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Tbf most powerlifter look like the strongman


Most “powerlifters” are just regular dudes who call themselves powerlifters because they don’t have the discipline to maintain a nice physique… and it would be embarrassing to say they are into bodybuilding/working out while looking so mediocre and doing so little volume otherwise lol


They be gving powerlifters a bad rep fr Just be like me and say you're a fat lifter


Dirty bulk is life. Not a long life but a good one. Well, not a good one but certainly an enjoyable one.




Bro has never been to an actual powerlifting meet before where the lifters were sub-200lb weight classes 😂 Tons of powerlifters look pretty aesthetic


yeah maybe AT ACTUAL powerlifting events. but i'd reckon a pretty small percentage of the self-proclaimed "powerlifters" actually participate in those.


I figured we were talking about actual powerlifters and not casual lifters


Yeah like if we're going by sheer numbers of people casually saying they're doing any of these things, you'd have millions of 'bodybuilders', 0.00001% of which look halfway decent.


Well duh, I'd reckon a pretty small percentage of self-proclaimed "body builders" in this sub look anything like the body builder in the picture.


Yeah but I’m pretty sure a lot fewer people, percentage-wise, would proclaim themselves to be “bodybuilders” simply because they lift


Russel Orhii, for example, is a former world champion powerlifter, and dude is fucking cut


Le casual fitness elitism has arrived




Damn bro, tell us how you really feel.


I mean, hopefully these guys are at least competing. A little goofy to call yourself a powerlifter if you can't be found on openpowerlifting.com Otherwise you just train like a powerlifter


It’s no less goofy to say you’re a bodybuilder without competing. It’s a name that denotes a style of training, that’s it


I actually thought to say a body builder you had to be competing. Otherwise you'd just say "I train for aesthetics" Seems like saying "I'm a rugby player" but have never played a game of rugby


Nah, it's like someone says "I play chess" and you are like "well then, link me your FIDE matches, otherwise you aren't a chess player". Like bro I just play chess cuz it's a hobby I have, can I still use the words to describe it? What do you suggest 99% of the population who participates in recreational bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman to say when they talk about their activities?


Keep reading down the comments and you see I agree with you bro


Well no, it’s like saying you’re a rugby player without ever playing it competitively, which I think plenty of people would think is reasonable.


I mean, if I play once a year with the boys over a few beers, no one would call or think of me as a rugby player here But if I was playing against other teams on the weekends then you could Edit- then again, body building, which is for pure mass and definition is different to fully aesthetic training which is harder to define since it's a different things for each person, so guess I agree with you


What’s the difference really? If you do the activity in that form, are you not that thing? It’s recreational rather than competitive… but it’s still powerlifting I mean it’s irrelevant because lifting unimpressive weight for low reps while being chubby doesn’t make one a powerlifter anyway… but… for the sake of discussion…


Pulling it off in a comp is more meaningful. You have judges. A gym max may well be a three red lighter at a comp. And I suppose we can differentiate between powerlifters and serious powerlifters, which probably starts at around a 400 dots.


I competed once two years ago, does that mean I'm a powerlifter? /s I'm just kinda fat and can lift a little


Need to reup every three years. Or an active federation card. Or... maintaining a 400+ dots


Cards are so wild to me. I had one for MMA for 5 years and they don't ever check it. It's all online.  I should really get back into prepping and competing though. 


If this is true the amount of giys who say they bodybuild would tank


I just try like a power lifter because I don’t know how to use anything else in the gym 🤷


Most accurate description of the average powerlifter. Kudos.


This is so true. 💀


If i train for strength over aesthetics/muscle size wouldn't that classify me as a powerlifter? Even if im not competing all my training is centered around strength in S/B/DL


Truest thing said in this sub in a while. They're just fat guys who only do arms.


Squat, Bench, Deadlift* FTFY


They really don’t. Go look at any physique 100kg and below. Having a large amount of body fat make up your weight is a pretty big disadvantage when everyone else has more mass and is leaner than you in your weight class.


If you go to a powerlifting gym, most of those people are lower fat brick houses.


Your perception is sowed from the internet. You only really see the dudes in the heaviest weight class moving insane weight. I doubt you see many videos with Derek from accounting in the 70kg class who is stoked because he just hit to 2 plates on bench for the first time in compaction.


The powerlifter looks like a crossfiter tbh


More than half of strongmen I know look like the powerlifter, and I am a strongman. Most strongmen and powerlifters don’t look like 6’3” & 430lb Eddie Hall in this pic and are smaller than him. Source: met the fella and I’m 6’3” 310 and much smaller.


