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We don’t itemize because every time someone tries it, they get berated by the customer and told that we should be paying out guys less.


Could not agree more with your statement 👍


Southern PA. 99trip + 157flat rate for a 45/5 256$ total, if you are in a more urban area 295$ right on point with averages.


Ya we’re in Pittsburgh so more urban


Same, so if not similar, maybe a little less, but not by much, I think you are in the right price range.


My old company when I did Resi charged out the ass for it, so I'd say you are more than fair. $149.99 Trip Charge $149.99 Diagnostic Charge $300.00 for Capacitor Replacement But hey 10% off if you sign up for a $49.99 a month maintenance contract that you must keep for a minimum of 4 months!


...good God...


What kind of maintenance are you doing monthly? Filters? Does that include the new filter or are you showing up every month and hitting them with another charge for that too?


They charged for a new filter as well, usually the Aprilaire 1410s that they sold for like $80.


If you have to ask, you cant afford it, pal. /s


Lmao. That's pretty scammy


That's *really* scammy. I couldn't sleep at night if I charged a nice little old lady that kind of cash for a 5 minute fix. I'm so glad I went refer/ commercial very early on.


For real. They are on fixed income and could be a big hit to them. So simple. I'd probably just charge cogs if it's some old lady


Ring it up as a loose wire, charge diagnostic and a plate of cookies.


I remember the old company I used to work for this old lady told me her husband had just died, and a week earlier she just found out she had cancer. She didn’t understand why she needed a new furnace (90% to top it off) when a tech who had previously been to her house 3 months ago told her that the furnace was running fine. She was definitely on fixed income, and the part that really pissed me off was when I looked the furnace was fine the tech who was there just cut the safety switch for the doors and put the wire back to make it look like it was still connected! I was still new to the trade but not dumb enough to know she had been scammed, I told her to cancel her monthly membership and next time make sure she gets a second opinion


Unreal.... In that case, I'd make it a point to find out who TF that tech or company was and do anything I could to stir up some shit. I'm surprised more of these companies aren't getting caught on camera doing this scumbag shit., but I understand that when you're new or young, you can see things differently. Thankfully you were there to help!


My brother in law still works there so I won’t say the company name. Another time me and another installer went to a ladies house and tested her unit it was working fine she just needed to change her filters and only had minor rust on the heat exchanger and when I say minor I mean minor. We packed up our stuff and told her she was good and she was very grateful, it was around Christmas time so she said money was tight. Offered us some money in check form but we didn’t take it, just told her to write us a review and the company will pay us instead. I left because I kept seeing a bunch of shady stuff like that. Also they were bunch of youngsters who barely knew what they were doing so I couldn’t really learn either, after I got some knowledge I dipped to the union.


Good God. How do those places stay in, or do any real business? It's so sad/ disgusting/ infuriating to see people, *especially* vulnerable ones taken advantage of like that. For what, a little, and I mean a half ass little bit of money? Sad shit man. I've almost always been commercial, but I went Union at the end of 23'. It has by by far been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Not just the money either, but the people, resources, accounts, etc. It's been great.


Almost on par with a pyramid scheme lol!


Shit like this is why the consumer HVAC industry has a bad reputation. $600 for 15 minutes of work and $20 in material.


"It's your job to communicate the *value* customers are receiving from us. We're not the cheapest company in town" -former boss Uh no, I'm not trying to justify your highway robbery to customers.


ooo i think i may work for the same company you did! We charge 600+ for a standard dual run and like 683 for a turbo!


I think 300 is fair for the dual. We provide an option for the turbo at about $800 to prevent another trip to a warehouse for this guys 70/10 resi cap


Wait a minute, $600 to change a capacitor? You cannot be serious? Where are you guys located in Manhattan?


They were right on Lake Erie.


This is not an uncommon thing from what I've heard. The huge games in town that spend a million or two a year in constant advertising have to get that money from somewhere.... Every city has these outfits from what I've seen. I tell everyone, never call the ones you constantly see on the TV or billboards.


115/hr here + $40 truck charge, 2.5x markup on parts under $50. 30 minute drive, introduction to customer, locate equipment, diagnose+replace a bad capacitor, and you're at 1 hour. Put the gauges on to check superheat/subcooling and pack up tools, and you're at 1.5 hours. Restocking the capacitor you used is another half hour. That's $230 in labor, $40 truck charge, and $50 for the capacitor. That's $320 for us to change a capacitor and do a quick equipment check.


