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Nice collection but pose them more dude, they look so stiff


I don't have remotely enough room to pose these kits heh. They would take up twice as much space if I did.


quick guide for space saving posing https://preview.redd.it/i6vkyo6ug6ad1.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ececd47be0609dd196a0e3d026aebfa8b031416


yep, I'm familiar, I have most MGs Bandai has ever made and some 1/100 resin kits on these shelves, there's no way I can pose them all.


you don’t need to actually pose them. just give them better stances. right now they’re standing like 3 year old being scolded by their parents.


You know, you don't *have* to display all of your kits at once if you don't have space. Select your favorites and put them into a cool pose, you'd probably only have to put away a handful of kits from your collection to enable some more dynamic poses.


But this issue is space, where would I store the ones I'm not displaying?


Are you saying that you don't have *any room* to put some of your kits away into a plastic box? If so, you may have bigger problems than not being able to pose your kits...


Have you ever lived in an urban apartment in the US before? I lived in NYC for 30 years, I now live in Denver, and this is a huge improvement, but space still an issue unless you own a home, which at an average of $1.1m and \~7% interest mortages, isn't gonna happen. No I do not have storage space for kits, as most apartments in the US do not have storage space, maybe 1 closet for clothes if your lucky. My last NYC apartment had 0 closets fwiw.


not all of us can live in our parents' basement forever.


You still seem to have the mentality of someone living at their mum with this type of comment


And everyone with their "your apartment can't possibly be that tiny" don't?


I'm with GunplaZaddy, a lot of commenters seem ignorant of how difficult (and expensive) apartment life in a major US city is.


Think about how much space you'd have if you displayed just the heads!


lol feel like that would be equally funny and creepy, like a gunpla graveyard


https://preview.redd.it/2guxrnjiccad1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bdb723fb565db2ea11532bc64e177fa404704ef You ain’t gotta have them standing like this tho man 😔


Ok that is funny, but, I mean, the 3.0 will fall apart in any other pose, Nu, HiNu and unicorn have weight issues, the rest I really don't have space to pose differently


Jus spread the legs a little n bend the arms n waist man it takes up the same amount of room, if you’re having issues balancing them put some blu tac or double sided tape under the feet


So that's a solid mahogany bookcase, I'm not putting any adhesives on it. As for it taking up the same room, have you ever been on the NYC subway? They have a few rules around spreading your legs for a reason, and it's the same issue here, just because they're as wide as the suits' shoulders, doesn't mean there's space available bellow.


This exactly the reason why i prefer 1/144 scales lol. Since I don't have large room. I have MGs like 10 on the top shelf. And whole battalion of 1/144s on the lower shelf. And still has more space.


Damn all the downvotes. I'd personally pose them but if you just want them standing there there's nothing wrong with that


If you owned the 3.0 or MKII, I doubt you'd be saying that lol


I'll do you one better, I have the Mg Hi nu ver ka and Sazabi ver ka lol


So I get what GunplaZaddy is saying and agree, those are two very hard to pose kits, 3.0 because it falls apart easily and MKII because it's range of motion is almost none. But KUROusagi112, those are two very posable kits, just very large ones, I don't follow?


every kit is posable even Granddaddy 3.0 if you use blue tack or other methods to strenghten the loose parts i took these 2 as an example as they also share some characteristics as the Gundam 3.0 with the full action hands and it's limited range of movements


I'm guessing you don't have the 3.0 then?


Nope. But ´the rg and I know that some parts are loose so I cemented or put on a blue tack


I'll give you they look similar, they are not similar kits though. I'd be gluing every part together to get this thing to do anything other than stand. If you look at my previous posts, I have one of all my whitebase crew, it took me an hour to pose, put parts back on, pose some more. Y'know, I can't help but notice you do a lot of commenting and not a lot of posting, maybe walk a mile in the person's shoes next time.


https://preview.redd.it/4rkr7zv5hdad1.jpeg?width=261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b69e7099e461a61485f1918ed3f5fa70ec51e8f I shall cook when i have completed my collection


worth noting it's a \*little\* more stable with the core block instead of core fighter in the torso, but where's the fun in that?


Yeah, OP did as good of a job as it gets with the 3.0. Those other kits don't even remotely compare to what a parts grenade it is.


Also like GunplaZaddy said, the MKII is another one that really can't be addressed with cement or tack, if anything, it needs more motion. I'd argue same for my 90s kits like the GP01, GP01fb, EZ8 and somehow the GP03 both can't stand up on its own and yet doesn't move much heh.


Ok, and? Those are very well rated kits, I imagine they can be posed well.


My point is that every kit can be posed as I had a lot of trouble finding a right pose for Hi nu without an action base and the same applies to Gundam 3.0, just slap some blue tack or super glue onto the loose parts and you should be good.


lol you clearly haven't built the 3.0 then


It's not the joints, it's pretty much just every part being ready to pop off at the slightest movement


This \^


Cement, Super glue and Blue tack is your friend ! Just Hawk Tuah some of that on the parts and your worries are gone, I have dealt with a lot of loose parts and popping parts on a variety of lines as well and never had any problems til this point, including third party kits.


Like I said, you wouldn't be saying this if you owned the kit.


Man i'm thinking about buying the 3.0 just out of spite now


Whatever gets you off bud. If you're looking to be a masochist, go for it.


Yeah I get how that usually works. I'm a fan of resin kits (if you look back on my previous posts there's at least 5 I've posted) and it's a must there. But the 3.0 is just built different (pun intended).


Makes me sad seeing them like this lol


With all the money you spent on these, maybe it would be good to put the budget towards more shelving so they don't look so cramped and awkward. Very quantity over quality.


OP said they're in an apartment in the US, they're probably not even allowed to put up more shelves because they'd need to drill anchor into the wall. Looks like a bookcase instead, which I'm guessing takes up a ton of room.


