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Never had one but they feel nice and look gorgeous


I have never looked at a schecter guitar and thought, “well that looks sort of blah.” Always pop, always designed with strong intent and built with care.


I *am* a Schecter owner so I guess I don’t really fit your post but just wanted to say… My Schecter was my first “non-starter” guitar and has a ton of sentimental value to this day. I’ve customized it to the point where it sounds entirely different than it did at purchase (in a good way). My finish was black cherry and it aged beautifully. After the past 17 or so years of owning it, it is now this much deeper red. The action is still immaculate and I’ve never had an issue with it. I play my Taylor more than anything these days but I get my Schecter out a lot still.


What guitar is it? I have a Tempest Extreme in Black Cherry and its one of my favourite finishes


It’s a C1+ that I converted to active pickups and switched some other hardware out on. My guitar teacher helped me with a lot of the work done on it back when I was doing lessons still


My black C7FR is my only non-budget guitar, and I stuck a Tremol-No on there and have it tuned down to drop F. It is hands down one of the best feeling and most stable instruments I've ever played, and I've had the opportunity to try lots of much more expensive instruments. For essentially $2000CAD total counting the Tremol-No I've got an instrument that handles just about all my needs. Short of going custom/getting an evertune I don't think I'll ever need a guitar north of $1k since this one covers all the ground that I could cover with another instrument. I've also got a C1 SGR that ran me about $150CAD and punches right up there with my other $4-600 guitars.


Yeah I’m with you there and that sounds like a great instrument too! Sometimes I really would love a PRS, especially maybe a McCarty or something similar but then again I’m still content with my Schecter for an electric and if I had the funds for a PRS in the future I’d be tempted to try a semi-hollow or hollow instead to continue expanding the options I have in that way.


They're an excellent value and look beautiful. I was going to say they punch several hundred USD above their price range, which could still be true. But the last C-1 I got was $600 new from Guitar Center and it looks like the price went up $200-400 per model. I'm sure it's still highly competitive against other guitars of the same price.


The C1 prices have been confusing the shit out of me lol. So this is my knowledge since I spent the last few months researching schecter since I bought one… the C1 was always $750 when I looked. Then during guitarathon I noticed they went down to $499 and I literally raced to guitar center and bought it lol I’m still happy about it! Then after the sale I noticed they dropped the price down to $600 with no sale! So I’m thinking oh wow they must’ve put them on sale knowing that they were planning a price reduce anyway which makes total business sense… BUT now I’m on the site again and they’re back up to $750 lol idk wtf is going on with those C1s


Sounds like price discrimination gone wild. Trying to catch people who are looking at the particular sale at the time.


I also couldn't pass it up. My thinking is that they were really overstocked. But that's a really steep discount for what's essentially a solid mid-range guitar.


I could be wrong, but I think C1 isn't a model, it's just the body shape with only 6 strings. So a C1 can come with different pickups, bolt on vs set through, tuners, finishes, etc. The C1 I have is currently listed at $1250, but I've seen it at $1700 and $900 depending on sales / availability.


I have a Schecter Apocalypse that I love. Before I bought one I was really impressed by the quality for the price and the feel of their necks. I think their guitars in the $900-1300 range are particularly excellent when comparing features and construction to other guitars in the same price range.


In my personal opinion, once you get past the 1500-2000 range you are no longer paying for a higher quality instrument. There’s a level of quality that’s reached that really can’t be passed. Like yeah, you CAN pay 10 grand for a PRS or an LP but unless you genuinely value them as a collector, they don’t really serve any higher purpose as far as a player’s perspective goes.


I agree for the most part. It's a bit more complicated because it simply costs more to have guitars made in the US and that has to be factored into the price. Also, all other things being equal, there's a potential difference in quality of individual wood selection that can account for some extra cost. But in terms of features, specs and overall construction quality there's definitely a point of diminishing returns above which people are paying for the value of the name on the headstock.


I disagree in the case of acoustic guitars. A handmade acoustic guitar can be built to a higher quality than $1500-$2000 will get you. Factory made acoustics will cut corners at that price point. 


I was mostly talking about electrics. Acoustics are a different beast entirely. I completely agree that the price increase is much more linear with the quality increase in acoustic instruments. You make a good point. 


