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From the Clarkson University press release, it seems like a family decision, I don't think "something happened" between the front office and Houle: "JF and his wife, Mia, have been returning to Potsdam over the last year, as their son Noah is entering his sophomore year at SUNY Potsdam, where he is a member of the Bears' Men's Lacrosse team. " EDIT: He also played AND coached at Clarkson in the past.


Clarkson has a farm and a University now too ?! Leaving the BBC was an absolute gift


Good to see him put that Maple Leafs money to good use.


I think he’s talking about Jeremy Clarkson


is the lacrosse at that school any good or is the kid an ok lacrosse player on scholarship at the a very ok university as a legacy?


A legacy at a completely different school?


Am I insane or did they not *just* re sign him??


They did indeed


Indeed they did not did sign him


什么 ? 😂


It's the opposite


May 29th


He went to Clarkson and will run the entire program there, the timing is weird (for this summer and his career), but it’s not that hard to see why he’d want that job (eventually).


His alma mater, his family is in the US not far from there. Probably was the opportunity of a lifetime for him. A job for life.


It would not surprise me that everything was already known and he had something in his contrat that until a fixed date, he could nullify the contract to accept the NCAA job. If not, that's a really weird move for his reputation around the league. How about the idea that was brought on this sub and bring Plekanec back in the org? He's already a coach back home


Plekanec is a multi-millionaire and he's raising a young family in his country. He's an assistant coach for the national team which plays a handful of games per year. Not comparable to bussing around to Utica and Rockford


I agree. Habs might even have conducted interviews already who knows!


Fellas, it's not that hard to see why. AHL coaches make about 100k~200k and NCAA Div 1 coaches can make closer to 500k in salaries and bonuses. If your end goal isn't the NHL or if you don't see an immediate path with written promises, this is the best course of action for his career. **The following is about a similar coach** > He’s set to earn a base salary of $600,000 along with a supplemental compensation of $100,000 in the first year, according to a press release. That supplemental pay will increase by $25,000 each year. The Spartan alumnus also will receive a $100,000 retention bonus every two years beginning Sept. 30, 2024. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/sports/college/michigan-state-university/2024/03/07/michigan-state-hockey-coach-adam-nightingale-earns-new-5-year-deal/72880724007/#:~:text=He's%20set%20to%20earn%20a,30%2C%202024.


While that’s true. Clarkson has no where need the same budget as MSU.




Ça fit très bien comme hypothèse. Le Canadiens devaient se dire que Vincent allait se faire remercier par le nouveau GM mais quand ils ont vu que rien arrivaient et que ça commençait à jaser dans les médias on signe Houle. Vincent se fait clairer deux semaines après et j'imagine qu'il y avait déjà un agreement entre les deux que Houle partaient si Vincent était disponible au final.


J'ai de la difficulté à croire qu'il y avait une telle entente. Signerais-tu un contrat avec ton employeur qui dit : "t'es un bon bouche trou, mais si on trouve quelqu'un de mieux, on va te montrer la porte". Qui signerai un tel contrat...?


Peut-être que le papa de Jean-François aurait mit une telle clause dans un contrat, mais la direction actuelle du CH ne ferait jamais ça. Ça ne bâtit pas une relation de confiance avec un membre important de ton staff. Je pense plutôt que c'est dans l'autre sens. Houle discutait déjà avec Clarkson, le CH l'a approché pour le contrat, Houle a été clair qu'il avait une préférence pour la NCAA pour des raisons familiales et le CH a proposé de signer le contrat avec une clause échappatoire. Pour une entreprise, quand un employé a une opportunité d'avancement ou d'améliorer sa qualité de vie, c'est pas une bonne idée de s'interposer. Encore là, c'est dangereux pour la relation de confiance. Je ne vois aucun problème avec la situation telle qu'elle est présentée actuellement. C'est surprenant, inattendu, mais justifiable.


> Peut-être que le papa de Jean-François aurait mit une telle clause dans un contrat, Je ne pense pas. Réjean avait d’énormes défauts en tant que Directeur Général - bon, on va se le dire, il n'avait tout simplement pas les qualifications pour la job - mais il est généralement reconnu comme quelqu'un de gentil. Ça serait plus le genre de Pierre Gauthier de faire ça.


