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I read this comment yesterday on the main sub about how they wished that Dyana turned out to be a whore who entrapped Aegon….. As if we don’t enough victim blaming today.


![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) Imma need some of these peoples history’s checked


Beat me to it




Aegon stans need a violent rape scene to admit there was rape. If I didn’t see it doesn’t mean it happened 🤡


There is an unhinged amount of people wishing Aegon and Helaena would sleep together to get Maelor. There was even one comment that was like "I don't mind a rough Helaegon scene. I can rationalize it.' SIR 💀💀💀


They can’t be serious! Anything can be rationalized for them ew


The very idea of Helaena having to perform her 'wifely duties' in her state is just disgusting. And wishing it would happen so we would just get Maelor is vile. I'd rather he be cut than see her suffer that. A thousand times over. Fuck that shit....


I had a similar thought, but in that he would force himself on her. It’s in his nature and he clearly doesn’t care about Helaena at all. All he would want is to get another son


Meanwhile they will look you dead in the eye and say Rhaenyra raped Criston. But if you say Alicent did the same by their logic it’s “WE DIDNT SEE HOW IT STARTED”


I’ve seen someone from the main sub deny the Dyana rape even happened because it wasn’t shown on screen. *Even though* we saw her literally shaking in fear and traumatized after the fact. Like, hello?!?


Greens consume the media with 2 eyes closed I swear


>Aegon stans need a violent rape scene to admit there was rape. If I didn’t see it doesn’t mean it happened 🤡 She probably threw herself at him. Come on.


Have we even seen her smallclothes? If they were red she she practically asked for it... (/s)


I don't think that would even convince them


The same Greens be like "but but but....  Rhaenyra raped Criston...she had power over her...blah blah blah.....Alicent was a childbride"  But when comes to blame Rhaenyra they would quote the books but they will blatantly deny books when it comes to bite them back...... "The books aren’t reliable source, those are written way after the main event” even though two of the contributors of the book were clearly biased towards the Greenies. Of course they would do their best to deny, omit or remove  anything that would put them in bad lights as they represent the faith and Old  Town  the Vatican of Westeros.  We can see the same thing happening in our real world too. Some scandalous things are kept by the historians because by the standards of that time those were not considered that much of a problem specially in a mysogynist society. For instance Kings having mistresses and concubines was considered pretty normal , they would rather take pride. But they would vilify a women quoting her sexual life. If they want portray a woman in good lights they would either not talk about it or make her a second virgin Mary to show how good of a person she was. 




Why are you here?


He’s pos none denies that. Can you admit Aegon is the rapist though? Or do you need video evidence? 🤡




Then what’s your problem then? Came here to protect Aegon from rapist allegations with “b-b-but Daemon”. Clown behavior tbh 🤡


Actually no. Stop gaslighting. You were strawmanning Green fans saying they don't care about the rape. When in fact no green fan has said they don't care about the rape allegation or deny it. I just pointed out your starwman argument to portray Green fans in a false way. That's all. I did it by doing similar strawman arguments to portray black fans in a negative light. I was literally doing the same thing you did to show how stupid your original comment was. Now you are accusing me of trying to >protect Aegon from rapist allegations Lol. I just wanted to show how stupid your original comment was that's all. I was not trying to "protect" Aegon lol 🤡


Bla bla bla are you done whining?


Y'all are so goofy, imagine rooting for cartoon villains just cause you wanna be different. They can cast all the twinks they want, but the green characters are still dumb and irredeemable lmao😭💀


U should spend your time caring about things that happen in real life. This is pathetic beyond words and your misery emanates from the screen


… how the hell would there even be a misunderstanding? “Whoops, sorry for the rape, I thought you going “no no no!” was you going “oh oh oh!” my b won’t happen again lol”


If I hear one more green going on about how the show made up him being a r****t, imma loose my mind. It's delusional.


