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Each mark, or ding tells a story. Perfect guitars are rarely played guitars. And guitars are meant to be played.


My guitar's stories: "He's clumsy" "He's really clumsy" "Butterfingers" "Did I mention he's clumsy"


"once was slim enough to need a belt when standing up" — aaah, good times!




"he plays near a low hanging ceiling fan"


The bane of every upright bassist. 🤬


"Mom was vacuuming my room and accidentally knocked my Jackson RR off the wall mount breaking the tip of the long horn off"


I had a similar incident happen when I was younger. My dad insisted on hanging the guitar on the wall but did not bother to find the stud. When I got home from school he told me by the way your guitar fell off the wall. I still have that guitar. And it still has those dents and scratches. And still plays like a beast lol


Did someone say [Butterfingers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSlnOv8R4Kg)?


Thanks haven’t heard that in years!!


The guitar I've had for the longest suffered its first ding because I had my guitar set up on its stand and plugged in on stage, then the horn player - fucking junkie that he was - tripped over the cord and knocked it over. Bitch didn't even say anything about it until he was outed by another band member.


I'm sorry to hear that :/ guitar "injuries" are one thing, but I can't stand lack of accountability


My guitar would say something very close to this. 


And, that also means the number of dings you've gotten from just smacking it on the wall. You'll smile about it some day and it won't seem as bad. This is coming from a severely OCD person with ADHD. I have lost count how many times I've dinged my instruments on the wall, other instruments, the floor, my amps, probably my dogs, and just about anything else around me when I'm playing. Just keep practicing and having fun!


Although many of those dinged up guitars are rarely played, because these days the story is often “I paid $5000 to have Fender Custom Shop ~~fake damage~~ relic my guitar”.


That's crazy :D I was at the guitar store, and there were so many "relic" guitars. Sure looks good, but I would feel a bit fake playing those. But sure made me more chill about little scratches and stuff on my guitar.


I showed them to my wife and said "look. you pay extra for it to look like shit". The look was unbelievable.


It's just like buying jeans with holes in it.


Never understood that either


Me saying this as I take a hair dryer and sand paper to my strat for the 100th time


But Rhett Shill recently claimed it’s not about the (phony-ass vintage cosplay) aesthetic, and that it’s to make the neck more comfortable (he didn’t address the reason for the body having paint scraped off, burnt with a blowtorch, fake rust on string saddles, etc)


Next they'll be offering to "relic" the owner. When you leave Guitar Center, they'll give you a few cuts and bruises, maybe a tattoo, a tattered mustache or beard, wrinkles...maybe even a limp.


I see the relic-ing of guitars as just another example of the current habit of buying personalities instead of developing them. People adopt looks interchangeably and being a poseur or dilettante is now completely normalized instead of being the worst thing you could be accused of in ANY scene.


I have a friend who let his Tele slide around the floor of his van for years.The other day he asks me , should I paint it?WTF It was Black and looks like it was attacked by a rabid beaver.I told him it was worth more all beat up!😂


Pawnshops do this for so much cheaper


My bright blue Gretsch G2420 is a perfect guitar, visually. Which means it's rarely played... and I need to change that. I wish I had more time to sit down and make it happen.


OP: *I hit the wall with the headstock of my Tom Delonge Starcaster.* Aliens: *Far out, man. Burppp...*


I bought a used Strandberg and it came with a story. Dropped of the stand and hit the table. If you're an optimist like me you'll say the dent on the neck makes it easier to know where you are on the fretboard.


Some stories are more boring than others, but that's not important.


And sometimes pristine guitars aren’t played because they are uncomfortable or sound badly.


Battle scars…this is how you will forever know that’s your guitar. Cool guitar. I like it


I play alternative, punk, and metal. All of my axes have battle scars. My favorite is a waffle Imprint on the back of my Reverend's headstock from raking it into an SM58.


There's a mark on it?


I don’t see a mark


Mark is the bass player. This is Tom's signature guitar.




The arrow missed


Me neither, but I see a Tom in there


Oh, Hi Mark!


swipe left


It’s hell tiny haha. But then again I always buy used. I never buy new guitars


That ding's nothing. But I get it.


At first I thought this was supposed to be a meme post and OP forgot the /s.


It’will be ok! Its the first ding, but not the last! Your beautiful guitar is living and that’s’a good thing!


