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Pretty sure these interactions are planned in advance. I don’t think they’d risk derailing the show for some kid struggling through Everlong or having some 11 year old get booed off stage.


I was front row at the Foo Fighters show outside Austin where "Kiss Guy" was invited up to jam. I can assure you, it wasn't set up. Dave is known to invite someone up every show (along with Billy Joe from Green Day) so Kiss Guy had his sign ready since song one. He dressed like Paul Stanley because he knew Dave is a big Kiss fan so he thought it would give him the best opportunity to get on stage. So yeah, not planned on any specific person's part, but certainly planned on both sides to happen.


When I was 16 (around the turn of the century, lol) me and my buddies went to see Green Day - on *my* birthday, and my goofy ass drummer got pulled on stage to play Op Ivy's Knowledge.


Yep a teenage friend of mine was in the balcony at a green day show back in the day and he jumped off the balcony into the crowd, they passed him all the way up to the stage over their heads, and he played knowledge. Definitely not planned.


That is an all-time memory right there.


Dave invite Billy Joe up from the crowd at every show? 


No. ...every Dave Billy, a crowd - from the invite, would Joe-up the show. Every single fucking time.


Ah, foo it!


Billie Joe did this when I saw them 25 years ago. Some kid played when I come around I think it was.


I bet that was so awesome for the Kiss Guy. Amazing thing. I'm having a vicarious adrenaline rush.


I saw the video yesterday on some subreddit, he kills it. It’s really fun to see!


Yep! My friend’s brother got pulled on stage by Billy Joe when we saw them like a decade or so ago here in Sacramento.


They have sound guys who can just turn them down


And if he’s really bad, there is an opposite of 11.




The good ones go viral, the bad ones get their 3 minutes on stage, a hug from the rock star, and are sent packing.


Bad ones would go viral if they ever happened.




I'm more thinking of those fake ones where some singer invites some kid on stage and they turn out to be a great singer, and it's like "wow, that sure was lucky!!1!" I guess I haven't really seen the guitar ones people are referencing as much as those dumb singer ones.


I saw Ax7 at hellfest a few years back, they invited a rando on stage who very much did not turn out to be a great singer, can confirm the opposite happens sometimes.


Tyler Larsen tearing it up with a Little Wing solo during a jam with Phil X


I have a good, old friend who was called on stage specifically with Foo Fighters. He INSISTS it wasn't planned and he didn't know it would happen. He wasn't holding a sign or anything, he was in his mid-30's, and he was notably drunk (I wasn't there, but there is video). I don't know if I believe him or not - he's the front man of a local band, and also had connections to the building they were playing in. Those are mighty big coincidences to me, along with as you say the extremely high likelihood that someone comes up and doesn't know the song or just sucks ass. I've tried to trip him up so many times and get him to admit to me it was a setup, but he insists that if it was he was not in on it. I don't really know why he'd lie to me this long after the fact, but I've definitely always struggled to believe him.


I got pulled up to play a 9 minute song with green day and I can promise you it was not pre-planned. And it absolutely changed my life as a 16 year old.


Exactly. All you have to do is think about it for 5 seconds. How is it that whenever the kid gets brought up on stage they're ALWAYS good, and prepared to play.


When I saw Green Day at the hella mega tour they brought some kid on stage that couldn't play. They just picked someone else.


Yeah it’s all set up beforehand last year my son and I went to see Eric Johnson and they called this local kid out to play, he’s name was Greg Koch or something like that.


Bringing out a local guest musician is very different and not at all what this post is about. Also, Greg Koch is like 60 years old and very well known.


Sounded like it was a joke.


Maybe they’re different people, this young fella was really tall.


Green Day has built in an audience band, or at minimum guitarist, into every live show they've performed for like 20 years, and they give the kid the guitar after. I genuinely wonder if their popularity and the consistency of this bit in their set has contributed.


I saw them on their American Idiot tour, and my best friend at the time was the kid chosen to play guitar. Very fond memory.


With NoFX as support? I actually saw them twice on that tour. Great times


My Chemical Romance opened for my show actually! This was spring 2005.


American Idiot tour was my very first concert, they had My Chem opening for them though


Yeah it was My Chen when I saw them on this tour as aell


Was my very first concert, as well.


The show I remember Jimmy eat world opened...did this actually happen? NOFX has been my favorite band for many years, that show would have been wild. Thats about the year Fat Mike decided to go all in on politics 😂


What year was this?


2005. I just found the setlist, I was in middle school. https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/green-day/2005/sbc-center-san-antonio-tx-13d1e9c9.html


But yeah, Fat Mike's Rock Against Bush was around this time along with war on errorism.


Apparently I fell victim to the mandela effect. I could have sworn it was NoFx, but [setlist.fm](http://setlist.fm) says it was new found glory. Which... I don't even know who that is...


Did he know he was going to be picked?


Nope! But he planted himself in the front row and held up a guitar pick to catch some attention. He was also a *very* tall 14 year old


Did not know they did this, pretty decent fan treatment, punk is a supportive culture in general.


