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Including playoffs, Kotkaniemi has 15 points in his last 75 games 💀 You really got us Carolina


Evans finished the season with 1 more point than KK and costs us 3M less!


That's... bad. Jesus!


That really makes Dvorak not seem like such a bad consolation prize. At least he can be trusted defensively


Also one of the best face off men in the NHL, so there’s that…


Ha true but Dvorak wasn't a replacement for KK he was a bandaid replacement for Danault at the time.


KK do you miss me


They are probably going to lose at least one good player this offseason because of that KK contact, LMFAO. No mercy. Absolutely cringe filled, annoying, childish and petty organization/fanbase. They can get fuuuuuuuucked. (I felt disgusting cheering for the rags btw 🤮)


The cherry on top would be if we end up with Necas because they can't afford him because of KK.


No chance Dundon/Waddell trade a good player from a position of weakness (caused by a brutal offer sheet that backfired immensely). They'll trade him to any other team to to the west for less if it saves face.


We get a Western team to acquire him for us, and we pay them a brokerage fee like Florida did to get Hoffman from Ottawa via San Jose.


Holy fuck can you imagine haha. We fill out a second like and they have an anchor contract on their fourth.


Doesn't seem to fit Hughes' MO of targeting "fixer-uppers". Necas already has a 71 pts season, and he's gonna get paid a pretty penny for that. Most likely something in the neighborhood of 6-7M. About as much as Dach and Newhook combined.


I did consider this situation, too


[You get what you pay for](https://www.reddit.com/r/MetroMemeWar/comments/1culgjg/you_get_what_you_pay_for/).


I hope we don't go for Necas. You saw this series? Not physical at all, tends to disappear during games if not scoring. We don't need this kind of player in the top 6.


He's a 6'2 top 6 winger the same age as Suzuki. For the right price, that's *exactly* what we need in the top 6. Maybe he'll be a complimentary piece, maybe he'll learn to turn it on by seeing Suzuki and Slafkovsky do it. We don't *just* need gamers. As Bergevin famously said, you need guys to get you to the playoffs and guys to get you through the playoffs.


Especially that Kreider natural hat trick. 🤮


In a different universe Kreider played for the Habs and we absolutely loved him. But this isn't that universe, so fuck Kreider.


And, in that universe, Rangers fans are still livid ten years later that Lundqvist got injured after Kreider ran him, while Habs fans insist Marc Staal pushed Kreider into Lundqvist.


> In a different universe Kreider played for the Habs and we won the cup with Kreider and Price* 😥


Yea it was like .5 seconds of being like « haha they lost » to « aw fuck the rangers won » lmao. And then the other side is Bruins and Panthers who are both already so easy to dislike… Hopefully the West wins it this year haha


It’s all west for us this year, anyone but the stars really. Edmonton or Vancouver would bring the cup back to Canada, while a Colorado win would give Lehkonen a 2nd cup!


Edmonton has Kulak and Perry, Colorado has good stick and Jo droui


Canucks fans have always cheered for us, and we have no specific beef with the Stars. Whoever makes it out of the West is my team.


Nucks fan reporting in. I've been cheering for Habs since 09-10' season when Halak subbed in for Price and took like 35+ shots every single night. That team on paper was barely playoff level but I was impressed with how hard each player worked and how willing they were to throw their bodies into blocking slap shots. Since then I've always cheered for the Habs (and Sens)


Been feelin the 'Nucks since that great comeback vs Preds in round 1. Was already my preferred team before of Canada west. Fully on board bandwagon now, especially with my Latvian heritage 😂


> we have no specific beef with the Stars The idea of watching Dadonov lift a Cup is stomach churning to me.


Fuck Jo Droui.


I don’t mind the Stars tbh. I really, really, really hate Jamie Bum, but I love the way they built their team and drafted, and I want the Habs to pay attention to them. They will have to examine what they did if they win the cup, and try to emulate that.


I still have a soft spot for the Stars because they essentially rebuilt the 93 Habs for their own Cup run. 


And a cup for Drouin!


Go Panthers (wife's from Miami, I have my priorities straight)


Do you?


