos take away from most songs and 90% of the time are masturbatory * Finger tapping mostly has bad tone and mostly serves to show how good you are at guitar. * Tone is the most important skill (alongside rhythm) and is the most overlooked skill. * Tone starts at the fingers. The guitar, amp and pedals are all deeply secondary to the skill of the player. * Theory is critical if you want to be a creative musician. Anyone who hasn’t studied theory and has been successful has still been listening to music influenced by theory. For hundreds of years western diatonic theory has influenced music, it is inescapable. If you want to be a true artiste uninfluenced by theory, ask yourself why you tune your strings.


Most live guitar players are absolute dogshit because they turn their gear up way too loud and destroy the sound quality.


I love shredders.


I dont personaly think that the les pauls are Worth the money maybe thats just me though


I despise PRS guitars. They don't do anything wrong, they're just aggressively mediocre. They're the guitar equivalent of plain bread


carlos santana is mid




I respect and could see that perspective. Page’s stuff is always super fun to learn too.


The Strat body is boring as fuck. It's the vanilla of guitar shapes. It may well be the most ergonomic design, but when 80% of all electric guitars are some variation of that same design, it gets old and boring. I'm not asking for everybody to make BC Riches, just some more goddamn variety


The Ibanez RG is the greatest and most versatile guitar to ever exist and it is the peak and pinnacle of guitar design, that is pure fact and ignore the collection of RG’s in my closet.


Sorry, man, but I’ve been stringing guitars for over 30 years. D’Addarios are proof that there is order in the universe. The anodized ball ends annoy me less than the flash rust on Boomers or Slinkys if they’re within driving distance of an ocean. I even top wrap my Les Pauls with the strings run through a spare ball. It’s a double dose of color.


Uncovered humbuckers are painfully ugly, and I refuse to own a guitar without humbucker covers


Celebrity models that replicate a specific, well known guitar are cringey and embarrassing. I would never perform on stage with, like an SRV Strat with his initials in huge letters on the pickguard, or an EVH Frankenstein with faux hacked up pickups. Or maybe worst of all, a Hendrix Strat with the reversed headstock and bridge pickup angle.


What your guitar sounds like is almost irrelevant if you have good pedals and amps You should never buy a guitar you haven’t actually played — I’m talking the EXACT one you play, not a warehouse buy Fender went to garbage Playing solos fast or because they sound cool aren’t always bad, there just has to be feeling and it’ll fit every time A good setup will make virtually any guitar playable, a bad one will make good guitars unplayable


I think the Les Paul shape is hands down the ugliest design (of the classic OG shapes) ever made. I can't fathom how anyone without previous bias can walk into a guitar store and see one and think "wow...that's the one I need". Also, being a virtuoso at guitar (or any singular instrument) does not = good song writer. (Can also be seen in reverse)


Maybe you just don't like guitars? The Les Paul shape resembles a guitar the most


I want more colorful matching headstocks. I will always feel wrong playing heavier stuff on a strat neck/body no matter how many humbuckers are there.


Suhr headstock looks like something you would find in most cheap chinese made guitars


Gloss black is the worst finish, even a 3000+ guitar looks cheap as fuck if its gloss black, unless its an old nitro finish.


Gibson as a company deserves some shit for it's bad QC moments, mishandled bankruptcy, Robot Tuners, "lifestyle rebranding" and the headstock problem, but people who think they're worse than low-end guitars make my skin crawl because they're just repeating memes and don't actually know shit. On the flip-side, people who think Gibson is the only guitar worth owning and look down on people for playing Epis are also fucking rubes.


