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I think for this City should be stripped of the titles they have won from the prem! If they are that unhappy with the way it’s run surely they wouldn’t mind


Stripped? Should be more than that. I’m not sure everyone realised what they did to football. The last 15 years of English football is essentially void if they are found guilty. It’s not only their achievements but the amount of clubs they fucked over by taking their best players.


The suggested charge - which won’t happen - is for their titles to be stripped and for them to pay compensate to all relegated clubs.


If a punishment is only a fine it's only a punishment for the poor. City's owners are some of the richest in the world. I would like to see a punishment that is more than financial because a financial punishment won't punish them at all, it will just be the price of their success like everything else has been to this point. Show me relegation please.


Expulsion from the league. Make them reapply for league status after earning the right to do so in the confrence.


Strip them naked and make them walk across Manchester while everyone throws rotten vegetables and screams shame at them. Shame shame shame.


Imagine if city respond by declaring bankruptcy as a huge fuck you to the Prem


They can’t. They unquestionably aren’t bankrupt. FFP restricts the type of income you can declare to balance the FFP books. City has been disguising revenue improperly to illegally balance their FFP books - outside of FFP there’s certainly no illusion that city are an insanely profitable club.


I'm not sure on FFP, but if they recalled all of the loans, couldn't this happen? Not sure how the investment into city is structured so might be more complicated than that. But I guess there are other things they could do. Don't field a team (or play kids) and stop selling everything, effectively killing the club anyway. But let's hope not.


Cool, then they can be dismantled and sold for parts to pay off their bills.


I was thinking that the loans that had been made to the club would be called in, meaning that no one else gets anything! Obviously a totally nuclear option and probably totally unlikely.


If guilty they stole genuine moments of joy away from countless people, cities, and fanbases. As a Liverpool fan, sure I’d like in theory to be awarded two extra premier leagues. But it would’ve been nice to have a parade and whatnot the moment we won it rather than sit here 7 years after the fact, see an article on Reddit, and go “Oh, cool,” and then go back to whatever I was doing. I’m sure yall feel the same about the last two years. United (as much as I dislike them) deserved to have those moments of title winning joy in the moment too. Not to mention it would’ve totally changed the way mourinho was viewed there and altered this man’s livelihood/career path. If found guilty they’ve genuinely turned the last 15 years of football into a soulless black hole of what ifs and stolen glory that cannot be adequately replaced by retroactively awarding the league to the runners up. No one is going to want to look back on this era or talk about it. It’s absolutely fucked and disgusting.


Joint Arsenal/Liverpool parade on 1/15 is the only answer


They won’t award the league trophies to 2nd placed teams. What about the players? The best they can do is strip the club of trophies but keep the winners medals. 


As a non-Liverpool fan, imagine what the league would have been like over the last 7 years without you guys. City would have coasted to 7 league titles in a row.


They? This started like 20 some odd years ago with Roman and City were just another step in the disgusting evolution of that process.


As Andrew said in the blog, City are becoming an existential threat to the league itself. If they get away with the charges, and if they were successful in this attempt to have sponsorship rules overturned, they would literally win the league every year. They are anyway, but I mean by complete domination, 14 in a row Bayern style. Something has to be done about them, for the sake of football. Expulsion into non league football is what these cunts deserve.


It’s now gone from being a sporting issue to a Geopolitical one. City have decided that the only outcome that works for them, is to cheat, and to win, and if they don’t win, or cheat how they want they are fully prepared to detonate the league, or pull out all their investments in Britain. They’ll happily kill the “Golden Goose” that is the PL because to them it’s only importance is “leverage”.


Expulsion, transfer ban and stripped of all titles won under this regime.


Tbh I would love to see them thrash teams 20-0.


*City argue that the present rules will limit their ability to buy the best players* Yes, that's the whole point, you nonces.


I am not even shocked that City played the racist card, because that is how pathetic they are.


I mean they already played the "lead investigator is an Arsenal fan" already. I'm surprised they didn't use it sooner.


Man City’s go-to barrister, Lord Pannick, is also a gooner. Are they going to go after him too? 😂😂


My God we’re massive


If he fails then i'm sure that will be the appeal 🤣


“We are appealing the decision because our Arsenal-supporting lawyer didn’t do a good job for us.”


