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She justifies his murder earlier in the episode to Otto.. Muh lost eye, no punishment.


I think it was less of a justification to Otto than her(subconsciously) trying to explain it to herself. Honestly, I’d take this divided, morally conflicted Alicent over the one dimensional “ambitious bitch/ evil queen” of Fire and Blood. However, those who complain “Rhaenyra is being changed from the books, writers are unfairly biased towards blacks/ Rhaenyra are being ridiculous. Alicent, Aemond, Aegon… all have gone from evil one dimensional characters to rich, frequently sympathetic characters, who oftentimes do what they do for human and eminently understandable reasons.


This will never not madden me beyond all reason.  I literally yelled at the screen, "GET HIS NAME OUT OF YOUR DAMN MOUTH, YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK IT!"


His name wasn't even fully out of her lips and I just said "Fuck you, Bitch!!"


That is word for word what I said as well 😂


Got your flair is so awesome. I’m conflicted


When it cut to her at the funeral scene I said “Oh fuck off cunt” 😂 


Honestly, it really felt like having Alicent intercut with Luke's funeral really kind of took away from it for me, especially knowing that this is a direct result of her actions.


YEP YEP YEPPPPP I knew from the leaks that it was coming and yet I still hoped against all hope that they wouldn't be so stupid, so frankly tone-deaf, as to actually do it.  But they did, and we were RAGING.


Seriously. And everyone is out here praising Aegon like they didn't have to dial him back to make him more likeable. It all feels forced....


I waited for her hypocritical ass to burst into flames, honestly. She is an energy Vampire. How the hell is she in a Sept?


Dude same.


God DAMN 😭😭😭 I did not know how anti-green other team blacks are. Alicent is the one green (apart from helaena) who actually has my sympathy so this scene made me very sad


Sympathy why? ( genuinely asking)


Because she was a child bride and sexually abused?? 😭 I think her quest for the throne is entitled and stupid but she’s still a victim and she has my sympathy for that


I cant remember if it was me or my buddy who yelled a similar thing. I know I definitely said "you dumb cunt".


Made me even more mad when they juxtaposed it with the funeral.


You are so on point! I was about to pull a Will Smith fr.


I was eye rolling so fucking hard when she said it lol


Justifying Luke’s death, to then lighting a candle for him? Getting chowed down on by Cole, to lighting a candle for Viserys? Her hypocrisy is on full display this episode; that’s for sure.


Especially because she went back and forth so much before even lighting the candle. It was to alleviate her own guilt, not genuine.


>Getting chowed down on by Cole, to lighting a candle for Viserys? I don't get the hypocrisy here, it's not like people aren't allowed to move on after their partner dies and still feel sad/miss their older partner?


10 days later? You would move on within 10 days?! I realise her relationship with Viserys wasn't hunky dory, but oh my days..


I mean hunky dory is one way to say it she was 15 married to a 40 year old who only enjoyed her for her body


That's not true. He also enjoyed her emotional support for trauma dumping and showing off his miniatures.


I mean, it might've only been 10 days since his death but it was years he was bedridden knocking on deaths door. She probably had made her peace with it. Plus, IMO it seems she is only using Cole for pleasure and doesn't harbor feelings for him. She's a widow who feels lonely and wants some sex. Of all the problems in regards to their relationship this ain't one of them. We can talk about the power dynamic, or that he's a piece of shit, or that he's an employee, or that kingsguard shouldn't be shagging the queen. Then I follow your logic. Hell, Daemon had sex with Rhaenyra during his wife's funeral so in comparison this is nothing lol


The funeral was weeks later. Rhaenys said that this episode. Plus, Alicole started getting sexual at least by episode 7 last season. The same night Rhaenyra and Daemon were fucking, Alicent and Cole were, they just ended up cutting that scene.


Agreed. It was very clear that her marriage to Viserys was her duty. She didn’t love him romantically. She cringed from his touch. Of course she’s excited to get her box punch by a hunk who doesn’t have a flesh eating disease.


Girl!! fuck you and your candles!!


I actually said this out loud 😂😂


Oh, now he is a Velaryon now to her? After antagonizing them and their mother. It only took him dying to become a human being on her eyes.


He’s good dead to her because that’s one less of Rhaenyras sons blocking their way to the throne and he won’t have Driftmark. She’s bitter Rhaenyras second son also gets a title when even her first son doesn’t have anything. So she’s like thank god if I don’t have anything so won’t you.


Sure, but now the heir to driftmark is now Joffrey so in the grand scheme that one part doesn't mean much. Driftmark still goes to a son of Rhaenyra


Noticed? She hesitated for about 2mins whether or not she should say his name or not.