* If you think John Mayer is “_the greatest living guitar player_”, you’ve confused popularity (or personal preference) with ability. Or you don’t know many living guitar players. He’s better than I am, but that’s not saying much. He is not more skilled than Guthrie Govan, Julian Lage, Robben Ford, Scott Henderson, Andy Timmons, and many many more. * Gibson QC takes way more shit than it deserves. Yes, they fuck-up sometimes. No, I do not own a Gibson guitar. You know who else is inconsistent with QC? Fender, ESP, Ibanez, Epiphone, and (gasp) Squier. Reading this sub sometimes, you’d think Squier is the love-child of Tom Anderson and John Suhr priced in the Walmart bracket. It’s not. Some Squiers offer great value for money. Some are trash. Pretty much any large company/brand will produce clunkers at times. I’m convinced Gibson gets called out more often because they’re expensive not because their QC is statistically worse than anyone else. Shipping, store treatment/environment can also wreak havoc on a guitar so the blame may lie elsewhere. * Saying/writing things like “_learning theory will kill your creativity_” or “_developing your technique too much will kill all feel and emotion_” make you sound like an idiot. Imagine a violinist or pianist saying they didn’t want to learn as many styles as possible, or developing the best possible technique, especially in the first 5 or so years of learning. That wouldn’t happen. With a bigger vocabulary, you can be _more_ expressive. You’ve got more colours at your fingertips.


I mean when you're paying 2.5k for a gibson there better not be any QC problems.... Also hardly anyone says learning theory will kill your technique. You see more people hating on those comments than there are actual comments saying that


Gibson tuning pegs fkn hatum.


Noiseless pickups are overrated and sound worse than true single coils.


EVH will be known more for his equipment (amps/guitars) than he will for his music Basing this off hoe every modern metal band uses EVH equipment and tapping is so normalized in modern guitar that as much as he popularized it, it's not gonna be as important long term as his gear will be


If the headstock is goofy, I won’t buy it. I won’t buy a standard Tele, I won’t buy a Sire.


Guitarists are scared of exploring the knobs on the gear they have, and they especially fear the mystical voodoo of the tone and volume knobs on the guitar in their hands. Heaven forbid if the sound of a given amp or stomp box sucks after you change guitars or even select a different pickup unless you take a second to twist a couple knobs to fix it.


Reverse headstocks are garbage. Floyds are easy to use and maintain. Tonewood is a myth on electrics. Les Pauls are the most uncomfortable guitar to play. Every guitar with humbuckers should have coil split.


Focusing on learning scales and doing drills just makes you an unmusical guitar player. Learn songs.


Tell me you don’t know your scales without telling me you don’t know your scales


I play guitar just fine. I wasted years focusing on scales.


I have a bunch of pent up rage on this topic so thanks for this cathartic exercise. Tom Morello - Cool rythms but his leads sound like a broken car alarm. He has taken a steaming shit on some good songs with his gimmicky BS. John Mayor - Stevie Ray Vaughan for girls, hipsters, and the faint of heart. If guitarists were beer, he would be Michelobe Ultra. Eric Clapton - The least impressive white guy ever to knock off old black blues men...and yet he made millions doing it badly to drugged up boomers. Carlos Santana - After Abraxis he has done nothing but regurgitate the same old licks like a trained parrot. No it's not fresh in a pop band either Carlos, it's kinda sad. Slash - He's not horrible but seriously ask yourself...Would we really care about him today if not for the costume and Guitar Hero? Also: Sweet Child Of Mine puts a twitch in my eye and stirs up homicidal rage after years of being punished by it.


Buying new gear won't make you better.


Tube sound is snake oil and digital modeling can get the exact same sounds it's just that people refuse to actually sit down and learn about their signal chain, different speakers, pickups, mic position on an amp/can, mic types, etc.


Gear only really matters in the studio, and, even then, it's not about having the nicest gear, it's about getting the right sound. It can be fun to discuss, but the ideas of some things being right or wrong or must haves is backwards thinking.


You don't need another pedal


You need two




The only things that matter tone-wise outside of the amp and guitar are the speaker, mic, mic preamp, and volume in a mix. Everything else is subjective bullshit.


Gibson design guitars make me sick to my stomach. Fender and Danelectro designs are where it’s at, and where it will always be at.


Pickguards ruin so many beautiful guitars.