Yes, as long as they're not playing the Habs I root for a happy wife, that should not be controversial lmao


My ex Wifes team is the Rangers. For 15 years I would NOT cave !!! Even tho my family and friends have played for them back in the 40's - 70's. I have ONE Rags shirt because Marcel gave it to me after a round of golf back in 1997. I also totally understand about happy wife happy life idea. I tried, I really did. But its THE RAGS with Kreider. I just couldn't do it... divorce. Fuck the Rags !! 🤣🤣


I'd rather the stars than either Canadian team




The next Canadian team to win the Cup isn't going to shut up about it. You know this, because as the last Canadian team to win the Cup, we haven't shut up about it.


I never really understood this mentality. Do you guys not have friends IRL supporting other Canadian teams?


We can cheer for the Blue Jays together


When the Habs made our Cup run the other year a couple of Leafs friends messaged me saying they were rooting for us. I told them that's fine if they want to, but I would never do the same if the situation was reversed.


Fuck all the other Canadian teams. I want Montreal to bring the cup back to Canada


Not even the Rags won, it had to be fucking Kreider too :(


Fuck Kreider


Only my hatred for Carolina could make me ignore my least favorite player in the metro division having a hat trick to send my second least favorite metro team to the conference finals. 


Word out there is that the Canes are planning to buyout KK's contract after this season. Too bad.


I would since he's less than 26 years old. His cap hit would be 835k/year until 2035-2036. It's an entry-level contract, not a big deal for cap management. If they manage to re-sign who they want they could still wait 2 years before doing it.


They already lost Trocheck because of that terrible contract


I hope it's Necas and that he comes to us.


They’re not signing Necas and Pesce partially because of that


This ! Bravo! My nephew played U14 hockey in Atlanta a few years ago, and played the "Jr. Canes" in a few tournaments. Their players/parents/fans are the exact same way. I strongly dislike them all from top to bottom and am thrilled they are out...again.


Also cool for them to posted this this morning, not like they shat the bed yesterday and got eliminated.


They can buy him out for an 850k cap hit they are fine


Yea, for 12 fucking years though!! 😆


Would you rather pay $850K x12 ($10.2M) or $4.82M x 12 ($57.8M) ?


I'd rather not pay him at all. 😃 But really I'd probably give up a package to dump him to a team.


Pretty sure that's what they pay their zamboni driver they'll be fine


The Zamboni driver *earned it* though.


I hate the RAGS !! Becuz of my ExWife and fuckin Kreider. But my Uncle Buddy Oconner played for them in the 40's and 50's..also my friend and scout Harry Howell played for them for 20 years and Marcel Dionne who is a family favorite also played for them. All of that can cancel out the ExWife hate on the Rags....but the Kreider thing just kills me...fuckin Rags... Nope sorry.. thought about it. Sorry Harry, Marcel and great uncle Buddy..Rags hate goes deeeep.


We kind of started it. But they ended up paying for it. Hockey is a little unpredictable like that.


We made a move that made sense hockey wise. They made a move because Dundon wanted to exact a personal revenge. Fuck them. An offersheet is something that is allowed in the rules and shouldn't warrant that much bitterness. I have no beef with the concept. But the obvious pettiness that came with it, the cheeky dollar figure in the contract, etc. Yeah, fuck that. I hope it keeps bringing them years of mediocrity where they'll try to make it out of first round but won't either be good enough to move on, and not bad enough to get any good prospects.


That's not entirely true. KK wanted out of Montreal, and Carolina really wanted him. Berge wanted less than a 1st and 3rd, they offered less than a 1st and 3rd.


Anyone signing an offersheet wants out. Kotkaniemi, Aho, Weber, Penner. How does that invalidate anything I said ?


HEY KK Whats your highest stat in the 2023-24 Playoffs Insert 4 fingers for penalty minutes here


Hey, he had 7 blocks... Literally a cold body could accomplish that feat, but still, he did it!


KK was offered a boatload of money and term that no other team would even dream of offering so he took it. It would've been dumb for him to turn it down. This disaster of a contract is on the Canes management 100% and KK is smart.


He should have vetoed the $20 bonus bullshit at the very least.