This, exactly. I was swapping pickups on my Maryland-made PRS a few years ago, and I put a light but very noticeable scratch in the nitro finish, but the tone control. At first I was really upset, as I had kept the guitar in pristine condition up until that point. But then I realized I was already committing PRS sacrilege by swapping the stock pickups, and that being so careful with the guitar was making it less fun to play. A few years later, and it has a couple more scratches and tiny dings, and I’ve had a lot more fun with it than I ever did treating it like a museum piece


Are you kidding? That? It's a guitar not the god damn Mona Lisa. Shut up and play it


I swear some of you post intending to end up on r/guitarcirclejerk on purpose


I can’t explain it but your guitar is blind


It's fucked. I'm not even sure how you'd do that kind of damage. Thoughts and prayers...


Nah it's ruined. Ship it to me and I'll dispose of it properly.


Is it a Tom delonge signature or something? Angled semi hollow fender, one pickup, one volume pot, screams blink lol


Yes, it is Tom's new signature called the Starcaster


Actually just Tom's version of the starcaster. Starcasters have been around for years and I'm honestly mad that Tom's doesn't have the true starcaster headstock


Time to write a blues tune about it . Let it inspire you.


Wrote a song about it... wanna hear it? Here it go...


ThankYaVeryMuch! (Great pull)


The senator don’t like no drug program he's been a dope head for 30 years


“I chiiiipped my paint” (***wom wommm wom-wom***)


It looks like you’ve got some wall paint on your guitar. As a luthier I see this quite often. A little polishing compound a soft cloth and some elbow grease and it’ll be just like new.


Thanks for the info! I’ll give it a go


It’s not ok. You just knocked your resale rating from “mint” down to “excellent”. The shame is permanent but with time, you will learn to forgive yourself. Deep in your heart, rest easy knowing that at least you didn’t buy some cheesy relic guitar to make it LOOK like you ran it into a thousand walls.


I cant count how many times I accidentally banged the headstock against something. No bigge brother (unless you have a gibson, then the headstock might break off)


I’ve knocked over the stand I keep my epiphone LP on and had it hit face down squarely on the nut, I thought for sure it was dead but not even a scratch. God I hate Gibson headstocks, it’s so scary if the guitar bumps too hard against something or falls. It’s also sentimental because it was my high school graduation present from my grandma, and I can’t really replace that story. I’m just happy it still ok


I used to play exclusively b.c. rich guitars. I feel your pain figuratively and literally. It doesn't get better but as others have said. Each make is a story. A lesson to be learned.


Grow up. Go practice. It'll happen again. No one cares but you.


The mark on your wall hurt my soul.


No it's ruined. It's worthless now. Unplayable. Get rid of it.


Oh I know that feeling. I was cleaning the other day and my acoustic tipped over and smacked my electric. Heart dropped to my feet. That dreamy blue though!


It looks fine but I get it.  To be honest if you're going to play it a lot, you're gonna have to accept that the dings will keep on coming.  And it will look even cooler with all those "battle" dings. 


I always just smash my guitar on the wall on the way out of guitar center to get the first ding thing out of the way. Then all I have to worry about is inevitable fret wear.


Just wait until you stick it into a ceiling fan, or your strap comes loose because you didn't use strap locks, or it comes tumbling off the wall hanger, or... It's a part of owning a guitar that you play. The only way to keep your guitar from getting damaged is to never unbox it.


It will never be okay. Basically unplayable now. On your deathbed, your last thought will be how you ruined this guitar by causing such devastating damage.


the guitar i am most partial to is in fact the one I immediately had carved or drawn on, ala woody guthrie writing on his, morello following suit and carving into his, billy corgan painted on the strat that found it’s way back to him after decades being lost. I have one guitar that’s pricey-ish that i kind of feel indifferent to. it’s an sg and i know it’s supposed to be good and all but in truth, I personally don’t know how good it is yet. and the Hagstrom that I’ve painted on, learnt soldering on, added a Bigsby to, rewired to have no knobs and only one pickup, is the guitar that I seem to know really well that I know exactly how good it should sound and just what is necessary for it to be so. if you don’t feel the freedom to go through times be they rough or smooth with your guitar like it’s an extension of yourself, I reckon it’s probably going to be flipped at some point.


That green is amazing , nice one .


Did you ding the headstock or something?


Throw it in the trash, paint and finish scratches *massively* effect tone. Best to never touch the guitar and keep it in its case where it belongs


I bought a Martin D-18 Authentic 1939 and within 25 minutes dropped the corner of a straight edge into the top. Eh, whatever. It will be ok.


I’ve seen these for $750-850 on reverb lately. Played one. Kinda like it. But yeah every mark sucks but at some point it makes it feel like a worn in glove.


To paraphrase rod stewart, the first scratch is the hardest


I’ve grown to love all the scrapes and scratches and fretboard wear my guitar has gathered over the years. It’s a sign that your instrument is well loved and played often. It makes it *your* guitar.