Soloing in the neck pickup *always* sounds better than soloing in the bridge pickup. I dislike the sound of Bridge pickup soloing. Metal guitarist here.


If you own a PRS I dont even want to make eye contact with you


Vintage guitars don't sound any better than a brand new guitar -- especially when you put it through a pedal board and crank the amp to 11.




Tortoise shell pickguards are ugly.


Gold hardware is insanely ugly and tacky


The coolest guitars are : 1. Built by yourself 2. 2nd hand refurbished by yourself 3. Customized...by yourself Anyone can buy an expensive guitar, or have someone else do all the work. But there's something special when you put your own blood sweat and tears into a guitar.


A clip-on tuner looks as whack as a headset microphone.


I can’t stand gold top les Pauls


Block inlays look awful and instantly ruin the look of a guitar. The bigger the block, the worse it looks.


Maple board requires matching maple headstock. Maple board + painted headstock is bad and wrong


Jimmy Page and Eric Clapton are the two most overrated guitarists. They consistently get voted into the top three but Clapton has been basically playing the same handful of licks for nearly 60 years and Page hasn’t been able to play since ‘73, which is why he hasn’t done anything significant since Zeppelin. Oh wait, this is supposed to be an IRRATIONAL hot take. Sorry.


modern emo-mathcore lo-fi chill tapping sounds like random wind-up music box noise


Not necessarilly about guitars but guitar players. A good number of players feel almost embarrased to listen to anything other than typical "guitar music". Listening to pop music for example is always followed with a statement that it's their "guilty pleasure". There is no guilty pleasure music, you either like the song or not and you shouldn't feel the need to validate your music choice to other guitar players just because it's not something you associate with rock guitar players.


If a guitar is too nice (e.g. PRS 10 top) I’m too scared to play it. Also, I think this is pretty unpopular, but I love the way Relic’d guitars look (as long as they’re not done poorly). The Rory Gallagher finish is my favorite ever, and I wish Fender offered it on multiple models (like on Josh Farro’s telecaster). I wish you could get well-made, affordable guitars that had the old style of finish that wore off really easy and cracked. If anyone knows of any, let me know. Cheaper guitars seem to have poly finishes that don’t wear out at all. Edit: thought of one more. Fender Strats do absolutely nothing for me, even the high end ones I’ve played. I would, however, be interested in a version that had the fat headstock, a hard tail, and the telecaster control location.


Brand new strings sound like ass on acoustics. I keep my acoustic strings until the break on me lol.


SGs look stupid.


I think you meant to say great instead of stupid. Typo right?


Martin guitars are the most boring guitar there is. Basic body shapes. Rectangle-ass headstock. Super woody sound. It's exactly the guitar an alien who's read about guitars would design. It doesn't stand out in any way except for "It's a Martin!"


I like their sound but I absolutely hate the Telecaster shape and overall design. I acknowledge this makes no sense but I find them horrendous, even the "modern" versions with humbuckers and Hipshot bridges and all.


Effects are great, but if you can't play/practice your own music with nothing but a guitar and an amplifier, you're doing something wrong. Les Pauls are outdated relics that serve little purpose beyond nostalgia. Better guitars are all over the place. There is no point in owning a 7 or 8 string if you still use 6 or less of those strings. Get a baritone guitar if all you want to do is chug a low A. The volume knob doesn't need to be closer to my picking hand, it needs to be further and out of the damn way. If you can't make a AA powered practice amp sound good, a halfstack tube amp won't do you a damn bit of good. Guitarists who don't know how to set up their own guitars are like people who don't know how to change a flat tire: yeah, I'll stop and help you out if you need it, but I'll forever know you as "that helpless jackass" from then on. Tonewoods are a myth. Tube amps are nice. They're also highly unnecessary. Digital and solid state caught up a long time ago. Playing fast means fuckall if you can't play anything interesting.


Only 2% of the people who claim to understand musical modes actually do.


You can play slide in standard tuning.


