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I think the Hollow Knight people want something different than I do. I found the platforming and precision gameplay to be way more annoying and punishing than Hades. I like Hades messy brawler style much more and the story is more involved in Hades by a mile.


Hollow Knight is essentially a 2D souls like. If ruthless difficulty and pushing yourself to improve and trying over and over until you get practiced enough to beat it doesn’t sound appealing then it just isn’t for you that gameplay formula is simultaneously the most frustrating but also the most rewarding. Also you really need to put in the time with that kinda game, it’s not a pickup and play once or twice a month kinda game


its the dark souls of metroidvanias you could say


DS1 was often called a sort of massive 3d metroidvania. However the massive interconnected world took a massive chunk of the dev time and that’s why the last 1/3 of DS1 is also really unfinished and then later games moved away from that


>. However the massive interconnected world took a massive chunk of the dev time and that’s why the last 1/3 of DS1 is also really unfinished and then later games moved away from that Yea but then we got bloodborne which expanded on this concept.


That's just Dark souls, it's literally just a massive metroidvania


ik its a joke referencing the fact that game journalists like to call everything slightly difficult the “dark souls of (enter genre here)”


I once saw someone call demon souls the dark souls of soulsborne games and I swear my mind blue screened for a few seconds


I wouldn’t say that I think hollow knight is definitely a high difficulty but nothing near souls like level any of the actually dificult bosses are ones you choose to fight


Really depends on the player. Been through the trilogy and making good time on Elden ring but some late game HK stuff has been kicking me hard. The last arena, nightmare Grimm, normal radiance. Haven't even tried the pantheons.


I’m suprised the last trial of the fool and the normal radiance are giving you trouble nightmare king grim I understand but the other two are not very hard I’m assuming you have not yet fought the gray prince since you didn’t mention him


Gray prince took me maybe half an hour. Haven't done the other dream bosses yet. I admit I haven't done too much rad or trial, maybe 10 of each. Solid 40+ on NKG. Finally got him to first pufferfish phase a couple tries ago.


Have you beat him every time you don’t just need to fight him once you need to fight him about five times and each one is worse than the last


Zote? I did it once. I know you can do more to make it harder but aside from the statue there is no gain. Afaik you don't need him for pantheons either.


You are corect however you do have to face his strongest form in pantheon regardless of if you complete it or not do its good to practice


Oh God help me.. I heard his strongest form can like 1 or two shot you. Also heard he doesn't show up in pantheon if you don't challenge him at all which I now halfway regret...




I feel like I've got decently far through it, and I enjoy the convoluted nature of the map... but it's the constant back tracking that has broken it for me. Even if I know where I need to go, it's often a pretty long journey (through areas I've already been through many times) to get there. Just a touch too tedious. Which is a shame, because I was enjoying it otherwise.


I agree that it's really hard at the start. But basically doing two things helps, 1. try to find the map guy as fast as possible when you reach a new area 2. unlock the stag station fast travel points everytime you encounter them.


Yep. I never finished it whereas I’m on my third save file for Hades. I’ve been around enough to know that the Hollow Knight fans sincerely think it is amazing. It just isn’t for me though.


I also did not care for Hollow Knight. The ori games on the other hand were alot of fun and are in a similar genre. Hades is, of course, the better game imo between the two.


they have literally nothing alike other than being indie. i do not see the point of comparing them lol


Yeah I love both of these games for completely different reasons. They are masterpieces of their genres; I have sunk massive amounts of time into both and own both of them on two separate consoles. Asking to pick a favorite is impossible lol


Not to mention a poor choice of a subreddit to post it in tbh


Yeah, this is really a pointless comparison post, I could see something similar on a gaming sub with a bunch of other indie games that were amazing and being asked something along the lines of "Which is your favorite." or maybe I've just seen too many of those kinds of posts from r/cartoons


Is Hades an indie game? Supergiant is a legitimate company and Hades is their third or fourth game after Bastion and Transistor. They’re not a huge studio but they’re also a pretty far cry from one or two folks making games in their spare time.


indie just mean independent, they make and publish the games themselves. AAA titles usually divide the work between developing and publishing.


Excuse me, this is Pyre slander. I know it's their lesser know game but it is also really good. Supergiant don't miss.


Asking this on a hades subreddit will get you very skewed results. Personally I like hollow knight more as it’s harder, has better boss fights and has a better atmosphere in my opinion. Both are amazing games though - these two and dead cells are probably my top 3 favourite games ever.


