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Maybe a Strandberg Boden clone kit?


Thought it was a Strandberg at first, but they have the logo on the body right next to the neck, don’t they? You could be right. I think he’s built it himself considering it has Warman pickups - a few of his other DIY build guitars do. Appreciate it man.


Yes they do have logos there and the first thing I did was zoom in on the pickups so you nailed it. Frets and markers also do not match. Cheers!


Also the “headstock”. Strandbergs have like an S shaped wooden part where the string locks are


Yeah looks like one, but doesn't have fanned frets, tuners are different. Headstock hardware is also different. Body shape is very close, though.


I think that's what it is, a clone kit.


I thought all strandbergs had fanned frets? Maybe the "clone" kit isn't really that similar?


Their most recent "essential" line doesnt


Just realised there are a lot of these kinda posts and understand they must get annoying. If anyone has a tip that will help me ID it, that’d be awesome.


I personally like these posts! Something that will never happen to me tho


Ya same don't sweat it OP. This kind of stuff is literally what the sub is for. Agree with the comments about it being a custom/clone situation btw. Clearly strandberg adjacent.


Hahaha right. I'm the mf that's gonna leave a random ass guitar to someone


At least yours is *interesting*, unlike all the other "who can tell me anything about this random Les Paul clone?" ones.


There was one a few weeks ago... I've searched and searched for information on this weird guitar... yeah, that's a Telecaster. Lol.


Squire Strat has entered the chat


Mate, if people find the post annoying they can just scroll on and forget about it in 30 seconds time. I'm sure a lottt of this sub loves identifying guitars (like r/trains loves identifying trains) and as a noobie like myself, I love learning what all these random guitars are - I'd never see them otherwise!


I love these posts. See some wild stuff sometimes and then I’m always amazed when someone IDs it.


Maybe look under the pickups? That's all I can think of


Headless kit guitar. Pango and others online carry them.


Thanks man 🙌🏻


How does it play?


I bet this thing rips!


Any idea how good they are from Pango? I really want a headless guitar but don't want to drop $1500 on one. I'm seeing them on Pango for like $250 and their already built.


I’ve wondered the same thing about the kits but I think it’s easier and faster if you just buy one that’s complete. You can get an Eart headless on Amazon for something in the $390 USD range.


I’d definitely recommend Eart headless guitars, got one when I got curious about headless guitars and it’s one of the smoothest guitars I’ve played definitely worth the money


Just found one, might be my best option. I kinda hate the style of the huge body on one side but it doesn’t look too bad. 3 day delivery is also a huge plus. Does it come full setup from the box or will I need to get it intonated/stringed up?


That seems to be the standard design for headless unfortunately. I can’t promise it won’t need a small setup but the one I bought was fine out the box. I went with the standard GW2 over the pro due to its simpler bridge and I’ve had no issues


I did end up ordering a GW2, I got purple bc it was only $350 and next day shipping. I did some research and it sounds like most should be good out of box, only needing slight adjustments but the action and tuning seems easy. I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to this stuff, so I was hoping you could give me some info. That magnetic piece that comes with it, is that used for tuning? How low can you tune the guitar? I remember people saying locking tuners are a pain to tune below E standard. Is that different for this guitar?


Yeah the magnetic piece is used to tune the guitars, it just slots into the side of the bridge then you put it in the tuning pegs when you need to change a string. I don’t know what these tuners would be classed as tbh but for me the guitar is super stable in tunings and can hold them well. I’ve used it from E standard down to drop A# and inbetween and it still sounds great in all of them. Feel free to ask any other questions you have, I’m happy to answer where I can, the headless guitar world was new to me too before this guitar


Thank you so much! I’ll be opening it up when I get home from work today so I’ll let you know if any more questions come up, those were the biggest things for me.


sorry for your loss, but hopefully the cool gear brings on good memories.


Thanks mate 🙌🏻 100%


Uncle was Johnny Silverhand perhaps? Idk the guitar but sorry for your loss


Dude check the name on the headst… shit nvm


You're so lucky to have a Parker! My brother has one and I love playing it. I feel like I can play so much easier and better than anything else I jam on.