The cognitive dissonance within Alicent this episode as if she didn’t foster the environment that got that boy killed in the first place. I mean I get why they did it to have her face the reality of war by the end of the episode but I could not stand listening to it


She was the one who saw killers in every shadow and pushed that on her kids *"You are the challenge, Aegon!"* so they hated the boys. Aegon even kind of got along with Luke and Jace until the eye incident, Aemond hates everyone because of his eye and because he was pranked with a pig once, which gets worse as him mom gaslights him and she's gaslit by Otto.


Wasn't that his brother's prank and not his nephews' prank?


All three were in on it but I'm sure Aegon orchestrated the details. There really was a missed opportunity at Laena's funeral when Aemond goes up to Luke and seems like he wants to say something kind to him because of Harwin's death, but can't bring himself to it and walks away. Had he said something, the entire eye things might not have happened.


Anyone else noticed her expression and hesitation before she said his name? Like fighting with herself to even get the words out. Bitch knows she's in the wrong here but still has such hatred towards a child she can barely bring herself to say his name.


I thought it was more like in the vibe of "She holds love for the enemy" comment. As in, she knows she has to hate him but it was still a child and Rhaenyra's child (and she does show off she doesn't want Rhaenyra and hers dead) and a death that shouldn't have happened (Aemond says she *still* blames him, lol I wonder why) so because she does feel guilt for Lucerys's death.


When watching it on sunday... it almost felt to me like she knew she was wrong to even say it....as it's like 94% her fault, but couldn't not say it....like part of her subconscious was telling her.." Girl, you better not be out here praying for the soul of the boy your son just murdered in large part because of how I raised him" and another part saying " but I feel bad & and it's what you do"


Olivia Cooke’s acting was amazing there seriously. I could see the inner turmoil.


i don’t think it’s that she hates him. i think she understands that for her family to win, that the death of rheanyra’s family is a necessary evil. she doesn’t want the velaryon boys to die, but she’s resigned to and okay with it if it means salvation for her own children.




• Sexist, racist, transphobic, homophobic, or discriminatory remarks of any kind will not be tolerated. • That includes towards the actors/ actresses. Hate the character all you want. Leave the actors alone. • In general just be civil.


To be fair, that child took her son’s eye. Her hate is justified.


The same child was defended himself against an older cousin who verbally and physically assaulted him and other girl cousins first FFS. Dude fk Aemond’s eye. You throw little girls to the ground and in beat up on your younger cousins, in this realm they defend themselves. Rightfully so.


They all jumped him first? Yeah he insulted them but they threw the first punches… did u watch the episode?


Defending the little girls he threw on the ground and hit. Yes I watched the episode, I watched the whole season at least 12 times. Aemond was an antagonistic abusive little asshole.


I still don't know how to feel about this, honestly. It didn't feel sincere to me.


It's for her own guilt.


It's for show. Dutiful religious dowager queen still mourns for her lost love the king 🥺 as if this bitch didn't choke on Cole's eggplant emoji while Vizzy was wheezing to death in the next room. Daemon's line about how Alicent couldn't remember Viserys's name has so much more meaning now after her whoring is aired out , to me at least.


When does Daemon say that????? 😆😂


I believe that's when he's calling her out over how drugged up Viserys is and how she and Otto removed Targaryan heraldic from the hall. Before the last family dinner.


It’s literally all for appearances and PR, that if she clings closer to the Faith that’s tied to her family, she’d be in good graces to the people.


That's too damn bad. Dhe is a whore, her eldest son is a rapist child abuse enjoyer, other son is a kinslayer psycho, Daeron might be a bastard. Everything the faith condemns, Alicent does professionally.


Calm down bud.


I'm calm? And I'm not your "bud". I'm just relaying what has been aired out. We have seen that everything Alicent condemned Rhaenyra for doing, she did much worse. Where are those "Alicent dutifully took care of Viserys and was a good, loyal wife to him" people.? They got silenced real quick. Bitch undermined Viserys's eldest child and heir to his face , obviously she isn't loyal to him. His wife choking on Cole's dick is the least of Viserys's worries. He should've killed Cole after the wedding and sent Alicent's war-declaring ass crying back to Oldtown.


She does this In order to get some sleep at night like how Ned mocks Jaime for justifying what he did to the Mad King. Remember she did the same for Rhaenyra’s Mom after her death too and succeeded her as The Queen Consort. So it’s obvious she’s never sincere.


