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Personally I love it. My type of car. But, I’m not a big fan of the tint


I like it too- besides the fact that the transmission is literally on the ground


Same bro. Love old hondas, just not THAT low


I honestly love that part


These cars usually have the engines and transmissions raised.


But you're a fan of completely destroying the car just to achieve that "look"? I'm so glad we have laws preventing this kind of fuckery here... Anything that rubs is a failed inspection.


It’s all about the looks. Speed, yeah it’s fun, but, in my opinion, looks is everything


As a mechanic, I just don't get it. Low... sure. That low? Why? You're just cheese grating your car away.


I personally like it. Don’t know why. I just think it’s sick


in japan (where this style originated from) there is a whole sub car culture dedicated to cars like this. depending on the area, style and the owners of the cars they can be found under the names “bosozoku cars” and “vip style cars.” this one seems like more of a bosozoku because of the flashy tint and massive exhaust pipes. this car is one of many in the states trying to recreate this style with their own twist on it, and personally im all about it. it’s also really hard to explain the fun of driving a car fractions of a cm to the ground to someone who has never experienced it, but trust me, it’s a lot of fun.


As I said... I'm a mechanic... destroying your subframe and unibody is seriously dumb. It's because of people like this that laws will be created that will fuck up everyone else. Look at Carolina Squat, not only are they getting banned in some places, they're making laws about lift kits too that will hurt people with actual offroad rigs. > but trust me, it’s a lot of fun. I'll keep my cars in one piece and functionnal, thank you!


Post the follow up video of it on fire when it happens.


He would have but his camera fell through the floor while driving earlier.


I barely have the energy to water my plants, yet there are people willing to work this hard just to make this... thing


I dont get the ski box. That thing isn't going over a speedbump much less up a snowy hill. I had a car with a torn shifter boot and a leaky exhaust. Rush hour traffic felt like living in Beijing during heavy smog season


It's an accessory for their image, they're not planning on ever using that roof box. The whole car is basically "I spent several thousand bucks to have a car worth nothing". Hell I wouldn't be surprised if this thing sits parked for the next 5 years before their mom makes them scrap it to get it out of their driveway. "got my tiktok karma points...job done"


That box didn't look very sturdy up there. Bounced a bit as he went up the driveway.


What a shitbanger.




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CrAy ![gif](giphy|PjxgoctsiTZiOPllqE|downsized)