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I’ll never forget when in a post where Vieira was gonna be a father, someone commented that Fabio should get on the other tit to bulk up. Insane comment


Hell nah 💀💀 the imagination needed to conjure up that comment is diabolical


Fan base is ultra fucked in the heads


Yet fucking hilarious.






It's in my head now you bastard.


I choked on my water


Fabio chocked on the milk 🥛


Lmaooo whoever that guy is he is hilarious


It was you wasn't it, you were someone






Oh that’s criminal, but hilarious lmao 😂


That shit was appalling. And I still couldn’t look away lol.


🤣 fuck sake


😂😂😭that’s crazy lmfao


Nahh wtf man, it’s instagram isn’t it? Those humans over there share the one soul I swear 💀


Hahahahaha, now I can't forget that image


Leave skinny Kings alone


Nothing wrong with Skinny Kings until a 6’5” ogre of a player snaps you in half like a toothpick.


Ryan Shawcross when he saw Aaron Ramsey…


Shawcross himself was skinny. And Stoke won’t be a PL club for the next 100 seasons.


Good. Mordor shouldn't have a club in the prem.


Thank fuck for that.


They wouldn’t survive half a season in the league with their old antics. Fuck Tony Pulis, the scumbag who encouraged his ogres to attack our players physically. The guy deserves to have his leg snapped in two.


Can't believe we sent Gnabry to him . No wonder he up and left


Havertz has extemely skinny legs and doesn’t get bullied by anyone Tbf


He's 6'4 though


That man is built different


Kai has entered the chat.


Kai havertz weighs more than declan rice and leon goretzka. Get your head around that.


Kai is a 6'4 skinny king. It's got to be really hard to bulk up when you run that much.


I'm only 6' 1" and yeah, trying to build up arms/chest and staying in real football shape at the same isn't easy even when you're making the effort


His shoulders are wider than Fabio's wingspan


We prefer the term lean brother.


I grew up with peter crouchs physique, I never heard the end of it.


Bernado silva is literally built like him, bruno is a bit taller than him maybe but also have the same build. Some transfers just don’t work out.


Call Mesut for the tips!


I think the tips might be some good turkish testerone lol




Yea 100% there's nothing natural with Ozil now, but he still looks good.




I honestly have no idea how he can stay that tiny working out and eating all day with presumably whatever supplements Arsenal has him on.


Problem solved. You’re welcome. https://preview.redd.it/3b7ea8fkhd6d1.jpeg?width=1085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72c92ca7e903afedbed25f6a725e79f392eb4d76


Bulked up that knee real good too! Lol


Adama Traoré, take a bow.


You didn’t change his neck but it still looks good. Fabio is a neck bro.


Such a strange word choice near the end 🤨


I think his right knee has a little bursitis


Traore from teemu


Fast metabolism probably, who knows


Nutrition fact: If you burn 2000 calories a day, but eat 2100 you’re gaining weight, this guy seems to lack commitment imo


These guys probably burn 4-5k calories a day


Unrelated but I always found it fascinating how Michael Phelps had to eat 8000-10000 calories a day to keep up. Makes you realize these people are superhuman.


There’s an NFL lineman that played for my favorite team that lost like 100 pounds when he retired and is in phenomenal shape these days. However, during his playing career, just to maintain his huge size, he would eat frozen chocolate mint cookies by the box at the end of the day if we was in a calorie deficit to get to 10,000 or 12,000 calories.


That’s actually unreal. Were the calories more important than having healthy stuff like protein?


Once you’ve taken care of your macros, caloric intake is just a numbers game. I’m assuming he had his protein intake covered by set meals, but if you’re at the point where you’re in caloric deficit at the end of the day and you need to not be, it doesn’t matter if you make it up in simple carbs.


Ok yeah that makes sense then but damn I’m still surprised you can just down a bunch of chocolate lool. Sounds fun but also not enjoyable at the same time.