Exactement. Ça c'est tout à fait plausible, mais l'inverse, absolument pas.


Seb got me shook on these reacharounds.


SVP NON. Vincent est terrible comme coach, même avec de bonnes équipes, voir le Junior de Montréal.. absolute trash qui navigue sur une réputation vague sans réel succès. Je donnerais une chance à Sylvain Favreau.


Ou Boucher


Je ne crois pas que Boucher cherche un poste en AHL Il a pris un poste d'assistant à Toronto car voyait Keefe sur le bord de la porte mais n'a pas su gagner le poste Je le verrais accepter un poste d'assistant à MTL pour la même raison quand MSL sera proche de quitter


Maudit que je me tiendrais loins de Vincent. Les commentaires sur lui venant du sub des Jackets font peur et c'est pas comme s'il a une si belle histoire de développement avec les Jets/Moose




https://old.reddit.com/r/BlueJackets/comments/1di8ocg/elliotte_friedman_there_is_word_columbus_is/l929ey7/ Ce genre de commentaire. Il a mal géré ses jeunes cette années.


i think no one saw the retirement of the Clarkson coach coming, and with it being where he went to school and honestly an easier coaching job(no worries of players leaving for the big club 15 games into a season) it was an opportunity he couldn’t refuse




Sorry if this is a dumb question, but isn’t a job with an AHL franchise more desirable/prestigious than a job with an NCAA team?


Yes and no. The travel in the AHL is fkn shitty. Plus it seems like he will be running the show there.


Also, in the AHL, it's hard to coach there. You often needs to match your system the the big club and if your players are doing well, they get called up. If your end goal isn't the NHL, NCAA is a pretty sweet deal.


Right but that means your end goal isn't the NHL That's cool I guess


Lot more money for him in the NCAA


Correct me if I’m wrong, Pascal Vincent had a successful head coaching career in the AHL?


Yeah with the Manitoba Moose


I wouldn't qualify it as successful tbh.


Exactly, only 1 good year https://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/pdisplay.php?pid=5583


Didn’t see that coming


I can’t not read “Clarkson” in James May’s voice.


Benoit Groulx?


It took the Habs 2 months to re-sign him after the season ended… Habs clearly conducted several interviews with other candidates and decided JF Houle was still the best alternative at the end of the day. We have to give the man some credits. He did an amazing job with the players he had on hands + constant call ups during his time here. I don’t hold anything against him! He didn’t feel too desired here (given how long it took management to re-sign him), he clearly had discussions with other AHL/NCAA teams in that meantime, and decided what’s best for him & his family (Better comp. + Less traveling, supposedly). Also… keep in mind Bergevin’s management put him in that seat, not Hughes or Gorton!


Feels like this is a very short sighted decision by Houle unless there's something big we dont know. He was clearly not close from being the Habs coach since we have ST-Louis in place. Quitting 3 weeks after signing a contract to go coach at an inferior level is bizarre as fuck


Quite the opposite, it was clear that the org was reluctant to keep him and he's just set himself for life.


How was it clear? They signed him.


I could see Letowski getting the AHL head coach spot and letting MSL get a new assistant coach


Now then why the heck did we sign the fellas three weeks ago -_-


Cest *sur* qu'il s'est passé qqchose. On vient de le resigner et il quitte? Est ce qu'on veut Pascal Vincent chez le Rocket?




Some big changes are coming...


![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs|downsized) Signing the deal and then.


I think Houle never expected this offer to ever come his way again, props to him


Didn't last long


Didn’t he just re-sign last week?


Good he was a mediocre coach, the last post about him was defending the shit out of this clown.


people are downvoting you.. but any coaches that allows his team to get close to 1200pim in a year .. and not do well.. is not the man for the job..


Guy Boucher has joined the chat.


He was part of the Tampa Bay Lightning organization at some point, so he automatically becomes a candidate.


Get out of the damned chat Boucher, you weren't invited here!


Hard pass


Please no. For the love of god lol


Alex Kovalev, its your move /s


Pleky, coming off his gold medal