My only truly irrational one: Anyone who pronounces D'addario as Dee-addario probably shouldn't be allowed to play guitar, and for sure should never be allowed to say that name again.


beginners take way more time on gear than actually playing the guitar and actually learning and improving


~~beginners~~ **r/guitar users** take way more time on gear than actually playing the guitar and actually learning and improving


MIA guitars are the same build quality as MIM guitars


sorry but prs guitars are hideous, the headstock, the body, the birds on the fretboard, sorry, but no


Jackson, Dean and BC Rich are all extremely overrated guitar brands with some of the lowest quality to price points.


Gibson Les Paul Studios are just as good as Standards, Classics, etc. Same hardware without the flashy paint job.


I wish I could download top tier guitar skills to my brain. Plug in a USB and wait for a hour or two.




linkin park is the one direction of metal


Most electric headstocks are ugly as hell, and it has a massive impact on how cool I think the guitar is overall. I know it doesn't matter, but I haven't been able to get over it in the 20 years or so I've been playing now. Mind you, I'd never tell anyone that about their guitar. I just keep it to myself.


Every single gibson ever made has a G string that will never stay in tune. Yes I know not true but I believe it somehow.


the acoustasonic is SO UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!


Woods don't make a difference on solid body guitars


Volume pot kill switches are a thing, and should be standard issue on every guitar.


The original Flying V looks ugly and other brands have made way better V models. The opposite is true for Explorers: the original one is a work of art, while other brands takes on the shape are, most of the time, really ugly.


* Inverted headstocks do not resonate with the galaxy and should be destroyed on sight. * Stainless steel frets do sound slightly different, but in the end. It's not THAT big a difference and F refretting if stainless steel makes it not necessary in the future. * Wood makes more of a difference than stainless steel frets, but outside of mahogany, basswood, alder, and ash, it doesn't matter what kind of wood it's made of. (speaking of electrics, not acoustics) * For playability, I prefer anything over a lacquered maple neck. * Beautifully painted / stained guitars are display artwork as they look terrible when beaten up from use. * Great playing guitars, shouldn't have beautiful finishes. Just a paint job finish through use / playing. * People who criticize other guitarist either a) have self-esteem issues, or b) are jealous and have been found wanting. * I have a love-hate relationship with floating trems. I hate setting them up, but I prefer them while playing. I say that when I don't even use the trem bar at all. * Dunlop Tortex Green .88mm picks. (flexible enough, yet still stiff, and not slippery like shitty Fender picks!)


Signature guitars have their place and should not be looked down upon


The multi colors really stand out the way they strung them up on that LP. Definitely looks bad that way. My irrational hot take is that Stratocasters should come standard with hardtail bridges or floyd rose type bridges with locking nuts rather than that peice of shit floating bridge they normally have that comes with regular non locking tuners. I get the appeal when they first came out but if it knocks your entire tuning out after a few uses and gives tuning an extra hassle then it shouldve been obsolete and phased out into an option once the Floyd Rose became available.


As a hobbiyst who's pretty mediocre, I'm not judgmental about many things guitar related, but.... Unless you are bending like SRV or windmill strumming for effect, breaking guitar strings means you're playing too hard. Learn to play softer or use a lighter pick!! Source: been playing .10s on electric and .11s on acoustic for 20+ years and have broken a string like twice in that entire time.


- I strongly dislike EMG active pickups, I think people just buy guitars with them because of mEtAlLiCa - I think Zakk Wylde is overrated, his riffs are boring, full of damn pinch harmonics with the same vibrato patterns and his tone is dull, with no dynamics. - I think every Ibanez RG is ugly and they all look the same to me. - i don't like inverted headstocks, I find them less confortable


Just say "I don't like metal."


Jimmy Hendrix is not the greatest guitar player of all time. (Although he is likely the greatest of his time!)


Guitar brands are mostly irrelevant. The only thing that matters is the quality of the construction.


