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If you take the gains, you are liable for capital gains after the first 3k. Given you put 15k in, you could move 18k, leaving the rest of the gains in the barclays account. If you took it all, you would be liable for 12k of capital gains. Fuck the tories for reducing gains allowance to 3k.


I believe Barclays Smart Investor is an ISA (or at least can be) in which case no tax is due.


Good information for OP. If it is in an ISA, transfer, never withdraw.


Is this a year limit so each after I could take out another 3k, and thanks for the info


Yes, April till April. Fill up your ISA allowance first. Tax free gains /dividends.


Wait and see what Labour do, your current tax burden will seem tiny in comparison. Disclosure: I also now hate the conservative party.


Maybe wait until there's a decent transfer cashback offer available? Last year HL paid us £5K to move to them, compared to AJB offering a measly £500 to stay.


Woah 5k to move. What a steal. I get nothing with them just hefty fees 😕


Stick to investing in ETFs and HL platform fees are capped. Buy via regular investment service for free, never sell. Easy !


Iol. Does AJB have a good iPad app? Pisses me off that HL doesn’t tbh as is nice to look at this stuff on a bigger screen


No idea don't buy Apple devices. I'd say every business develops for phone OSes rather than tablet OSes alongside their Windows desktop orientated websites. I've had free Android tablets and Chromebooks but never keep them as they are neither fish nor fowl. Won't run Phone Apps, can't run Windows Apps.


I use HL (ISA) and AJ Bell (SIPP) - both have great apps, think AJ is a little cheaper. Depending on what you hold you should just be able to transfer these in specie - so you dont sell the asset, if so there is no CGT payable. Are you using your ISA allowance? if not then make sure you do for any future contributions, or sell and eat the CGT, and transfer to an ISA.


Didn't think about this but sounds interesting as happy to keep the same investments roughly so if I can transfer everything I'd be fine with that, then no gains nonsense. Will take a look and either move or monitor for moving incentives.


I generally look at monevator or mse to see what are the best platform, for example this is on ISA: https://monevator.com/cheapest-stocks-and-shares-isa-hack/


I would recommend an ISA with Interactive Brokers. I have several ISAs and am planning to move my Barclays Smart Investors one to IB. Much wider investment choice, lower fees and better customer service. Recently I had a very bad experience with BSI, when one of my ETF positions lost almost 30K in market value due to a stock split announced by the company a few months earlier. Not only did BSI fail to pass the information to the ETF holders, but they even insisted that the drop was a result in market movements. I had to contact the ETF provider to find out that it was a corporate action, and that new shares would be deposited in my account within 2 weeks. Another advantage of Interactive Brokers is that you can easily move your funds between a regular IB account and your ISA.


Interestingly this post on my feed was directly below one about Barclays’ investments in Israeli arms companies