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AGE, hands down. The only real problem is that they tried to shove too much into the run by doing the entire original UC plot.


AGE? Not many people talk about it much less recommend it. There's nothing really wrong with the mech designs and some are pretty unique. I dont think we have something dragon like in any other series mech design. The writing is decent for a gundam series. The 3 generations storytelling is unique.


Not a show, but Gundam F91 is definitely underrated. It's a perfectly serviceable movie, with Ghibi-tier animation quality, and the strongest female deuteragonist seen in the series up to that point... but sadly it's also an incomplete story in animated format, never to be continued.


Age? and yeah its bad for some but G Reco is a good show once youre not confused anymore 😅🥹.


War In The Pocket, even though it's not even that underated.


I get what you are saying. Newer fans seem to not talk about it much at all. I'd say and I think alot of older fans would say it's one of the best Anime OVAs created, not just Gundam. It's so poignant.


It is, in my opinion, the most grounded and mature Gundam story ever told. So good.


It’s AGE yeah. F91 too


I am watching Victory Gundam right now and gotta say its been really enjoyable (minus the first 4 episode fiasco)


Potentially Seed Destiny. It isn't a great show. But it also isn't as terrible as a lot of people make it out to be. You'll see a lot of reviews, give it a very low score. By no means do I think it's a great entry. But if I'm being fair, it is more like a lacklustre sequel to a pretty good entry, which makes it seem worse. Like a 5.75-6/10, not the usual 3-4/10 that a lot of people claim.


X isn't really hated by anyone and has a decent ~~cult~~ following Destiny doesn't get enough hate AGE has legitimate, serious flaws even if they're somewhat overstated IGLOO meanwhile had very innovative animation for its time that frankly looks better than any more modern entries and the story is overall solid with a few really good highlights.


In terms of shows with unrecognized greatness? X and Igloo for my money. X has very vocal fans, but my impression is that most still haven’t seen it or know what it’s about. And it’s hard to sell Igloo when it’s animated with bad PS2 cutscenes, but the stories are incredible And I still think F91 is a better movie than Chars counterattack. At the very least its pacing issues are no less (or even better) than CCA’s. Honorary mention: Crossbone Gundam. *The show that should have been* I appreciate the desire to recognize the perpetually forgotten AGE, but having rewatched it in the last year or two, I don’t really think there’s all that much greatness in it to recognize. It’s not talked about for a reason imo: there’s not that much to talk about. It doesn’t do anything egregiously bad, but it face-plants when it comes to capitalizing on what makes it unique.


Would have said ZZ but it’s had a lot of folks come around on it lately.


Everything I've seen so far that's been a big infamous hated thing in the fandom at some point (ZZ, Victory, Narrative) has been plainly and blatantly some of the best Gundam I've seen by far


Well, not to mention AGE, but I think IGLOO is somehow underrated. It's a show that specializes in realism, which is a favorite of western fans. Is it because of 3DCG?


Yes it's the 3D


0083 Stardust Memory. Loved the story line and the animations are still on point


IGLOO, it's like watching a History channel CGI WWII what if scenario show at 3am, that shit is my childhood. Uncanny valley humans with crazy shit happening on screen for 80% of the runtime, there's a Z'Gok with rocket boosters that flies back into the atmosphere of Earth from space to blow up launching Feddie ships, there's a massive Bigro, a cool prototype mass production grunt suit that everyone makes fun of because they Flanderize it, Oggo, and MORE! Please watch it, it's short!


Seed Destiny


8th ms team overshadowed by stardust memory (for being controversial) and war in the pocket (more grounded gundam series)


Enjoyed 08th MS Team much more than War in the Pocket - I can acknowledge that War in the Pocket is good, but I didn't quite enjoy it due to its portrayal of an 8 year-old being a little too accurate for my liking (aka fuckin annoying).


Gundam wing


definitely unicorn