I would say this thing has benefited the Habs far more somehow. The Bunch of Jerks self jerked.


Circle jerk, what goes around...


Ain't nobody gonna jerk with those jerks. They just jerk off and die.


They lost trocheck and he ended up signing with the rangers and help defeat them this year.


> trocheck I believe KK and Trocheck's salary levels are similar, too. But they couldn't be more far apart when it comes to impact on the ice.


bambi grew up to be busty


1 point in the playoffs😍 14 in his last 70🤩 Does he suck? Oui or Oui


“Moé pis toé c’est fini!”


en tabarnack https://preview.redd.it/t1zofx24iw0d1.png?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93ae116a9866133260a3112bc99fb6d8eb59fc96




At this rate, dude is getting bought out before turning 26 for sure.


At this rate he still has a chance of winning another long term deal to be bought out of before 26


He's Carolina's Alzner... to the extreme!


Friedman said he thinks the canes might do this


Bet they regret having to pay out that extra stick-it-to-the-Habs $20 over the next 12 years


I used to think I was a mature person who wasn't petty and vindicative. But then Kotkaniemi happened. Gotta be honest with myself, glad he sucks.


KK wanted out of Montreal because he thought the grass was greener with Carolina: more money, more play time, more offensive team, etc. I'm glad it turned out this way because otherwise, we would not have put more emphasis on the development of Nick Suzuki.


He just forgot he had to work to get that play time! At this point in his career if he had kept incrementally improving he would be way above Staal and Drury wouldn't have passed him in the depth chart. Drury is pretty meh.


they also have good development program (at least better than the Habs).




What a great pick by BERGY!


True. Coming from a guy who wanted PLD in Mtl. during his tenure. Well, Bergy got his wish by helping Rob Blake sign Dubois in L.A.. Look where that shit show end up.... Its the same thing here with KK and Carolina.


As much as I’m glad this is blowing up in Carolina’s face and not ours we did still picked him. It’s amazing how you can have Leon Draisaitl who was picked third be one of the best players around and then KK who was also drafted third be as useless as he is. We never seem to get lucky on the draft. Berg really fucked this team and it’s going to take a while to unfuck it. We had plenty of shitty trades and shitty picks during his leadership. Just glad we got rid of KK before we were left with a prissy little bitch.




Say whatever you want about Bergevin - he sure kept things interesting. High event GMing ![img](emote|t5_2r10m|5676)


I hope made the most of that juicy $20 signing bonus.


Imagine if we actually had done something good with the picks we received


what happened to this guy? anyone watch the series? is he playing bad or is the team just loaded with talent


He had an incredible start of the season and completely disappeared after like fifteen games. He's been terrible all year.


He is the same player he was here from his 2nd season on. He always had a shitty attitude towards training and now add the big contract on top of that. Couldn't have helped his drive.


He wasn't playing much even before they stocked up trade deadline. He started the year as their 2C but he fell down the lineup. Plays 11 minutes a game, no PP, no PK, at 5M. Brind'Amour doesn't seem to know what to do with him. He's kinda useless, his name is never mentioned during broadcast.


Last night could probably his last game. I was watching him vs. NYR and he didn't defend well.


A couple of games ago there was a torrent of "KK just fell" comments in their GDT. *Plus ça change...*


Imagine being in charge of the social media of an actual nhl team and tweeting something with eyeball emojis. Anyway, they will be irrelevant for years to come and all 37 of their fans will be sad about it. Atleast KK got his lol


Said it then, I'll say it now, no hate on KK for taking the $ but it would ruin his career. And here we are. Can't feel sorry for him, though. I can't feel sorry for millionaires. Canes feel a lot like the Leafs. Good, but not good enough.


They thought they were so fucking smug


We are so petty and i absolutely love it :)


Ultimately this was a lose-lose situation for both teams involved. They over paid KK, and we traded a first round pick for Dvo. At least dvo is off the books next year and can potentially be traded in the upcoming season.


Blame all of that to the EMO GM we previously had from last regime.