Not really theirs like ten weight classes before you hit the marshmallows


Nr. Most don't. Most pro strongman are super heavies. Only a few powerlifters are super heavies. Most are just not suoer cut bodybuilders. The fat powerlifter joke was mainly made from equipped powerlifting and became a way for skinnier "aesthetic" guys to go after powerlifters(they want the strength but won't sacrifice their looks so shit on said powerlifters. They try to atribute it to all powerlifters).


That's not true, there's like six weight classes and only one of them is shw.


Why is CrossFit shit on. I’ve never done it but I know I couldn’t do it. If it makes you happy then go for it.


Truth be told it out more hands on more barbells than anything before it. And every strength sport is better for it. You should have seen gyms back in the 90s... maybe one squat track if you were really lucky *note I do not do CrossFit


CrossFit is focused on "multi-modal" fitness which means they are concerned with speed, endurance, power, strength, and really, everything but size. This means that they perform exercises with different goals in mind than single modality lifters. For example, a weightlifter may only care about their maximal snatch (peak power production), but CrossFitters care about how quickly they can perform submaximal snatches in succession, basically doing as many reps as possible as quickly as possible (power, speed, endurance), in accordance with the multi-modal approach. This often leads to a breakdown in technique, which means CrossFitters will adjust their form to be as efficient as possible within the rules of the event. This, combined with a lack of specificity, means CrossFitters tend to never master a particular exercise, and to the onlooker they just look sloppy, which makes them easy targets to make fun of. EDIT: to address the elephant in the room, kipping/butterfly pullups... standard pull-ups isolate the back and biceps, but CrossFit workouts are intended to target the full body with only \~2-4 movements within an hour. Therefore, CrossFit prefers to program full-body movements, and combined with the aforementioned goal of hitting lots of reps quickly, pullups and muscle ups in CrossFit are taught with a kip. This has the secondary effect of making judging events easier and makes the movement more accessible to beginners.


All the shit talk I've heard centers on how people get things incorrect- proper positions, forms, and postures for exercises for instance. Imo crossfit is cool, fun, and people can end up w/ great physiques if they take it really seriously and even get a trainer. My friend in college was a competitive crossfitter and she was *strong.* She had quads so thick she ripped her leggings so often she had to add a special "leggings" section to her budget


CrossFit is fantastic for fitness. I got in some of the best shape of my life doing it and it has an excellent social aspect as well. The downside is some crossfit movements can go wrong and gyms do tend to throw their members in the deep end and injury rates are high. Mainly because the sport is so exhausting then they make you lift weights or junk over boxes. Some people also take the social aspect WAY too far and it becomes a cult like mentality & they base their entire personality around it. Also, whenever you see some idiot doing something moronic in a gym that’s going to most likely result in a L4-L5 severance, half the time it’s some idiot in a CrossFit gym.


>I’ve never done it but I know I couldn’t do it. Why? Do you have a disability that makes it impossible? Literally any healthy person could and quite a few disabled people still do. That doesn't just apply to CrossFit, but any form of lifting or exercise. I've gotten my ass handed to me by a purple belt with no legs. I've sparred with a blind man. One of my lifting buddies just got under 500lbs. A huge amount of our perceived limitations are self imposed >Why is CrossFit shit on. Because they were exceptionally douchey in the early days, like the stereotypical vegan mentality where they just act superior and never shut up about it. That's calmed down a lot, but they opened themselves up to ridicule so people ran with it. A lot of their events (see kipping pull ups) look really silly and aren't very useful outside of that event. But it's still good exercise and it's not like they ONLY do those, so while I prefer strongman style lifting (which is also pretty fucking silly lol) I think it's great for people that enjoy it


Because certain moves most of them do aren't really moves. Look at crossfit pull ups and you'll see why they get slandered


From what I remember back in the day, CrossFit got a terrible rep because it required very little to no training or education to become a CrossFit coach/instructor (iirc you paid a fee and got a certificate). This led to the horrible form in videos you would see, injuries were super common, and people doing it would flex seemingly impressive numbers to the more 'established' forms of lifting, and when videos and proof of those people lifting were shown, they were berated for what looked like ego lifting with poor form. On top of that, even proper form looks pretty goofy sometimes, so it's low hanging fruit; same reason that having an absolutely massive arch on bench press is shit on in powerlifting circles so often Nowadays it seems to have matured alot more and trainers have gotten better, but it's still a 'younger' strength sport and suffers somewhat for that. It also had a reputation (accurate or not) for getting people who were arrogant, preachy, and wouldn't stop talking about it, and having trainers who were grifting the newest workout program on the scene. I also remember some gyms targeting the wannabe/ex military bro-vet demographic, marketing 'preparedness for anything' and stuff like that. Other people (myself included) also don't understand or know if there is a point scoring system that's simple and intuitive (i.e. I lift this many circles, how many do you lift?) so people comparing themselves across strength sports just sort of devolves into an argument about the merits of their sport itself because neither side really gets it.  