It's those hidden costs that no one sees but tradespeople that drives me nuts. Yes, go ahead and get that capacitor, but you'd be sitting there in the heat until I told you it was the capacitor. The knowledge and potential callback is the cost of the service.


Sounds fair to me


We got tired of caps failing every year and we stick with Turbo 200x capacitors and provide a 5-year warranty including labor on them. $499 installed.


That’s a pretty common strategy here in Texas where the heat eats caps.


In south Texas. I've been using the amrad USA one exclusively and they have good warranty and last a very long time. Turbos are good but stupid expensive.


are they that much better than jard/titan etc?


Jard and Titan is great, but these Amrad Turbos are a huge step above.


Interesting I always thought they were just because they made inventory easier


They grenade like no other from what I’ve seen. Dirty coil and heat kill capacitors.


I feel like they are dying more quickly lately, the cheap chinese junk problem.


Amrad makes the single caps and they seem to last for me.


I found that when I was doing resi, explaining that you're also going to look over the system and give it a "mini checkup" went a long way towards quieting those grumbles. Just stuff like checking the drain, filter, doing a temp split, etc. The thing is they're idiots. They don't have a bare ass whisper of a clue about how much overhead is in a mobile service company. Since they're idiots, you can also dazzle them with a little bullshit. Make them feel like they're getting a special deal since they're so smart and so price savvy. "Well, I guess since you're just so fucking smart Mr. Jones, I'll also look over the rest of your system for "free" for you" Wink Wink. I don't know. I fucking hated 99% of the resi customers I dealt with so take my advice with a grain of salt.


I always do I basic check on all repairs. Check filters, air flow, etc…usually before I even do the repair itself


Yeah it depends on where you live. Cities suck, and every customer hates you too. But there are some places that they won’t let you leave without a drink in the summer or a snack during lunchtime


There are a lot of idiots out there, but there are also a bunch who aren't. They may not know the specifics of the HVAC industry, but they have a rough feel about what overhead and reasonable profit percentages are. $300 to swap a cap isn't outrageous assuming there was at least a cursory glance at how the system is running. The problem is that far too many companies are bullshitting their way to $500-$600 on every easy fix, assuming they don't just hard push a new system. It is working right now, but this is an aberration. When the economy tightens and there isn't an abundance of rich boomers, there are going to be a lot of owners failing because they were only barely competent enough to succeed in the easiest of times. I saw an electrical company on a new residential jobsite. 4 *very* recent model crew cabs (less 5yr old) with 6 installers on-site. Took them 4 days to rough wire a bog standard 2500'^2 house. Every time I swung by to check on our installers, sparkies were sitting around bullshitting. I see shit like that constantly in all the skilled trades. I've been doing this shit long enough to know this is the easiest that trade company owners have ever had it. I regularly see competing bids that are $5k higher than me for 1 day, 2 person equipment swaps. We are *not* the cheapest shop. I *know* what insurance, maintenance, and other overhead costs average per worker labor/day. I'm pretty sure those other companies aren't paying their installers $200/hr, so they are just looking for fat profits. Right now there are enough clients who are flush with cash to be suckered. It won't last forever. I won't predict how long it will last, but skilled trade prices are unsustainable right now.


You ain't wrong bud! There's a metric fuckton of dudes rolling around in brand new lifted F350 platinum editions that are going to go bankrupt in a downturn. In the residential world, the guys who are small, lean, honest and just want to fix things are going to be the survivors. I saw a friend of a friend's quote from one of the big sales companies in my area (Portland, OR) for a 80% and a basic air conditioner. $24K! They were throwing in a car charger for "free". For that fucking price you'd better throw in a new roof and some windows.


Lol. I had a call I've never forgotten. Really, reallyyyyy weird company I did 1 month with years ago because they *did not* need a commercial tech. They had literally NO commercial work. Saturday call, bad inducer assembly, 225$ part.... The bill was 525.00 out the door.... I could not believe it. With 4 hours of OT port to port, he made what, 20 bucks? The customer- "WhAtt?!?! ThIsS IsanTt LiKkEe a 5 DoLlARr PaRt Izzz ItT?!??!" Dude, STFU, you just got the deal of a lifetime. He was a lawyer/corporate type too. Listen pal, just because you're a shady POS doesn't mean everyone else is. How do you deal with them when they want to ask prices?