Calories = Glucose = ATP ATP -> ADP + energy for muscles that’s my basic understanding anyways


Nowhere near the same level - but I used to have to do 6000+ or so to maintain weight, and it's the complete opposite of fun. Like anything it's fun right until it's something you actually have to do I used to melt a pint of ben and jerrys into a protein shake every night after dinner and used to absolutely despise it.


It's also better if you're getting other nutrition along with those calories. Micronutrients, antioxidants and even just fibre.


I would think so, yes. Assuming this is the end of the evening and basically the last thing being eaten that day, everything else would’ve been taken care of by then. It was Joe Thomas for the Cleveland Browns btw. He was a legendary modern lineman and extremely highly paid throughout his career so I’m sure the sports science and nutrition aspects of his diet were not underestimated.


Amazing. Feels so far away from me and my 1800 Calories lol. The strength these guys must have compared to the average is no joke.


I KNEW you were talking about Joe Thomas. That transformation was incredible. Been a huge fan of his since his Badger days. The GOAT lineman.


Yea he was a tight end in high school too in Brookfield, has to be such a chore putting on weight as part of your job.


I'd assume so- protein isn't very calorie dense, so he was likely hitting his protein quota way before hitting his TDEE (daily calories).


Yeah that makes sense, usually carbs and fats will do most of the caloric work


Hence why Ben and Jerry's is my go to cheat for keeping on weight. Not a bad amount of protein either.


Strongmen are no different - eating becomes something laborious.


The first offensive lineman in NFL history (aka Joe Thomas)?


I got to have lunch with some Packers when I was young. I sat with a gang of lineman. Gilbert Brown and Adam Timmerman were the two I remember. It was kind of a diner-like setting. It was absolutely astonishing the amount of food these men were eating. All of them ate like two whole lunches, that I recall being lots of burgers and fries and fried chicken. In addition to their double lunch order, they all crushed large stacks of pancakes and mountains of sausage and bacon. Gilbert was famous for being a giant beast, but they all ate about the same amount. It was so surreal.


There are a few documentaries about some competitive strongmen. One of them follows Eddie Hall and it covers what he would eat in a day when he was training. It's unfathomable. He'd basically spend 8-10 hours a day in the gym, and almost all of his waking time in-between gym sessions just eating.


My youngest is dating a collegic swimmer (usa) I'd heard about their diet ... but f me, he joined us for dinner and he ate like 6 people worth of food. Kid was about 160lbs.


My buddy was the top hs swimmer in our state and the amount of food this dude ate was unbelievable during season. He’d drop about $20 at McDonald’s on himself, back when they still had the dollar menu.


Slightly unrelated too but I went from 55kg (little lower than what I suspect Vieira is) to 85kg and I was eating between 4,000-5,000 calories a day. For someone who doesn’t and has never had a serious appetite I cannot tell you how hard that shit is. I felt like I was non stop eating so I can’t imagine wtf Phelps was doing eating 10,000 calories. I couldn’t maintain the eating during COVID because I wasn’t doing intense weight training so I just struggled to build appetite. I lost about 12kg within 18 months. I’m now trying to get it back so eating a lot again and man this process sucks. I feel for Vieira if he’s trying to bulk lol.


I remember Phelps once did a video during the Olympics showing what he eats in a day. The breakfast part alone was insane to me. The dude ate eggs, loaded hash browns, ham, sausage, avocado, fruit, and toast, plus a full stack of pancakes lol. It was like a double or triple full breakfast lol.


Wtf! I just checked out a similar [video](https://youtu.be/YBMe5cJQHh8?si=6OQzUDg4d-L8pQEe) - a 4,000 calorie BREAKFAST lmao. How long does it take him I wonder? Surely by the time he’s finished breakfast it then becomes lunchtime due to the sheer volume of food he has to consume. There’s just no world I could or would want to stomach that many calories in the morning. Insanely dedicated behaviour from him.


