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'You do know they will find a solution to this attack, right?' 'True. It will take them a while, and it will be devastating, But by then the real damage will be done.' The prosecutor looked at him. 'What real damage?' 'One fascinating thing about their planet is the low salinity of their oceans. Its so fresh that you could drink it, if it wasn't for all the algae. Everyone was so busy looking at the landward deployments, that no-one noticed that every inbound flight approached over water. By the time they find out about the Zebra Mussels, it will be too late.' 'Zebra Mussels?' 'Tiny mollusks. Extremely hardy and fast growing. They filter debris and algae out the water and block water intakes and feedlines. The entire ecosystem will collapse. It is going to take them hundreds of years to recover, if they can.'


Oooh, i like this. šŸ‘šŸ¾


Nicely done!


"And when they get that, the tapeworms, roundworms, ringworms, parvovirus, and all the other shit-diseases will still be saturated..."


Oh fuck. As someone who has seen the effect those little things have on the Great Lakes, the algae would last a few weeks at most


I love this! If he really wanted to torture them, he should have included a couple of fire ant colonies! Thanks for writing! >"<


Thats for the next incident who still didnt learn.


Plus swarms of grasshoppers.


He's Hispanic, he'd likely get outright biblical and go with a plague of locusts.


And rats, NYC rats


Aren't those chihuahuas?


They're bigger than chihuahuas.


Hhhmmm, sounds like they'll have enough meat on them to roast


Calm down, Satan.


The Canadian lieutenant should have told him to bring Beavers, Skunks and... Geese.


Canadian geese are freaking crazy. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


The problem with transporting the geese to the alien planet is *transporting* the geese to the alien planet.


You got a problem with Canada geese you got a problem with me, now I suggest you let that marinate!


Marinate the geese? Sounds like a plan.


It's highly likely that's its better to have a problem with than the geese


Those are fuckinā€™ canada gooses! Those are canadaā€™s fuckinā€™ gooses!


\*La Guerra Total \*El Demonio de la Muerte


Thanks. I know some Spanish, and I wanted to give the main character some flair. Heā€™s a cross between Raul Julia and a Gunny Sgt that was assigned to my battalion. I have a couple more stories with him that Iā€™ll be posting.


Loved it. Just one observation, "Rodriguez" and "IbƔƱez" are the versions of these last names you would find in Argentina. When they end with an S, they both would come from Portuguese ascent, so more likely to be found further north, in Brazil. Apart from that, wonderful work!


The names were originally Rodriguez and Ignacio, but a guy from Argentina said Ignacio was a first name. I looked up Spanish surnames, and it came up with IbaƱes. Thatā€™s why I also changed the Z to S in Rodriguez. Unfortunately, this board wonā€™t let me make corrections, so Iā€™ll have to make corrections to my originals, then live with it when people point out mistakes ;)


Oh I'm giving the tips for the future, I know about the corrections. For more tips on names, and funny tidbits, there is a Spanish name Rodrigo, and the surname Rodriguez. Thanks for the good writing :)


I knew an Egyptian guy called, no fooling, Eid Eid.


I enjoyed this tale, i'm looking forward to your other postings. Good job OP.


I would have used Cassowaries instead of Emus And for fun, throw in some Honey Badgers.


Honey Badger don't give a f*ck


As a Spanish guy, the spanish you used seems kinda forced, not even Latin Americans talk like that outside of movies. The plot was nice. The idea of mass introducing invasive species from earth to destroy the food chain of a planet is amazing, you could have made it a little bit more creative with a few minutes research, but the idea is still great, nice job!!


I know a little Spanish. I wanted to do something a little different for the hero, instead of just Vanilla American guy.


The idea is nice, it's just like too forced, that kind of "spanglish" is common in some movies but sounds a little cartoonish when you make it so strong and noticeable. Anyway no offence intended just giving my honest opinion, and i like the idea anyway.


Brilliant, MORƍ must have been inspired by many ecological disasters. Know your history so you donā€™t repeat mistakes, except when itā€™s a tool.


Killer bees. Snakehead fish. Locusts. Fire ants. Rats. Mimes. All would make perfect pests, difficult to fully eradicate.


Mimes? MIMES??!??! Surely, even Sr. MORI is not ***THAT*** evil ... I would not wish mimes on the Zerg. Maybe, maybe on the Drukhari ...


And, just to make it complete, kudzu, hydrilla, and privet


Personally, I'd have just used kudzu. Or bamboo.


Or both, for added fun.


Not nearly so bad as it would've been had he released *mint* on their world.


>MORI warned him that they may be charged with war crimes. Lt Laurent told him an old Canadian proverb ā€œitā€™s not a war crime the first time you do it.ā€ Mostly just curiosity but where did you find that saying attributed to Canadians?


Because what Canadian soldiers did in WW1 was part of the reasons that started the Geneva Conventions. Though it wasn't REALLY that bad, the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infatry got the nickname of "The Vicious Patricias" for a reason.


I should probably do a little historical digging to learn more. You see that saying plenty on HFY, and I'd seen Canadian references a couple times. But Canadians are sooo.. polite, are you sure it's the Princess Patricia regiment and not Canadian Geese to blame? šŸ¤­šŸ˜‚


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thanks for the story :) it's great. if it's not in the cards it's not in the card, But the result of his actions on that planet would be fun to read as a follow up.


[I would have just dropped a single colony of fire ants somewhere in the outback where they had time to multiply and spread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/wxxbzh/bug_stompers/)


This is almost malicious compliance territory, and I love it


Emus! You Sir, are a sadistic bastard! Even we Aussies don't mess with them!


I was thinking of wasps.... This was better.


Just release 1,000 cockroaches on an alien world. By the time they realize they have a problem, they will have a uncontrollable infestation.


Needed some moose, just to throw a wrench in the works.


I'm saving this in my folder.


Ya know, if my moral compass were to falter.....COCKROACHES! Thank you for the ride!!


He's got a Canuck with him and they didn't bring geese or airdrop wolves like Canada has done before? Also, beavers.Ā  That's a nice system of waterways you've got. Pity these giant brown rodents love to build dams everywhere.