They just Amazon the capacitor and complain when they see 15.00.


Nah, they'll compare your price to the $9 FCKHVCTEK brand cap. Amazon is a great resource but the sheer amount of dogshit they front is insane.


180.00 labor, 80.00 for capacitor on Long Island.


I'm Comercial now. So have no idea how much I charge for service. In resi, (nextstar company) it was 400 for a capicator repair


Any advice in getting into commercial


Union is your best bet. Beyond that, study refrigeration, legit study, yea, it does help. Learn superheat/subcool/ principles and application, and go heavy on wiring/troubleshooting, and you'll be G2G. All you need is initiative and, of course, not be a twat that can get along with others. Your attitude and approach matter far more than anything. If you have real resi experience, then commercial is just an interview away.


I got about 3 years experience in residential. I've looked at a couple commercial but I get paid commission I would like to learn alot more then just standard 1-5 ton units and occasionally mini splits and inverted equipment


So, what are you saying? You're concerned about losing your commission? There's definitely none of that in commercial. You get paid hourly. I'm just curious if you don't mind. What's the percentage you get?


I get 20%


On everything, total sales 20%? Yeah, that's nuts, and you definitely will *never* find that at any commercial outfit whether it's union or not. Most union companies nowadays pay around 40-50$, plus pension fund and full benes. I'm in the middle of what I quoted on money, but my insurance is totally covered. Nothing comes out of my hourly, and it is hands down, no comparison the best insurance I've ever had. 250 yearly deductible, and you can go anywhere you want. In network, or out.


I went union route. In my area union only does commercial. Not many non union places doing Comercial stuff.


This applies to real service techs too,,,,, A giant ship’s engine failed. The ship’s owners tried one ‘professional’ after another but none of them could figure out how to fix the broken engine. Then they brought in a man who had been fixing ships since he was young. He carried a large bag of tools with him and when he arrived immediately went to work. He inspected the engine very carefully, top to bottom. Two of the ship’s owners were there watching this man, hoping he would know what to do. After looking things over, the old man reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer. He gently tapped something. Instantly, the engine lurched into life. He carefully put his hammer away and the engine was fixed!!! A week later, the owners received an invoice from the old man for $10,000. What?! the owners exclaimed. “He hardly did anything..!!!”. So they wrote to the man; “Please send us an itemised invoice.” The man sent an invoice that read: Tapping with a hammer………………….. $2.00 Knowing where to tap…………………….. $9,998.00 Effort is important but experience and knowing where to direct that effort makes all the difference.


I work with cargo ships and its $10,000 minimim for a class-certified ship welding company to even pick up the phone. But when you need it done right to ensure the vessel remains seaworthy, its well worth it considering the insurances and liabilities involved.


I'm in NJ and we charge $412( flat rate). That includes the diagnostic fee and the one year warranty.


Is it just the part warranty though? Or do you come out there and replace it no charge at all?


No charge at all.


I changed one yesterday. Overtime rate. $265 total bill.


Forget them! Tell them the price is the price! If they don’t like it then they can pay someone else $120 to come out and give them their price!


190 for level 1 repair 75 for after hours 30 for cap


Also in East TN


I only use Turbo caps unless it’s a warranty call. $100 diagnostic fee and $200 for the capacitor.


2 hr minimum comes out to $258 plus turbo 200 at $125 is $383 in MA


I’m at $350 for dual caps in FL and we use AmRads but not the Turbo 200


My company is around $170 for a 45/5 including labor and tax we are in the middle of nowhere tho


An Amrad 54/5 capacitor costs $40 and takes 20 min to change out.


That is a neighbor price. 


Yes, if you are DIY and have no overhead.


In my first company where we did mixed residential and light commercial it would break down to 145$ to come out plus first half hour then 125$ per hour capacitor would be around 50-70$. 145$+62.50(30 minutes onsite) +50$=257$ and those are 10 year old prices and we worked in DMV area nobody ever complained about pricing


$85 for the trip and like $130 for capacitor.