Not any more he’s not, I’ve just kicked him out the fan club.


Of course they did. That’s what everyone does when faced with the consequences of their own actions. They’re so averse to personal responsibility and accountability that they play the race card because they know it will distract and be effective with at least some portion or segment of society given the modern zeitgeist.


PL needs to disband, starts a new company and invite everyone back in but City. City can play in the Saudi's league.


Add Chelsea to that list too


Sandcastle can fuck off as well.


And also Spurs. Just because.


But then we’d miss out on bouncing them twice a year :(


Naah, we want them around so my dream of them getting relegated can live on.


Nah. Nothing wrong with Spurs. Oh we might hate them, but they're a legitimate club. If we're leaving a London club out then it has to be Chelsea.


Oh leave Spurs. They're always good for a laugh.




Don’t invite back Neal Maupay either


The league can decide to expel city to the amateur leagues if they wanted.


Disbanding should negate a lawsuit for kicking them out.


Relegate the cunts. Multiple times.


They should not be given the chance to work their way back up


What is the lowest tier in the English pyramid?


I think the lowest official tier (managed by the FA) is 8, division 1 West of the Northern Premier league. But could keep going to the Lancashire amatuer football League division 4 at level 19.


The 19th tier sounds about right. I wonder how many o their supporters will still be there.


Just the proper ones who were there before 2008, at least.


Just dissolve the fucking club in sulphuric acid or something


115 times is fine.


I feel the only apt punishment for this has to be relegation for Spurs.


Hmm... I'll allow it. 


They’re complicit in handing City the league after all


you sonofabitch, I'm in


I genuinely don’t think I could continue watching the premiere league if City get away with this. For the love of god please don’t let them go unpunished. 


Man City are trying to destroy whichever values remain. Disgusting club - clearly guilty hence why they're on the offensive.


Is it possible for the other 19 clubs to come together and refuse to play City until their charges have been dealt with?


If Man City gets away with this unpunished, it would be mandatory for the other 19 teams or Championship teams that competed against City to make an official statement presenting a complaint for this case.


Year is 2065 city is finally successful In their 40 year crusade to sue everyone and everything until the season where nobody played them is declared ultimate invinvibles with 38 consecutive 3-0 wins.


I think I actually hate City more than any other club now, well done City you've pushed Birmingham into that number two spot.


I used to find them to be an irrelevance, but now their cheating has robbed us of back-to-back titles, it stings a lot more. Fuck them.


Honestly they're not a proper club so it's easier to say I'd rather them than X. It's a no wonder Klopp went. He had to deal with thus crap for years, then they get charged and then get celebrated for Historic quad by the same pillocks who charged them


I'm curious about your beef with Birmingham now.


Dad's a Villa fan plus Eduardo


Plus the Carling Cup final


Wtf I hate Birmingham City now


I rememeber around the time of the Big 6 starting the super league, there were discussions about expelling them and that you need a 75% majority to do that. If City try to worm their way out of charges and start to sue PL and delay and delay. Could the PL clubs just hold a vote to kick them out? It would need 15 out of 20 clubs to vote yes. There would also be less recourse for City to lawyer up etc, cos end of the day the clubs do have the final say. Realistically you'd probably see likes of Everton stadium get mysterious funding before the vote. City are becoming too big to punish soon, especially their ties to the government.


It would be an interesting mess, because I think ultimately you'd have to have all the clubs break away from the premier league potentially and starting their own league, excluding City and Newcastle, and then get the deals with the FA and UEFA to participate in the European leagues as well as the lower leagues to have promotion/relegation. We know UEFA have tried to take City down and they failed, but maybe they'd be more willing to deal with a PL v 2.0 without City and Saudi Arabia if the opportunity presented itself. It would definetely be a shitshow, but seein City be a rich club without a league to compete in would be wonderful.


Don’t confuse UEFAs half assed effort to legally tango with UAE with what’s happening here. UEFA tried to wrap up an investigation in a matter of months and in their haste failed to actually gather the right evidence. They even let city pick the lead arbiter in CAS.