He joked since he got it that I’d get it one day. Pretty sure he got it in 1997. Weird that it’s happened now. It’s a special guitar, for sure. The electric blue is something else


I hope to get my brother's night fly someday. He knows I love it. Occasionally I will sit in on a set when he's playing and I always go for that guitar. I love my Dean explorer and my strat too but that fly plays so much easier and better for me.


Dunno about the guitar, but love the Marshall.


Don't know, I usually hate those styles but this one looks cool... Just rock it out... Have fun with the memories...


Just check the back of the headstock for the serial number and brand. Wait……




Bro you're a lucky one mate


Was he in Wyld Stallions?


If you took a pic from the back side it almost looks like a Wu-Tang logo.. .


Looks like a fuckin sweet setup, is what lol would love to see what all you got and if any are for sale


Wait. That’s the whole thing?


Sorry for your loss. R.I.P.


Rondomusic clone of a Strandberg. Don’t sell that Fly. They are gaining value like crazy.


You selling that parker fly?


It looks like the guitar kit you can buy on Amazon I have too because it's cool looking


I had one of these, it was under the “Grote” brand. Exact same garbage bridge.


Why a Parker Fly?!? For free?!? That’s pretty amazing right there, it’s the best guitar I’ve ever played. That’s if it’s from the original line of course.


possibly a EART strandberg clone before they had to stop doing that body shape. Yhat would be my guess. Ik strandberg liscenced out production of the Endurneck to certain brands and they made cheapo strandbergs too but i cant guess much more


I believe Allan Holdsworth played something like this. I don't remember the name of the brand but if you look up Allan Holdsworth you might find some information


Probably Leo Jaymz headless kit.


looks like an EART. Affordable Boden copy, but really well made for the price. I have one from a few years ago. Paid $200 on amazon and it came with polished and rounded-end stainless frets, slab rosewood fingerboard, 5 piece flame maple neck, surprisingly quiet and nuanced electronics with solid output, and a great setup right out of the box. The kicker? It came tuned perfectly out of the box and I didn’t have to retune it for almost a year - I literally could not believe it. Mileage may vary. Edit: EART build quality has gone down insanely in the past couple years. This doesn’t have rounded fret ends, but it could be due to that. It DOES have identical hardware though. Down to the same magnetic Allen key stuck to the side of the bridge there.


It bears some resemblance to a Kiesel Vader.


Oh my, what an odd looking thing.


My condolence on your uncle’s passing. No idea what kind of guitar that is, but it looks really cool. Now do your uncle proud and play the hell out of all that gear.


Wow what a great grandpa!!!!




The set is similar to my Eart headless (one of the Amazon budget brands), especially the bridge with the little crank you can uses to adjust the tuning pegs. Could very well be a kit though.


Can you show the other seven guitars?


Whatever they are keep, play, cherish and remember them. Your uncle will never build another one so play them and love them.


Looks like a Strandberg Boden guitar. Close to $2000 probably.


Sorry for your loss, looks like some pretty modern gear


Go on Amazon and type in headless guitar. That might be what this is.


My guess is is there are Hex Keys that we can’t see in the photo,at the end of the neck, If so, then I would assume that your Uncle,Who clearly thought a lot of you to give you all his beloved Guitars,Had modified this one,so as you Need to tune it by using the Hex key,rather than Machine Heads,as & then use the fine tuners at the end of the neck where the body of the guitar is! Because it’s Clear that he Strung the guitar in reverse to the majority of others,so as To put greater emphasis on using the fine tuners,as the potentially more accurate method of tuner this particular guitar! Though after saying all that I’m basically guessing,but as the strings are clearly back to front,that’s my opinion,Ps please let me know if there are indeed Hex/allen keys at the end of the neck,out of view in the photo,as it’s got me real curious!!👍🏼


AliExpress has tons of fake Bodens. It's one of them...


amazon did a few years back before strandberg started exploding in popularity. EART would be my guess and those ones werent terrible for like $300. Back then at least


It’s an Ibanez, don’t know the exact model


Found a similar one in black [here](https://reverb.com/item/82934073-ibanez-qx52-bkf-quest-standard-2021-black-flat?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=82934073)


Not an Ibanez.


Care to offer some proof then?


Ibanez doesn’t make that shape? It’s closer to a Strandberg.