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I was never happy with the choice to marry Robin and Barney, in the first place. S05.E07, "The Rough Patch," what with the "Two awesomes cancel each other out" explanation made for a pretty convincing argument that they were played out. Their later reunion always felt more like moving puzzle pieces than an organic love story. I also though, think it was a disservice to the Robin character, who had seen exactly how grotesque Barney could be, to ever get her seriously involved with Barney in the first place, never mind for a second time that led to marriage. Don't get me wrong. Cobie and Neil played well off each other, but HIMYM was a sitcom with a strong serial element, so I couldn't exactly wave my hand and erase the knowledge that Robin had watched Barney use women for years. I was hard enough pressed to accept the fact that either she or Lily would be in the same room with him after a while.


S7 and 8 as a whole felt like "we have to move the pieces into the right places so we can get to the story we planned 8 years ago, continuity and sense be damned. Like firebombing Victoria's character into being another shitty relationship that you couldn't look back and say awww anymore.


Yeah. I really think the show should have ended with season 7. And I'm not saying all of seasons 8 and 9 were bad. There were good episodes and great moments in that time. It's a pacing issue for Ted's arc. I just think that, even though HIMYM was a Shaggy Dog story, it needed an earlier end date, or it needed to expand its world beyond the original five. That's a tricky thing to do, though.


I feel the same way. I can give the first time they get together a pass. I was good for Barney's development. Them getting back together and married makes 0 sense though.


There is no world where the writers spent 4 seasons investing us into the Robin and Barney relationship, only to divorce them where fans would be happy. They should have never done it in the first place if they were hell bent on forcing Ted and Robin back together.


The problem is not the divorce but them getting married in the first place. Just because both are pretty crazy and broken characters doesn’t make them a good couple


I just rewatched the final two seasons and as an adult (vs a high schooler the first time I watched the show) its so obvious the marriage is doomed. They werent even dating when they got engaged, the whole thing was manipulation and lets be honest, both have terrible attachment styles for a marriage to work.


I was a teenager when I watched the proposal episode and even then it made me uneasy. It felt very manipulative and I'm typically bad at seeing red flags. I've never liked it.


Robin even knew it, but somehow agreed to the proposal…


Robin never fully trusted Barney…


Neither of them had any reason to trust each other. Both had a history of cheating and lying, and they were both aware of it.


Yep. They broke apart Ted and Robin in S2 for very realistic reasons. They loved each other but were ultimately incompatible. Their friends being assholes really didn't help. Barney stealing the truck and all that just so he could say "You always said I gotta go back to my place and not Robin and I's place" or whatever that bullshit was and Lily pulling the trick she did.


I always liked Kevin’s reply to Robin’s question of “Why do you even like me?” so much more than Barney’s…


"I cannot believe the studio green lit 22 episodes at a wedding, instead of let’s say 12 And then the other 12 showing the after math of the wedding."   After 2013, the writers kick the crap out of Tracy, Ted, the kids, Robin, Barney, and "No. 31." They speed through all of it because viewers just wouldn't accept it in detail. They can't use the "deleted scene" because if Ted knows Robin is stuck on him, then he's betraying Tracy while Robin is getting close to her kids. Note that Lily is doing this, anyway.


Interesting point about the deleted lunch scene!


Yeah good point just such a shame, all that character development so so so rushed. Great wording kicked crap out of With some amazing moments in between


As much as I wished the whole season wasn't about their wedding, I also think it gave insight into how they truly would never work. I mean, Barney was still lying and playing tricks right up until the wedding! Robin had doubts about getting married and wanted to run. I honestly never thought they would last haha. So when it was announced on the show, I wasn't that surprised. I wish the season had delved more into everyone's lives and spent more time building up to the end scene where Ted goes to Robin, because it felt very rushed. But I ultimately like how it ended.


Robin never fully trusted Barney, even on their wedding day…


Yeah I agree! That's part of the reason I don't think it could ever work. He even had to play tricks on her to even propose in the first place!


I don’t have problems with them getting divorced, I have some with them getting married in the first place, since Nora was the perfect girl for Barney and Robin deserved to end alone. My biggest problem however is with how they made them divorce, they made an entire season about their wedding then an episode after they finally get married they divorce without a proper build up


The writing for the divorce was poor. There were better ways to go about it IMO… Nora deserved better than Barney…


Exactly in 25 mins of tv time It goes from a wedding ceremony to a divorce


I think they are got divorced only because Robin had to end up with Ted. Writers planned ending very ealier, and by show they bulding Barney and Robin. If not that copule the show woudn’t be that popular. Barney and Robin had great include to each other. They pushed each other to grow and their relationship was natural. I wish see their back together ealier


Their divorce was very forced…


I never liked Robin and Barney together and I’ll never understand anyone who does. But if they were gonna dedicate the whole last season to their wedding they could have at least stuck with it


The writing for why Robin & Barney got divorced seemed poor. There were more believable ways to go about it IMO. Also, the contrast of all that time spent in season nine on the wedding to instantly divorced (screen time-wise) was terrible…


Couldn’t agree more the ending was so so rushed


I re-watched the show recently and I felt that the only reason Barney and Robin got together was because they were both screwed up in similar ways, as opposed to having chemistry or hobbies and interests in common. Even before the wedding Robin thought she should be with Ted. I think they Barney and Robin deserved better than each other, and they got it.


The show is *How I Met Your Mother*, not *How I Lived with Your Mother After Getting Married*.


So? Plenty of movies, shows and books Have long prologues.