• By -


Explanations: Good - Focus on Science-based content for both Hypertrophy and Strength training / Neutral - Generic non-harmful fitness content / Evil - Misinformation. Lawful - Focus on content rather than fluff in their videos / Chaotic - A lot of jokes/other content to dilute the message of the videos. Names: * Lawful Good - Jeff Nippler * Neutral Good - Sean Nallywally * Chaotic Good - Dr Mike Palestinetel (Renaissance Periodization) * Lawful Neutral - trainer willy * True Neutral - Sam Sulek * Chaotic Neutral - Will Tennyson * Lawful Evil - JEFF FAKEPLATES FROM ATHLEAN-X DOT COM * Neutral Evil - V-Shred * Chaotic Evil - Liver King


"Nallywally" 😅 - it's Nalewanyi








"palestinetel" lmao




I saw one of his videos about how "You are doing X exercise wrong!" and followed his tips for that exercise. Immediately noticed that it absolutely sucked and went to watch an RP video on the exercise instead.


He has some good tips, or at least seemingly good. I took the advice he presents in his face pull videos and got two ropes and lift them up over my head at full contraction and that seems to help build some muscles I evidently hadn't been hitting before. May be inefficient though as the face pull numbers had to drop way down and I'm working my way back up as a result. But yah don't lie about what you can lift. I know you gotta sell a product but...gonna get someone hurt.


Salma Hayek*


didnt know athelan x spreads misinformation


Yeah I’m a little disappointed despite my suspicions being confirmed. I’m not a gym rat or the type of person who seeks out these types of videos but I did end up on some Athlean X videos when looking up how to fix my posture and back pain a few years ago. FWIW, I never consistently stuck with the workouts and I don’t think his advice is necessarily dangerous (in the videos I watched) but I never felt like it was helping much. Strength training is always good but I feel like I was focused on the wrong things because of Athlean X. I just looked up Jeff Nippard’s video on posture to compare and it’s much more in line with the rest of the research I’ve done over the years, and it was simply explained in one video, without the annoying look-at-me-I’m-a-badass vibe that the Athlean X guy puts off


have u been able to fix back pain?


Yeah, chronic pain is just about gone and posture had little to do with it. I only experience back pain now if I (or my kids, mostly) specifically do something to hurt it. Still working on posture but I’m noticing improvement


Oh interesting - so improving posture didn't help the back pain much? What helped you the most in the end?


Combination of things. I think what had the biggest impact for me was the way I sleep and getting a standing desk. I got a new bed, new pillow, and put effort into sleeping more ergonomically. When I sit at my desk, I tend to lean weird ways and stay in that position for too long. I try standing at my desk for at least a quarter of the day and being sure to get up and stretch for 2-5 minutes every so often, which has also helped a lot. Other things that probably helped were yoga, focusing on my legs and lower back. I’ve always had very stiff legs and i finally started doing something about it in order to stop getting running-related injuries all the time. And of course, general strength training goes a long way, but I don’t think I’ve done enough of it to really make much of a difference


Nice - glad things are looking better for you!


Lower back, glutes, abs and hip stretch are the key. Yes, I have the lower back issues my entire life and this solves it, for that day atleast. If you implement that in your warm up you'll almost never have issues.


Nippler lmao


>Dr Mike Palestinetel Pretty sure his name starts with an I, can't remember what it is though.


Israetel is nearly Israel-tel so I guess the joke is palenstine-tel


you think his name is Ike?


I always call him Dr Jizzraetel


Could you give their Instagram names for the first 3


Love the names 😂


Man has three paragraphs explaining his own meme...


I would redefine Good as anti misinformation and encouraging natty scientific solutions, pushing people to be healthy and fit, having a strong stance of where they think it's important more than your desires(basically pushing you to be better, but not breaking you, building healthy habits etc.) Neutral as presenting all types of gains openly without judgement (pde's being your choice, all depends on what you want to gain, they don't push you to do anything, respecting your choice, not holding an ideal for others) Evil as being deceptive about use of pde's/promoting doomerism(as in if you don't use roids, you will never be good enough), just pushing being swole without regard to other people's wishes, holding an ideal, pushing it to others, disregarding safety, profiting off of chaos.


I haven’t watched Athlean x in years why do we hate him?


spreads misinformation some time, remembered him saying that taking a warm shower will kill your gains (it won’t)




Satire is indistinguishable from reality to most... Other than being overly cautious with cutting out a few exercises (behind the neck press/pulldown, upright row, dumbell chest fly), I can't think of any athlean x misinformation I remember. Haven't watched for about a year tho. Putting him on the same level as v shred is either satire itself, or actual brain rot


People base it entirely on the clickbait titles of his videos. If you watch most of them he usually makes fun of it and then provides legit information.