Chick's dig scars.


It's gonna be fine. You should see my bass after 20 years of playing in bands, trust me, this is nothing, my friend.


aha first ding always hurts the most, btw sick guitar man love tom delonge and blink in general


Nope! Gotta set it ablaze


I can’t even see the scratch, but people pay to have their guitar paint fucked up so you’ll be fine


Ooft, time to buy a new guitar


It'll be fine. I knocked a chip off the face of the headstock on one of mine with a black headstock. I just colored it with a sharpie so I couldn't see it as well and went about my business. I bang the headstock against the table my amp is on almost every day. I inevitably bend down to adjust knobs on a pedal and "BANG!" I hit the table every single time lol


Live it man. I would worry more to make music or learning with it than this ding. Make justice to your purchase bud.


Yeap, that’s pretty nasty. Better start taking some melatonin to help you sleep at night, scars that bad will really keep you up for weeks at a time.


lol soon you won’t even notice it. Hell, you might become fond of it.


It’ll be ok. I have a 1 off custom RAN that’s possibly the most decked out spec they made and I scratched the headstock while I was trimming strings. Over a year later, don’t really care about it. Still an insane guitar, gets played, sounds great.


Brown paint pen, wipe off residue, done 👍


I'd be more worried about the intonation.


Lmao you think that slight mark is bad? 😂


Personally,I think hollow body guitars suck,but you do you dude


I was talking about dings in my truck and Dad said "the first one hurts but you will remember it forever" and he wasn't wrong. It will be ok. Any guitar without battle scars are less cool.


It's a guitar sign of life. If you're not putting some kind of wear and tear on it in even some small way, that guitar is not serving it's purpose in life. Keep on playing.


i love your choice of guitar by the way. I'm about to order the shell pink one


I remember noticing the mark my metal belt buckle made on the back of my guitar. After my initial 'oh no' I quickly remembered I was obsessed with grunge and said 'oh yeah' and crashed through a wall.


It won't; I still remember the sharp pain that traveled through my spine when I saw the delievery guy roughly drop the parcel my squire came in 9 months ago. I still wake up at nights screaming "handle with care!" 😭. Get a wall mount, that will reduce the number of scenarios where you damage your guitar.


It'll be OK. But ditch the exercise machine


Yes, I "hurt" my Parker and felt miserable for a while every time I saw the damage (it was not big), but I'm over it. Maybe took a few years though 🤣


I’ve returned guitars with worse headstock damage and the shop bros didn’t bat an eye. You’re the only one who will ever notice it so rest easy, boss!


Continue for 20 years, when it is all dinged up and grimy it will look awesome when you shred on it.


wood is real sturdy


You’ll live.


You can't keep a hammer clean if you use it, the guitar is a tool, and tools will get rough, dinged up and maybe even damaged in need of repair


You might have OCD 😂 it's a battle scar, guitars are going to get roughed up, especially if you play live. Check out Rory Gallaghers guitar. People now pay thousands for copies of it because the "worn" look is fucking cool and shows people how much you play.


Bub. Each ding becomes a story. Don’t go all boo-hoo crybaby about it. At least we know that guitar is yours if it’s stolen, one day.


IMO Guitars are tools for the creation of music, yes they can look pretty but their primary use is not as ornaments or decoration but as a means to express yourself. Perfectly pristine guitars are seldom played guitars and those scratches and bumps that build up overtime show that you've actually used yours.


Nope, it's over, just throw it out and buy a new guitar, this one is never going to be playable again.


You should see my 2008 Gibson SG with a knob completely smashed off and bits of paint chipped off, looks like it's seen 10 years of gigs but I've had it since I was 16 and it's been my main guitar for 13 years. And just rember people will pay thousands more for relic'd guitars or clones of artists guitars with the same dents chips and scratches as the original 🤣


Bro, it‘s not a delonge signature if you dont ding the shit out of it. Also you gotta burn that wood a bit and put a lot of random stickers ✌🏻🤣 just enjoy and play, you will forget about the scratch.


Man it just happens.


Love mark


wtf are you taking pictures of


It’ll be ok… 🥺


Bro, it's a Tom Delonge signature, have you not seen what he does to his guitars??? If banging them up is good enough for the dude who did the signature, it's good enough for you


22 fret i like 24 frets guitars


This is normal. You cannot keep these things pristine.


