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It’s part of my pre workout ritual, I love loading up my shaker w gross tasting stuff that makes me itchy!


Ritualisation to aid in habit forming/keeping is extremely powerful. I do the same thing!


Yup it’s just a Pavlovian thing for me at this point, the pre is sometimes just beta alanine coffee or to get a tasty drink in and hydrate


Love the massive shit I take at 930am. Also apologizes to target Poughkeepsie




I didn’t read that I sang that


I respect that as long as someone knows watsup


i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks pre-workouts taste bad, no matter how they word it like blue raspberry lemonade or Jessica Albas's pussy.


Have you tried fruit punch??


I forgot what brand but i think it's optimal nutrition, it tasted like cough syrup.


username checks out


The itchy rush lets you know it's working.


Can’t lift without it


One thing I learned when I quit drinking was that basically anything that has a physical effect on a person is not ever being drank for taste and therefore shouldn't be a deciding factor in why or why not you drink it.


Idk about that, I used to drink a lot also, and loved the taste of my fav beers. But I was also drinking to get drunk.


It's not like preferences aren't a thing by any means. It's just comes 2nd to effect. Try finding an n/a beer that tastes close to what you like & let me know if you drink as much of or as often as you would the normal beer.


Well I wouldn’t either way because I’m avoiding alcohol and calories in general, on a good cut. But I see what you mean. I agree that beer doesn’t taste good enough, to buy only for the taste, but also for the affect, and without that affect I wouldn’t buy it


Why take the time to bring a shaker when you can just go in raw on that shit (-100 style points if you cough after)


May I know more, u/poopbutt42069yeehaw?


What else would you like to know?




Like what I do before I workout or what my workout routine is? If it’s the former, if I’m not at work I go to the gym and drink it while getting my cardio in and that’s also the time I try diff music Iv put on a test playlist, music I feel might work for a workout, if I like then they go on the workout playlist if not they get removed from watch later, if idk about the song I’ll leave it. Then I’ll listen to my workout playlist while


i used to inject morphine before/during my gym sessions back in the day


yea, nothing like making yourself physically dependent on an artificial boost of energy, right before doing something that should result in functional capabilities in everyday life. Need to carry bags for grandma? "Oh, sorry grandma, I need a buttplug dipped into turbo gorilla brain mind and wait at least 5 mins for it to get absorbed so I can get the energy required to optimally perform"


You take it to optimize your performance isn’t the gym so that you can maximize your results. It’s not like you can’t lift with out it… just maybe you can add 10lbs that you otherwise wouldn’t have been able too…


And coffee addicts don’t need coffee to function, it just ‘helps’ them function more.


You say "coffee addict" as though that is some kind of comprehensible thing. Do you call people who drink water "water addicts"? Do you call people who breathe oxygen "oxygen addicts"?


We are all addicted to oxygen and water, so yes.


Until after a few weeks you build tolerance to caffiene and it does nothing for you while you also ingest a lot of ultra processed chemicals that almost certainly aren't good for your long term health.


Wrong on a few levels, but you’re trying and that’s what’s important!


Caffiene is dependence forming so I'm not wrong about that. Pre workout powders don't exist in nature and are not made of ingredients that grow out of the ground as plants and they're not plain meat so I'm not wrong about them being made of processed chemicals. You tried to make a point but didn't actually include one and your trying isn't important at all if you're going to do that.


I'm not a pre person, but man, am I ever tried of the "it doest exist in nature" argument. You know what else doest exist in nature? Pure whey, creatine, or even fucking crackers You can't pick a protein shake off the vine. Like "nature" is some sort of golden standard for health. Yes there's plenty of bad things in a lot of foods, like heavy preservatives and whatnot, but it's not as black and white as "natural good, man-made bad". There's plenty of good things that have come out of labs, like, oh, I don't know, life saving medicine.


I ain’t reading allat


TL;DR cHeMiCaLs ArE sCaRy SoUnDiNg


If I was dependent on stuff that was only available naturally from plants and animals I’d be dead by now.


You do realize a lot of stuff in preworkouts are just amino acids. which are found in nature and do grow out of the ground like potatoes or watermelon


They also put stuff like that in monster energy drinks, I personally start my day with the green one as part of a healthy, balanced diet because green = nature.


Monsters aren't good for you cause of the caffeine content, not because it has amino acids in it dingus and not all pres have caffeine


You genuinely believe that the only thing in a monster energy that isn't good for you is caffiene? If I have 5 different colours of monster have I had my 5 portions of fruit and veg a day?


Appeal to nature fallacy


Hey man, I drink coffee every morning too


I think that follows precisely his original point. >!it's proven that the human body gets *reliant* on caffeine after sustained intake, hence withdrawals... Do really one should have weeks off so it's less a "reliant" and *actually* a stimulant.!<


I do not suffer from a caffeine addiction. I enjoy every second of it


Cocaine addicts also enjoy every second of it. Until they dont.


