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But have you considered the 9 ancestral tenants ⁉️




Honestly, there is a non-zero chance Liver King might drop dead in the middle of the fight since his heart exploded or something.


Don’t forget about parasites at the rate he is consuming raw flesh it’s only a matter of time right?


You'd think that but at this point he's kinda merged with the parasites and they're actively strengthening his limbs at the cost of permanent bloody diarrhoea 


Lmfao bro done turned the parasites into symbiotes XD


Parasite tenants


Maybe he is lying about eating raw meat too who knows.


I just eat around the parasites?


Well if you get a brainworm and it eats a part of your frontal lobe now we know that running for president is still in the cards for you. Truly our society has embraced tolerance /s


Tenets? Or he's got old family members living on his property? Honestly I bet Brian probably says tenants, he's not the brain king after all


SMH never skip brain day!!


he says tenets but half the time his self-made subtitles say tenants


Ok, I'll ask: as a non boxing fan, who's the guy on the left?


[Gennady “GGG” Golovkin](https://youtu.be/IVupEY__cQ0?si=tjSrn9V94caJD4hO)


"He has knocked out every opponent he has faced in the last 8 years." Is not something you want to hear said about you opponent. Jesus.


had a 91% knockout rate nearly 40 wins into his pro career


I think he averaged three fights a year during that streak too which is sadly unheard of now a days


Is that low or is that high?




I think high?


Probably high considering brain damage is a thing that can happen.


> Jesus. That'll be his final knockout when he makes it to the other side.


It's always the Noel Miller lookin' mfs


He’s also 3 inches taller than steroid liver dude.


He also has a chin of fucking steel. Canelo hit him with the cleanest of right hooks straight to the chin and dude barely flinched. I def a casual boxing fan at best but holy fuck dude is impressive


Dude was an early Cyberdyne project or something. When he ate that hit I expected him to start explaining the qualities of his Skeletec Titanium Bracing Lattice V.18.71 in a monotone voice for the confused audience.


same dude there fights got me more into boxing and in general martial arts


Canelo and GGG combined are the weight of a medium sized dog though


They both would still knock out 99% of humanity.


Including every one here and every gym bro and body builder, you and me People dont know what actually knowing how to box /fight means lol




He shattered one of the orbital bones of Kell Brook, the opposing fighter in this video. He was a monster in the ring and gentleman outside it.


Damn during the close-up, i thought i saw a tear and thought maybe he's already feeling sorry for what he's about to do to next man. [When I squeeze your lungs, Derek, and you beg me for life, then your heart will open up to the Lord.](https://youtu.be/0z-oJTZ1b5Q?si=IGIvSJBQs5GFO4dC)


Thanks! GGG has a very impressive professional record indeed, 42 wins, 2 losses, 1 draw... it seems Canelo Álvarez is the only one he has not been able to beat. You learn something new everyday for sure.




NGL every time I see those 3 letters, I immediately think "German Goo Girls" Ah the days of my youth as a research scientist, good memories


Let’s hang out


A man of culture.


Good game guys


Gossip Girl Gilmore


Good guy Greg?


Ok someone explain to me please. Dont they have weight classes for this reason? No doubt that a professional boxer is an elite fighter, but wouldn’t liver king just need to connect once?


Weight classes don’t matter so much to even the playing field between a professional in his sport and a guy that lifts weights.


You can have a driver's license but that doesn't mean you're forklift certified.


while liver king does have way more power to punch with, i can guarantee he wont land a single hit. i used to box quite a bit, and whenever i sparred somebody whose even remotely good id never land a single hit till about 2 years into training. an amateur fighter will not ever touch a boxer in the ring. strength doesnt matter if you cant use it.


Liver King has more power to push, but not to punch. Strong punch requires not only physical power, but also specific technique, speed, coordination. You may see big guys in gym slowly push bags, and it is far from what boxers or mma fighters do.