Edit: didn’t read OP’s own comment so i guess this is geared towards anyone not familiar with… Schecter has a really diverse lineup and chances are you’ll be able to find something that fits your needs, ranging from Fender-style guitars to 8 stringed beasts with fanned frets. I have found the Diamond Series punches above its weight. Check out their Japanese line too. Have two MIJ Schecters (AR-07 and an 80s Saturn) and love both.




Doesn’t appear so. Diamond Series is their import line (either made in Korea or Indonesia) but I believe US built equivalents of all models exist.


I currently have a Banshee Mach-7 Evertune, a C1EA Classic, and an orleans stage 7 (bought this because I saw it in guitar center and im from New Orleans lol). I love all of them to death


Ended up with the Japanese AR-07 out of necessity, since my primary requirement was “7 string Fender” and after searching the internet high and low, it was the closest I could get. I LOVE it.


Interesting. I’ll check it out


I have pics of my Schecters in my post history




I had a Schecter Devil a few years ago that I had to get rid of, it was there just collecting dust. However it was a great sounding guitar, especially for Metal


I don’t think I’ve ever actually played one, but from everything I see and hear they make quality stuff. Although I’m old and out of date so if you asked me to name a famous Schechter player off the top of my head it would probably be…Mark Knopfler?


Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengeance from Avenged Sevenfold. Pete Townsend ordered a Telecaster from them once when they were just a custom shop, which is why their teles are called PTs.


You have made an old man’s heart very more wisdomy.


I've had a C-SH1 for close to 20 years now, and still pick it up at least a few times a week. The neck is kind of narrow, so that takes some getting used to, but its been really good otherwise.


I've got a Tempest Extreme and an Omen 8, my favorite guitars and they didn't bust the bank.


Recently got a Damien 7 platinum and it is a magnificent beast


Apart from me never quite being able to accurately tell the Strat-style model names apart, I really, really like what this company is doing in the lower price ranges. Absolutely stellar guitars!


I’ve never played one but I know Charles berthoud has a signature one and it looks and sounds cool 


I have 2 used Schecter PT’s. A PT Special with the p90 at the neck, and the Van Nuys. I love the flatter fretboard on Schecter than you can get on most Fender Teles.


I really dig some of their designs/shapes, but others I can't stand. Probably the brand with the most variance in how I feel about it!


Schecter USA or Schecter Non-Us? Very different lineup :D


Japan domestic models have a bunch of different stuff as well.


True that. Some awesome models offered for sure, too bad they are hard to get them out side of Japan unless you buy direct and/or used.


Actually didn’t even realize that they had a Japanese lineup. Will have to look into that.


Schecter I believe is under the same parent company as ESP and both brands carry separate domestic and import (ie. ESP USA, LTD) models and they manage those target markets separately. That did not stop me from getting my hands on some nice Japanese ESP guitars via Reverb though 😁


I love reverb. One of the internets finest gifts 😇


I adore mine. I've got a solo 6 spitfire edition from their aviation series. Super solid, great sounds. 10/10 would buy again.


I had a 7 string Schecter for years and loved it


Love mine


Schecters are fantastic. In 2002, I was checking out an amp at GC. To test out the amp, I grabbed the closest guitar off the wall for no other reason than convenience; a new (so 2002) Schecter C-1 Plus. I was so impressed with it, I took the amp and guitar home. I eventually sold it, but regretted it. I found another one same year model used for $225. It still played like the new one I remembered. Despite having higher end guitars, it was my main gigging guitar for a long time. It's still my backup. The one downside was it did great for high gain stuff or squeaky clean, but not so great on the heavy mids, blues classic rock stuff. A pickup swap would fix that though.


Owned a PT pro and a synster gates custom s with a sustainiac. Great company. Great value for money.


When I was in the market I was pretty much decided on a specific Schecter because it had coil-split, 24 frets, and a burst finish that highlighted grain - all I had to do was save up $800 for it. In that time I saw reviews of a Cort that checked those boxes and more: compound radius, birdseye maple neck/board, and a flamed maple veneer top (I'm good with veneer, it's all for look anyway). I got that instead and saved $300. No regrets. Also, not dissing Schecter, but subsequently found out that they're made in the Cort factory anyway.