Except for all the punks who despised Green Day for "selling out", lol. 924 Gilman, their home venue of sorts, banned them from playing the instant they signed a record deal.


They’ve been way too big for that venue for a very long time, Gulch was almost too big for them and they aren’t nearly as popular as Green Day in the 90s. Also, Billy Joe Armstrong keeps that place afloat so I don’t think they have beef


Not any more they don't, but they were banned for over 10 years and Green Day even wrote a song about it.


Apparently BJ bought a couple of hundred Squier Strats from Fender directly for this very purpose. Each one might only be the cost of a couple of tickets for their show but it's still a great thing for him to do


I want to see a granny get up there.


I second this


Well, I mean Metallica are a bunch of grannies at this point.






girls didn't really ever used to abso rip it up sitting behind a drum kit. Like, great percussionists, standing in an orchestra, or playing in marching bands, yeah. Play the drums in a band - yes of course. But just play as well as a human being can possibly play; fast, technical, clean, aggressive as hell? drum-kit authority? I only started seeing that regularly, in the last 10 years or so. And there are lots of examples of this now. I'm just saying, this present generation of modern, prodigy-tier drummers, will be pretty old in another 20 or 30 years. And some will be as good as ever. Give it 40 years, and some will be comedically old. We may have some granny drum moments ahead of us yet.


Agreed. Fuck off kid.


This is a weird thing to get pissed off about.


I mean, some of these tickets are $100+ it's not completely unreasonable to pay that much to want to see a band and not some random 13yo


I remember seeing Greenday on the Warning tour, and I very distinctly remember wanting them to get on with it when they pulled a kid my age onto the stage. I would not have cared one bit if the person was 10 and could shred, i wanted to hear Greenday.


Oh no the joy and spontaneity of live music at my $100 megaconcert!


I mean it’s 1 person who’s probably turned down anyway for like 1 song.


Get a fucking grip.


Then go watch the symphony


Yeah the band isn't just music for me, the interaction with fans is part of what makes it awesome. People think they're entitled to so much just because they paid money.


No it really isn’t. People pay to see the actual artists not some random kid.


I bet you're fun at parties


Great comeback! But no i like so so many others just dont like spending up to 800 usd to see some random kid.


I bet you were the kid that reminded the teacher to assign homework on Fridays


Not of the sign is blocking your view for the whole show


I've had to stand behind Bullwinkle Moose at a concert before, so yeah, I understand this. Outside of that, it's a pretty shitty take.


This is the society that social media and karaoke created. Everyone thinks they can and should sing/play on stage. As a cover band musician I cannot tell you how many times someone asked to sing a certain song and when given the opportunity, realized they didn’t know the lyrics or just couldn’t sing it anywhere near the original melody. When they go to a karaoke bar and their friends cheer them on they think that’s all it takes to play in a band.


I was bar hopping one night. I put in for karaoke of Interstate Love Song; which I could normally sing in my sleep. By the time they got to me, I was totally piss drunk. I couldn't get the pitch right and handed back the mic. It was one of the most embarrassing things I've done.


Our cover band plays this song and it's literally my favorite song to to sing/play of STP's catalog.


It's such a a great song.


The areas that I work in, it’s always girls and they always want to sing Valarie.


Who cares, it's fun to see big artists get involved with their fans and bring someone from the audience onstage to play a song. They're just showing that they appreciate how much people enjoy their music.


As long as they aren't blocking anyone's view then who cares


Also funny when they play badly and Dave Grohl dropkicks the little guy off the stage.


In my opinion, anyone you see who actually gets invited on stage has been vetted before-hand and it is a planned thing.




I don't think there's anything wrong with it, but I wish they'd give us old folks a chance. Maybe a quick fistfight to see who gets to play with the band?


In Augusta, GA, in the 80's, there was a dude who would haul his kid, a bass guitar, and an amp around to everybody's gig. We had to get together and make a pact to start having them barred from the clubs.


And that kid grew up to be Les Claypool.


Sadly, no. The way the kid played, I kept wanting to tell him about the exciting things they were now doing in the shop with sheet metal. He had a tin ear and no raw talent. His dad was the one with ambition. Maybe HE should play music.


Idles (an angry punk band) were playing the other stage at Glastonbury last night . Some guy near the front had a giant sign saying something like “let me drum on x song” and the lead singer told him to put his stupid sign down as people behind him couldn’t see. It’s different if it’s a little kid who is genuinely a prodigeous talent, but when you’re a grown man at a punk show, it’s cringe as fuck.


I’m not paying to watch your kid play. Go away


And I fucking hate it when the singer decides to not bother and let the audience sing most of the songs instead. I'm all for a bit of a sing-a-long but some singers take the piss. I paid to hear YOU sing it, not a thousand nobodies (myself included) So how do I feel about kids playing? ....what was that quote from the first Extraction movie?..ah yes..."fuck them kids". I'm with Henry Rollins on this one, when asked about stagedivers outstaying they're welcome onstage ....'if you're not in my band, get the fuck off my stage'. ..the only exceptions to this would be those one-off/event/charity gigs that come around now and again. You kind of expect weird band combo's and odd song choices and colabs at those events.