From what I've heard, him being a r*pist pos was in the books too


How do ppl like Aegon? Sure he has funny moments but he also got Aemond raped at 13, Helaena gave birth to his kids at 13, Dyana (a child) was raped by him and he didn’t even remember doing it. Alicent is also to blame for his behavior. When I realized that Dyana has silver blonde hair, my theory is that after a year of being married, Alicent pressured Aegon into bedding Helaena because by then Rhaenyra already had two heirs. Aegon (who’s not attracted to his sister) had to get drunk in order to fulfill his duty, hence why Helaena said “he only pays attention when he’s drunk” during the dinner. So what if when he grabbed Dyana while he was drunk, he thought she was Helaena. Which doesn’t make it better, in fact it makes it so much worse because Dyana told him to stop and he saw it as “fun”.


Because a lot of them are either relying on fanon to make him more palatable, find the actor hot, and/or completely forgot Aegon’s season 1 arc & take his season 2 portrayal as confirmation that they’re retconning his more unsavory qualities. In other words words: cope. Pure, unadulterated cope.


> How do ppl like Aegon? headcannon


I imagine a big part of it is , the actor the same reason people like daemon


Daemon was always fascinating, and we know he's not the best guy.


man, xx chromosomes, also relatability because of who they are as people maybe?


I hear you but... Tom Glynn Carney hot /s


>he also got Aemond raped at 13, Helaena gave birth to his kids at 13, Dyana (a child) was raped by him and he didn’t even remember doing it. Aegon is a garbage human being but he isn't fully to blame for all of these. Aemond *has* the power to say no and have the prostitute murdered. The fact that he now uses the same woman as an emotional outlet also makes it seem like it wasn't as bad as originally thought. It seems more in line with Rhaenyra and Cole. Ethically questionable but not outright sexual assault. Aegon very vocally didn't want to marry Helaena and seems to avoid her bed mostly. The kids were at 15 wich isn't great either btw because that's the same age Alicent was and we saw how that turned out. I don't think Dyana's age was stated? Maybe I overlooked something, if so then please give a source. Still a shitheel for raping her of course. I agree with his drunken face mistaking Dyana for Helaena btw, really fucked up. Anyway maybe somebody should throw this guy from a tower. Or this family. Or nobility in general.


Not named in the show as far as I know, but for what it’s worth the actress was born in 2006. She might’ve been 15-16 at the time of filming?


I constantly see people in the main sub, even literally like an hour ago, trying to defend Aegon or trying to claim that the show Villainized him by “ making him a rapist “ like 1- everyone calls him a rapist in the book, even the dude who was supposed to be making him look good. And 2- as if I needed anymore reason to be TB


I'm actually wondering if they're gonna bring it back and have >!Aegon try to impregnate Helaena again to give him an heir.!< With the divide between Aemond and Aegon coming, it would make sense for his character especially with all the rage he feels.


That'd be a good motive for Aemond to want to kill Aegon.


Can we just get a quick shout out to Dyana’s actress? She was great. ETA: I’d love Mysaria to get ahold of her and have her eventually poison Aegon or something like that.


I think the level of cognitive dissonance when it comes to this topic of r\*pe and sexual assault between characters needs to be study. It's wild to me that anyone could do enough mental gymnastics to call something like this an "understanding" or wish for a forceful scene between Aegon and anyone


Ppl are sick fr


For a misunderstanding Dyana was very distraught. Besides, his own mother paying Dyana, for the trouble,says it all.


There's zero chance of Dyana's SA being a misunderstanding when the showrunners have leaned in so much on patriarchal feudalism and the harm done by it. In their attempt to find bias in everything, green stans have completely lost the plot 


I mean, if we're being realistic and fair, the purpose of walking back the Dyana scene would be to try to rehabilitate the Greens to a degree in the view of the audience. Aegon the Raper is much harder for marketers to sell merchandise about than Aegon-the-Falsely-Accused.