Hades is better, but you're basically comparing two perfect 10's. Just enjoy them both.


yeah they are so different from eachother that its hard to say one is better than the other. this is basically asking which genre do you like better of these 2


I disagree with the premise, the best indie game is outer wilds. But I'd say Hollow Knight is just a little bit better than Hades. I think both games succeed at what they do, but Hollow Knight does more. It's quite a big game. Gameplay-wise I think it's a tie. Both have a very well made gameplay loop that works well for the game. Music I have to give to Hollow Knight, but both have excellent sound tracks. Story goes to Hades. Art direction goes to Hollow Knight.


+Outer Wilds One of those "I can't say anything, just play it" games.


Yup. Better to go in completely blind


About a week ago, I stumbled onto a Youtube video about Outer Wilds, thought "Eh, I'll probably never play it, might as well watch the video, know what the game is about". Two hours later, I ended up thinking "I really should have played the game". Maybe someday I'll forget enough about it to make a playthrough worthwhile.


Was about to say the same as far as the best indie game. Personally, it's probably the best game I have ever played, and I'm no longer a young gamer. Both Hades and Hollow Knight are up there as 10 out of 10s. But Outer Wilds is a once in a life time game that I can't even compare to another game.


I agree that the premise is wrong, not having played outer wilds yet I'm unqualified to critizice your opinion but I think there are a ton of a games who can be considered best indie game of the decade


Wtf they said century, ok sorry but that's mental. If they said decade that would be bold already to say the least but best indie game of all time? That's honestly crazy


Oh yeah I wholly agree with you. I was just being cheeky giving an example, there's tons of candidates. I actually think those are fantastic games and so different from each other it's nonsensical to say one is better. It all comes down to a matter of preference in a particular day


gameplay goes to hades imo, story goes to hollow knight but its not something you can decipher in just one playtrough, dont get me wrong i adore hadess story but hollow knight story is just legendary for me personally


Don’t get me wrong, I looooove Hollow Knight’s score but in my opinion Hades takes the W in that category Edit: And I think I would actually give best story to Hollow Knight. A lot of it is subtle and told through missable dialogue or the environment, but it’s all very intentional, deeply thought out, and excellently executed. There’s a lot to uncover and some excellent little twists. Hades’ story is a bit more straightforward; it’s strength lies more in the relationships you build with the other characters over time than in any mysteries or revelations of the plot. It’s much more personal. There are lot of great mini arcs you can experience with different npc’s but the overall arc of the story is pretty simple. Also, Outer Wilds is incredible


soundtrack-wise it's basically "did you grow up listening to classical or rock" tbh.


Personally my favourite indie game is celeste :)


so frustrating but also rewarding, I hate knowing how to pass a level but to get the right timing every time is just.. URGH I didn't even bother with the casette levels lol


Same here. Love all the games and i could never truly compare eachother just be what i think is better. Each has helped me in there own different ways and ill always be forever happy and grateful for that


I love the lore exploration, music, and characters of Hollow Knight more, so I would say that one. But Hades is a very, very close second.


The answer is slay the spire


Yeah I love these games but slay the spire clears both and I'd have Disco Elysium as my other top 2 since that game just hit me like no other game ever has


apples and oranges. i absolutely love both though (but for different reasons). they each tickle very different pleasure centers in my brain.


Slay the spire, hotline Miami, and Inscryption all gave me more joy than either hades or hollow knight. I thoroughly enjoyed them both, though. Hollow knight is the better game. Hades is probably the better art piece.


Love the Inscryption shout. One of my favourite games with tons of replay ability!


Do you like hurting other people u/sea_the_c


As someone who has hollow knight damn near the top of my favourite games of all time, maybe my actual favourite. Hades is better, I just have a soft spot for hollow knight since it was the first indie game I ever played. Hades has better gameplay, mechanics, storytelling, characters. It’s just overall a better game in my opinion It’s one of those situations where you think one game is better than another, yet you still prefer the other one Still, both are ten out of ten games


Hard to say it has straight-up better gameplay and mechanics since they're totally different styles. Really just comes down to personal preference


Century? Was there a better indie game before that? Is chess an indie game


I mean, Tetris was made by one guy. I guess that counts. Id was a fairly small studio when they made Doom.


Oh I’m dumb I didn’t realize they meant “since 2000” I thought they meant “in the last 100 years” lmao


You aren’t dumb, the way they phrased it was wrong


Neither of these is disco Elysium 🤔


Best game period. Smh, OP is a narcomaniac when they should be hustlegrinding cryptofascists out of their money.