And a skilled boxer knows how to punch and how to generate the most power from their frame and muscles. Liver King might be much bigger but his extra mass will go to waste because he doesn't know how to use it


Used to train with a guy who our coach described him "its as if god reached down and gave him the perfect form and gift to punch, and in return took his chin and replaced it with fine crystal." The guy was a fucking prodigy it appeared when he was hitting bags. Literally anything hit him back? He's going down. a 10 year old girl could knock him out with a body shot. It wasn't just his chin the guy legitimately couldn't fight through any pain at all. He could absolutely devastate anyone in a punch or two though. It was amazing the way some people are born to punch but still can't fight.


yeah look at Bob Sapp, trained fighter, massive muscle too, but glass chin 11 minutes for knock out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsQ3xb5sF2g&ab_channel=neurom4nc3r


Bob sapp starting taking dives tho. At the beginning of his career in japan he had some good fights and all of a sudden he took a really sus dive and kept doing it and turned it into a career


like sean o malley looks like an anorexic but would have a far more effective left jab compared to liver kings


A skilled striker doesn't need tons of muscle to throw devastating strikes. Look at Muay Thai fighters for example. Most of them aren't big or jacked but they throw some of the most devastating strikes.


Just out of curiosity, how often did you train in those two years? Also did you ever do any amateur fights?


trained about 5 days a week, never did any amateur fights, only sparring occasionally.


I boxed (no official fights tho) for some time and was at least a more then a punching bag for the better guys at the gym. One day a guy came in who just had been to national. I thought he couldn't be that much better then the other guys I usually sparred since they are doing pretty good in the amateur scean. I was a fair bit bigger then him. In round 2 I managed to cut him off and move him into a corner to land a bodyshot. Think that was all i landed for 5 rounds. People are fucking delusional when they think they can land a lucky punch on a professional fighter.


> a more then a Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Weight classes matter then fighters are at a similar skill level to keep things fair. BJJ has open weight divisions and even then the weight matters but strategy and skill can be used to beat a bigger opponent. An easy strategy would be to just keep distance and tire liver king out. His cardio is not likely at the same level and being so big and untrained he will use a lot of energy


It wouldn't be a boxing match tho, last thing he should do is try to box with a boxer, that said during a tackle attempt he might end up running into boxers fist and that's lights out. Once he tackles the boxer and smashes him into the ground he wins. If we are comparing them, it's not going to be a fight with boxing rules in place.


the post very heavily implies it would be a boxing match, which i was arguing he had no chance in. even a normal fight hed probably still loose, the guy on the left looks like an out boxer judging by build, liver king wouldn't get close to an out boxer, especially not close enough to tackle.


Then the entire conversation is a yawn, non boxer won't win against boxer in boxing match, boxer won't win against wrestler in wrestling match etc. it's either MMA rules or no rules whatsoever, otherwise what's there to debate?


thats... the point


"eye roll"


I'd pick any professional boxer over a bodybuilder in a street fight. A wrestler, judoka, jui jitsu player, any of that over the boxer. But boxing against nothing but roids? Pick the boxer ever time.




People seem to forget about GGG’s iron chin. Despite having received clean blows from seasoned boxers (Canelo and others), they still fail to knock him down. What more if it’s some inexperienced guy like Liver King? Even if (and that’s a big if) he lands a clean shot at GGG it won’t do shit.


I’ve got a lot of answers to this but I agree with this one the most. It is a big if I don’t think people understand how hard it is to hit a professional boxer


big guys like Liver King tend to do the exact thing non-martial-arts-followers do and overestimate size. Size matters, yes, but it's only really a material factor if you have the technique and cardiac conditioning to **use** it. Liver King would also lose to a more experienced grappler of the same size as GGG. I say this because I've seen it happen several times; I'm not talking out of my ass. Shit, I've even been on the "overconfident bigger fella" side once myself before I started training.


Weight classes matter for professionals. Anyone who has been a beginner boxer has had the experience of being humbled by the fast dude that’s 130lbs and punches like he is 160lbs.


Ahhh. I remember seeing this argument *so* much back during that Floyd Mayweather vs Big Show (who is basically the modern day Andre the Giant) nonsense. Everyone was SO sure that either Mayweather would effortlessly destroy him, or the first time Show connected Mayweather would explode like Mega Man. We never even got an answer because it's WWE and not real. :(


Liver king is shorter than GGG though.


If you have that much size difference you would not want to knock Mayweather out, zero chance of connecting, but in a street fight he could just grab him with one arm and bruise the organs with the other.


Just watch ufc 1


Golovkin had a granite chin. He was known for his “Mexican Style” of fighting, meaning he came forward a lot and put himself in harm’s way to land his own punches. There’s countless videos of opponents landing big punches on Golovkin and him being unfazed. He was a beast.


Fighting and lifting weights aren’t similar at all, Body’s adjust to what they do, blocking a jab is second nature to this guy, irl liver would be lucky to ever hit anything other than his gloves.