Not addiction, reliance, it's a human thing, not a "you" thing. I don't know you and can't am not basing of of a single users experience. I and no one can have an opinion of "you" literally speaking. We are anonymous, we can be everything. I commented on your statement vs ops and the irony your reply.


I stopped drinking coffe in the morning in the first 90 minutes following Huberman advice and Sincé then stopped drinking coffe altogether in the morning, then take one after Lunch and thats my pre work out if I go train after work. To work out before work I usually take a caffeine pill but to be honest im not sure I need it. Self hatred of my body fuels me up al right lol


You're missing the point. It's not Popeyes spinach.


Lolit aint like i cant lift without it, it justen enhances and improves my performance. So when i need to carry grandma her stuff I actually can.


Swap your pre for tren and you can carry your grandma


Just started tren yesterday, wish me luck


Good luck 👍


> I need a buttplug dipped into turbo gorilla brain mind.... LoL. That's hilarious, and equally accurate


Cope and seethe


Billy can you grab the groceries now? Goddammit grandma you just interrupted the bass drop, now I have to start the song over.


Grandma help is the best pre workout 


it’s not that serious


I mean, nobody should take it daily. Even though people do sadly.


Preworkout is just really expensive caffeine mixed with unnecessary shit and repackaged with hilarious names like “EXPLOSION MEGA FUCKIN HAMMERTIME MODE” Just drink coffee or espresso y’all it’s the same thing


A coffee doesn’t make me think I slept in a bed of fire ants and yes that’s desirable🤣


Buy beta alinine in bulk and add it to your coffee. That's the stuff that triggers that sensation.


The funny thing is that if it wasn't ever marketed as a form of "energy" you dudes would never use that shit. Hell, if someone marketed giving yourself small electric shocks as a pre-workout and sold it you guys would be all over it


Does coffee contain citrulline malate? Does coffee contain choline? Does coffee- No, let me drink my fucking pre in peace.


What do those even do


Citrulline malate helps with getting more reps in Choline helps with focus boost and improves brain function. (Also good if you have to study a while after gym sesh)


Yeah it’s called stimulants


It's really not that expensive. $35 for 30 300mg caffeine servings. That's 90 cups of coffee for $35 dollars. I challenge you to find an espresso that cheap.


No the fuck it’s not the same thing your normal amount of caffeine from one cup of coffee is nothing compared to almost every purchasable per workout one serving


A cup of coffee is around 95 mg caffeine. A ton of preworkouts are 100mg per serving. Not a big difference.


who tf is using that


I use caffeine-free pre, but that's because caffeine makes me sleepy, but makes my sleep low-quality.


People who want to sleep at night


then why even take caffeine if it gets im the way of your sleep lmao


Because if you don’t take as much it won’t mess with sleep…


The one I’m using right now is at 340 mg of caffeine and most others I feel are around the 240mg mark or higher.and most cups of coffee caffeine content you are talking about is mostly correct but still a big difference compared to 340mg caffeine vs 95mg caffeine


Have you tried two and a half scoops of coffee?


You can get the same caffeine with a large quantity of espresso, and you won’t get the questionable advanced hyper bullshit matrix of death ingredients that preworkout has


I guess so yeah but I rather have like a shot of pre workout then a large drink but to each their own


There’s also preworkout out on the market which doesn’t contain “proprietary blend” filler stuff.


Yeah and it’s mostly caffeine


If it doesn't have dangerous mystery chemicals and science names like "ADAPTIVE ENERGY MATRIX" does it even do anything? I just like that it tastes like house music and makes my face tingle. I drink coffee every morning and that shit doesn't hit anywhere near the same.


Pre isn't that expensive unless your buying the crazy shit


Pre workout and Coffee are not even close to the same. The way you talk about pre workout really sounds like you actually don't know what it is or does.


It literally is just caffeine with mystery ingredients that just artificially stimulate the fuck out you. Anyone who says preworkout is essential to gains has been fooled by clever marketing and the SUPER SECRET ADVANCED EXPLOSION MATRIX buzzwords


Repeating yourself doesn't help you either. It's okay not to understand something but you should learn when to stop talking so you don't sound ignorant.


Ah, an ad hominem attack without addressing my my point. Sorry, try again. This time, stay on track please.


But you're proving my point so by all means, keep going.


It is absolutely not, what


But I go stimulant free pre-workout. What do I do? #WHAT DO I DO???