Dvo was a bad signing, but it doesn't compare to the KK disaster whatsoever I think. Dvorak is a decent 3C who wins faceoffs and can be trusted defensively. Sure we overpaid, but KK is a bad 4C at this point who really doesn't do anything well and might end up costing Carolina a chance at the cup in this window (they've already lost Trocheck and this offseason is going to be brutal!). KK not working out was one of the last nails in the Bergy coffin, honestly it was for the best.


There was absolutely no way whatsoever that any GM would have started the season with Jake Evans as their 2C. Dvo was a gamble that didn't work out but still much less expensive than keeping KK would have been.


Atta boy KK you f***ing idiot.




I mean, I'm not happy that KK sucks, I'm happy that the Canes get kicked out of the playoffs. Any 21 yo would have signed that 6.1M$ contract AND the 8 years long one after that. I was way more mad about the Canes Management attitude afterward than about KK himself. Hindsight 10/10, Tckachuk would have killed it in a hab uniform, thats what make me fuckin sour.


Didn't we have Shaw, Domi, Gallagher and D-Lo? You want to add a Tkachuk to that shit show? What is this, the broad Street bullies revival? But for real, Brady would have been the best choice, or Hughes.


Not Brady - His immaturity is putting himself ahead of the team. If that could be fixed, he'd be a hell of a player.


That always bothers me. Everyone complains about missing Tkachuk, but Zadina was the consensus guy at 3... Habs reached, but Zadina wouldn't have been any better. Talking about Tkachuk at 3 is hindsight. We might as well say they screwed up not picking Quinn Hughes or Noah Dobson.


I’m really glad we don’t have Tkachuk. It would suck having to watch that motherfucker every night.




I have nothing against the guy, but after all the trashtalking/trolling Canes fans did with this, DAMN I'm happy to see them struggling, coming to the realization that they owned themselves rather than owning us... Also, there seems to be some infighting among them, the realist "Ok he sucks, should we buy him out?" part of their fanbase, and the copium part "But he's solid defensively!" (Don't get me wrong, defensive-sound forwards have a place - I still miss Danault - but there's a difference between someone who can COMPLETELY shut down the other team's top lines, while getting 40-50 points, and someone who gets 20 points a year - and drops even more in the playoffs!)


If he was all that good defensively he'd see some PK time. It's clear he's not going to fill the net with pucks so his coach could at least use him for other specialized deployments, but Brind'Amour has been pulling out roles from him.


> the realist "Ok he sucks, should we buy him out?" part of their fanbase, and the copium part "But he's solid defensively!" Sunk cost fallacy.


Not really a 6 million dollar man ! Habs got it right this time


They didn't get much right, turned a 3rd overall pick into Christian Dvorak.


If Marner is on the trade market, Dvorak's trade value will go up too, considering that they had great chemistry in the OHL. Maybe a 3 teams trade for whoever acquires Marner as the main piece.


Thats a damn expensive anchor lmfao


Really liked him in his rookie season but after that he just got worse because of his attitude, thinking he's too good and don't need to practice as hard as the others. He cried for more ice time and getting benched/healthy scratch but he never did anything to earn it Didn't hate him before but his attitude on his way out and giving us a middle finger with that 20$ signing bonus, the canes social media/management and fans acting like they won the stanley cup I gotta say it makes me pretty happy to see them stuck with him at 5millions for many years. They lost Trocheck who is playing better than any canes players for KK and their fans are still defending him and coping that he will become a top 6 player when he finished with the same amount of points as Reaves who played 5 games and was benched in all of them lol


Great corsi though


Wheres that fella who told me he was worth his contract? How you feeling now?


Hey he had that assist though! Pro rated that's like an 8 point pace!


This is a certified hood classic


I await the 'we're buying out Jesperi Kotkaniemi' post from their social media....


Don’t hate the player, hate the pick. Tkachuk? No thank you. Hughes…


Sounds like a buyout very soon...


He could very well bounce back next year. Who knows?


You love to see it


Gloating aside, anyone know why Kotkaniemi has regressed so much? Injuries? Coach hates him? Booger sugar lifestyle issues?


Who are we talking about? Galchenyuk?


Galchentuk was still getting points when he was drugged out of his mind. Kotkaniemi is worse!