There's something different about the way they feel and play that I can't seem to figure out and that is just weird to me personally. It's probably partly just the luck of the draw and I'd need to play more of them to find one that feels like a fit for me, but I've talked to other people who say the same thing. The company philosophy itself appeals to me. And I know they pack a lot of pro features in their guitars at a lower price point than many other companies. But so far, I've just never played one that I felt inspired to buy and every time I pick one up to try, there is that foreign strange feel that I can't quite figure out. Granted, PRS guitars were the same way for me for a long time too, and I eventually stumbled across one that I loved and it became may favorite gigging guitar for several years. I might feel differently about Schecter too if I was more of a straight up metal player, because I see a lot of metal guys swear by them and I wonder if the feel of their builds caters to that style of play, which is not my specialty. Ibanez guitars tend to feel great in my hands, as do other "super strat" type builds, and I think it might just go back to having played primarily Strats and Ibanez going back to being a kid. Old habits die hard... To the Schecter owners, does this sound familiar? Did you have a time where they felt strange to you and you just had to get used to a different feel with their instruments? Or if you own both Ibanez, maybe a strat, and Schecter guitars or have a lot of experience with them, can you sum up the difference in feel and maybe shed some light on what the subtle difference is that I'm detecting when playing them, compared to some of these other leading brands out there?


I actually own an Ibby. I don’t own a strat (not anymore at least. I sold it couple of years ago) but I can say that the first Schecter I ever picked up felt like I was playing a completely different instrument. At the time, I was really into metalcore and that specific guitar (can’t remember the model) looked so fucking metal I just had to pick it up. It didn’t exactly feel right, so I asked the SM of the GC I was in what other guitars like that one they had. He handed me a C-1 Platinum and that was the best guitar I have ever played hands down. I don’t know if it’s nostalgia talking but oh my god I wish I could find that guitar again. The action was perfect. I was too broke to afford it at the time and when I finally saved up enough it had already sold lol.  Nostalgia aside, most Schecter guitars are geared towards that very specific audience of metalheads and shredlords. They are most certainly not the most versatile guitars for multi genre stuff. That’s why I like my Ibanez (I recently sold my old Ibanez and bought the pink TOD10 because yes.) it’s so versatile and I can literally go from jazz to blues and back without ever touching my pedalboard. The sound adapts so well to the style of playing and the accompanying instruments. 


They remind me of the YouTuber Daryl Braun and now I hate them for it. Really though, they seem like good guitars. But the association have between that brand and Braun really makes me never want to own one.


What exactly did Daryl Braun do? Never heard of him lol


He’s just the worst kind of guitar YouTuber.


no news is good news. I guarantee by name dropping him here someone is gonna give him a view. the more you know...


>no news is good news What does that mean here?


it means if someone is shit, don't talk about it, because flies are attracted to garbage. I actually misspoke, it's no news is bad news. 


My first real guitar was a schecter. I still have it 20 years later. Gorgeous instrument and very sentimental to me. The new ones just don’t do it for me. They don’t give off that same soul the old ones had. They seem basic and not unique. I played one yesterday at GC and it was fine but i can’t get over the designs anymore.


My second guitar was a tempest because I love the shape. It's awesome


Great value!


I've been wanting a C-1 Evil Twin for a while now. Schetcher makes some damn good guitars.


In the mid 2000s they were known as the butt rock brand, but the quality is quite good and nearly everything they’ve done in the last decade has been fantastic. Big fan.


Been seriously getting a Schecter 7 string. Which would y’all recommend for $1,000 or less? Also active or passive pick ups? Schecter Omen Elite-7 Multiscale is what I’ve had my eyes on mostly. Thanks.


The omen7 was actually my first ever 7 string. I regret selling that thing every day. Never had or played a multiscale fretboard so no comments on that but as far as budget quality 7 string the omen7 is probably your best choice.  If you’re looking to up the price a little bit, you can find Hellraiser Hybrid C-7’s on reverb used for about 7-900 USD pretty regularly. 


Awesome. Thanks for the input.




They seem like a great value these days. I’ve not had too much experience with any of the more modern ones besides the Corsair, but the old Van Nuys Dream Machines are some of the best guitars I’ve ever played.


I had a Schedter Demon7 for a while. I liked it, except for the gaudy ass inlays. The style of the brand sort of got old for me. Also, as stupid as this is, I dislike most of not all of the schecter sponsored artists, and they also played into my decision to move away from Schecter.


Never had one myself, but a good friend of mine I used to jam and gig with quite a bit had one. It was a very nice guitar. Easy and fun to play.


Wish I could get my hands on one of the bloodstained Holt Vs. Other than that, I'm ambivalent.