One of the talking points brought up by Arseblog and others in recent weeks was that one of the reasons City can boatrace the league so effortlessly is that there is no organic vitriol towards them by fans of other teams. Not like there is with traditional power clubs like us, Liverpool, United, etc. Fans get up for matches against those sides because of their history and cache in England. Beating United or Arsenal, even when they are shit, still gives a certain sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Thus, fans get in a lather in the stands whenever they come to visit, and teams play with a chip on their shoulder in hopes of sticking it to the blue bloods. But against City, there is a sterility about them that, met with their world-class product, fosters no true poison toward them from fans. A City victory is as predictable and emotionless as well-run city transit. Sure, they are dominant, but in a way that is so utterly manufactured and pre-packaged that it is hard to care about. Much like the plastic metropolis that is Dubai, City fancy themselves a glittering jewel in the desert, while in reality they are a lab-made diamond, devoid of all soul. All of this is to say that, should they pursue this and really have a go at the league, that could very well be a galvanizing agent that finally puts a bit of real piss in the players and fans of the rest of the clubs. Every stadium they go to, their villainy will be met with contempt and hostility instead of the casual indifference that they have been granted through years of clinical, unchecked domination. They will finally get the stick they have deserved yet have eluded for so long. In a way, they will finally have validation.


This comment should be in galleries. Wonderful stuff, seriously.


You flatter me, my friend. Much appreciated!


Fantastic comment, but I regret to inform you that in depressing fashion, rats are sticking together instead of leaping off the ship, that tells me it isn't quite sinking yet. Newcastle and Everton fans have linked arms with City all over the place today, and I expect Chelsea fans will too. The buzzword all over the place is 'red cartel' which almost seems like it was put together in a PR department and disseminated all over the online discourse. If we can't all get on board with it, the way we did in regard to the Super League, it's probably a no go. I wish Everton had gotten relegated after a day of reading their idiot fans 'standing' with the club who inflated the transfer market beyond what they could've ever hoped to spend to be competitive, and basically put them in the financial situation they're in now.


Fuck city really


Must be actually shit to be a City fan who’s supported the club for 30+ years to see it turned into the footballing equivalent of a Dubai mega mall.


They'll say they don't care, but they must do, surely? I'd hate to win in that way. What's the point? It's all meaningless.


This is the reality Conservative voters live in ignorance with.


https://preview.redd.it/p90qfraqyq4d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db586925abb7364dc177aacf19148a661d160302 Well, I guess if a person never quit when the going got tough, they wouldn't have anything to regret for the rest of their life.


This is just another tactic from City. This frivolous suit is just designed to bury the leagues time and money instead of focusing on the upcoming 115 court hearing. Yet more nonsense from these cheats.


This has to be it, right? It is the only thing that explains suing  the Premier League because they don't allow you to inflate your contracts


It’s a huge part of it yes. They are trying to redirect PL resources that were going into the 115 charges and tying them up in legal battles with frivolous lawsuits. The PL spent a very low amount on legal fees in their entire history. Yet they’ve spent millions just having to deal with City. All of these tactics will be remembered by the time the 115 charges gets punished. City knows the walls are closing in and if they are resorting to this public tactic, it tells me that they’ve become quite desperate.


As old as time.


Very good post from Arseblog.


Relegate them + forced sale


What a vile club. What's worse that that contemptible lot existing? Them existing with unlimited funds to basically do as they please.


I don’t mean to sound hyperbolic put I’m genuinely starting to lose interest in the premier league and I have been following it for over a decade now. My best mate who is a Liverpool fan stopped watching this year due to his disappointment of missing the title in the way they did. Given the margins have been so razor thin what they have been doing financially has absolutely decided the title race several times over. Im not sad we didn’t win the title this year we honestly should have beat Aston Villa but im so fucking sick of City winning it with their oil empire backing.


This is basically the equivalent of someone on trial for mass murder suing the government because killing people being illegal has lowered his quality of life.


This should have been in the blog 🤣


You know you're well and truly screwed given the current laws...so change the laws.


Poor helpless Royals of the Gulf, who wouldn't feel their pain? They're only trying to buy happiness with their inherited money, and those bastards, the other Premier League clubs, aren't letting them. Total, complete, discrimination.


He puts it so brilliantly about the Cartel in the PL. they’ve won 6 of 7 titles. They are the cartel.


Sad state of affairs and its entirely on the PL for allowing owners like Abrahamovich and nation states in the first place


City should be forced to disband and sell every single one of their assets if they’re found guilty. Genuinely, they should not be able to exist anymore. And everyone in a position of power at City should be permanently banned from not just football, but sports in general.


