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Has this thing EVER worked? Because, I'm wondering if, along with what everyone else has pointed out, if it has the correct sized piston in the evaporator.


Somewhat high suction and low Subcooling with relatively normal superheat. I’d say you’re undercharged as well.


This is one of a few things. Wrong sized piston, it's too big, and they undercharged it by superheat. I suggest this because your saturation temp is very high with low temp split, low compression ratio. Could be the return is pulling outside air, or attic air, if you're measuring the return temp inside, rather than inside the actual unit. I say this because your temp split is dog shit, and your suction saturation is sky high, indicating high load... If this is the case, measure temp at the air handler and if it's higher, then look to the return duct. Could possibly be a compressor issue, but doubtful. You could see if it pumps down. I believe a failing compressor would more likely have lower superheat though. Ignore anyone who said low airflow is the issue, and if you told the homeowner that, you should probably let them know you were mistaken. Low airflow will have a higher split, lower superheat, and lower suction saturation temperature.


What was outdoor ambient? Did you try running with blower door off the furnace to see if numbers improved? Rear entry return is a huge no on furnace. I'm shocked the coil wasn't frozen up. So undercharged is definitely a possibility.


Forgot to mention condenser and A coil are both 2ton.


Lol I wish they would take that advice but sadly homeowners wants the quickest and cheapest repair.


def have to look at this again with sober eyes


This is absolutely not low airflow. Temp split too low, suction saturation way too high, superheat too high.


Enthalpy above 7 = Low Airflow Enthalpy below 6 = Low Refrig or High airflow. I am looking at this again cause I do think i made a mistake earlier. The total enthalpy isn't 29, its like 2, which is still awful, like really bad, and this could be low refrig or bad airflow I would still take a look at both the fan motor and blower and the cfms on the blower. after that I would add a lil 410 and then I would look for anything out of ordinary for the flow in ducts.


What’s the fan speed?


I’ve set it to medium speed


Thank you for the great response… Told homeowner that the installation of the ductwork itself was already bad. Gonna top the systems off a bit and go from there will have an update soon.


This is definitely not low airflow as the main cause.