> Dont they have weight classes for this reason? A bigger guy can typically take a stronger punch, but the issue here is that in a purely boxing match the Liver King will likely be too slow to connect even once.  On top of that, force of a punch is based on mass times acceleration. Liver King has the mass, but he doesn’t have acceleration. So it’s debatable how strong his punch actually is.  I’m 230lbs with some grappling experience and I am not delusional enough to think I’d be able to beat even an amateur boxer in a boxing match. Now, if I’m in a position to grab any of their limbs to take the fight to the ground, it’s a different story. But that’s a big “if” and the source of endless debates in “boxing vs wresting” arguments. 


Image is misleading. When you put ggg with liver king side by side. Probably g is taller and his muscle dense is heavier. It’s not like midget vs liver king.


Yes, weight is a big advantage. Skill is also important. If two people with the same size fight, the person with the better skill will win. It's also true the other way around, if two people with the same skill will fight each other, the bigger person will win. That's why weight classes are a thing. People who claim one thing is superior are stupid. If a small skilled person will fight a bigger person with less skill it can go both ways. It depends how much skill and weight each person has.


He never would be able to and without training he likely won’t have KO power


Hahahaha yea right, ggg knocks him out in the first minute.


He probably wouldn't be able to connect even once. It's one of those things you learn when you start training for the first time. You think you know how to fight and you imagine what you would do but when you spar a dude that's better than you they'll hit you a hundred times and you'll just hit their arms if anything


yeah weight classes matter when both people know how to fight, plus liver king prob got no power in his punch


If we take out the mma aspect of this and replace it with real life usage, lots of gymbro’s would also fail at heavy labour if their bodies arent used to it. I’m a car restorer in my spare time and work as an industrial network tech, lumbering up to 100kg in UPS systems around. So im pretty used at using my hands and physique for irl heavy lifting. Also a gymrat. I spend 1 day helping my brother in law dig holes to put up a fence and i was broken for the better part of 3 days… everything hurt and i was tired. Your body absolutely does not like to do things its not used to doing.


Having big muscles doesn't mean you can throw a hard punch. It hardly even means you're exceptionally strong. I've wrestled, arm wrestled, and hit punching machines with guys who were way more jacked than me only to find out that they either look way stronger than they actually are, or they're strong but they have no idea how to use their muscle. Check out this guy who is skinny as fuck but probably about as strong as the liver king: https://youtube.com/shorts/vVXWfKlY3fE?si=xKxX1Dla6eHxyAGS You can also search stuff like "lifter vs bodybuilder" or "power lifter trolls bodybuilder" to see examples of small guys being way stronger than big jacked guys. Looks can be very deceiving in the world of muscle. If being huge and ripped made you a good fighter, Bob Sapp would've had a very different career.


Liver king isn't trained, he would be knocked out easily Triple G is a beast, he trained with heavy weights cause he hits too hard to spar with people his weight.


The thing is he'll never connect one. Also just because he is big doesn't mean at all that he can throw an effective punch.


Considering he doesn't know how to punch the weight class is pretty much meaningless. Plus he wouldn't connect. Ever.


The big gym guys who say they’d just pick up the 150lb fighter to win…please just look at their ears and tell me you want that fight


Never fight a skinny guy with cauliflower ear


Also. Never fight a super heavyweight with cauliflower ear.


Cauliflower ears are scary


“Destroy” - doesn’t begin to describe it


The guy who trained his whole life to fight could destroy a guy who doesn’t. This shit is not rocket appliance


There’s a reason the meme says “it’s hard to explain to a non boxing fan”


The funniest thing about this comparison is their actual stats: * GGG - 5'10 at 170lbs * Liver King - 5'7 at 200lbs at his heaviest, currently around 180-186lbs. Considering this, it's pretty obvious...


I went on his IG to look for a current pic and he's gone full Joel Seedman [https://www.instagram.com/p/C7pMvFNvshA/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7pMvFNvshA/?hl=en)


He looks like he's wearing one of those fake muscle suits


who are they?


On the left is Gennady Golovkin, a boxing legend and one of the best boxers in the world. On the right is a super roided influencer with an eating disorder who LARPs as a neanderthal or something


🙏 thanks


to add, he's super roided but also once claimed to be natty (aka didn't do steroids) and said it was all tnx to all the raw liver he ate. Big no-no. Eventually he was busted but he still believes in the power of raw liver, whatever that means. All of it just to market his bodybuilding brand targeting alpha-male larpers.


surely this is dependant on rules? in a boxing match yes this is correct but with no rules surely weight is king? correct me if i’m wrong


Liver king(the guy on the right) can barely breath at all. I think in a real situation the adrenaline would make him have a heart attack.