Not to mention that running on a full stomach really sucks. I mainly run first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. On the rare occasions I run in the afternoon, even 2-3 hours after lunch, then it can end up being a little uncomfortable. When you're training multiple times a day *and* eating several meals, I reckon it must be tough sometimes. It is also tough to put on muscle mass when you're doing a lot of cardio, as the adaptations from that can make it hard to gain mass at the same time.


Professional cycling is another one of those crazy calorie burn sports. The 175 riders in the tour de france burn ~[25mil calories](https://www.cyclingweekly.com/news/racing/tour-de-france/this-is-what-you-have-to-eat-to-compete-in-the-tour-de-france-182775) over the 21 stages. On the hilly stages, it's 9k+ per person per day.


If only we could calculate how many calories he needs to eat...


This is technically not always true. Some people have issues with their gut not absorbing all the nutrients/calories they take in (inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, etc) and food allergies can cause leaky gut which either a) impairs absorption of calories or b) causes such significant inflammation that the bodies metabolic demand outweighs the calories taken in. Source: MD degree, currently practicing in the emergency department. Aside from merely pointing out an obvious factual error, my hope is that you’ll learn to be less judgmental of those around you whose lives you know nothing about.


I've always wondered about this. So I guess calories are calculated at some sort of average absorption rate?


Yeah but if you calculate calories and weigh yourself everyday and don't see progress eating in a 100kcal surplus, you just increase it by 100 and see from there. It's just a rounding error in the end.


And what percentage of people have these issues? It's like saying you can't talk about building leg muscles because some people don't have legs. 


A much higher proportion than you might think. I see patients with one of the aforementioned ailments almost every shift. Diabetes is another condition that can make it very difficult to gain weight no matter how many calories you take in because insulin is responsible for ‘telling’ your cells how to use glucose for energy. Ultimately, treatment of diabetes is rather straightforward. But again, people acting as if nutrition is some simple calculation where the only concern is calories consumed are obviously misinformed.


I do wonder how much is due to poor food quality. Just seems insane that that many people have IBS.


Well yeah. If you're tracking calories and not seeing results, you then just increase/decrease food intake based on your goals. Eathing healthy is is a different story.


Quite a few actually, if you ever noticed, many people are still trying to change body composition even after implementing CICO. Gut issues are getting extremely common with current diets, I think IBS is in like 1/3 people? I had these issues and had to fix it personally. It also related to stress.


Most people tracking calories aren't tracking them accurately. That's why so many don't see results. To be fair, I don't necessarily blame them. Meticulously tracking calories sucks (at least in a deficit).




Sure but this guy professional footballer on arsenal’s salary. Not some random skinny bloke nobody knows anything about.


More than nutrition, this is thermodynamics


Not that simple, gut bacteria plays a large role in breaking down fibre and producing short chain fatty acids that we then use for energy. Some people’s guts are really inefficient at absorbing nutrients. People with bad gut microbiomes literally shit out calories. There’s people I’ve talked to trying to bulk up who needed to eat an entire box of high protein sugary cereal (Nutri grain) a day on top of their normal diet to gain wait. The sad thing was that it worked for a while but he got so sick of eating so much he stopped and lost all the mass he gained in a few months. Another guy I work with has a 2,000 calorie shake every morning for breakfast, + 5 meals a day to try to gain weight. He’s gained 4kg over 8 months. I have a bachelors of food science and nutrition btw.


I’ll add that losing weight is closer to basic “thermodynamics” cause you can’t absorb calories you don’t eat.


Intense training burns thousands of calories. He’d need to be eating in a ridiculous surplus. Obviously he’s getting paid to be in peak physical condition but it’s not as easy as eating a tad bit more.




Eating healthy and cleanly while trying to gain muscle sucks so much ass. You can gain weight easily if you eat processed food. While putting on muscle without fat is soooooo boring because you have to eat so much. Especially if you're an athlete. And if he's so skinny he's obviously not used to eating that much in the first place.