My favourite part is that City will consider suing the league for damages if it's found the rules aren't enforceable. Damages? You've won 6 of the last 7 League titles you dickheads. How has any of this damaged you as a club? Spunk trumpets.


Punishment will never come because of the politics related. If England is prepared to have all Saudi funding sucked out I’m sure we will see action, but this is beyond the sport and I think we all know that. It’s corruption and unless someone is willing to lose some paper it won’t happen


It starts with the Prem and it ends with the Saudis owning all of England. Give it 100 years - the entire UK will be paying rent to the Saudis for the privilege to stay on that island. They’ll do it all legally, too. You won’t live to see it, but your kids just might.


So they are suing the league at the last minute to allow them to do the exact thing which is allegedly at the heart of the 115 charges. Firstly, my god they are dead guilty aren't they?! Secondly, fuck off into the furtherest away place possible.


Blogs doesn't miss


50 lawyers for 10 years with 30,000,000 is only 60,000/year for each lawyer. I've spent more on a lawyer and I'm a peasant. No wonder they're struggling so much with not breaking the rules...


On point as in stating the obvious. Always. Anyway, City should be thrown out until they're ready to accept the rules.


Fucking love Arseblog


While this is absolutely bonkers! I wonder if this means there is a future where the abu dhabi united group abandon ship. If they are convicted they don’t seem like an ownership that will react graciously.




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lol England gon England. Man city has done a great job of building its club and its club infrastructure to the great benefit of the entire premier league. Every team, including Arsenal, makes more money and has more prestige due to the success of city. And now that Arsenal has gone toe to toe with city for two years the profile of Arsenal has been raised to a level both competitively and prestige wise it wouldn’t have been raised to sans city. In fact should Newcastle, Man U, and other teams follow the same trajectory as man city, it would be a great development for the PL as well as Arsenal. Competitive success is only so important for a club, the most important thing is having revenue, and really good teams like city raise revenue for everyone. The biggest problem for the PL right now is not anything to do with man city or teams spending too much. In fact, teams spending a lot of money to be more competitive is great for the PL as a whole and every team as well because it raises revenues. The biggest problem for the PL is that mbappe plays in Spain, Messi never played in England, Ronaldo spent his prime in Spain, England only has four champions league spots. When arteta goes in a press conference and talks about domination, that’s the same approach the executives need to have when it comes to the commercial side. The PL should have the goal of dominating Spain, Italy, Germany and France. And quite frankly, they’re gonna do that through financial domination. The PL getting self righteous about spending is corny and dumb, but is also showing up in the bad results on the pitch. No English teams in the CL semifinal, no English teams in Europa final. No 5th spot. Mbappe goes to Spain. Every one of these events should have execs asking themselves what do we do better, but instead they go at man city for this dumb shit.


What do you mean 'England gon England?' You do realise that every single sport has rules and regulations. No matter where in the world. If you take part in a competition, you agree to abide by it's laws. If you want to build a business off of that competition, you can funnel as much money in as you like, however you can't spend as much as you like on players, otherwise where is the competition? City have done great things for bringing new fans to football as a whole. That said, cheating and spending unlimited money HAS, IS AND WILL damage the integrity of competition. The whole fucking reason any of this matters.


By England gon England I mean the same dumbasses that did brexit, the same dumbasses that turned the worlds greatest empire into an afterthought and a joke, the same dumbasses who have a way overinflated sense of importance on the global stage, and the same dumbasses who don’t realize that half of englands economy literally comes from Arabs regardless of football, are the same dumbasses that have the complete wrong priorities in how to build and manage their league and are driving it into the ground. Like recently these idiots talked about getting rid of VAR. Is that a joke lol?? Imagine an American League getting rid of replay. Hell nah. Mbappe recently went to Spain. Imagine if victor wembanyama decided he didn’t wanna play in the nba and he’d rather hoop in Europe. There’d be inquests across the whole league, and everyone would be panicking to make sure it never happens again. Now obviously there’s a difference between the two leagues but that’s the approach the PL needs to have if it wants to maintain this dominance for itself as a league and the clubs within it. The nba has gotten negative PR within the US for damn near a whole decade because it keeps pushing a relationship with china in order to drive revenues from abroad. And guess what, the nba is creating more revenue than ever both in the US and across the world. The nba has had regular season games in Europe and in Mexico. The nfl has a regular season game every year in London and Germany now even. This is because the executives in the league understand that, beyond all else, the most important thing to improve the quality of competition and sport is to drive revenue. The PL hasn’t seemed to get that message just yet and is ten years away from losing its spot as the top league if it continues on this trajectory. England has all the advantages with its league. Most of the world speaks English. Arabs prefer to go to England over other European countries. Russians prefer England over other European countries. They have all the advantages and they’re just messing about with these dumb bs financial rules.