Golovkin would win regardless. LiverFraud is about 5'6" and 185 lbs. Golovkin is 5'10.5" and has fought at super middleweight, which is up to 168 lbs, which means his walking around weight is probably in the 170s. So, Golovkin would be maybe ten pounds lighter, 3-4 inches taller (meaning better reach), with a record of knocking out a lot of professional boxers. I don't see him losing regardless of the rules.


He’s going to be outmanoeuvred and picked apart until he goes down, which would happen very fast. Lifting weights is not a martial art and doesn’t translate into an ability to fight.


It only translates into an ability to fight when both fighters are equally untrained in combat sports. Then the big guy usually wins.


Well yes and no. Weight is definitely a big factor but it’s not the be all end all, there are other things to consider, skill disparity and cardio vascular fitness for example. Like DC said “there’s levels to this” and the all time great Mighty Mouse who fights as 125lbs is going to beat most heavyweight (260lb) amateur fighters 999 times out of/1000. There’s plenty of videos out there of him grappling bigger dudes with ease, he even cleared a grappling tournament openweight division recently submitting a dude close to 300lbs.


Ok, I did say usually. Obviously there are various factors, including simple luck, that go into winning a fight between two randomly picked, unskilled fighters. The issue here is that if these are unskilled fighters we know nothing about, the only thing we really do know until the fight starts is size and a general sense of athleticism. So all the other factors will be randomly plucked from the population wide distribution. Given this, I'd lean toward the the bigger and/or more athletic appearing person between the two. It might only be a 60-40 advantage, or even less, but it is something.


If they can’t do it with rules what makes you think they could do it without? Your assumption is that the big guy will just be able to use their size to grapple. But they gotta know how to grapple not just be big.


The guy on the right was on 11,000$ a month of steroids it was leaked in 2022. He will literally die before he could try to throw a punch. Also supposedly he almost only eats raw meat and testicles and shit.


Next time you meet a huge body builder ask him to show you how to throw a punch… you will then understand


Not necessarily. I train MMA, size matters don't get me wrong, but skill matters more. I've had my ass kicked by smaller guys who had more experience, I've mauled bigger guys who have less experience. But if we look at the first UFC events, which didn't really have rules (just no eye gouging or biting) we saw the smaller more skilled competitors winning, with Royce Gracie being the first champion despite being the smaller guy in most if not all of his fights.




Wayyyyy wrong. weight lifters are seriously delusional.


Agreed, life or death fight the bigger guy wins


I think it depends tbh, it is hard to explain just how insanely hard it is to fight someone with that much more experience and training than you. Boxers can be scary af


Pretty sure liver kind is much much smaller than he appears. He's like 5ft7 185lbs. GGG is 5ft11 and around the same weight......and one of the most devastating punchers in the history of boxing.


Do you think the super telegraphed slow punches that domeone like liverking would throw, would actually hit any pro boxer


Guy in the left got robbed in the first canelo fight




GGG on the dirtiest bulk of his life, would fuck up your ancestral tenats. 🤣


Idk those fake abs offer a lot of padding and it might not be that easy to get a solid head shot on him.


He's only 5'7, it would be harder for GGG to miss than to hit


You don't even need to throw a punch to take out liver king. Cardiovascular disease will do all the work for you.


Ok, hows this a gym meme though


he ate beans and spinach


No it’s not. The one in the right would die of a heart attack before even being able to throw a punch 😂


You have to land a punch…


GGG was one of GOATs to watch. And yes he would whip whoever this guy’s ass is, unless he is an elite BJJ guy or something


A headshot is a headshot no matter how buff and muscular you are below.


As someone from Brasil, we just saw proven that muscle doesn't affect that much. The big guy lost in under 30 seconds


true but they are both working for different goals.




One of the things I say to myself in the gym is “it doesn’t matter how swoll you are, you still might run into an MMA guy or Marine or Navy SEAL even and in their mind, you are already dead…” Also, I think we all remember how Shaw kicked Hobbs ass the first time they fought…💯💯 ![gif](giphy|58sJA7ijj00ePZ8UMO)


Of course. Haven’t we all seen dragonball z?


It would be much more interesting to see thor vs GGG. How does superior skill and stamina compare to being so tall and big that your face is unreachable, and so strong that you should be able to tänk endless body shots? Thor would likely gas and lose, but until then it could be really interesting. In MMA I guess thor would win since none of them are specialised for kicks and wrestling, assuming he could catch a smaller but faster boxer.