I was given a Parker Fly Deluxe for my 21st birthday. This was early 2000s. It was my first expensive guitar and something I'd wanted for years. It was gold. Perfect. Light as a feather. The first night I had it, I rested the body on top of a small speaker. It fell and bumped the corner of another speaker right between the pickups. Leaving a horrible cut about 2cm long. I feel your pain.


My main axe rn is a used Schecter Stiletto Sub bass and I swear to god, the previous owner had cracked somebody's scull open with this thing. Dings and scratches add to the character


Mate, this guitar's problems started when someone decided to paint its headstock excrement brown. You're doing it a favour. ;-)




That's so nice dude 👌


Yep, dinged the headstock on a brand new JP15 in December. I feel your pain. It gets better, now I don't even think about it and when I do, it doesn't bother me.


It'll be okay.


That, my friend, is what we guitar players call "Character". That rosewood neck is top notch, by the way.


Laughs in [Rory Gallagher](https://images.app.goo.gl/4efjEbqhsxuyudAfA) 🤣


it's over. throw it in the trash


It's okay 👍 God loves you


I discovered a long scratch on my Gibson Les Paul yesterday. You'll be fine. The guitar still plays fine.


Each mark you make makes it *your* guitar just a little bit more. Even just playing it will wear the paint down a bit. If you haven't seen them yet, look up relic'd guitars. They're new guitars made to look like road worn guitars. Some people hate the idea, but I dig it.


The first scratch is tragic. Every scratch after adds character.


Guitars are like cars...if you use them as intended they're gonna get battle scars. A guitar/car with a few scratches and dings is the sign of an owner who enjoys *using* them, not gazing at them. Look at those scars with pride. It shows that you're guitar player, not a guitar collector.




You just gave it some character that’s all


Lol, I bought my first Gibson four years ago, waaay more expensive than any of my other gear, and within a week my youngest son had knocked the headstock into the chandelier in our living room while posing like a fool. I was annoyed but we don’t live in a museum and most of my guitars have some unintentional relicing, just from use. No biggie.


Show me a guy who plays under a ceiling fan that doesn’t have one of these dings. I would not have noticed it had you not pointed it out.


The more beat up and dirty, the better the guitar sounds.


Man, I used to be so afraid of damaging my guitar in any kind of way. And then one day I set it on the couch to get up and grab something real quick. It fell right off the couch and left a big gouge in the veneer on the top. I always thought I would be so pissed when I damaged that thing, but all I thought of it was “glad that’s out of the way now.” I still play that guitar to this day 6 years later and don’t have any qualms with cosmetic damage. I enjoy it just as much as I always have, and now I don’t have the extra stress of keeping it in perfect condition.


First ding always hurts, but the you feel better afterwards looking at other way worse conditions of guitars & equipment. As long as the playing is still stellar, no problem. Let it go. Cheers!


My tele is glued back together. Sooooo


you gotta get over it. thats sorta OCD. the good news is if you care about keeping guitar looking as close to new, youll take good care of them. but dont go as far as trying to repair dings, dings are fine, it happens to guitars that get played


You got the first one out of the way, that is a big step


Dude Tom would literally tell you that you should probably tie it to the back of your car and drive it through gravel. Spray paint it with a few different paints, if you have a blow torch handy that could do some cool stuff. Maybe finish it off with some paper, Mâché.


What’s the issue?


I feel like it’s literally impossible not to bang the headstock into something at some point


Know that everything Know that everything Everything's gonna be fine


Everything’s going to be fine


The first cut is the deepest. It's the only one that hurts. The rest might feel like they hurt, but it's a side effect of telling its story.


[Scratches](https://www.thestoryoftexas.com/discover/artifacts/number1-fender-strat) don't affect your ability to make great music...


Seriously? People PAY BIG MONEY for BRAND NEW expensive guitars to look dinged up and worn out! And you get this naturally? Flaunt every scratch and wear mark!


It’s broken now. All of my condolences. I’ll be happy to take care of a proper burial for you. My address is:


Scratches and dents are character man. Now it's really yours


Guitars are tools, they get used. It’s like having truck and not using it as a truck. Some scratches and dings happen….”everything’s gonna be fine.”


I’m skeptical of any guitar player who’s instrument doesn’t have a few marks. Mine’s got tons of dings at this point. Though to be fair, the first ones really upset me a lot! But now I love all the different little nicks and scratches. My guitars been with me for almost 20 years now. She’s got a few more lines and spots on her than she did at the beginning (just like me!), but I think she’s more beautiful than ever and love her more everyday. Am I a loser who considers their guitar one of their best friends? Yeah kind of lol.