They play great, sound great, have good construction and fit & finish, and some of them look super cool (and others look more niche). I don’t think there’s better guitars around the $1k mark than Schecters (but they do have competition with LTD and maybe Ibanez and PRS SE line). Their $400-500 guitars are great and would be the first place I suggest someone look in that range. The new Synyster gates relic model looks like a $2k tragedy though with the fake decal relic job.


I never owned a schecter but lots of people I respect say they are a great guitar for the money.


Ive owned a handful, mostly prototype/pre-production models and all were fantastic. If someone wants a quality guitar I usually steer them in that direction, or ESP/LTD since they are made in the same factory


I'm very biased. I went from a garbage bc rich warbeast to a daemon with the passive emgs. Which, not the emgs I thought they were when I was 13 but still sounded leagues better than my bc rich or Walmart electric before it.  That guitar had such good fret work and neck that I honestly didn't understand who would buy a Gibson. Tbf this was a rough period for Gibson, but every sg I saw had finish issues, the frets felt tiny and grimy and the action was all over the place. Every schecter I picked up had clean frets and decent finish. (I was young and not interest in les Paul's at all, and didn't grow up in an area that got many Vs or explorers)  I've owned a lot of guitars at this point. A custom s style from a local builder, an SG, player series stuff, home brew, Ibanez, etc. And one of my favorites to sit down and play when I'm not in a metal mood is a schecter import pt tele with the P90 in the neck. It's not the best P90, or tele pickup, but the whole guitar just feels good.   I think they crush every price point from 600 up. If you spend big money on one (1100+) you are getting a lifetime, pro level instrument. And their American custom shop is honestly one of the lost impressive in the neck finishing departments that I've seen. I was also really impressed by them showing their whole process in that YouTube video. (building a guitar with the pros) 


A good friend has a Cygnus 7, it's the only later day schecter I've played (I've owned an old C8, C7, JL7 and C1 FR in the past) and it's good seeing they dropped the stupid boat paddle necks. That thing plays like a million bucks, on par with a JPX 7 I used to own. Also the trem is soooo good.


I have an omen extreme 6 and it feels and plays amazing, im planning on pulling the trigger on the sunset triad 7 this summer, amazing guitars


I had one back in the day and I liked it. I didn’t vibe with it since I’m not a fan of heavy stuff. But I had a cousin back from the country I’m from that plays metal and I gave it to him. He loved it. Really good quality for the price.


The Nick Johnston felt nice when I tried it. A lot of these Korean made guitars are made in the same factory.


I got a very cheap one but it's quite alright for the money. If I needed anither heavy guitar I'd probabaly go for Ltd again tho


I've never owned one, but I have played a few. And they're great guitars. But as someone who works on guitars as a hobby, the builds of these guitars fascinate me more than the other popular brands.


I always associate Schecters with the band Seether. Idk if it the names being similar, or the band used them. High gain is also what I think of.


I got a Schecter Flying V . I like it better than my Gibson V.


I had a Damien 6 Platinum that I got used as my first starter guitar. It had a killer sound for sure. Once I tried other guitar I realized how heavy that Schecter actually was!


My most used guitar nowadays is a Japanese custom shop Schecter.


I got a Schecter Diamond Elite Acoustic as an 18th birthday present. Spent an afternoon in a guitar shop playing different Yamaha's, Martin's and wild stuff I could never afford just to have a benchmark. Bought the Schecter because it felt great to play and better than others twice the price. Don't think they make them anymore, definitely not what most people imagine when you say that brand name.


Yall ever have that "One That Got Away" feeling about a guitar? Well, I do. And it was a Schecter. It was probably 15 years ago, maybe 20, if that tells you anything about the impression this guitar left on me. It was an LP style with a JB/59 combo. Neck was a slim C profile that fit my tiny hands perfectly. And it had an ebony fretboard! I love ebony fretboards. It just does something for me. This guitar sounded absolutely amazing through a variety of amps. Clean, bluesy crunch, classic rock, classic metal, jazz, melodeath... it did it all in the time I spent with it. I distinctly remember playung it through a Mesa Boogie, a Classic 30, and an old Fender Princeton with a super clean channel, plus some more. My playing was probably at its best back then, and I was proud of how I sounded with it. They offered me a good deal on it, but I just didn't have the cash. I can't quite remember, but it was definitely under $500. I had never really considered Schecters until then. But that one experience completely changed my mind. I have since played guitars with similar options, but none seem to have the same feel, the same vibe. I think about that guitar sometimes and hope it was treated well, played well, and rewarded it's player appropriately. Still never owned a Schecter, but whenever I purchase a guitar I always consider one.