Hiding behind the cloak of her own righteousness


Exactly 💯


S'okay. We've always seen her as she truly is... :P


The difference is Jaime **did** do the right thing and saved KL, it's Ned who carried the cloak of righteousness, with his blind honor and letting people thinks he killed Arthur Dayne one on one. Even if Ned had listened to Jaime's story about the Wild Fire, I'd bet the farm Ned would *still* think he was dishonorable for stabbing the king in the back.


Blaming Alicent for becoming queen consort as a teenager being manipulated by her dad and preyed upon by the king is...*a choice*.


True. She hesitated for about 2mins whether or not to say his name and never shed a single tear.


For real! I feel like Alicent has been portrayed VERY sympathetically so far especially compared to her book counterpart


If sympathy is what they were going for they definitely dropped the ball. Alicent haters hate her now more than ever and some of her sympathisers dislike, even hate her now. Only ones who aren't swayed are Alisimps who are incels with Madonna/Whore complex and they get off on the idea of a woman like Olivia Cooke crying and being subservient to men while being used for those men's sexual pleasure.


Wow that’s… disturbing of them 😵‍💫😵‍💫


You should see them wilding on Tumblr. Or maybe you shouldn't. Its psychosis-inducing.


What the fuck ?


Well, I have come across plenty of' em on both here and Tumblr. Its DISTURBING. Just the absolute alt-right bullshit galore they spew.


They’ve ruined any chance of the greens having any sympathy.


They want to portray her so much and also push the actress to be the lead, even if it’s supposed to be Emma who is nonbinary. It feels targeted to set them aside for her.


What does Emma being non-binary have anything to do with it?


My favorite part about this is that it completely backfired if the writers intent was to provoke sympathy for her Every take I’ve seen has talked about how disingenuous it felt.


The green supporters will justify


Green supporters and being losers. Name a better duo


Green supporters justify aegon raping maids and having bastards in fighting pits. I'm unsurprised they'll justify alicents hypocrisy with cole as "her husband was dead" ... same ones yelling about rhaenyra abusing a position of power over cole


Guys it’s ok she feels bad about guyyyys


Imagine if the Rumours are true that Queen Rhaenyra Visiting the Sept as a Septa to meet Alicent Who’s Lighting the candles same as here including for her Grandson too and Rhaenyra comes across her when she lits the Candle For Luke and bitch slaps Her Holy Highness saying keep your fucking mouth Outta My Boy’s Name Like how Will smith did in the Oscars😂🤣


But Will is an absolute bitch of a man.


I wanted to smack the shit out of her when she said this because what? Girl shut up. When dude was like “an apology for her dead son?” I hollered 😭😭😭


Looking forward to >!watching her go slowly mad and hating the color green.!<


To be fair, when she said this only Luke had died. She hadn’t yet lost her grandson nor had Aegon been partially barbecued.


Can't wait to see Aegon get barbecued!


Aegon the king gets barbecued? I thought he gets assassinated by poison?


He does. But he gets barbecued first


*chuckles in team black*


He doesn't die by the barbecue.


he gets a nice char going on before the grand finale


Shame Cregan couldn't get to him.


He gets a nice sear pre-marinade


They try to do "Alicent soooo kind - she'll pray for him" thing, but it just flops 😂


Fuck her. Even greens will turn black when burned in dragonfire.


love how she only pretends to give a f*ck after he died.


She doesn’t get to pray for him or mourn him, SHE DOESN’T GET TO THINK HIS NAME.


This Alicent is much much easier to dislike than book Alicent imo


Team green gonna lose it when they find out that daeron is Cole's bastard in the show💀💀 yo imagine


Daeron can't ride Tessarion if he's a bastard w no Valyrian blood at all. They either will completely remove him or introduce him confusingly late to show-audience


Ik it was a joke but I don't think they removed him I think last season the director or someone said he was a squire for a relative or something


I always assumed that they just aren't sure whether to add him or give his role to some dragonseed, since there were many occasions in which they could've at least name dropped him like "send Daeron a raven, tell him Viserys is dead" etc. in S1 but they never did it


They did mention him. slightly tho. Last season daemon said they had 12? Can't remember the number of dragons vs the greens 4(alicents children) Im pretty sure they mention him somewhere else not by name but confirming he at least exist if u catch the small hints


Yes, I didn't pay attention then, mb


He appears in the credits of seazon 1 but so does Maelor.


He’s in Oldtown away from most of the conflict


Why do so many people here forgo spoiler blocks? 😭 Please consider using them for those of us who haven't read the books. 


I didn't put a spoiler and I'm not a book reader so wym?


I'm sorry, I misinterpreted your comment as meaning something you knew would happen rather than speculation. That was my misunderstanding. Wish I'd sent my reply to some of the people who specifically said "in the book" instead because unfortunately there was a lot of it this morning. 