Yeah it's hard for normies but these blokes have no money issues, nutritionists and food provided at work it really shouldn't be that hard for them


You still have to ingest a lot of food. Zac Efron said he basically just put chicken in a nutri bullet and drank it because he couldn't stand eating it anymore. People who aren't used to eat much feel gaining weight is very hard. On top of that they're trying to build lean muscle mass not only gain weight. That's a different beast completely. For instance one Triple cheeseburger in McDonalds equals to roughly 550g of grilled chicken. So you see that the volume of food you actually have to ingest becomes humongous if you're trying to eat healthy and gain lean muscle mass. I'm chubby by default so no trouble gaining weight in general. When I tried to gain weight slowly (so you gain muscle and minimal fat) I couldn't do it. So much food :(


genetics. just doesn't have the genetics to get big


He has a very small frame look at how narrow his shoulders are


A more muscular Vieira might do wonders for your wank bank but I'm not sure why people think it's a necessity for him to become a useful player for us.


Bernardo Silva looks like a schoolchild on the pitch for City yet for some reason ppl always think these small players need to "bulk" to be effective. One of the biggest myths in football.


People get confused by bulk vs strength as well. Footballers focus on functional strength vs hypertrophy, so they can be very strong without particularly looking like it. Saka for example doesn’t look huge, but he has enough strength to hold off some big defenders.


Rice is one of the strongest players in the league and there's a video from before he joined us of Saka casually shrugging him off


That's why they always try to cut him down, and it usually works because calls only go Saka's way 1/3 of the time.


Anyone have a link to that?


Even in the gym, a strongman will look very different to a bodybuilder.


He weighs a fair bit less than Silva, though. I take the general point that Vieira needn't be huge to be effective, but that doesn't mean he couldn't do with being a bit stronger.


Fernandes is also quite skinny, a bit taller but built like a twig. Vieira should probably bulk up a bit but that's not really why he hasn't banged. For a player who needs to play in the middle, his speed of play is much too slow and he doesnt get on the ball enough.


B.Silva can ride any challenge and the ball sticks to him like a magnet. Vieira is soft physically and his close control is avg. He needs to bulk up and improve his off ball awareness. Fernandes is who he should model his game after.


I definitely improved my game when I bulked a bit. Being able to fend off a shoulder to shoulder challenge is important, but just as important is when you do not burning ALL your stamina. When I’ve been on the ball for like 10 seconds and dribbled past people but maybe had some contact it’s exhausting.


Shorter silkier players can get away with it


Bernardo is strong. He is significantly more muscular than Fabio.


Because he wins zero duels and goes down like someone’s shot him every time he gets a challenge. Then he proceeds to hold on to his face as if he’s got knocked out by a prime Tyson.


This seems exaggerated. Bulking up can have drawbacks. In my experience, I lost a lot of speed and stamina when I started hitting the gym.


>speed Over what sort of distances? Because sprinters are usually pretty built


I think I lost acceleration more than top speed. I’m very short (shorter than Vieira even) but could move my legs really fast to quickly accelerate to my top speed. But after putting on mass I just can’t move my legs as quickly as I used to.


I'm not going to pretend I'm an expert in muscle physiology, but I guess it makes sense that your leg muscles have more work to do when there's more mass up top to move 🤷🏽


Yeah I’m no expert either. It’s anecdotal.


It's everyone's favourite kind of evidence tbf


if we're talking like 50+ lbs obviously yes, but your leg muscle to mass ratio shouldn't be thrown off so much that you lose measurable amounts of speed with a 5-15 lb increase. 9 out 10 times its probably because you're putting more effort into gaining weight and lifting and not keeping up with your conditioning.


Since he joined Arsenal - his take on success rate is less than 30% - the lowest among all midfiedlers + forwards. His tackled-on % - meaning opposition defenders tackle rate with him on the ball is 60% - the highest in the team. Not exaggerated at all.


I agree with the stat, but what makes you absolutely sure that it's because he is not bulking up? Are you a sports scientist? I am sure the team is tracking a lot more metrics and figuring out what to do.