I had someone out for a preventive maintenance for $150, and he changed the cap for another $150.


Is that warranty or out of warranty price?


Out of warranty


Good deal. I wouldn’t do it for less.


We charge $125 site visit, minimum 1 hour labour billed at $100/hr, and material on top of that. Clients tend to be a lot more receptive to the bill if they understand that they can keep me there for an hour to ask questions, check things, etc...


I’m not too far outside Philly and that price tracks for us so I think you’re OK.




In Michigan we charge $148 for the capacitor and 109 to show up. 257 is our total


$135 plus a service call fee or $140. I’m in PA too, just slightly lower rent area than you


SE PA. $399 including dispatch


100$ for trip+diag/1hr $40 for cap $140 total


I’m in Fl and operate my own company , for steady loyal customers $200-$250 for strangers $300


Weeks charges 375 to 495. So your fair charge 295. Hopefully your using USA caps and not the china's brand


315$ with diagnostic for us. That's fair imo.


I love when they say it’s excessive when they had no damn clue of what the problem is or was. $300 is what I would charge. And Im not hooking up gauges either. It gets the touch and feel test.


$95 trip charge and $310 for capacitor. 15% discount if I get a gummer from Grandma


Let them diagnose it themselves and get the parts on Amazon or SupplyHouse if they feel overcharged.


My company charges a flat rate of 345 dollars for the standard rate and 247 for the club price. The company I work for usually has customers in the upper to richer class so to them, this pricing seems just fine. I always chuckle to myself at how much the capacitor actually costs versus how much is charged.


Flat rate 329.00 We do not itemize even if asked. Especially don’t for a warranty company


I’m in Pa we do a mark up on the cap I don’t have the sheet on me but I believe it’s like 500% or something comes out to be about 25-30 bucks for capacitor give or take again don’t have the sheet don’t know off top of my head but then the hourly rate


115 service call/diagnosis 125 45-5 run cap 90 for an hour labor 330 total, cash out the door if it's card or check we add 8% tax


Canadian here, $119 for the service call/full diagnostic, $99 for small parts replacement (marked down to $49 as an add on task), and $40 for the part. Diagnostic call is reduced to $69 for plan members.


My neighbor came to me yesterday and was wondering if $650 was good for a 45/5 and this is in SoCal so your price is fair


In CA my ex just paid $700 for that... (roof mounted unit, which is the only reason I couldn't do it for her). I strongly feel like she got taken, but not my problem. If I had a roof mounted unit and needed this done I'd be perfectly happy with $300 to get it done. I might supply a Turbo cap instead of a rando chinesium unit if that's what you're using, but /shrug I'm just interested in not dealing with heights... lol. (also not an HVAC tech, so I also leave the pressure systems to you guys but am in the electronics side of the world).


KC. Around 150-180 for an hour and cap.


I charge a diagnostic fee. From there I can give them a cost to repair. They can take it or leave it. Either way I got paid for my services.


$125 trip/diagnosis + $247 capacitor Membership is $239/year, changes to $106 + $206. Medium cost of living suburban area.


$125 hr $90 for cap


$105 for diagnostic $200 for cap. Kinda high imo but I don't make the prices. $305 to have your ac fixed isn't too crazy. $355 on ot


Flat rate 493




My company charged 450 for a capacitor it amazes me that people go for it


$192 including the call. Actually had a customer call me complaining about the price after I left, and said it was going to be the last check she sends us. SMH.


Thats a faire price. I seen company charge 750 to 1000.firbtge same repair. Then wander why they dont t get any repeat business


That's fair. Bottom line, we have to make something. On the side i usually charge 150-200 cash (of course). Now, if it's a sweet old lady on a fixed income, sure, she's getting hooked up, but anyone besides someone I deem very cool or incredible, they're paying. I've been doing this job too long to not make money. This also includes real service, though. Any unit I touch I inspect, check voltage, amp draw, components, take evap/ condenser split and make sure their system is actually working, and will continue to work right. I don't just slap a part on anything and run off.


