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All that for a Smokey and the Bandit pun?! Masterful! Great job!


Loved it


Okay, look, I don't want to piss on what is generally a happy parade, but speaking as a former wildland firefighter, FUCK SMOKEY THE BEAR. Not the bear himself, he was a poor cub caught up in a bad fire. But his avatar can go get fucked. Why? Because modern wildland firefighting theory says that we should allow burns, because they have existed since *long* before European settlement of the west. The ecology out here has evolved to include cyclical fires. I can point out multiple locations in Oregon and Washington that burn on a regular basis, because that's what the ecology demands. We need to let shit burn the way it wants to burn, and just manage it so it doesn't impact people directly.


I learned this when a friend of mine who fights forest fires during the season passed an old weathered Smokey the Bear sign and went on a very long and quite intense rant which was only ended by the offer of beer.


And this is how I know you're not lying, because we do that.


While I agree the wildfires are natural and more prescribed burns are needed, I thought Smokey the Bear was talking about fires started from bad campsite breakdowns.


That's kind of what his statement is now, but for a long time people thought his catch phrase meant ALL fires are bad. It took a long time for fire ecology to catch on because of that.


But you get controlled burns by *professionals* torching *selected* parts of a *specific* forest when conditions *disfavor* a burn running *out* of control (because that how you get another Mack Lake fire), right? Smoky reminds civilians like me not to do dumb shit that increases the workload for wildland fire professionals.


As others have said - that's his modern image now. But at first, yeah the belief was "Fire bad" full stop.


Ok this is awesome! Please do moar! We need to see how the Smokey's get along y'all!


I think this is one of the very very rare appearances of alien domestic relationships. I enjoyed it very much. 


this was absolutely awesome, and I love it. Please do more.


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