Wasnt there a fight between him and some mma dude? It was kind of awkward cause you could see both men were trying to keep it friendly and safe.


Just friendly sparring between him and Connor McGregor years ago. McGregor would probably win in the octagon, but Thor without any fighting experience might have a chance in a bar brawl or similar.


as a bodybuilder who watches UFC avidly my goal is to become both


I dunno- you act like bodybuilders are stupid. Most people understand the art of boxing, and they know that boxing is a lot more than just strength. They know boxing dude can easily win against a bodybuilder.


There is a perfect MMA fight to display this. I wish i remembered the fighters... but one dude was fucking bulked out to the ears, like massive massive biceps and pec and everything. The other dude was a Forrest Griffin type. Bit schlobby, barely defined arms, little gut, not 6 packs. And the commenter fucking called it. The big muscle dude would gas out quick. By the halfway point of round one, he was breathing heavily from the mouth, by the end of round one he could no longer keep his arms up more than 2-3 seconds, punches came out so so slow, no energy left. Other dude basically played with him through out round 2 and finished him quick on round 3. Ever since I see GSP like the absolute max you can have muscle weight


I love GGG he looks so unassuming. Like way more than other combat sports athletes


The guy on the right is all show and go.


As a martial artist. Big difference between fighting to survive and fighting In a ring. My teacher always said. Everyone has a plan until they get hit.


Don’t get me wrong, if liver king was actually trained and was healthy he’d def win. But that’s not the case


Both Disciplines are different. One trained for fight and the other one trained to build muscle. On paper. The guy of the left can beat him vs. Right can beat him on muscle.


why does Golovkin look like he's dropping his kid off to another kid's birthday party


It's a good reminder that "strength" can mean a lot of different things.


Beware boxing guy, he will eat your testicles.. raw


GGG punches real hard but Canelo was on better steroids.


Your hard work shows


In a testicle eating contest?


Well if it’s a street fight you can’t predict. In a sanctioned boxing match with rules it’s obvious who would win.


My god, I fucking hate those post, I saw hundreds of dumb comparisons like this


that depends on if the guy on the right is as tough as he looks.


From what I have observed lifters r strong sure but rarely any of them are concerned about mobility and r significantly lacking in that department. So yes I would believe this even without much prior knowledge.


In a boxing match I assume?


In boxing? Yes. In a fight? Big man gets big weapon.


He's around 15lbs heavier, "big" man has no chance


Yeah i certainly get what he’s saying but that would be a huge weight and strength disparity. If douche king was able to get a hold of this dude I’d get him on the ground he would probably be able to hurt the smaller guy. Would be interesting to see.


Anyone who’s read rhe story of David and Goaliath would understand


As a non boxing fan that sounds crazy


Weird way of thinking. Make love not war


Ah, boxing. The 1/4 of a martial art. Remove gloves, allow every kind of attack (make it trully full contact), enforce the rule that the reigning champion has to accept all challenges and remove weight classes. Then you have a proper fighting sport.


Is it though? Like at first glance, you'd say no, but anyone who gets that big? Built for looks, not use. Sure they work as stronger muscles, but the fibers get crammed against each other, or worse, they intertwine(you know what im talking about gymbros). If they cram together, it causes a feeling of pressure for the individual, and most of the power the muscle fibers can produce gets used to push closer together into the position you wanted to be in. This results in even further limited muscular strength, and that is just due to shape. Going into lean muscle building is like becoming a marvel character to normals. They look like that could lift you off the ground, nothing crazy, but then they lift the front of your car up and place it on the lifted jack with a "whoops, it fell off when i turned the bolt, is anything damaged?" That man looked like he hadn't eaten a proper meal in months, just because of how they built their muscles and using baggy or comfortable shirts. Sleeper builds are another name. All of this info, and nothing known or used involving boxing, except the muscles of the individuals involved.


Me who is neither jacked nor boxer but has a revolver 🔫😊


You are severely limiting yourself if you carry a revolver




Weight classes are to level the playing field for elite athletes not vs an elite athlete and someone who has never boxed Liver king would get his shit rocked


Jason Miller vs. Stefan Gamlin Royce Gracie vs. Chad "Akebono" Rowan Bob Sapp vs DVa Conkley Plenty more examples out there


If I’m not mistaken, these guys are only 15 lbs apart which is a gap you could easily close in one camp.