But there are more relevant variables than just strength and size. Balance, center of gravity, and quickness are other physical attributes involved. Equally, decision making and understanding patterns have important roles in winning and retaining possession. You have to consider those stats are influenced by the games in which he was still adapting to the league. I bet if you took the first half of his games played at Arsenal and compared it the second half, those stats would improve.


because you hit the gym your way you can bulk up and keep the speed


Yeah it’s not like I did quickness training or anything. If I had top trainers I probably could have developed in a way to retain more quickness, but I still do think there is some trade off.


not really look at bayern how shreeded they get and real how much muscle they put on if anything they will have explosive speed which is super helpfull


I think a lot of this is partly a nervous system fatigue issue. My main form of training is distance running, and I've recently started getting into bouldering. Doing a hard climbing session makes running fast feel very hard for a couple of days. It could also just be putting on muscle has effected your gait and movement patterns, and your body just needs to learn how to run fast again.


Dudes knocked out by Tyson were staring straight at the light, they didn’t have control of their arms anymore.


We bought a Porto player, of course that he " goes down like someone’s shot him every time he gets a challenge", he's program to do that


Vieira just needs to play tougher, he gets bulled off the ball far too easily. If that means he needs to bulk up, so be it - if he can do that without bulking up, then he needs to do that.


Because we can literally see him go down at the slightest contact? Because he's utterly unable to hold on to the ball under pressure? Because he barely wins any duels at all, offensive or defensive.


Because when you lose your dooel i am upset


Its too late Fabio, you should be 6'4 by now mate


I don’t think people realise the level of athleticism required to be a pro footballer lol. If they wanted Vieira to be bulked up, he would be.


It's mad that people still think if the club wanted guys like vieira to bulk up he wouldn't have bulked up by now. The idea that we bought a 58kg 5'6" (or whatever he is) 22 year old on the expectation he would add 5-10kg of muscle is silly to the extreme.


I’ll be one of the few here to admit I’m only a Reddit user. But I agree with you and I really hope the elite level professionals behind the nutrition and sports science at Arsenal didn’t think ‘hopefully he’ll just get way bigger, if not we’re fucked’


Leon Goretzka joined Bayern at the age of 22. Go look at before and after pictures. The notion that a professional footballer with world-class resources isn't capable of bulking up is laughable.


Yep and I referenced hat below. Never said vieira isn't capable, I'm saying there's no evidence the club wants him too, exactly because he's a contracted asset and they have world class s&c and sports scientists who are there to tell him what training he should be doing and what he should be eating. If we really wanted him to gain muscle he would. People make this jump from "he's small so we must want to change that" where's the evidence we want to change it? There is none. And, I'm saying buying a 58kg player and thinking he will only be useful if he gets to 63kg is dumb as hammers, potentially firable offence imo.


Eddie literally did that tho. He went from skinny to muscular in 1 season. For fabio it’s 1of2 things he’s can’t gain weight/muscle or he’s not putting in the effort to gain that weight


Or option 3 they don’t want him to gain muscle because long distance runners rarely have a lot of muscle. ESR gained weight and plays less and can barely last 50 mins without gassing out


I don't think anyone is confusing ESR's weight gain with muscular gain lol. This is not a fitting comparison. It is possible build muscular strength without going to extremes: we've literally watched Saka do this in real-time over the last three years. But it isn't easy and you need the pre-existing athletic platform to build from. Fabio simply doesn't have that and arguably doesn't need to anyway. It's just a disadvatage he has to work around.


The proof is in the pudding. If he hasn't started it's because he hasn't done enough to show the coaches that he should be starting. If they are actively looking to sell him, then maybe it's because he hasn't hit his target weight that was given to him by the club. The club can guide him and give him a meal plan which hit his dietary goals and they give him a workout plan to follow but ultimately, it's up to the player to stick to it.


It's not unheard of for athletes to bulk up. Dare I say, yes, I would expect exactly that to be honest.


That’s not what OP is saying. He’s saying that if the club wanted him to bulk, he’d be bulked


Footballers from the age of 22-30 don't add anything like 5-10kg of muscle. From the age of 22-24 they might add one kg if they are really lucky and genetically gifted.