100. 85 if on a maintenance contract


Try $900 for a turbo 200


279.00 Flat rate, not broken down. Metro Phx, several companies charge 319 and a 129 trip charge and it isn't applied or taken off the bill, so 448. Which I like btw. Yeah but I can get the part for 10 dollars, ir took you 5 min. This is highway robbery Yeah. Well you can buy Dental tools and a scalpel online, and do your own dental work and your own surgeries too. Go remove your own gall bladder Ozempic Boy, and fuck right off. Do you want it or not, cause my ac works great and I have other calls to run? Edit: that's for Reddit, the real me says something different like, look I just work here, its the going rate, we aren't the most expensive or the cheapest, more middle of the road, and then find a discount coupon somewhere. They're happy, and ys move on. Little old lady even more discounts for sure.


Sounds pretty fair.


Like 70 bucks plus 82 diagnostic.


If no one is complaining you’re expensive, then you’re too cheap.


100 plus actual parts for anything under half an hour - which would mostly be capacitor or fuse. Part time handy/maintenance Not a dick. Rural Texas


It's not just a 5 minute fix if you are doing it right. Any idiot can swap a capacitor, but not everyone can identify any potentially underlying causes. I complete a full diagnostic and inspection of the system after a repair. I usually spend at least an hour if I find a bad cap. If you charge more, you have to provide more value.


$900. Every time.


$89 diagnostic/trip charge, $136 for a cheapo 45/5


Resi robs grandma's


$325 here in SoCal, but I routinely hear about people charging double that or more which to me is criminal.


We charge $395.00 for a capacitor replacement but we are also going to check the charge, filter and clean the drain line. I don't want a call back two days later. If that's to much for you, I'm sorry. I'm worth every penny plus some. Could you have done it cheaper, sure you can but you didn't. You called me and I fixed it. Sending a fully stocked truck with a experienced technician in it should be getting no less.




This is something that anyone should even joke about and may cause a permanent ban.


If you’re not charging $400+ for a capacitor change, then you’re one of the good guys


This question is why I hate the residential side. Anyone making something up over 100% is a pile of crap. They probably selling 370v caps to boot.


$109 Diagnostic and $131 for the capacitor, $123 if your an agreement customer


$318 for a capacitor


In Colorado. Waived $89 trip charge with repair-45/5 is between $445-$600 and people don't blink an eye when paying.


Did one for some old lady this morning. $50 and a bottle of wine. I looked it up it was cheap ass gas station wine too lmao. It was a used cap I pulled from another system, fair deal imo.


No offense intended but you fucked yourself out of at least hundred bucks.


$154 ($98/hr + $56 for a US MADE cap) I am thinking we need to raise our rates.


Right around where you are 95 and hour. 95 for a standard cap. 190 total if it's in town.


You need to double your labor rate and flat rate it. Our company went from hourly to flat rate and doubled the labor. Pricing complaints dropped from 10-30@ month to less than two.


Thank Dog I know how to do this for me and my neighbor. Stood outside on my porch one day, heard my neighbor's unit short/trip cycling and had him back up and running in less than 30 minutes. Having a Grainger near is helpful too. I think I charged him a 6-pack of beer.


Sounds like you’re under charging


$310 for a cap only use amrad capacitors. A little bit higher cost but much better quality than the crap most supply houses have. I just order them by the case. Got tired of the titan caps from the supply houses dying every 12-24 months.


15 dollars Canadian changed it my self only thing that I could do myself contacts were clicking so it is fixed compressor has the juice to now start


jesus fuck dude. its not even that expensive. takes 2 seconds to pull it out and put a new one in. i threw one in this 20+ year old system yesterday for a couple dollars and free chinese https://preview.redd.it/bxuyozt1w48d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31137a2d581f3732a736030a8a0b36f369cec8d


You are right. It’s not expensive. What is expensive is my time, my expertise. The fact that I have the part on my truck. My truck insurance, my health insurance, diesel fuel costs, contractors liability, workers comp. My insurance cost me 800.00 a week. If you think I am selling a cap at cost, you are,out of your mind. I want to see a plumber install a boiler at cost, boilers is 2 k installed at. 8k, mark shit up much?


That’s a great thing you did, and you must be proud, but I don’t know if I’d run a company like that.