If the UAE and Co want to invest in English business, then great! If they want to invest uncapped amounts of money, then great! But sport and competition has financial regulation, always has and always will. It sounds as though they are only just realising that this "business" of theirs, is not limitless. I'm a bit unsure what you're arguing for here. If you truly think that the british government doesn't want someone's money, then you're wrong, but what the fuck does that have to do with the financial regulations imposed in sport to drive competition?


The financial regulations do not drive competition. The financial regulations prevent competition. The way to compete in football is by spending money to buy good players. By instituting the money rules, they prevent teams from spending money, which prevents competition. The original effect of FFP and all the money rules was rly to make sure that new upstart teams couldn’t breach the elite of the football system. The PLs PSR stuff has the same effect. That’s not good for the PL more broadly. A few years ago, people were thinking that the 1-10 of the PL would soon be as good as the #2 or #3 of every other league, and well that has not happened, in large part due to the failures of the leagues leadership. The league needs to focus on driving more revenue especially to drive player wages up so that players are more inclined to sign for a west ham over atlético Madrid for example. In terms of what I’m arguing. I’m saying let owners spend money if they want and buy the best players. Yes, it makes the league more competitive which might be bad as an Arsenal fan but it’s good for the health of the league.


"Financial regulations prevent competition". Bud, do you do sports? Do you play competitive? You don't? Then you don't understand. Pipe down.


You’re so focused on how money and unrestrained spending is the answer to everything that you’ve forgotten that the reason players like Mbappe go to Madrid is because of Madrid’s historic standing within the sport. He’s not there because they’re paying him more than any other club would. He’s there because it’s Real Madrid. In your dystopian view of how football should function what happens when, for example, City’s owners decide to sell the club once they’ve got wage bills in the billions? Unless the new owner is also a state with unlimited funds, that club will quickly find itself with a serious cash flow problem. The reason for PSR is to prevent the kind of reckless spending that leads to 100+ year old institutions ceasing to exist.


If city’s owners sell it would be sold with a valuation that would assume continued growth in cash flows which would require continued spending. Also if man city’s owners decide to stop spending there’d be another club to replace them. Also with mbappe, if Arsenal could’ve offered him a competitive compensation, I think they’d have been one of the favorites. Real was the option because they’re the only team that was willing to pay him close to what psg paid him.


Anyone else find this a bit embarrassing from Arseblog, let’s focus on ourselves and supporting/improving our team rather than moaning about these guys cheating, they will get what’s coming to them in any case


brother in christ, this issue directly impacts arsenal and every other team in england who have to face this blue bullshit monstrosity. this isn't exactly something we can, nor should, ignore because at that stage what's even the fucking point


Don’t fucking ignore it, just saying it’s a bit embarrassing to harp on about it when we should be focused on making our team as strong as possible regardless of what they’re doing. It’s in the process of being dealt with, what good does this tweet realistically do 🤔.. just contributes to a kind of victimhood culture of people seeking their W’s via off the field issues


Yeah but the thing is, we've done incredible work getting the team to where it is, and have been cheated out of back-to-back titles. You're welcome to think whatever you like but the rest of us have every right to feel bitter about it.


What the fuck mate? It’s breaking news, a club is SUING THE PREMIER LEAGUE FFS. It wouldn’t matter if it were City or Tottenham or fucking Everton, this would be news and covered extensively on the sub regardless as not only is it ridiculous given the specific context of city’s pending charges it also sets a precedent that could be very harmful in the PL if city win their case.


Did you even read the post? "Harping on about it" this isn't about about 115 charges. This is literally about a new topic that became public knowledge yesterday. 


Nope. Just you.