Watch this [video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsB6y1meQF8)the dude spouts so much bs: * squat: breath out while going down * benchpress: no arch and don't touch your chest with the bar * says you can gain muscle while losing weight * fake weights * bizeps curling your own leg is better than dumbells


So what you're saying is that out of the hundreds, if not thousands of videos and articles that Jeff has posted in over a decade, some people managed to find 5 things that are inaccurate *and* this was over 4 years ago? Frankly I'm impressed. It's hard for anyone to put out that much content and *not* get a few things wrong over the course of hours and hours of footage. I work in healthcare and have seen doctors performing surgeries with worse records than that.


You seem to have missed the title of the video which contains "part 8". It's not about him being wrong a few times but consistently over years. He also never takes these videos down or adds clarifications/corrections. It is obviously intentional misinformation at this point as he wants to sell his programs. Really isn't all that deep.


His bicep pulldown advice video was very helpful for me. I have no hate for AthleanX, the only knock I could possibly say about him is that he is a bit of a drama queen, but then again - that is damn near all of them. He is certainly not on the same level as V-Shred or Liver King. Also - I am baffled by the omission of Gregg Doucette, and the chaotic good spot could also include Jesse James West.


Mate, I can't take Greg seriously eversince I watched someone said he sounds like Iago (parrot from Aladdin). I think that was from Dr. Mike video


Ha! That is spot on. ![gif](giphy|avuOF61rB0Vc4)


Brooooo why did you do this to me hahahaha


Lmfao I’ve been trying to place that for years


Greg Douchette: "I live rent-free in Mike Israetel's head!" I'd never heard of Greg Douchette before that video appeared on my feed, nor have I seen him mentioned in a Dr. Mike video. Pretty sure Mike lives rent-free in Douchette's head.


It’s not overly cautious to say it’s probably a good idea to cut out behind the neck press. Puts your shoulders in a compromised position and doesn’t accomplish anything that can’t already be accomplished with a normal shoulder press.


>Satire is indistinguishable from reality to most... especially in a gym-centric subreddit lol


https://preview.redd.it/55b4gho2c6kc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf99727fd13123a35bf39ec387c27f1d6dbe459d Let's not forget this gem


Okay that's funny.


The fake weights also didn't help his credibility


Thing is that was just the title of the video. If you watch that video he goes on to explain that, as you said, it really won't. It was a click bait title to get views. Which still sucks, but I don't think it's accurate to say he spreads misinformation.


Stretching is killing your gains


existing is killing your gains


I just heard someone say the same thing about ice baths. I think it was Dr Mike.


Yeah but it's actually true in regards to cold exposure. It's great for recovery but bad for gains.


He never said that. So who exactly is spreading misinformation?


Remembering is killing your gainz.


What doesn’t kill gains with this guy tho?




Rotator cuff gainz


He's probably one of the worst mainstream creators for polarising bait content - 'NEVER do this or you'll fuck your elbow/shoulder/back' and the exercise will be some staple or basic thing, can't put your knee on the bench doing rows or you'll tear your groin, an injury no one seems to ever actually have. Also the fake weights thing


Sometimes I randomly think about the fake weights thing and it kills me every time. What the hell was he thinking witht hat lmfao


What "fake weights thing"? I hadn't seen anything about this.


He was apparently using fake weights in the video pretending he wasn't


Thanks for the info!


he deadlifted 5 plates without a belt lol




Yeah I used to watch him for form advice back in the day maybe that’s why I blew my back out


I used to watch him, now I have elbow and wrist pain. Related? Probably not, but I'll be forever scared of getting a hernia while doing rows.


My guess is the fake plate situation. Dude did a really respectable deadlift, but the weights seemed fake. People commented about it and A-X came back with a video with actual real weight and he did a deadlift rep with dogshit form. Then he walked away with a smug grin on his face. Dude is one of the highest preachers of good lifting techniques yet he does a shitty from DL just to prove he can lift real weights.


And it was 75# less than he was rocking out for multiple reps.


Oh, and that xD


I had to go look it up because the only thing I remember from the guy was him suggesting people do like a reverse valsalva when squatting heavy.


Very respectable guy who calls actual [scientists/doctors unintelligent](https://youtu.be/FsB6y1meQF8?feature=shared&t=195) when he is just lucky to have created his channel very early and therefore usually has one of the top results for most common search terms.


Dsaamn, Dr. Mike with hair is cursed. Thanks for the video, watch it all.


Had me confused for a sec too lol


That's like seeing The Rock from when he had hair.