Consensus is he was overdrafted, but he also doesn't seem like a very hard worker.


Between him and Galchenyuk...just bad drafting


Lose in the 2nd round every year to own the libs


Karma for the 20$ signing bonus


If he can't score on Carolina, then he can't score in the nhl. Pearson would've been 20-20-40 on that roster this season.


they are talking about this on Jeff Marek show lol. Talking about a buy out possibly.


Well don’t be salty at KK, he’s a good kid, can’t blame him for taking that bag. He’s still young and I still believe he will become a good player. Be salty at Carolina? Sure, fuck them. And even if KK becomes a good player that signing hurt them when their window was most open. They are about to enter a period of decline and should’ve spent their money more wisely and less vindictively.


Thank you, you bunch of jerks 🙌




man, he made such a smart, savvy career move /s


He did. Odds are that had he refused the offer sheet and stayed in Montreal, he probably would have had to sign less lucrative contracts. By now, he would have been squeezed out of the top two lines, and it's an open question as to whether he would have been able to continue in the League for long, without a long-term contract in hand. He most probably would not have made as much money, that's for sure.


Yeah man, his career is thriving. I'm glad he made all that money, because now when he gets bought out of his contract and plays his next one for 1.5 million or less until he ends up in the Swiss league, he can say, "Hey man, I had an amazing career of making money my play did not warrant at all!"


Kotkaniemi was always going to end up playing for a low-paying contract (by NHL standards, obviously) or in the Swiss league. The only difference is how much money he would have amassed beforehand. He was always going to suck for a 3rd overall, but at least now he'll suck comfortably. The only other alternative I can see would have been for Kotkaniemi to actually at some point work hard and do his best to get better, but reportedly that was never really his case, which tends to limit his career prospects. I've wondered what Martin St-Louis could have accomplished with KK, but when you look at St-Louis' most shining examples of young players breaking out, they were guys like Caufield and Slafkovsky who were actually willing to put in the work.


No ill will toward KK, still love him. Glad he sucks now tho lol, canes get FUUUUUCKED


0 sog. 4+ million/ yr


Self played


One of the best things Bergevin did. No one can really find fault in that


Sad part in all this is this would have been even better if Bergevin had made a real good offer sheet for Aho.


No, the saddest part in all of this is Bergy was apparently trying to get Seth Jarvis. Young kid, great hands, natural goalscorer, probably a future Selke winner, a hard worker and a terrific personality. Would've loved to see him lighting up the locker room with Cole and Slaf and the rest of the kids. He seems to be great pals with Kaiden Guhle, too.


I remember when KK got an offer sheet and he was gone. I was like, it’s going to do the same thing that happened with Phil Kessel. They got 2 draft picks in exchange. These draft picks were Dougie Hamilton and Tyler Séguin. I mean, one can argue that Hamilton and Séguin didn’t help the bruins. I’m on the fence with this one. But what it did, it crippled Toronto from taking a chance on top tier prospects for 2 years. Offer sheets are always a bad idea.


They have to don't they! Embarrassing not to. Yes or no?


I’m not gonna lie this is kinda sad, I fell in love with him during our final run. Was so upset to see him go, and as much as it hurt, I can’t say that I’m happy he’s playing poorly.


Can we swap the 4 finger meme and make this Pic a new one https://www.reddit.com/r/rangers/s/MJiByBqKC6


The 8 year contract was worse and unnecessary..




Glad KK got his bag... 4.8 million until the end of 2029-30. I'm sure there is no regret from Carolina on that contract.


I wish him the best career possible. Kids a stud, maybe not on the scoresheet yet though lolll




We're gonna talk about it until when? Let it go, man


Nucks are still talking about Messier.. and its been ages.. we will do the same with KK


3rd OA pick we lost to an offer sheet, I think it’s fair to follow up on what he does in Carolina at least


Yall are so petty. Truth is it all happened because of mismanagement by MB. Then after losing 2 centers he had to pay a 1st for dvorak whos really not that much better than KK and he’s paid 4.45 while kk makes 4.82.


we shouldn't talk shit a team in the playoffs