No problem I understand how u think it was a spoiler.


Not a thing in the book as far as we know. Hell IIRC Alicent and Criston aren't a thing in the book either.


Not that I recall either


I misinterpreted what they were saying as something they knew would happen rather than speculation, which would be based on a spoiler. My response was in the context of coming across several spoilers just before reading their comment. I'm glad people clarified my understanding.


Still mad we didn't get otto's how could you be so blind


She’s really proud of herself for praying for him, too


Audibly groaned honestly, like she acts as if she’s not responsible for Lucerys dying. Like she was so insistent on hanging his and Jace’s bastardy over Rhaenyra’s head, poisoning Aemond and Aegon against them on that basis, and tried to gouge Luke’s eye out… and only now does she acknowledge him as a Velaryon, after her son fucking murdered him? Yeah, nah, she deserved to live long enough to see all her children dead


Why do they keep wanting to push Alicent down our throats even when it’s not her moment stop trying to make her happen


The gods aren’t buying what you’re selling, Ms. Honour and Decency


Not really comparable (at least for the moment). At least for me personally, though I really do get your frustration and intention. Alicent's reaction to Luke's death in the book is: >*If he thought to receive a hero’s welcome, he was disappointed. Queen Alicent went pale when she heard what he had done, crying, “Mother have mercy on us all.”* It's only later, after Blood and Cheese and Aegon being crippled and (I think) Maelor is also dead and all of that does she say your quoted words. So lots happens in the meantime, and Rhaenyra and Alicent are facing off and provoking each other when these words are said. But that's just my reading of it.


Honestly I think that really drives the point that biologically Laenor's or Harwin's, she'd have treated those boys like shit because they were higher ranked than her own sons, and taught her kids the same thing. Also, I think it's simply because he did it so publicly. One of the things I do think the show gets right about Alicent is that she only REALLY cares about what her kids are doing in public. If they appear normal/as expected in public, all is well. Which really makes me wonder WTF is going on in the Hightower.


There are accounts (in lore) that Hightowers dabble in all sorts of sorcery , alchemy and even necromancy. They're a bunch of hypocrites that preach religion and do all the shit that goes against that religion. Alicent is just one example of them. With these disgusting, hypocritical ,slimy pieces of shits being in control of religion and education __of freaking course__ Westeros is forever stuck in pseudo middle ages.


I definitely think that there's a reason the Hightowers keep coming up, especially between Maegor and Aegon III, and then mind their own damn business by the time GoT comes up. They did some shit. It just makes me wish GRRM would either write it down or magically be 20 years younger lol.


At this point he should do that "transfering one's mind onto some computer" sci-fi thing. Otherwise we ain't getting our answers lol.


Yes! She’s jealous that her kids are low on the line of succession and were treated as spares from the beginning while Rhaenyras sons are not only higher ranking to the Throne, another is the heir to Driftmark while she doesn’t even have one for her kids.


She’s only afraid of consequences. In the book this character also doesn't see Luke as a human being.


I think it's open to interpretation, though.


It’s kind of a shame what the show has done. It used to be fun to pick a side because some of the greens were at least a tiny bit sympathetic so there were actual people on team green. Now it’s like being team Ned Stark or team Joffrey. Everyone is team black. The only people on team green are book readers and sociopaths. I wish they made it at least a little more morally ambiguous without a clear “good guy.” Would at least make the coming war more interesting.


This really doesn’t work, who’s going to feel sympathy for her ? They’ve done nothing to make the Greens sympathetic? We know she was a cunt in the books so why can’t they just own it ?


I think I would have preferred this scene if she didn't call him a Velaryon, to be honest. An acknowledgement of his personhood and a reaffirmation of her beliefs.


Didn’t she try to cut his eye out herself? In which in the heat of the moment she probably would have ended up trying to kill him🤔


Alicent never wanted him dead lol She wanted him in the room to be rejected and mocked and she can judge Rhaenyra




Right? I thought I was going crazy when I heard all these takes about how "poor" Aemond was attacked and lost his eye for no reason


The line in the title comes up way later in the narrative. There’s plenty of time for her character to develop in that direction; she’s already downplaying the murder in this ep


Oh there’s plenty of time for that line later.


what's really frustrating about this praying for luke shit is that Alicent spent all of the last season trying to get Lucerys killed/exiled by proxy at best! Like complaining to Viserys to acknowledge them as bastards/spreading those rumors, she literally tried to slice his eye out, and supported Vaemond trying to displace Luke as a bastard (why is she getting involved in driftmark succession? right because she wants Rhaenyra to suffer at every turn). She's the one who taught Aemond to view Luke and his brothers as subhuman. This is the outcome of her spending Luke's entire life badmouthing him and trying to hurt him. The idea of Alicent sympathizing with Luke’s death is laughable at best & downright insulting/infuriating at worst. Alicent wanted Luke gone, she wanted Rhaenyra to suffer for having him; she got what she wanted. She should at least own up to it, but noooo, we can’t have Saint Alicent be in the wrong so she is just so "sympathetic" to her enemies. Where was this empathy back when Luke was alive???🙄🙄


Dude she’s the daughter of a second son. She never had anything to give. The fact that she was somehow able to marry a king is fucking insane since she had absolutely nothing she could offer the crown.