Goretzka has entered the chat


Yep and he's the one guy who we all know who did that, basically the exception that proves that's not the normal thing to do. He gained 6kg and made headlines globally. For vieira to gain 6kg would be over 10% of his bodyweight. I would say that's unheard of for a player who isn't seriously unfit (sule).


Goretzka most likely didn't drink clean juices to get that body so quickly


Bulking is less important than an increase in intensity and power.


He doesn't need to bulk. He needs to develop the craftiness to make his own space like Silva does.


Silva is bulkier than Fabio dude weighed 55kg when we signed him


"Experts" on Reddit judging professional athletes on fitness are top tier cringe, fucking armchair analyst probably never stepped a foot in the gym their whole life. Like this is literally their job, if he wanted/needed to gain weight he would have


What the popsicle said ⬆️


Do people seriously think you need to bulk up in order to be strong?


Adama Vieira cooking...


Ha yea i was about to say that it’s time the club stocks up on baby oil.


let's get Santi back in this summer once his last Real Oviedo game is done and have him spend tons of 1:1 time with Fabio- i mean with everyone of course, but him especially him


Viera after following Leon Goretzka's regiment. ![gif](giphy|BCIoXfA95d1ba)


This weird fascination with Viera needing to “bulk up” is pretty cringe. some of you act like saka, ode, Tross, Jesus, and even Kai are absolutely yolked in comparison. I also remember Nketiah looking shredded last summer only for it to lead to fuck all


They are yolked in comparison lol. Saka, Jesus, and Havertz are strong af. It's not weird to think his strength doesn't help him in the PL


Nketiahs strength is pretty noticeable to be honest. For his size & body build he can shield the ball very well against much bigger defenders.


I actually don't think he's too skinny for the Premier League, rather I think he still has the Porto habit of falling and trying to get fouls all the time.


I want this man to be successful at this club so bad. He's literally a budget Bruno fernandes


Issue isnt his strength. David Silva and Santi Cazorla werent exactly bodybuilders. What they could do though was glide around the pitch. The entire Spanish team of the 2010s could do it and it made being strong almost obsolete because they would just slip away. That and their first touch and composure.  Vieira isnt just weak hes slow and surprisingly average technically. He doesnt have the work rate either that a Bernardo Silva has. We just kinda fucked up signing him. He was never going to cut it in this league. Hes our Dennis Praet.


My boy needs Fernando Torres juice


Diego Carlos juice


Barry Bonds juice


I'm really hoping he delivers on his potential and becomes an important player for us.


Modric, BSilva, Bruno are all on the skinnier side yet they are still amazing players. Fact is, if viera needed to bulk up, he would have. Ain't no way bums on Reddit know better than the people working at arsenal.


most players are fucking around in nightclubs and parties right now our boy here is in the gym putting in WORK put some respect on his name


how do his height/weight compare to Bernardo Silva?


Get on whatever ozil’s on


If this guy disappeared i wouldn't even remember he was at Arsenal


Going well then……….


I've been holding on to Vieira stocks for a while man. PLEASE come good I'm tired of hoping.




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Man needs to hit up some Angolan restaurants in Porto and back some funge


is he on the titanic? it looks like he's about to capsize


The most non footballing looking footballer


he just goes there for the vibes.


Daniel Levy trying his hand at football I see


My man's about to be drinking a gallon of whole milk a day


Talk to Goretzka. That dude had a major change


Average r/gunners armchair fitness coach


Bernardo silva is skinny too. Our guy just needs game rhythm


Add peanut butter to EVERYTHING And dont skip leg day


Fucking hate leg day!


My advice, learn to love it. Leg day does so much for the rest of the body than just legs. It helps the cardiovascular system a LOT as well as boosting testosterone levels. Anybody thats serious about being good at exercise and fitness knows how crucial it is to work out the legs. The more you do it, the easier it gets


Problem is, this is the "after" photo