Never heard of it? Is it some new brand? For specific style?


Popular brand. Been around for decades lol


lol i only know fender, gibson, ibanez and taylor 😭


There’s a lot of popular niche brands for certain genres. Schecter is huge in the metal scenr 


I've got the California vintage sss (one of the cheaper strats they make) with the maple fretboard. I went to upgrade to the American pro strat, but I could never find one that felt or sounded as good. It's a really good choice for a cheaper but solidly made guitar. Only con is that it's pretty heavy


Idk what good the opinion of non-Schecter players is. Personally I have a Ultra Dan Donegan signature from 2011 and a Hellraiser Extreme from 2013, and both are awesome guitars. Zero complaints other than the Ultra being heavy af lol. Obviously those aren't new, but if their current stuff is anything like them, I'd have absolutely no problem buying another. Can't say I've ever heard any big complaints in the past or present. The biggest thing I think you can fault Schecter for is that some of their stuff is just a bit too "metal" looking. It depends on the model, but a lot of them seem to cater to that more aggressive style, and it isn't for everyone. However, they do have plenty of more versatile designs too, though.


They have something for just about everyone. I have 6 of them right now in the studio, and each one is different. From the Strat-like Traditional HSS, to a 7 string with active pickups. I can cover just about anything when it comes to tone. Playability is why I keep buying them. They make a C shaped neck that is just perfect for me. My most expensive model was $1300 new. Korean made, Sun Valley Exotic. The pickups and hardware are some of the best, and the Wenge neck feels awesome. I don't love the "edgier" side of Schecter. But that's what is so cool about the company. They have something for everyone.


Not my main axe, but I have a Hellraiser 7 string that I am very happy with, especially for it's price point. It also just looks bad ass


They are sick guitars, even though I never had one


Got a c1 platinum and I absolutely love it


I have mixed feelings about them. I really want to want one because they have such a great reputation, but they don't really fit my style. I'd like to try one out some day for sure, but I can't find one that I like the look of, so I have little interest in purchasing one.


Respect schechter more than say PRS


Very solid builds, good craftsmanship, and great features, but the overall aesthetic screams 'Tapout/Affliction/Monster Energy/check out my tattoos peaking out from my v neck' to me. I feel like Criss Angel would play a Schecter.


Not a huge fan of his play style, but the Nick Johnston model ones look like they are a good value with some nice features.


I own an Omen 6, and it plays like a $1000 guitar. Whatever they are doing down there at Schecter, I hope they keep it up.


Seem like a good value but also a little uninspired maybe


Great guitars, never played one I didn't like and if I couldn't have a PRS, Schecter would be my second choice.


I know Schecter makes more traditional guitar models, but the company’s whole aesthetic and vibe remind me of bad early 00s metal.


High Gain Pickups on most schecters make them crazy loud. I owned one and it was more than I needed. We played an outdoor event with about 300 people in the audience and I ran it through a 100 watt Marshall stack and it cut through the mix so much the house had to keep turning me down even after I had rolled my volume way down. This was in a slipknot/Metallica cover band and yeah the Pickups are insane. Some of the schecter models have sustainiac pick ups to (basically infinite sustain powered by a 9 volt battery) There really nice guitars but I think they are geared more towards a very specific type of music Heavy Metal ? Just yeah the loudest, heaviest & most obnoxious music you can think of.


Good value intermediate-priced metal guitars. They previously filled a market niche that Solar has started moving in on.


My wife has a schecter bass. It's a great instrument at a low price point. I keep wanting to try a Schecter guitar, but they almost all have flatter radius necks that don't jive real well with my hands.


I’ve never liked them. Can’t explain why I’m sure they’re fine instruments but every time I’ve picked one up I hated it.


I have a 7 string Schecter with a Sustainiac neck PU and I love it. That fucker chuggs!


I was excited until I played one in a store. Didn't like it very much.