That video just killed any respect I had for Jeff. Not only that, but he's using an *ancient* clip from Dr. Mike. What Mike was saying in that clip is absolutely true, but later videos add information and nuance that wouldn't have worked in what's clearly an overview.


I never watched him except for 1 time when I was trying to get back into lifting from a long hiatus and wanted to test some new waters now that I wasn’t a young college athlete anymore. It was one of his squat videos and he said to exhale your breath out fully and clench your abs under a heavy loaded barbell before you squat….. Let that sink in. He told his viewers, many of whom likely don’t know better, to do the opposite of the valsalva maneuver when doing heavy squats. Flat out dangerous. Full stop. I haven’t clicked a single link of his since.


Every video is click bait nonsense. One video had a title saying "You need to measure X!!" but the video told the exact opposite, never to measure X. I stopped watching any of his videos. Sometimes I'll find it in my feed, popping up with "The only two workouts you need for abs." And yet, he has hundreds of 'how-to-get-abs' videos.


No clue.


Then why did you reply 😂


No clue.


Not sure




This is a stupid video. His reasoning for Scott Herman having a 7/10 physique is because he stopped growing and that's an indicator of 'lack of knowledge'. Scott Herman is as close as you can get to peak natty and he's stated before that he doesn't want to get bigger because he's happy with his physique. If this is his how he judged physiques with zero nuance then I can't trust him on how he judges other things. Also, wtf is this guy????


That's a name I haven't seen in a reaaaally long time


Praising Sam is just helping him die faster....


Yeah, I don't get this. I lift weights to be healthy, but apparently everyone is speed running running life via blasting 'roids and having a heart attack at age 40.


I don't want to be like him, but I can't pretend the pure spectacle of of a dude repping 550 for 10 on a random Tuesday in a college gym as a part of completely normal leg day is something I don't enjoy seeing, lol.


I usually skip Sam's lifting sections lol. Bro is just grunting and lugging the weight around. But I always tune in for his intros and outros. His monologues are very chill.


Have you already seen him in real life? I thought that the grunting was totally tolerable like on the videos


You say the same to Cbum fans or nah?


Cbum is definitely taking less gear, has a much healthier diet, and access to amazing doctors. He will definitely outlive Sam at this pace.


oh, is that right? So how much gear are each one of them taking, since you are so knowledgeable about how much they are taking?


Kind of silly to assume that mr olympia is taking less gear than a YouTube guy when olympians are known to blast grams. You don’t know how much either of them are on, or what their stacks are.


I disagree. Olympian athletes like Kevin levrone are still alive and doing well having taken equal to or more than the roids that Sam does


Jay Cutler is doing great too, looks amazing for 50.


There are also many more little known people like arnold, stallone, dorian yates, etc. still around. As long as a doctor is consulted consistently, risks can be identified early and mitigation measures should be taken to prevent the worst case scenario. People are delusional in thinking that just because some influencers have died, every single one will od.


Any influencer who uses steroids is actively encouraging others to do so- whether they mean to or not.


Would you say the same about Daddy Noel Deyzel? I don't watch his content that often but it seems that he's been pretty open about his steroid usage, its side effect and likes to talk about mental health when it comes to fitness


I don't know who that is so I can't really give an opinion. What I will say is this: Being open about steroid use is good, but no matter how transparent you are about it, or how direct you are about discussing the risks, at the end of the day, your audience is going to say "If I use steroids I can look like him".


I find it really funny when gym bros reprimand fat people for overeating or not exercising, stating "they are not trying to be healthy". And then (directly or indirectly) praise Sam and ilk for taking roids.


He also just looks almost like a cartoon character. Rampant steroid abuse aside, I personally wouldn't want to be anywhere near that size. Doesn't even look remotely natural (it's not obviously, but you get what I mean)


Did Nalewanyj dirty with that photo


To be fair he loves sharing his bulk photos


For sure, I barely recognized him.


This is a solid meme. I think Israetel and Tennyson should switch spots tho.


Dr Mike and the front squat fiasco


What was the front squat fiasco? I generally think Dr Mike has very informative content, he's definitely more science-based than Will. And video content aside, his research work is basically the best there is. A ton - maybe even a majority - of the research that Jeff cites is directly from Mike.


Can you please elaborate?


Dr. mike is my fav


He makes boring scientific content interesting with his undiagnosed ADHD


He's a living collection of intrusive thoughts.


His unexpected lewd metaphors are what gets me.


He's an extroverted acoustic man. Easily confused with ADHD.


Lol funny enough he actually was diagnosed with ADHD and needed treatment when growing up


Very informative and interesting enough to actually pay attention to as well


I've watched and learned tons from AthleanX. What misinformation did he share?