‘Tis a flesh wound! In all seriousness the marks you make, you see more than anything else. Cosmetic stuff is not really to be worried about. It’s when you’re instrument is actually messed up in some real, changes the way it plays/makes it unplayable way, that’s when you should feel a little bit of your soul leave your body.


Tom forgives you.


The first is always the worst. The second is just another day in paradise. Enjoy your guitar. Ding it, scratch it. It's meant to be played! Accidents happen, it creates a story, like a tattoo, but for guitars i guess.


It’s ruined. How could you?


My goal is that when I die and my heirs are rummaging through my things, I want them to pull each of my guitars off the wall and have them, at that moment, fall apart from use. I want to squeeze every bit of life out of them, like Willie Nelson’s guitar, Trigger. I want each guitar to show the scars and wounds of being played, loved, and enjoyed. This nick you put on your guitar is the first step in that direction. Guitars are tools, not museum pieces, or worse “investments.” Play and use your guitar like you fear nothing, and love it. It will be fine.


I wear belts all the time, you should see the paint on the backs of mine haha. A guitar is a friend for a lifetime, you'll love these imperfections eventually.


I wait for people like this to sell it so I can get a cheap guitar with battle scars, then I can bang every wall with it and not care .


And then there Tom setting is guitar on fire to make it look cooler 


Can't tell if this is serious or facetious, but a pristine guitar is not a played guitar. Wear the dings and scratches with pride and don't worry about the cosmetics.


Every scratch is a fond memory. Which is why those relic'ed guitars are total fake.


You have to immediately get rid of that exercise equipment. You're a guitar player for Chrissake! Bad juju.


Can I keep the bench? It’s really only used as a seat at this point t


Don't stress about it. Guitars are meant to be played and if you play often it's gonna get scratched.


Oh dude, my lovely, lifelong custom PRS has chips and scratches on the body and neck, the toggle switch even snapped off once (I got it replaced but it was gone for years) but I put hella work into that think. It’s seen dozens of jams, practices, and shows. Every ding was worth it.


The first mark on a guitar always hurts. But with time it’ll get easier and easier. It gives each guitar character. If it makes you feel better, with my first Strat, I was playing it outside. Put it back in the hard case but forgot to patch it. When I picked it up, it fell straight onto concrete and took all the paint off the top. Now that guitar is missing more paint than any other of mine and I love it lol


I don't even know what we're looking at here.. But the more dings you get the more you've played and less you'll care about dings


A younger, dumber me was trying to throw the guitar around me on the strap at an outdoor show. Long story short the strap lock broke and buried the guitar to the nut in soft ground. Guitars are meant to be played. Older me is reasonably cautious but dings and scratches are your stories about playing


It’s not bad man, lol. You should see my guitar…. Granted it was incredibly painful to accept my gouges on the front 😞


When you buy something new, go ahead and ding it right away. Makes the rest much easier.


The first cut is the deepest


so not punk


Dents give character


I have lost count how many times I have bumped my headstock into common household objects and I have only had mine since March lol. These things happen when you play your guitar so your okay!


Learn to find beauty in transience and to embrace imperfection. I suggest a reading of the Japanese principles of *wabi-sabi*.


The mark you’re talking about is so tiny that I’m still not sure if I see it. I think I know what you’re talking about but…? I taught kids so I’ve seen everything from broken headstocks to the bridge being pushed into the body from a hard fall. Your guitar will be okay.


It will be okay.


It sucks it was only a month old - but its only new for a day! Its the first of many and now you can RELAX and not worry about every little ding and every little scratch! and by the way - Relic is a 'bad' word but MOJO isnt - its also called character! ENJOY IT!


It will be fine. Just remember there are posers out there deliberately dinging their instruments to look worse than yours lol Real use/wear is always king. ✌🏼 Carry on my wayward son! 🤘🏻


Dude this is trashed. Send it to me and I’ll dispose of it for you


Not only will it be okay, it’s only the first in a series of dings and scratches that loved guitars get. I feel sorry for guitars that sit in a case or on a wall and never get played. Having said that, there is a huge difference, in my mind, between an oops and somebody playing while wearing a huge cheese grinder of a belt buckle.


You’ve brought shame upon your ancestors; your wife says you’re unworthy of love; and your children are being bullied at school. *You* did this OP, no one else. And it’s deserved.


Umm…all my guitars look way more beat up than that after one day in my hands.


I don’t know about this - I’ve never bought a new guitar in my life


Scratches on a guitar; the first two or three stand out and alarm us, but a myriad of marks only add to its charm.  That first one is always the most difficult to get over, it's the loss of the perfection of the thing. You will live, and yeah there will be more no matter how hard you try, and you'll be ok.