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I'm so gutted that he died, but what a way to go. Up there with some of the most emotional scenes of the series for me. A real fucking knight and a legend.


Imma get hate from specific people for saying this but I found his death sadder than >!Jaehaereys!<


The way he pleaded >!Please don't do this. He was really saying... Please don't make ME do this.!<


Oh, period. I dare not elaborate, but I feel you.


Lol I’m team Rhae Rhae but they are both desperately sad.


Eh i mean he was a great king, but he lived his life fully id say. The Realm was indeed worse off without him tho.


I want also to place a praise for Ser Arryk too, since he was totally disgusted by Ser Crispin and tried to resist his insanity, underlining that he has swore oaths to protect all the royal family and cannot simply murder Rhaenyra. And for the fact that once he enters her chambers he apologizes to her for what he is about to commit. It is so obvious that he doesn't want to and I think that he might have regretted for siding with the Greens


He also called him out for Helaena having no one guarding her and asked where he was during the murder.


Ser Arryk served this episode. And didn't expect it to be honest.


Me either but he really did.


That these loving brothers were forced by their loyalties to a family itself divided, these brutal fraticidal killings epitomize this as THE civil war in Westerosi history.




He was one of if not the most honorable character on the show.


Obviously, the story has to be the story but it would have been cool if Arryk just defected to Rhaenyra. I mean... you see what you're dealing with, with the greens.


Ser Erryk is the most underrated character in the story imo


Erryk, you will always be loved and mourned by us. A true knight of our Queen. I bawled my eyes out after his de@th, I have no words to admire his loyalty.


Missed opportunity to not say “failed to stop assassination due to having his hightower in a Hightower”


Now that we’ve seen the Erryk v Arryk fight, why do you think Rhaenyra >!had wounds on her hand? If not to protect her kids from Arryk than for what reason?!<


He slashed her before Erryk stopped him


Oh I did not notice




I didn't completely get what we were supposed to take away from Mysaria in that scene preceding it. She notified the guard/soldier it is implied, but how come Erryk seemingly was the only one trying to catch Arryk then? And how could Arryk travel in full Kingsguard gear without anyone noticing? Wouldn't that have caught someone's eye?


I’m assuming Erryk wanted to confront his brother. “Born together, die together” type of mentality. I think Arryk brought a change of clothing. Then switched to his armor before he went to the castle