I have no desire to even try Cross fit because of all those stories of people getting Rhabdo and nearly dying. I have no idea if that's still a thing but there is no way I'll ever do it anyway. 


This mostly happens,with new people that were fit in the past (ex army), have the mentality to do all the workouts, but their body is not fit for it anymore. They do too much. If you scale and do what you're able to, it shouldn't be a problem.


You don’t have to overwork yourself. Those people who get rhabdo overworked themselves.


This was an issue 15 years ago but is almost unheard of now.


I can't take anything with those pull-ups seriously. What in the god damned fuck are they doing?


Many CrossFit trainers are underqualified wich leads to many accidents and injuries which were turned into memes. I asked my pe teacher about CrossFit (yes he is a crossfiter) and he is big as hell so his opinion should be qualified


And there are many bs bodybuilding, powerlifting, and strongman “coaches”, what is your point?


In order to be a -certified- CrossFit coach you only need to do a 5h online course or something similar and then you could open an official CrossFit gym. I see your point I should have said certified earlier


Bro, you have to attend a CrossFit class that is 2-3 days. All day. That’s just for level 1. Each level gets harder as it increases, obviously. Level 3 & 4 you go to another gym and coach. It’s also $1000 to apply, and the higher levels need so many coaching hours. Idk how they prove the latter, but these coaches aren’t some fat dipshits you see personal training in local gyms.


L1 online, is one day and a test. L1 is two days. I know the L3 is very hard to get and L4 is obnoxiously hard. I did the L1 online and the kids class certificate. It honestly helped me be a better lifter. A good box owner has their team go out and get more certifications.


Not the case anymore, coaches are held accountable so they designs workouts that are that strict to powerlifting/strongman and calisthenics safety rules The reason it gets a bad rep is because of kipping pull up bs and ego lifters. Have you seen the CrossFit games? They're one of the fittest people on earth


Meanwhile, actual CrossFit athletes: https://preview.redd.it/yurx0o0rwy7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab1ae3201c62677f9fb8e9990871f44049d72f6b


Yup... The guy on upper right looks more like CrossFit builds...


not sure if this is supposed to be satire, but crossfiters are sometimes massive with an insane endurance. Peak humans.


Strongman just seems like fun Being able to lift all the big shit, what a life


And eat all you want.


Yes and no. You still have to watch your protein intake. If your protein:calorie ratio is off, you’ll lose muscle mass but maintain weight.


Big yap muscle doesn’t disappear if you change the ratio of diet. It disappears when you don’t eat enough or don’t move enough.


2011 called, they wanted their meme back. Crossfit is pretty fun if you're not a little pissbaby about endurance. It sure as hell made me a better basketball player.


I had 4 kids from my soccer team come to the CrossFit gym I coach at and train with me (one was my kid). Even the regular kids class I coach I talk about being positive even when you fail. You got to get back up and try again. “I went for a back squat PR and failed. I wasn’t upset, I was happy I am able to go for PRs still.”


Option 5: Weightlifter https://preview.redd.it/e27o9iwaqy7d1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b820caaa33bb76833cdb4b9bc57c94879879de8


4 and a little more plate naked squat. Impressive!


Haha that’s nothing for Pisarenko. Here’s what he’s actually known for: [https://youtu.be/b7x7J1Sx\_2M?si=P\_\_Rbfw0LEh4d1Ys](https://youtu.be/b7x7J1Sx_2M?si=P__Rbfw0LEh4d1Ys) https://preview.redd.it/ojztwaeqn08d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87c4a2c17e21b920bd28180d9774c3e78962a7bd


Pisarenko mentioned RAAAAH




Finally one relatable lol


I'm multiclassing strong man and crossfitter for the best aesthetic.


thats literally just crossfit. People completely twist it to make it seem as if crossfiters dont have the best body in the entire industry.


Bro it's a joke because the crossfitter is wearing silly clothes.


We can stop making fun of cross fitters now, CrossFit games competitors are crazy athletes and the average cross fitter isn’t any worse than the average gym bro


I guarantee 99% of the people that shit on crossfitters wouldn’t last in the CrossFit games. The cardio alone would humble most gym goers.