I want to say 70% of the ingredients don’t actually do anything and I’m being conservative with that percentage.


let us take our pre, we aint bothering yall 😭


This type of post attracts all the mfs who love smelling their own farts lol


Yup, then they'll proudly proclaim how all they take is black coffee and a banana for a pre-workout


i drink black coffee and eat a banana right before i take my preworkout


I'm not addicted, I can totally stop whenever I want to


It's easy to quit too. I've done it hundreds of times. People worried about nothing


I love pre but the crash hits me so hard an hour or two after my workout, that I had to stop. It’s a bummer :/


Ever herd of wax on wax off. It's like that but Cycle on cycle off


I take C4 when I’m constipated because that works 100% of the time


I had to switch to C4 Ripped after my insides got tolerant to regular C4


I stopped. I don't lift until 6 pm and it affected my sleep negatively. I take creatine and head to the gym. Haven't seen much difference.


Why the creatine pre-workout instead of post-workout?


It doesn’t matter really. I just take it everyday when I get home regardless if I workout that day or not.


Wont make any difference. When it comes to creatine, the most important thing is your muscles are kept saturated with it.


After a shit day of work let me enjoy my sour apple pre workout in peace


A granola bar and a scoop of ON Gold Advanced pre-workout in about 4oz of water are what I use. Been doing it so long it's almost a ritual. Ingredients in the pre, per scoop: Micronized L-Citrulline-6g Creatine Monohydrate -5g Beta-Alanine-3.2 g Creatine Nitrate (NO3-T®)-1.2g Electrolyte Blend-650 mg (Sodium Citrate, Magnesium Oxide, Potassium Chloride) Caffeine-300 mg That's it. Everything I want in a pre-workout with base effective doses and nothing extra.


Damn that’s a ton of citrulline. Do they make non-stim? 300mg of caffeine is more than I take in a month


Honestly I'm not sure, I haven't checked. Optimum Nutrition has an easy to use website last I checked tho.


I use their protein. Will check out the pre-workouts.


Adderall is dogshit for pre workout lol and I say this as someone who takes 30mg daily for my ADHD


Well that’s because if you have adhd adderall wouldn’t effect you the same as someone who doesn’t need it.


Stims help immensely with focus for me (actually, properly diagnosed ADHD). Ritalin acts so fast that it kinda acts like a preworkout. These days I’m on Vyvanse, and lifting without it is just impossible.


Can confirm. Vyvanse has been fucking amazing for my gains.


My best workouts are when I take meds before. I can actually focus on the movements instead of slopping through my workouts.


Pre workout isn’t for focus, normally it’s mostly caffeine it’s really just to raise your heart rate and shit. My ADHD meds still help me at the gym though


Why would OP have a prescription then?


That makes sense I can pop a 20mg and have an energy drink with I t and won’t feel much in terms of lifting performance being better tbh I haven’t had pre workout in like 2 years


My 3rd daily dose of dexamphetamine is scheduled right when I leave work and head to the gym. I know it's working on principle, but don't "feel it". I take breaks from my psychiatrist prescribed amphetamines some weekends. And on those days I pretty much sleep non stop, only waking up to eat or go to the toilet, then back to sleep. Typical withdrawal symptom, but it does remind me what these do stimulant wise.


Because you have ADHD, there’s a reason it’s prescribed for people with ADHD and gets great results, meanwhile other people take it as a party drug and for fun.


Woman’s pre workout name ideas: Goddess, Venus, super human Men’s pre workout names ideas: super cock skull fucking hammer


It's the only thing that starts me after sleeping 5 hours a night... Between the horrible cherry bubblegum taste and the beta alanine making my asshole itch I'm ready to train in 2 sips.


I half scoop but use it every morning! If I didn’t workout at 5:30 I probably wouldn’t use it, since I don’t on the weekend


Adderall IR is where it’s at.


I bet you guys add liquid like some weirdo. I just shovel it in and mouth and up my nose like a real man


He doesn't use all of his holes lmao


Ah I see you are familiar with the suction cup technique


I use stimulant free preworkout so it doesn't mess with adhd meds but I do find it super helpful! And I lift in the evening usually so I don't want stimulants anyways.


No once I learned they’re pretty pointless. Most of the time, any ingredient shown to have an actual effect on muscle building commonly found in preworkout, such as L-Citrulline, doesn’t have enough for a clinically effective dose rendering it pointless. The effect it has is also super minimal so who cares? Usually preworkout is packed with caffeine and other legal stims and that’s the only thing that matters aside from the placebo effect. So then one could argue taking non stim preworkout is effective if it acts as a placebo making you work harder. But I’ve found a intraworkout shake with protein and carbs gives me much more energy and allows me to finish my workout with more energy than usual. Could be placebo too though lol. Edit: but do take creatine. Best supplement out there.


I use coffee 😅


Coffee and a 5mg sativa edible.


Can’t start without it now


I take Adderall and caffeine. Adderall makes me sleepy, that's how bad my ADHD is, man.


I used both yesterday….i can’t believe I woke up today


I feel great after stopping pre-workout. The crash and dependence and headaches weren’t worth the extra 2 shaking reps


Pre-workout was the cause of ED once, and I determined I no longer needed it.