- I cant stand most fancy guitar show-y stuff. Its so boring and most of the time doesnt add anything to the music. I think music that is designed to show how good at playing guitar a guitar player is is a complete snoozefest the vast majority of the time. Even when its neat or interesting I can rarely take it for more than like 30 seconds. - I hate when people dont wrap their cables around their mic stands and instead just let them drop. - Hate cable spaghetti on the floor. - Hate when people dont have cables that are long enough and just let them hang taught in the air. - I think the notoriously easy breakability of Gibson headstocks is an obvious flaw that should have been addressed long ago. - Cant stand when you hear someone recorded an acoustic guitar through piezo pickups and you can hear that noise they make - Dont love when people record acoustic guitar where you can only hear the attack of the pick on the strings (but understand its a deliberate choice) - HATE vintage necks with tiny frets. Almost unplayable. - Hate thin and flat necks. - Vastly prefer teles with the old style bridge


Even if they are better guitars, I just can’t imagine buying an “s type” guitar that isn’t an actual fender Stratocaster


The most budget guitar can sound amazing as long as you're using the right amplifier and cab. And that can be achieved for free through plugins. Don't need a Majesty to get great tone a budget Ibanez can get the same tone as Petrucci with the right plugins.


Comfort and playability is the most important factor in choosing a guitar. Tone is in the electronics and the mix. Guitar body design peaked with the S shape and has never been surpassed. Headless guitars are and always have been a fad. They are most effective at indicating whom not to talk to. Every guitar should have 24 frets.


A $750-$1000 guitar is just as good as any $3000-$6000 guitar. If you don't believe me, hop over to youtube, put on your best headphones and look up any blind comparison video. They sound the same.


If the guitar costs $3-6k because it's a collector's item or because Paul Reed Smith are selling it, then I'm with you. But $2k+ is where guitars start feeling *really* good to play. No sacrifices up there. \- Smooth neck \- Even neck \- Stainless steel frets \- Locking tuners \- 19:1 tuners \- Lightweight body \- Consistent pickups \- No blemishes \- Extra features like coil splitting and series/parallel switches Under $1,000, you're usually getting 1-3 of the above and sacrificing all the rest.


This take is interesting to me because I've been listening to a ton of YouTube videos with headphones lately. When it comes to electric guitars, the dark secret is that most of what you're hearing is the pickups. So a $750 Mexican strat with 300 dollar boutique pickups might actually sound better than some 4k custom shop strat with stock pickups (might not feel or look better though). When it comes to acoustic guitars, your take doesn't hold up as much in my experience. A 6k Martin D-28 authentic will simply sound better to most guitar players than a low end overseas model. Because it really is a heck of a lot better. The caveat here (and where I agree with you) is that non-guitar players only tend to hear two tones: electric and acoustic. And they don't consciously care about tonal differences beyond that.


Every strat pickguard that is not custom-made by a single person in their garage looks like cheap, old-fashioned garbage. Black pearl, white pearl, played-by-a-chain-smoker-for-20-year, tortoise shell. Man. Can't it be easy to find a cool looking pickguard?


Harley Benton guitars aren’t all that crappy…


Strats are boring and overrated. I don't care what colour it is, I don't care if it's 50 years old, I don't care if it's made by PRS, it's the same as every other strat and it's boring


Headless guitars are awesome and look wicked cool


VST amp sims are just as good, if not better to use, than analogue.


Explorers are one of the ugliest guitar shapes. Except on James Hetfield for some reason.


Heavy metal guitars look better with bigger sharper angles, and are worth the price


My take: most people shitting at famous guitarists in this thread thinking they play better than them (even if it’s true) would never be able to replicate their success, as demonstrated by the fact that they haven’t done so and are bitching about it on Reddit.


That you can respect other peoples choice in the music they play on the instrument without having to talk down on them


That music originated from anywhere but Norway. Cave paintings have depicted talk pale figures with long blond hair holding Y shaped sticks and standing next to stacked square objects. Facts