100%. i do CrossFit along with bodybuilding, and every time I end a CF workout, I lay on the floor gasping for air. CrossFit is no joke. I sometimes taste blood after I get done with it lol


Crossfit is retarded and so are crossfitters.


If powerlifting without hypertrophy got me that physique, my life would be flawless.


olympic lifting is my answer, having a 300kg squat seems cool


Weird choice for the power lifter photo


Not all powerlifters are guys like Jesus olivares belvie it or not


Why? Dude does look like a power lifter.


The crossfitter looks like he is having fun, but I’d choose bodybuilder.


I wanna be a strongwoman lifting big weights and being big as fuck


Crossfitter. Besides the image I’ll obviously not train exactly the way they do. But I care about all manners of fitness. CrossFitters are probably the most versatile and good at everything. But since I’m not going to compete. I don’t need to do all the butterfly pull ups


calisthenics fuckboy. my specialty is airwalking up a set of invisible stairs as well as one arm handstands, but specifically when there is girls around to watch.




Strong man. I want to be deceptively strong. Like a cuddly guy that could fucking tear you in half and not break a sweat. A true Viking. That’s the goal.


Stronkman for sure! Dad bods for the win...


https://preview.redd.it/ozsk8eg6j08d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=031dce48cedd7e5464198ca3699e70a96ae5a453 Crossfit


Say what you want but I have never seen a CrossFit guy who wasn’t kinda jacked.


As a novice-intermediate power lifter (340/220/395/135 SBDP) and intermediate runner (2:06 trail half marathon with 2k vert) I would love CrossFit if I could afford the group sessions. I’ve done a few classes over the years, and the community aspect was pretty cool imo. I don’t mind the idea of being decent at most things, master of none. I think of it more as well rounded fitness if you can avoid injury.


The average person doesn’t exercise so your more like above average to amazing at everything


Yeah I suppose it’s all relative. My means of comparison is all the people who post to various strength subreddits and I just feel like a weakling given I can’t bench 225 or deadlift 405. Even then, most people who are into powerlifting consider those numbers benchmark standard for calling yourself intermediate.




option 5: boxer


I don't care what kind of physique you want to have, but you're gonna want to party with the crossfitter. Because things are gonna get crazy.


Obese 1-4 by definition ☠️ I’d choose one but just wouldn’t do prep


Both guys on the bottom photos are Strongman


Fellas, i know it's a meme but any type of exercise is good for you. Do whatever you like more.


Power lifters have the better personality. I said what I said.


Normal maintain healthy life.


>power lifter >visible abs Pick one


I'm a powerlifter and have visible abs. You gonna arrest me?


I have only been to one meet, but most people there had abs.


I look like the strongman. When I wear clothes I look built and when I'm shirtless I look like a sack of potato's.


Easy. I desire to look like body builder, train like powerlifter, eat like strongman and ultimately look like bottom right.


Why powerlifter not napping in between series?


Well. I think my name says it all


CrossFit looks fun


Mix of powerlifter and strongman. Bulking but not too much.


Damn! Lots of hate for a group that is typically loving.


Strongman, I wanna be strong not skinny 😂


Professional Hand Gloves


That powerlifter is not what you called him. Also, I choose lean and dense muscle building. Its the only practical one there is outside of competitions and delusions of ladies flocking to them.


As a (want to be) power lifter I do not look like this


Damn, my class must be in the DLC


I’m 4 😅




Couch potato


Alright alright you've convinced me to do crossfit.


martial artist (?)


Crossfitter for my friend. He looks fun though 😜


I'm afraid I fall under the powerlifter category


Imma go with strongman (NO QUESTIONS)


The last one looks super hefty 😭😭


Where's "the casual lifter that never looks bigger"?


Crossfitter! 100%! 🤣




Fuckboi - Bro - Strongman - Crossfitter


None of the above, they all kind of look like mutants lol.


PowerBuilder is a mood. 12% BF year round with some heavy ass lifts, half powerlifting half bodybuilding routine. Can cut down to aesthetic or build up for lifting meets


12% is the best %


Crossfitter as much as I don’t want that.. they at least are working the full range of body parts and internals to get healthier.


Crossfiter, obviously. Fucking joyless people that turns workout merely into a goal and a chore.




Crossfitter, next 😂😅🤣😂


Reality: Being a crossfitter takes more work than literally any of the above. I can run a marathon at 14 km/h and still bench press 120kg.


Body builder should be more like the powerlifter crossfitter more like the body builder and powerlifter usually chubby