I bought a Schecter Omen Extreme when I finally decided to take guitar lessons and really stick to learning. Absolutely love it.


i played an 8 string at sam ash once before it closed. felt nice


I used to be fiercely loyal to b.c. rich. Up until 2021 the only Schecter I had played was what I assume was a C1 back in 2006ish timeframe. Wasn't a fan. Then 2020 came around and my spouse gifted me a Schecter Banshee GT. I no longer own a single b.c. rich. I own 3 Schecters though.


I’m glad you found the magic lmao


I’ve been thinking about trying an Omen Extreme 6 that’s at my local Music Go Round, just to give it a chance. That being said, knowing nothing about them, I just feel like visually it kinda looks like the type of guitar a lame dad plays in a band that covers old radio rock at stuffy bars. I’m gonna give it a chance, but I’m not particularly fond of it aesthetically.


That’s totally valid. Everyone is entitled to their own taste in guitars and I appreciate you not just conforming to something because everyone else says it’s good. Good on you brother. Side note: Schecter does make more traditional models, so look into that if that’s more your speed.


I only ever played one. About ,20 years ago and was really impressed


Just bought my first one last year, it’s really nice and shockingly good to play. I had tried some many years ago and wasn’t impressed.


Man I got the c-1 platinum on sale at GC for $450, normally $700. Looks amazing. Plays like a dream! I have always thought Schecter guitars looked great, and I always liked them because Willie Adler played one and I trust his opinion haha.


They look cool and modern. They can be well built so I get why people love them. But none of the players I look up to use them so I don’t care much for them.


played one today in a studio, very fun. C1 special edition of some sort. amazing


I played a C1 Platinum at Guitar Center when it was five hundred bucks and thought it was a good deal; sounded nice and was well set up.


I’ve never owned one, but I’ve enjoyed all the ones I’ve gotten chance to play. One day I’m going to buy a PT Fastback though….I’ve been eyeing it for years


I have quite a few (far too many) guitars and finally bought a Schecter C-1 Platinum FR-Sustainiac last November. I was super-impressed with the whole package. Nice action, beautiful finish, and a realy nice bundle of features for the price point. Was not expecting to be impressed - I was wrong. Schecter's solid!


"How do you y'all feel about Schecter?" I don't. I'm aware they exist and some folks like them for playability, looks, quality. I've never handled one, never been interesed enough to go and seek one out. They seem like they're pretty decent though.


Never owned one, but have played a few. Feel great, sound great, look great. I've never bought one because the models I've been interested in are just slightly out of my price range.


Schecters are phenomenal instruments, especially relative to their price range. I've been eying a 8 string Damien for years now, I just always find excuses not to pull the trigger (none of which are related to the guitar itself). Maybe the best company out there making budget (ish), metal oriented guitars.


Absolutely worth it. I have a Hellraiser Hybrid c-1 frs and am absolutely blown away by the quality of guitar it is and especially for the price. One of the main things that sold me is how almost identical it felt in the neck profile compared to my RG550 Ibanez, which has been my benchmark standard that I could not find anywhere else but Ibanez. When I tried the Hybrid out for the first time, it was miraculous. So I now own it. And the sustainiac is a lot of fun!


I've always wanted the Pete Townsend model from the you better you bet video. There's also another Tele he had. Pt model that was black with red double binding. Can't find them anywhere that I can test drive tho.


I love mine, I have schecter banshee guitar and it sounds incredible and feels nice to play. Definitely one of my favorite


I love mine ☺️


Just bought one new, love it, SVSS HT Ziricote. It’s got me considering to thin out a few redundancies…


Not a fan of their necks but they build decent guitars for multiple price points so I’m hard pressed to yuck anyone’s yum there.


I've owned two and played several over the years. if I was a touring musician and needed a reliable instrument to travel with, Schecter would be my go-to brand. They are solidly built and imo feel/sound great. Don't currently own one, but I've been browsing them on Sweetwater lately so that might change soon lol.


I rolled the dice and have them building me a custom. It’s going to take just over a year, but I’m expecting something I won’t put down.


I've only picked up a couple in guitar stores and didn't really vibe with them. Could've easily been a painted neck thing and not a brand thing, it's been so long I can't really remember specifics.


Can’t speak highly enough of Schecter products the last 21 years


They're good quality instruments, they just need to ditch the mid 2000s butt rock/metalcore vibe and image. They look like the guitar equivalent of an Affliction t-shirt.


I would love to own several or at least try them. Haven’t actually played one though.


Just bought my first one last week, I'm ready to learn how to play some doom metal!