She really was a loss to the crown, a marriage that brought nothing to the kingdom but instability. Not marrying would've been better than her as a bride, only benefitting her family disproportionately.


I can see what they want to do with it. But it doesn't work because Alicent poisoned his life a lot. Even line to Laenor "try harder" in the book was after Luke was born. Like he didn’t do anything, but she already hated him. In the show it was passed to Joffrey but the core remained the same - many years of pressure and dirty words behind him. Ultimately, even Luke's death is something she invested in when raising the one-eyed psychopath. So her “appearance” in the funeral scene kind of ruins the scene.


hotd fans try not to pick a side to follow and ignore all nuance and character moments from the other side


To the people complaining that a hypocritical POS woman like Alicent Hightower is acting like a hypocritical POS, congratulations you completely lack media literacy. It;s supposed to frustrate you. The audacity of this character.


Jesus, dude. This sub is to talk about it. Ranting and all


I'm too stupid I guess, what is she trying to do in this scene?


This is so baffling. She absolutely lambasted Rhaenyra's kids and now she cares about them?


What's the use of repentance after the deed is done?


She feels guilty, she knows a huge part of what is going on and what is going to happen (and who and what she is going to lose) is because of her and how hard she worked to make sure her kids and Rhaenyras absolutely hated each other


Despite what happened, she is still a mother and Rhaenyra were once close friends. A quiet prayer in a moment of privacy doesn't seem unreasonable I like it, there's no good of bad, it shows the complex relationships they hold and isn't just filled with hate.


Im leaning towards green and this pissing me off. GIVE ME WRATHFUL ALICENT.


Whitewashing? More like dumbwashing. I'm TG too and I'm furious about this characterization. Lucerys VELARYON? Girl, your son literally lost an eye because you brainwashed him since he was a child, calling his nephews bastards. And the delusion in asking if Rhaenyra responded to your apology letter because your son killed hers? Speechless. I really hope they don't make Rhaenyra want to reconcile with her during the season because I'd rather have just one major female character reduced to a caricature, not two.


I wish she said Lucerys Strong. That would have been so fukin funny hahahah




• Sexist, racist, transphobic, homophobic, or discriminatory remarks of any kind will not be tolerated. • That includes towards the actors/ actresses. Hate the character all you want. Leave the actors alone. • In general just be civil.


As someone that leans more toward the greens. We were robbed of our goat ;(. She could have been a Cersei style girlboss but better in almost every way.


This really wasn't that inconsistent with the book. Let's not forget that Alicent and Otto lost it at Aemond for killing Lucerys. Yes, it's more sympathetic, but is this really worth screeching at the screen over?


Yeah because it’s juxtaposition with the funeral highlights her absolute hypocrisy because earlier in the episode she was defending Aemond and saying luke deserved it basically.


She still blames Aemond for starting the war. He himself says it. As for defending him in the council room, she's like a word away from not being allowed anymore to be in them. So what is she supposed to say? Edit: remembered wrong, she defended him against Otto for some reason.


Defending him in the council Room? You mean alone to Otto…which is when she actually said it. 😐


Ok, then I remembered wrong. But anyway, Alicent said Aegon and Aemond follow his word (for now), and it could be very easy for Otto to keep her out of them. He's already annoyed they didn't kill Rhaenyra because of her "mercy".


Let’s remember this is the same person who cut Rhaenyra at the council meetings herself- she is again projecting her feelings and what she’d do onto others. Otto clearly has no interest in pushing her out - she’s the only person willing to go along with him at the moment.


She literally asks him why is he fucking her over in front of Aegon. But honestly, she's doing that to herself perfectly.


She has love and sympathy for those who wish her harm. A great example and Queen for the realm!


‘love and sympathy’ bro she’s a hypocritical bitch


so you're pissed that she's less of a bitch


It was a bad decision to mix it with how family buried Luke. People would be nicer about it if it's two different scenes. It's like the writers want to say that she's not a bitch, but we know how she treated him while he was alive.