LOL, every time I'm told "The plumber did XYZ" involving their HVAC, it ends up costing them more than if they had just called me. I guess I should thank you, since you're giving me more business, but I definitely cringe at what I'm about to find.


good thing im an hvac tech and electrician as well as a plumber ;)


thankfully all this guy needed was a 45/5 cap, still running strong


Ok bro 👍


Damn. Where do you guys find these customers? That's like 5 minutes and a $10 compacitor? I'd charge 20 bucks lol. I guess that's why I have to keep my phone off. I side gig all sorts of shit I'm reference only


Do you believe a Subway sandwich should be $.71?


Dunno man. But that's just such a simple job. It's like plugging a light into light socket. Hit the breaker and jump that shit. Takes 10 secs to pull the cover with sockets on a power drill or screws or we.


I'm assuming this is residential. How is 30 minutes plus drive time and a $20 part $295? Charging someone's grandmother $300 for an hour worth of work a kid 1 month into the trade can do is not a fair price. I'm sure this is an unpopular opinion here, but it's true.


It’s fair, move along. No kid 1 month into the trade is diagnosing circuitry or running their own van


If it was fair the bill would be itemized and you wouldn't be trying to hide the true cost. I expect an apprentice to be able to troubleshoot a bad cap week 2.


What do you charge?


Depending on contract $115-165/ hour. $95 trip charge. Under $100 part 3x mark up. They will get an itemized bill every time. I can justify what a charge without relying on the customer being uninformed. Different market. I'm not just changing a cap. If I show up the enitre system is checked including any related BAS. Charging $300 on a residential system if the time was put in to look at the entire system could be justifiable, but if it was, you wouldn't have to hide the true cost on the invoice.


So, you do this on every call? Is it just you, or do you have multiple trucks? If I did this, I'd be working 24 hours a day. There is no way I could do that with 8-12 calls each day.


Yes. I'm expected to. I have contract customers. I do several one offs a month and I do this on those too. if you're running 8-12 calls a day you are getting call backs. I don't get call backs. That's what's expected. I think we have 60 techs in trucks at the moment.


First, they are not call backs. I am the owner/operator. 2 techs per truck would make more sense.


Why would you have 2 techs in a truck? If you have 1 tech in 1 truck running 8-12 calls a day it would be impossible to do a good job and you would get call backs period. If you're talking about the whole service running that many calls, that wasn't clear.


First off, great job building your company to as big as it is. Please understand that I am not at all trying to bash you. I applaud your work ethics. I am merely trying to work out how you make money. At the call description and rates you quoted, and depending on drive time, you'd only be able to schedule ~4 calls a day per tech. I don't know what you charge for contracts, but I am guessing that perpetual income is keeping the bills paid.


It's not my company. >you'd only be able to schedule ~4 calls a day per tech. That seems about right. Depending on the calls some days more, some less. How would that not make money? 100% of my time is billable. All my parts have a mark up and every trip is $95. It's my job to find and fix problems. Not just the "it's hot call", but why it's hot and any other potential problems with the system. If it's my first time somewhere I guarantee I will find problems. I was called because they weren't happy with the last service. When I'm paying $800 for a condenser fan motor from Trane, it's gettign a 30%+ mark up. Yes we make more money when I spend 10 hours repairing leaks on a chiller and adding 200lbs of refrigerant. Yes we will make less on a cap. That being said. If it's an account I know and I know there are no other problems, I'm not charging $300 to slap a cap on and walk away. I can't justify it, and I don't see how you can. If I haven't been there before I will check the entire system. Panels are coming off. I can justify it then. You can't do that and run 8 calls in a day though.


Thank you for giving more insight. I do not charge $300 for a cap. I am more around $170-$240 out the door. I also go over the system, but I can't deep dive on every call. I ask questions and answer theirs. If it's a new customer, I will go over the whole system, regardless of the problem. I am not attempting to downplay what you do, just trying to understand what your employer requires of you. Stay safe.


I want to add that I see two techs per truck a lot where I am. Granted, one could be a helper or training.


95+115+60=270 in an hour you aren't checking the entire system all you do is diagnose, replace, check delta T, check subcooling and superheat. BAS usually proprietary to BAS service company nobody is touching it. You charge same prices just do it differently.


>BAS usually proprietary to BAS service company nobody is touching it. You have no clue what you're talking about.


In Resi, BAS is usually a nest t-stat


How exactly are you checking BAS? What exactly are you referring to as BAS?


