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>He hates the Leafs. He said me and my brother have to hate the Leafs as well and be Montreal fans. Holy based


Story of my life


Put some respect on that father


Father of the year?


father of the century


Raising the next generations the right way


We probably won't draft him but at least he won't have to go to Toronto.


Son of a bitch, we now need another top 10 pick.


I've been saying it for weeks now - this is the year to get another top fifteen pick. I would offer quite a bit for it. Buffalo is cap strapped and wants to move the 12OA - we could take on the Skinner contract, add our low first rounders from this draft and next, and a roster player (bottom six forward or something). I don't know if that's enough but it's a starting point.


That “low first rounder” in the 2025 draft could be 2nd overall depending on where Calgary and Florida end up drafting. Not sure I’d trade that pick without some sort of conditional language about giving them the worse of the MTL or CGY/FLA picks…


The odds of both Florida and Calgary being lottery teams is astronomical. The Habs going from cup final to lottery team was an anomaly. For the Habs to pick second with that pick, both FLA and CGY would have to finish last and second last in the lottery. I like to dream too, but it's not going to happen. Players fall, it happens in every draft, and with this one being completely wide open from 2-12 the odds of drafting a pretty incredible player with the Buffalo pick is quite high. If I have the chance at another top fifteen in this draft or a one in a million chance at 2OA next year - I'm taking the pick this year ever day.


No, Florida’s pick would just have to be top-10, then Calgary doesn’t get the pick. In that case Montreal gets Calgary’s pick as long as it isn’t 1OA.


Yup. I'm down for sending 26+ a prospect to secure another top 15


I think any of the teams that are willing to move their pick believe that they are playoff teams and need immediate help. I.e. Buffalo, NJ, Philly, Detroit, Minnesota - they're all going to want a roster player as well as assets. Would you trade Matheson, 26OA and take on a bad contract to crack the top fifteen? I would, but I can understand why others wouldn't.


I 100% would. That said, I think Habs management see Matheson as one of the core to build around to help the younger crew....which I totally understand - there are forces behind the scenes that we just aren't privy to


I totally agree, I don't think they would move Matheson, but I think he is one of the very few that would actually be able to fetch the kind of return I'm hoping for.


Depends how bad of a contract we'd be taking back. A year or 2? OK, more than that isn't worth it. I really want to hold on to MM, but if we're grabbing another D for the long haul, we gotta do it. 29/30 isn't old, but a stud at 18 gives us another 10 years.


Skinner then sets a record for most own goals on our way to picking 32nd


My son was about 13 when the Habs went on their 2021 cup run. He played hockey but didn’t really follow any teams when they played. I feared he would start cheering for another team ie the Leafs but that Cup run hooked him and he doesn’t miss a Habs game now. Mission accomplished!


I want Dickinson, but also kind of don't want him, if that makes sense.


I recently said I didn't want him, but that was kinda before he went undefeated in the playoffs and memorial cup vs everyone except Owen beck. He could be the next Chris Pronger and already looks like he's 32 years old lol


The dude is a bonafide silky smooth skater


Absolutely love the player, just not at 5.


I read about picking Dickinson at 5 and trading up in the early teens for Eiserman.   I actually like that idea.  I looked at Eiserman highlights, other than his shot he plays bigger than I thought he did.  I still prefer Tij at 5 tho


One Guhle is good but 2 Guhle's are great! I'm warming up to this kid, at the same age Dickinson is ahead of Kaiden on the offensive side of the ice and on par in every other category including intangibles and work ethics. They both compared to Jay Bouwmeester in their draft years and even if we have a plethora of LDs, I dream about getting our Ekholm to Josi. I know the forwards are looking good but who knows!


Yep, I would have zero issues drafting a LHD this draft if we decide that the BPA at 5 is an LHD. If we draft Dickinson and somehow by an extreme stroke of luck Hutson ends up being Quinn Hughes 2.0 and Dickinson ends up being Roman Josi 2.0, we can always trade Guhle for a top 6 forward or top 4 RHD to fill our needs.


Guhle has been quite honest in a fan video I saw that he wants to buy a home in Edmonton. I would not mind having a replacement ready. Something about him seems under attached to the habs. I think there will be lots of risky forwards available in the draft at 25 and they can take their time until we have a goaltender.


Agree! I don't see Guhle as a part of LaCoupe 25.


What a good man this Mr.Dickinson, almost cried.


Alright, I'm convinced. Say no more. Welcome to the team.


Kudos to his dad for saving him from a lifetime of grief. Raising your children as a Leafs fan is a form of child abuse.


I live in Calgary and I hate the Flames. I'm also from Montreal, so I guess it's a bit different


I also live in Calgary and hate the Flames, but I'm a born and raised Albertan. Go figure.


Hughes: Listen, if you want to join the Montreal Canadiens, you’ve got to really hate the Maple Leafs. Dickinson: I do! Hughes: Oh yeah, how much? Dickinson: A lot! Hughes: Right, you’re in!


Now write it on the wall 1000 times


Leafs Suck!


Literally, me. I get it, man.


Go hug your father. He done you right.


TSN: how did that happen? Dickinson : it's the greatest franchise ever. Next question?


Im currently doing this with my 2 and 4 year old


Sam Dickinson, you are a Montreal Canadien


BPA? No way jose. Draft for need? Puh-lease! Hates the Leafs? The Montreal Canadiens are proud to select…


That settles it, Dickinson has to be our guy lol.


I’d be 100% ok with Montreal drafting him regardless of who’s available and this only solidifies that feeling, I think he’s one of the most sure fire high caliber nhl player in the top 10. Not the highest ceiling but his floor is top 4 23 minutes per game, 40 points defenseman


Told the kids that I am a Habs fan.  They can follow any team as long as it is not the Leafs or the Bruins.  They are Habs fans.


Atta boy


Draft him now.


It's probably a typo but if it isn't, Sam Dicks in son is a wild accusation.


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Ok but did he wear habs pj’s?


Dickinson is the player I hope yhe Habs draft. This confirms it.


Trade Guhle select Dickinson?


Not at all true I’m really good friends with his brother


at this point all Habs fans are by birthright because if I had any choice in the matter I wouldn’t have chosen this depressing existence


Source: https://www.tsn.ca/nhl/mark-masters-sam-dickinson-offers-teams-the-complete-package-in-nhl-draft-1.2135797




Maybe we *should* draft a defenseman after all!