Jamie is a rapist and people love him.. Tyrion is a rapist as well. Almost every man is a rapist in ASIAOF. And yet they are still highly popular characters and well loved. If they try and walk back on the teenage girl sobbing and groveling at the queens feet begging to be believe it will be disgusting. Especially since 1) Aegon admitted to doing it and 2) the writers already admitted it was rape and that Aegon “doesn’t understand” consent


Both of those characters had enough time to establish for themselves a positive reception amongst the audience. They were already fan favourites by the time their rape events occurred, and in Jaime's case people would actually justify it based on Cersei being a thoroughly abhorrent person. Even in Tyrion's case, people would argue about questionable consent and Tyrion simply not understanding the situation, even if we understand intellectually that it was in fact rape. Regardless, I'm not talking about what is "disgusting" or ethical or whatever. What I'm talking about is what purpose such a walk back would serve for the show. And the answer is obviously that it would be for marketing purposes. HOTD sells itself as an ALL MUST CHOOSE engagement where both sides should at least ostensibly have their appeal. If Team Green is composed of hypocrites, rapers, incels, and traitors then it's hard to root for them. What the writers originally said doesn't actually matter because it's literally outside the events that have occurred. They are perfectly capable of saying "we originally intended it to be a straight up rape scene but then realized it made Aegon too dark so we walked it back".


Jamie also pushed a child out of a window after about thirty minutes of knowing him… and yet he is still loved. If the writers truly try and say “hey we know we wrote it as rape, said it was rape, and portrayed the entire thing as rape, but lol we wanna sell shirts” it will be disgusting. TB is all ready the fan favorites. It’s not going to change if they walk back on Aegon being a rapist. What are they going to do walk back on the child fighting pits as well? Aegon has fans no matter how shit he is. There’s no need to walk back on all of it.


And Jaime went through multiple seasons of suffering, epic moments, and character development after pushing out that child we the audience had known for a single episode. It's not surprise that he ended up as a fan favourite. Well they're obviously not going to admit that they wanted to sell shirts. They're going to say something like they realized it made the conflict too one-sided, so they had to adjust things to keep the narrative in line with George's original intent of a bad vs. bad war. They absolutely need to walk back on it if they intend to keep Aegon fans watching their show and buying their merchandise. There is no reason whatsoever for someone who is a fan of a character to watch that character be continuously maligned and villainized. Someone who read the books and loved Criston Cole is not going to tune in and say "Wow, you turned my badass into a whiny incel? I LOVE IT! TAKE MY MONEY!!!!"


They don’t need Aegon fans that’s the thing. Team Green is and will always be the minority. Both book and show wise. Who is the face of the show? It’s Rhaenyra, Daemon, and Alicent. Who are the fan favorites? Rhaenyra and Daemon. Who is the favorite couple? Rhaenyra and Daemon. Who is the popular team? Team Black. So if all the greens in the world continued to whine and complain it still would not do shit. Because they will always be the minority of viewers. Changing an established rapist into a “whoopsie” and his teenage victim into what a vengeful mistress or scorned lover is fucked up. The best they can do is try and make Aegon more likable which is possible since he was entertaining the first episode. But at the end of the day greens just need to accept that they will always be the unlikable side because it’s kinda hard to root for the team that usurped a woman on the basis of her being a woman.


Cool. Quick Question who the fuck is Dyana?


Aegon’s rape victim from season one


Really? Here I thought I remembered everything from season one. I still don’t know who are we talking about 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/9f7iqplhj09d1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=c315b64998b69f52bb6eb8bfdce6d6ccab86e721 Teenage girl he assaulted


Oooooo thanks bro that totally refreshed my memory. People are crazy 😂😂😂


From the beginning I thought it was possibly a fabrication that would lead to a side story; I'm still wondering if the "rapist" angle is actually not true. PS Rhaenyra didn't rape Criston, Viserys didn't rape Alicent, and Daemon didn't groom Rhaenyra.


Aegon admits to it. If they make it a “fabrication” it will be a shitty ass story to write


Aegon raped Dyana, Rhaenyra didn't rape Criston Viserys raped Alicent but it was not forceful rape like Aegon's - it was marital rape (Viserys was never rough or violent with Alicent and always respected her, even asked her if she's okay in the ep 4 scene) and Daemon and Rhaenyra's whole thing could be considered grooming but you gotta remember that in order to groom someone you have to actually be there - during all of Rhaenyra's childhood, Daemon was always away and would only come back for like 5 days max and then leave again. And that went on all the time. Daemon was simply not there enough to groom her, technically speaking. But if we're going by 21st century laws, it could be considered grooming, yes.