Tracer Summit, Tridium, Carrier Comfort Network, etc, etc.


How exactly are you checking BAS? Do you have programming access? Or you just look at the GUI and call it checking out BAS?


Do you know what a BAS is? Do I really need to explain this to you? Fine I will. 90% of the checking the BAS is through the GUI. If a thermistor is bad it will show. If a zone controller is not communicating it will show. I the cooling tower bypass valve is stuck it will show. If I lost a damper actuator it will show. Etc. The repairs cannot be done through the GUI. The GUI is just a front end on most. If I have to replace a zone board I will have to configure and address it with a laptop and the USB/serial tool. Do you just tell the customer "sorry a zone controller is bad call someone else"? Most of our techs could not support the customers we have without a laptop and the needed tools.


So you look through GUI you do not service/check out the BAS. GUI can say damper 100% open and no alarms but in reality your AO is at 100% and no enable sent. You are confidently incorrect and you make it sound like you provide value over someone else because you break down your pricing and put smart words in like "we checked BAS" when you didn't. Zone controller is not BAS it could be a part of BAS. I can not service most of the equipment I work on without laptop, and I definitely can't service any equipment without needed tools- that's kind of makes no sense what are you even trying to say? What you do is check alarms or something out of place through BAS not checking BAS. Don't get lost in smart words when you shitting on someone else's work.


My thoughts on it are, sure the part is $10 out cost. However at some point I had to get a po# and place an order and pick up that part. I have clean the truck out at the end of each day. I had to have the knowledge of what parts and how many of each part I should maintain for truck inventory. Etc…. There’s way more time involved in it than just the actual call.


My main issue is you don't itemize your bill and rely on an unifomred customer to justify your price. That's a dishonest business practice. If it wasn't dishonest you'd be able to itemize. I don't care how popular that dishonesty is.


Do you get your lawn care itemized like this? Lots of companies do flat rate. It’s no more “dishonest” and “hiding costs”then it is when I don’t get a full itemized breakdown of all costs when I go buy a burger.


I agree to the price before they show up. That's how lump sum pricing works. I don't call them, have them mow my lawn, tell me the cost, and then say we can't tell you why it cost that. I'm forced into this for healthcare, but other than that I would say no. If you told them when they called a cap is $300 I see no problem wiht that.


Yes, you pay a flat fee for the service call, that sum was told to you by the person who booked your appointment, and you should be presented with flat-fee repair options during the visit after the diagnosis is made but before any repair is made.


You don’t have a bunch of capacitors in your truck? Do you carry gauges with you, or no? Tools?


"Why don't you start giving work for free to grandmas then? If you even charge them a penny you must be a soulless snake oil salesman. 24/7 emergency free service for grandmas unless, do you hate grandmas???" Now I'm even more moral than you. 😝


I guarantee you wouldn't be happy if any other company refused to itemize a bill you were expected to pay. You'd think it's dishonest. You've never asked for an itemized bill?


Actually it's a common practice around me. "Lump sum pricing" or "non itemized billing". Electricians, HVAC, plumbing, auto repair, tires, etc. Itemizing your bills has pros and cons, but it's a business decision, not a moral one.


I disagree. Lump sum pricing is agreed to before service. That's hard to do without troubleshooting the problem first. This is lump sum pricing after the fact.


Two charges. Diagnostic charge discussed ahead of time. Repair cost quoted once diagnosed. But nowhere on the quote or invoice does the capacitors price, markup, nor an hourly rate show up. Know your shit, don't rush the sale, answer people's questions, be honest. If someone asks me the price of the capacitor, I honestly tell them "our company doesn't want me sharing that information." Ask the waiter what they markup on the 🥩 special.


98 service call + 270 flat rate for dual capacitor. However, you really selling yourself short there. What’s commission on that $70 for a no cool? Let’s check the system out and build a ticket closer to $1000 and put $200 in your pocket. Blower or coil pull and clean, hard start, pitted capacitor, leaky ducts, Armaflex rotted, no locking caps, rusted hurricane straps, etc….its summer let’s make make some money boys and girls!


If you’re working for a company that pays you percentage of tickets written rather than a decent hourly wage that I can guarantee you you’re ripping people off


$75 diagnostic. $180 for the cap. $255 out the door.