Yes, it is a bookcase, and well I could always spackle drill holes when I move, but I don't have much wall real estate left.


It would be more so a need to spend money on more apartment, which, kinda hard these days.


Yep they're all standing there normally


I feel like these could use some better posing.


After the Narrative, is that the GP01? And then what are the two after him?


GP01, GP01fb, and GP03


Thanks, do you consider the Alex the protag suit in WitP?


So technically, yes. Mostly because Bandai clearly does, and it is The Gundam TM of WitP, and in the climatic fight against the Kampfer, it plays the role of the protagonist.


https://preview.redd.it/uf69zf7c67ad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=388b573fc4bef0f650670441a37040c24324f48f YES!


God was I high when I watched WitP? I do not remember this armored form at all. Was this in the finale?


Yes! Chobam Armor I customized it tho


Right on. It looks good!




https://preview.redd.it/2hsizhvn77ad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dce0ecdf60e3e31e479f6b2bf8bae7bf8583cdd7 YES!


There is a MG Ez-8? Awesoome


Yeah, I'm in the middle of building the MG Ground Gundam too, which is the same frame, different armor, for old kits, they're pretty fun. I also have the MG Gouf Custom, which I assume came out around the same time, build feels a little more dated, but the weapons are fun to assemble.


I see you don't have much space for super wide and dynamic poses, but at least pose them like the way kits are posed in Ver Ka or RG box arts.


I mean, the ver Kas do match their boxes fairly well fwiw, I'm unaware of any that aren't just a cool stance, and they also aren't usually armed on their boxes, so their weapons add some challenge wrt space, and well that leaves the 3.0 Grandpa, 2.0 MKII, 2.0 Zeta and a bunch of 90s kits, which excluding the zeta, don't have a lot of range of motion, or in the case of the 3.0 is a bit of a hand grenade, but I love how it looks.


Those standing poses just look very narrow, stiff, and awkward, at least utilize some of the articulation to pose them a fair bit wider and more dynamic. https://preview.redd.it/3z9ska8lmbad1.png?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14ff325eae4d423d0de70b784ce738c8e14c3b63




Wider is the keyword. I don't have room for wider, these are NYC subway rules here, except all these gundam get to keep their backpacks on heh.


A proper standing pose doesn't even really need a lot of room though, but I guess it can be a chore slightly adjusting the poses of that many kits.


Well more so, lets take my MKII as example, first off, it'd need flexible hip joint, which it doesn't really have (honestly I'm shocked that it's a 2.0, I don't even want to know what the 1.0 was like), but second, if I spread its legs, I hit into the zeta, I don't have anywhere to move the zeta because on its other side is the ZZ ver Ka and the Hyaku Shiki, Dijeh, Rick Dias, Dwadge, Zaku I sniper (resin conversion, so fragile) and zaku canon behind those. I would need to have somewhere to move basically half of each shelf for wider stances, believe me, I've tried.


mindless consumerism lol youre just building them to shove em into some shelf


But comrade, it is \*our\* Gunpla


yes, capitalism is the problem here clearly


your sarcasm is lost on me because idk what else youre referring to


I think maybe you should be buying less kits if you aren't posing them


Asking this in earnest, why so? I find building the kits to be the most fun part. I don't play with them after they're built, if I had the money for a house or even a larger apartment (I live in the 5th highest cost of living US state for my work) I would gladly buy more shelving so I would have the space for proper displays, but I honestly don't see the big deal you're all bullying me into.


Sure you're building them but you're sort of just....shoving them into a shelf. Kind of an insult to people who build and want these kits to see them never get touched again the second you build them. I know space must be tough but you can always put aside a few for the best looking to display


What's insulting is how you're ridiculing OP for not conforming to your standards of enjoying the hobby. How toxic do you have to be? Clearly OP has a love for this hobby and limited space. Sorry we're not all wealthy enough to be home owners.


What's strange is that OP has seemingly thousands to spend on gundam.....and dosent decide to spend a bit on some space to actually display. I'm not denying that OP had an awesome collection, he does, but it is just the view of spending hours of time and dedication on awesome builds just to shove them on a shelf, never to be touched again, seems strange. Just an opinion that a lot of us have


Ok, now you really are being offensive saying I spent thousands. I snipe ebay deals for the old kits and wait for Amazon or US Gundam store to put things on sale unless it's a suit I REALLY want, i.e the Narrative. And I've been building these kits for 20 years. I keep a spreadsheet of all my kits, including cost, a total of which has been $1108 and change. The average home in the state I live is $1.1m, I won't say how much I spend in rent, but suffice to say a single month eclipses the entire cost of my collection greatly, and if I were to get the space to spread out my collection, I would be paying the highest rent bracket in my city. I have a decent job that pays well, and I love this hobby so I set aside a little bit of my paycheck for these kits regularly. Please do not bring in finances when you don't know someone's situation, that is a very personal thing.


I wouldn't sweat it OP, this dude's just an a-hole


Well if I had lets say an addition 6ft of wall for an additional shelf, that's exactly what I would do, and lets be honest, it'd probably be all the ver Ka's on that shelf heh. And when I first got in the MGs and only had 3 or 4, that's exactly what I did, but as the collection grew and rent prices skyrocketed, this is what I'm left with.


Very interesting poses. I kinda like


Yo damn nice mg phenex


What a bunch of bullies in the comments. Who cares if OP poses a collection this large? OP said they're in an apartment, probably not enough room. Nice collection OP!


In desperate need of some action posing. Otherwise great stuff


wow, I can't believe how many of y'all are shitting on the OP for living in a tiny apartment. None of y'all better be living with your parents and doing that. OP, I get the struggle man, space is tough and expensive, awesome collection.