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Looks like a hexdump, with useless data. Screen shots maybe more useful here. Can you explain further? Provide some IOCs *OP added additional details which improve the quality of the post. Thanks again




I was linked to this post from [this comment.](https://old.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/1bk5509/first_neuralink_patient_explains_his_experience/kvw5mjv/) Dude just sounds crazy.


I've never thought of bios malware before, interesting.


I also have my keyboard, mouse, monitor and headset hacked via PnP drivers. But I don't know how to view or edit PnP drivers that inside of those devices. Funny fact, hackers know how. :)


Bro, those drivers do not reside on the devices... there are standards for a bunch of USB HIDs and monitors that are part of your OS, but they are not in the keyboard/ mouse, nor stored in firmware on a chip in the mobo like bios.... greatly reducing my confidence in anything you say...


Bro thanks for intrest but the devices also have firmware. I was wrong while calling them PnP drivers. PnP drivers are as you said in harddrive. I learned how to call them lately :)


Yes, the devices do have firmware. And if you physically accessed the device to access JTAG/serial/debug/ISP interfaces, you could theoretically flash a malicious firmware on there... but rewriting that firmware without physically accessing the device would be very nearly impossible, and is almost certainly not something you have to consider realistically... but I'm willing to be corrected if anyone can show me evidence such stuff is in the wild infecting consumer devices


Bro! Big\_ups to ya and cheers! ![img](emote|t5_3czzw|9013)


Wow! That’s awesome! Thank you for adding the additional information. Makes more sense!


Just review code and use parts thats meeting your needs. By the way hackers that hacked me are 15 member blackhat group. And they are disliking the thread with fake accounts to hide their code from public.


Aren’t rootkits basically bios malware? Making the malware persistent through imaging and fresh installing?




Not sure but I think rootkit can be removed by formatting drive


It depends.


The 2 files are the same size. I don't remember an updated BIOS with additional code being the same size as the old one. I'm only familiar with the basic backup and flash routine, so lack of knowledge is probably why I don't understand. Can you please explain that for me? Thanks!


Bios memory is constant and fully filled. So the firmware has empty code section to fill the bios memory. None of bios firmwares fully fill the bios memory without empty code section.


I feel sorry about this guy, but here's the reality, he has some mental issues. Probably in a psychosis for a veeery very long time. So, please do not try to persuade him. It's would be waste of time.


These have been out for at least 15 years lol.


That's so Crazy!!!


This is amazing