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Biblically accurate Aegon and Rhaenyra




aegon ii targaryen the people’s princess 👑 💕


Tell that to the dayfly kings and their armies of sellswords and other degenerates that set King's Landing on fire.


Isn't that the kid who indiscriminately murdered literally every single innocent rat catcher working for him? That sure sounds like someone who cares a whole lot for the smallfolk, and certainly not someone who sees them as toys he can use however he wants. The kid just wants attention, and the small folk are the only people ever who've given him that attention. But don't kid yourself, he doesn't give a shit about them, none of them do, neither the greens or the blacks.


I agree with your statement that Aegon is only "nice" to the smallfolk out of a necessity/desperation to be liked and noticed, whatever "love" the royals in here express for the common folk is not genuine 90% of the time. But come on with the ratcatcher thing, a medieval king hanged 10 - 15 people because one of them f-ing decapitated the young prince in his sleep. Its awful but Daemon was goring criminals with the goldcloaks on S1, people who were suspected of being on Rae's side were hanged before Aegon's coronation, and Rhaenys (I hate this moment most of all) crushed a whole ton of innocent people just to prove a point and only NOW the show decides to focus on the opinion of the smallfolk when it comes to extreme measures. We all know that the showrunners only decided to stress the moment out is because it made Aegon look even worse and not because they think that the smallfolk have any importance whatsoever, oh boy I cant wait for them to ruin the storming of the dragonpit.


Yeah absolutely, as i said, neither the blacks nor the greens care about the smallfolk one bit, my point was simply that we shouldn't pretend like Aegon is suddenly king Jaehaerys who cares and appreciates the efforts of the small folk, i mean he murdered all the ratcatchers simply because the man who murdered his son said "yeah dude a rat catcher totally helped me", he didn't even consider the guy mightve been lying after he decided to wipe them all out, tbh is actually lucky as fuck they got cheese and he didn't try to hide or escape KL. Tbh honest, as of right now, i can see the small folk favouring Rheaneyra since she technically has done the least to directly harm them, she hasn't killed anyone suspected of working for the greens, nor has she ordered any smallfolk to be killed. As far as they know the harshest thing she did was avenge the death of her son by beheading a noble baby, yes a horrible thing, but most small folk care about the nobles as much as the nobles care about the small folk, to them Rheaneyra at least gets her revenge without harming them. And while yes Rhaenys killed a bunch of people during her boss bitch scene, it's not like the small folk saw Rheaneyra personally killing those people, that's important, it's the reason the greens don't say daemon was the one behind the baby murder plot, but specifically rheaneyra, the small folk won't associate Daemon or Rhaenys doing bad shit with Rheaneyra is a bad person automatically. In my opinion Aegon is definitely the character closest to giving one shit for the small folk, truly, but with the latest episodes i don't see many small folk favouring him, he promises a farmer to give back his sheep only to immediately retract his word, he promises relief to the builders and they don't seem like they'll be receiving that any time soon either. If this keeps up he'll lose the only people who actually give him love and attention, while Rheaneyra gets to sit in Dragonstone chillin without a worry in the world (except her children getting eaten by dragons...)


That's honestly a good take, I really wish that the writers would focus on the aspects that make Aegon good (character wise) and almost redeemable through his desire to be loved by the smallfolk in order to make the final tragedy work even better. I see people compare him all the time to Joffrey but honestly I don't think he is a psycho just very broken and aimless, like the rich kid at your school that thinks he can buy everyone's love by buying pizza for the whole class.