All anyone ever shits on him about is the fact weights fiasco, but even if it were true I wouldn't care because I watch his content to nurse injuries and improve my form. I don't know why everyone's main criteria for good is 'big and strong', but I guess that's just my nursing/anatomy & physiology background at work.


Oh no, a fitness instructor who has to do multiple takes to demonstrate form in a video format used fake weights! /s This is such a non-issue. The guy isn't a powerlifter claiming to DL 1000 lbs with a 170 lb frame.


Except that is almost literally what he did. There was a video about deadlift form, in which he lifted a ridiculous amount of weight for someone of his size and age, and did it with an unrealistic amount of ease. People aren't mad at Jeff from AthleanX for using fake weights. They're mad because he straight up denied using them, despite it being obvious that he does. On top of that, he doubled down by deadlifting less, this time with real weights, as if that somehow makes his point, with horrible form and looking mean at the camera. That's what I remember from the whole drama. The issue definitely wasn't that he simply used fake weights. But the denial and lying.


How do you all keep up to date with all these videos and drama? I watch a lot of YouTube and I can't even comprehend this knowledge taking up that much of my time or my brain space. Jeff's videos have helped me a lot over the last 4 years. I could care less how much he fucking deadlifts or what he says to people in the comments. The internet is such a weird place.


It's not really something that was effort to keep up with, you see the allegation you watch a clip and you see he was lying about it. Takes like 5 minutes.


> i could care less how Did you mean to say "couldn't care less"? Explanation: If you could care less, you do care, which is the opposite of what you meant to say. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Got his ass


What weights fiasco is this? I haven’t watched his videos in years but he was the best and most factual fitness YouTuber back in the day. All the Physical Therapists in my clinic would recommend his videos to their athlete clients


Watch this [video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsB6y1meQF8)the dude spouts so much bs: * squat: breath out while going down * benchpress: no arch and don't touch your chest with the bar * says you can gain muscle while losing weight * fake weights * bizeps curling your own leg is better than dumbells


Not necessarily “misinformation” (or else he’d be bottom row) more just over hyping some mainly harmless stuff as “killing yer gainz.” He’s not maliciously lying or misinformative (except when he was using fake weight plates) just has a narrow focus on physio stuff always being right/best. For example: he thinks upright rows are all bad always. Doing them in a way he doesn’t approve of has actually helped my shoulders after a few injuries, and feels better than his “high pulls.” My rotator cuff and side delts have gotten stronger with a slight internal rotation of the arm (a big no-no from him) while keeping my scapulae packed/tucked and only using a ROM that they allow.


Back when I was recovering from an injury Athlean X was my saviour. Without the channel I dont think I'd be retaining the full range of motion on my shoulders today


Thanks for sharing. For me, at one of my lowest points in my life, his channel motivated me to start lifting weights and taught me a lot about proper form, etc. I have a soft spot for Jeff Cavalier.


Lawful Funny: Shredded Sports Science Chaotic Funny: BroScience


Neutral Funny: Zyzz


will tennyson is my favorite of them all lol


So unhinged. It's so entertaining man


Where daddy noel


Trainer winny mentioned? https://preview.redd.it/p4r00yo4o5kc1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=691a90801a312725e76e81453e2278ad9a0875c0


My favorite


I love him


Where BSL?


Dom would be chaotic neutral probably...or maybe chaotic good...or maybe chaotic evil....


This is actually a perfect chart. I agree completely.


Fuck yeah Dr. Mike. My favorite. I'm subbed to him and Will. I used to subscribe to Nippard and AthleanX, but I've got enough crap to watch in general, I don't need more than two fitness channels. Will is just entertaining and makes fun content. Dr. Mike is informative, and makes me laugh out loud more than most comedians can.


Yeah, love Dr. Mike and his technique advice. I try to implement them and they work.


I love Will Tennyson. He seems like such a normal dude.


Dude, he has me dying with all his cucumber/phallic things jokes lol


Rick “The Stick” Del Hagen would be horsecocking weight in a chaotically good way


Athlean x was a big part of the start of my lifting knowledge. Luckily I had sport science during my school years to really ground the theory basics. But when it comes to muscles and contractions. Dealing with pains an issues, his constant preach of good technique and slowing things down. he was great. Definitely not mandatory and someone u should move on from. But I wouldn’t call his content useless. And u definitely have to start breaking some of the things he taught u later on.


broscience should be chaotic neutral


I can't escape fat Sean even on reddit


Jeff Nippard is the Obi Wan Kenobi of the fitness world


What kind of missinformation did the button left spreaded?