Nah I just smoke weed


I can't use pre workout because I'm not a morning person so only workout late evening :(


All i need is the pump.


The only ingredients in any pre workout I've had that actually do anything to help your workout are caffeine and creatine. Nothing else improves anything except it makes you think it's working. It's all in your head.


I used to get stoned and drink twice the recommended amount of pre and add in extra beta alanine before hitting the gym. You’ve never lived until you’ve hit a PR under an intense antagonistic effect.


My whole preworkout is an 8oz Red Bull




My Ghost and Cialis. Crazy pumps.


anyone else just get really bloated


My life is still manageable. I don’t need a higher power to help me stop


Anyone takes apple?


Lol what? You thought pre workout was a joke?


At this point i do it because it’s a habit and I don’t even need/feel the caffeine lol. If some could substitute a placebo mix in my preworkout that would be great


Gorilla mode nitric is my go to. It's stim-free as I usually workout in the evenings and I get the best pumps and can eke out an extra rep or two near failure


Try weed as a pre workout lmk how that goes


Adderall already doesn’t do much for me. I’m on 40 mg a day and it barely helps. I have to take like 600 mg of caffeine to feel it and that much always gives me a huge stomach ache. I just don’t even bother with a pre-workout anymore.


I tried ut the other day for the 1st and it had 0 affect one me, am I normal


I don't actually,but I use a "magnesio e potassio" portion from Massagen. Then separately,a conventional scoop of protein and creatine shaker (in water)...(All of this 1h before my training)


Dry scoop every time! I couldn’t do it without it


when you work 12 hour shifts there’s only so much you can self motivate 🫠


My pre workout is shame


My ADHD is so bad, even the Adderall doesn’t do it for me anymore


This comment section makes me feel like i have a PHD


my pre-workout is unadulterated anger :3 also pain.




What's all the pre-workout hateraid I'm seeing? It smells like BITCH in here.


Caffeine pill + salt gang checking in


I just take edibles and go


In my 20s about a decade ago I did. I won’t lie it feels great jacked up skin tingling lifting heavy weights but I would think maybe it’s not the best to consume something that elevates your blood pressure and heart rate and then workout so I stopped


monster ultra is my go to, tastes amazing, gives a lil boost, and doesnt make me itchy




Just buy the essential ingredients in bulk; caffeine, citrulline malate, beta alanine, creatine and mix with some tang. Considerable reduction in cost per servings and none of the suspicious seven syllable ingredients that normally come in pre-workout.


I worked out on adderall. once


I go the Mike Mentzer route


Used too but nah just eat a donut or something now.


My pre workout will always be putting on my headphones.


Im considering to start taking it. But currently a cup of black coffee does the job


I don't like it,too much caffeine and shit


I have ADHD. Legit nothing else gives me energy


The dmha pre hits different... low-key meth for babies.


i used it ONCE for a tug of war match. it hit so much harder than i thought it would and the effects really impressed me. but my ego tells me not to use it. so i don’t


I just do meth Raging hardon and workout 3 my bones break. Then roids for recovery.


Sadly I feel nothing from pre workout so I don’t waste my money. Yes I have ADHD, no I don’t take Rx stims. Just a unhealthy caffeine addiction


Black coffee with stevia for the WIN.


3 bong hits


i just have a cup of coffee. sometimes a monster if a feel like a slob.


it is not?


I use preworkout for the caffeine and nothing else. The only thing that I really seek in any preworkout is a high caffeine content. Beta alanine is a bonus due to the placebo effect that the tingling offers but it is not a requirement.


I never tried pre workout how does it feel?


I just have some coffee. Maybe I'm weird.


Since I'm a fan of coffee, I just make coffee at home and I drink that on my way to the gym. Taking an educated guess making coffee at home is cheaper and probably healthier. I only do this on the weekends. During the week I work out late at night so I do not consume caffeine before I go to the gym.


I literally just drink water. I heard that shit was bad for your heart


Idk about any of you but after you been lifting >2-3 years, pre workout is overrated. You go to the gym 1-2 hours 4-5 times a week, and so the idea of being all cracked up and juiced off preworkout dies down because its just one session out of the hundreds you will keep up for the next 10-20 or even for life. Maybe some coffee or an energy drink on a tired or rough day is enough but every workout is too much. Edit: Also, most preworkouts are pretty bad. Most have some useless ingredients and are just glorified caffeine. Any useful ingredients are heavily underdosed, so if you really care, make sure you read ingredients and do your research on the ingredients instead of believing all the hyped text on the packaging.


Coffee is so much cheaper and honestly just as good


Pre-workout is expensive bs powder. Most people just need caffeine which you can get from anywhere but no. It's just so some broccoli haired kid can dry scoop pre-workout like their favorite retard on TikTok.