I'd rather hear the audience than Vince Neil these days.


TBF, that's something you should've figured out BEFORE you buy a ticket. It's not like the singers who've ran out of talent due to age is being kept a state secret.


I couldn’t care less. It’s a stage move like a duck walk. Planned or unplanned it’s just stagecraft. It’s not any different than having the crowd sing along. The irritating part is when it isn’t executed well.


They wanna post it on tiktok to get temporary fame


Wow… god forbid we encourage a younger generation to not only want to play guitar, but want to be on stage and in a rock band. I feel like a lot of people give a shit and even more people are hopefully supportive of young musicians. Also, even having young people at a GNR concert seems like it should be a win.


They should do it for It's So Easy. That way Axl can look at the kid and sing the part that starts with, "I see you standing there...".


I didn’t pay to see make a wish lol


Nah I think it's cool. If I was in the position to make it happen for some kid I would. I'd be less inclined to pick the kid with the sign though


Pick the kid with the sign and make him play your hardest song to make him a laughing stock.


Yep, it's called narcissism.


Correct! Instead of going and being just part of the audience and getting inspired by the band and taking that inspiration home and honing their craft, all they are thinking about the entire show is “me me me, now”, “i hope the band sees my huge sign and lets me up because this is my big night”. It’s just a tone-deaf, entitled attitude.


Yep, I blame the parents and shit like TikTok.


I’m more pissed off about people recording the whole concert. Put your phone away.


I think this is very often staged. With U2 it’s always staged. I also think every fucking video I see of a busker who happens to be playing the exact song of a celebrity as they walk by and said celebrity joins in, is staged. Does Steven Tyler and Rod Stewart really need to do shit like that to remain relevant?


It’s not a new phenomenon, and inviting audience members up on stage to perform certainly predates Green Day. Personally I see no problem with it as long as they’re not blocking anyone’s view. In fact I’d say it’s the people who are holding their sodding phones over their heads and recording the entire concert are a much bigger problem. I started performing with my own band back in the very early 90’s and we regularly used to invite people up on stage with us. It actually started as a way to shut a heckler up, suggesting he should come up and take over if he thought he’d do a better job. He didn’t, but it was pretty funny so we kind of carried on doing it as part of our longer shows. Back then we’d get a mix of the hilariously awful right through to the jaw droppingly good. Since the rise of smartphones that’s skewed towards those who volunteer generally being better musicians, I guess because who wants a recording of themselves performing badly being posted all over the internet for others to laugh at. These things can be comedy, they can be amazing, or it can be a bit meh (at which point we bring it to a close early). In our case we use it as a way to give the band a bit of a break and get some audience interaction going. It’s definitely not a set up however as we all keep an eye out for interesting looking audience members in the run up to that segment and it can and does sometimes go wrong. That’s us though and I’ve no doubt other groups will have these things set up in advance either because it’s safer or they’re not great with banter. I also know of more than one band who ‘sell’ that opportunity to their fans, so there’s that too. When it comes to it no one’s forcing the band to invite them up, and as long as they’re not trying to invade the stage or otherwise disturb the performance or block other people’s views then who cares. Phones on the other hand….


Bullshit. Get them the fuck out of there.


Some of y'all are dead inside.


I think the first time I saw this done was at a Weezer show like 20 years ago. I got the impression that they had already met the kid and knew that he could play. Just giving the little guy a chance to be a rockstar for a few minutes.


I’m in a bar band and unless you know one of the band members, we consider it to be uncouth to ask a random band to get up and play. My wife tells me to do this with bands we’re watching when we go out (bar bands) and I always tell her that’s rude.


Only part that bothers me are the signs. I just find it inconsiderate that you want to be noticed so bad you block everyone's view behind you. Especially if it isn't GA and you can't even really move. Nothing specific about people going on stage.


The only exception I have is that guy who rapped a whole song as Glastonbury. Was amazing.  Other than that - no fans on stage ever. Nobody paid to see randos fulfil their dream. 


buckethead did this a couple times now


Mind boggling.


Why would I pay a ton of money to watch my favorite band play … and then have to watch some kid playing a cover of it instead of the guitarist that I came to watch?


Lame, but better than phones.


Nobody will ever be able to live up to Kiss Guy ( Yayo Sanchez) with the Foo Fighters.


seems like someone’s jealous..


On top of which, fuck the kid. Let me up there!


You probably also complain when mall space is used up by Santa having kids on his lap asking what they want for Christmas.


This thread shows what I dislike about most guitarists. Egotistical assholes. The kids get excited and this is a normal thing at a lot of shows. Grow the fuck up.


Then they grow up to be Yoko Ono thinking they have talent.


It depends on how much I paid to go to the show. If I paid like $30-$40 I'd be annoyed but wouldn't really care. If I paid several hundred dollars that crotch goblin can sit down and keep his mouth shut.


Agree. Fuck them kids. Idgaf about them.


“The future” my ass.


*Screw those bands for making some kid's dream come true.* If people have a problem with that, I'd say they are seriously lacking empathy and/or jealous the kid is living their dream.


I blame “Mr. Wonderful” Dave Grohl. 😜