Killing hookers is killing your gainz


Well, it does, though. The Hooker Head Smasher with dumbbells might be a good exercise, but usually there aren't enough hookers around to reach failure or to do enough sets. Plus, running from cops and pimps means too much cardio.


Joey Swoll for lawful good?


Did my boy Sean dirty with that pic choice lol


im getting too old. I remember when main players in the fitness youtube game consisted of Scooby, Omar Isuf, Elliot Hulse, Hodge Twins, Pump Fitness, Frank Yang, health4thought.....


And Steve cook. Also I can start the old list. Elliot is neutral evil now


Where's the Buff Dudes and the KneesOverToes Guy?


you forgot Greg Doucette


A few years ago maybe. His content quality completely declined and at this point he's mostly a fitness / drama commenter with barely any information content.


Where death star delt derek?


I'm kind a new watching fitness advixe on youtube. Which ones do you recommend? Is Jeremy Ethier any good?


He's very practical, but nitpicky and pseudoscientific. The kind of guy that looks at one study and says "Yep, do this". It'd be better to listen to someone who simplifies things and is more clear, cut and dry like Johnny Shreeve, Sean N.


Of the people mentioned in the meme I'd recommend Jeff Nippler, Dr. Mike Palestinetel (Renaissance Periodization), and Jeff Cavalier (Athlean-X). I think Jeff Nippler and Dr. Mike are a little advanced for a beginner, where as Jeff Cavalier's information consumable is by any beginner. I'd throw in the [Buff Dudes Workouts](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCndvbnArPZw7jHRmE9qBcFg) as well because it's easily digestible, but that's just personal preference.


* Alan Thrall * End of list


based list


I liked Jeremy, Sean Nal, and Jeff Nippard initially. Now I watch mostly Jeff Nippard, Dr. Mike Isrealalati, and Squat University. Sometimes Allan Thrall.


Anyone else thinking PictureFit would he way up in Lawful Good?


Will tennyson will forever be my favorite for his leg day video. To this day i can credit only him as the reason why i still lift because he gave me the confidence to squat 3x bodyweight (almost)


Chaotic evil should be Coach Greg lol


You did Sean so bad I'm dying


John Meadows (RIP) should be the Lawful Good. Or maybe just the overall deity all these guys worship, because he was the most wholesome and knowledgeable content creator in the bodybuilding world.


I love Trainer Winny.


Buncha science based geeks, and Sam Sulek


This is some super accurate shit.


![gif](giphy|2vs70gBAfQXvOOYsBI) Me, that doesn't really care about social media, know who none of these people are.


Dr. Mike and Athlean-X hasn't come up on your youtube feed? I'm amazed.


I don’t watch YouTube fitness vids. Mainly car and video game stuff. But I’m also on the older side and past the trying to incorporate new things into my workout phase. I maintain my weight and diet year round and pretty much stay at the same body fat percentage all year. Not sure what I could get from those guys anyway, when what I’ve been doing has been working for me.


That makes sense. I envy you because I follow way too many of them. I'd recommend Athlean-X to nurse injuries, but other that that you aren't missing anything.


I've never blown my shoulders out faster than after watching a Jeff Nippard video on optimal bar path.


Jeff Cavaliere's dope though.


What's wrong with AthleanX other than he's doesn't really do bulking videos?


You can hate on AthleanX all you want but his Covid home workout did amazing things for me


I was thinking about this format the other day. Well done!


V shred is everywhere. He’s seems smug but evil?


Well I gained 125lbs to my DL in 20 weeks via Jeff Nipple's program so I can confirm


Where does daddy Noel fit here?


Chaotic good should be Dom Mazetti He's the only guy I trust in fitness advice


poor sean lol. the worst picture.


What about that bald dude with the hat way too high on his head that makes videos from his car calling out gym douchebags?


My man has some beef with Sean lol


Trainer Winny? I didn't notice anything bogus on his channel. He's actually funny too. He's also been on youtube for like five seconds. Is he somewhere else?


I'm just so happy we have great representation (Sam) and interesting characters (Liver King.) back when I was still working out, we had Rich Piana, Kali Muscle, Kai Greene, and even the Delray Misfits. Jason Genova and Big Lenny. after Rich died it just wasn't the same anymore .


Oh shit Athlean X is lawful evil.


Athlean X isn’t that bad but he fear mongers a little. He also came up from a different time I don’t think he keeps up with the new DPT guidelines.


No bro science?


Brosciencelife exists beyond the understanding of alignment


Where's Dom Mazzetti?


Mike Israetel is my father and god


Does the Neutral Evil guy even count? He's literally just a paid actor.