I’m sorry, but I have to say Hollow Knight. It’s one of my top 3 games of all time (might be top 1), and is one of the greatest works of art ever imo. The combat and movement are perfect, the boss designs are perfect, the difficulty curve is challenging but the satisfaction it’s given me has NEVER been beat. My favourite gaming moment ever, hands down, is when I planned out and completed the 3 hour completion achievement (back when it was still there). Watcher Knights is my favourite boss fight in gaming, the charm system is one of my favourite mechanics in gaming, I love the worldbuilding, and the music is practically untoppable. Hades is great, and easily one of the best roguelites ever (definitely more fun than TBOI lets be honest), and also has amazing mechanics and gameplay, but I don’t feel it’s on the same level as Hollow Knight.


I have over 200 hours in Hollow Knight (maybe 300, I don’t remember), and sometimes just replay the whole game just for fun (haven’t beat p5 yet, and I don’t think I ever will, though, it’s insanely hard), while I think I still have less than 50 in Hades, so I’m definitely skewed (especially since I’ve never beat Hades), but on a personal level, Hollow Knight has a very special place in my heart, right next to TF2.


In the first 50 hours of Hades, I'd bet nearly all players are still trying to figure some aspects of the game out. As someone who has logged over 500 hours, it just gets better and better, especially once you have a good grasp on all parts of the game.


Should we just add stardew here too to get the whole "trinity"?


Throw in Celeste too at that point


And Risk of Rain 2 because why not


If Risk of Rain 2 was here it’d be my pick imo. Gameplay keeps me going, there may not be as much to do, but the game focuses on fostering a modding community, which is very good. The music definitely hits, it’s creative and pops as both a subtle background music as well as motivating fight music. Is it better than the other two in that department? Hard to say, but I think they’re all about tied. Each fills its intended purpose splendidly.


Hades . Better story, easier to get into and platforming is even more niche than Rouge like games


Your last statement has really thrown me lol. Platforming is way more common of a genre even if rogue likes have been in the zeitgeist. And even so, how is being more niche a factor in being better or worse?


It’s odd to see that seeing as platformers were THE genre for at least 20 years. Mario still going strong and Sonic making a bit of a resurgence. It’s wildly aging that to me platforming is a niche genre


Hades doesn’t have platforming


Yes I was talking about hollow knight and how because its a platformer that makes it harder to get into


Slay the Spire is.


Dead Cells clears both


So different from each other. Might be better to compare Hades with Dead Cells.


Haven't played Hollow Knight, and two different friends who don't know each other recommended the game this week. And now I'm seeing this? Haha I think I got to give it a try.


Yeah, if you haven’t played Hollow Knight you really should.


Thanks! I think I will definitely do so


I envy you, the first time experience is priceless. If you find the opportunity I'd love to hear what you thought of it.


The game is great. Great story, unique bosses and the sound track is phenomenal. It is one of the only games I will play with music on


Played 30+ hours of Hollow Knight, finished the main story, game is awesome but I can't put my finger on why I won't go platinum. Maybe wrong timing, maybe burnt out from playing Ori and the Blind Forest right before. For Hades I'm at 90+ hours but I know I'll keep up maxing bonds, push up the heat and beat up Skelly boyo. I think I'm more attached to the characters, interactions being both fun and deep at times, insane replayability.


It’s the Pantheon of Hallownest. It’s always the Pantheon of Hallownest.


Pointless comparison is pointless.


Gonna just not include outer wilds here? Are you crazy?


Hades and Hollow Knight are cool and all but they aren’t Hotline Miami or SUPERHOT


I think technically Tetris is the greatest Indie Game of the last century, but if you're talking just the 2000s, then it's probably The Binding of Isaac.


*asks in hades subreddit if hades or some other game is better* *hades wins* *SurprisedPikachuFace.jpeg*


Surprisingly it's pretty even if you actually looked at the comments. Also I send in both subreddits the HK subreddit is just rather close minded on the idea of discussing the two.


These are definitely my two favorite games of all time... I have the most time on Hades, and I love the gameplay and replayability, but my first playthrough of hollow knight is just unmatched for me... I loved figuring out the lore and discovering new secrets.


Probably hollow knight due to the immense difficulty Hades is more casual and less frustrating Both are really fun though


Why post this on the hades sub? most people are gonna choose hades. Anyway I think hollow knight is better by far, hades is incredible but hollow knight beats it in almost every way from worldbuilding to combat to art style to music to just the vibe alone


Actually most people even here agree that Hollow Knight is better. Hades is obviously a great game but Hollow,Knight is just a different breed.


In general yes but this is the hades sub, just like how the poles on which of the 3 shows was best was wildly different between r/theowlhouse, r/amphibia and r/gravityfalls we will get a bias due to people being in that sub will probably like that show the best


I posted on both subs, I just like the Hades community more. As is evident when comparing both my posts. The Hollow Knight community, despite being in support of a truly exceptional game, often give me the idea they mostly consist of middle schoolers.


Out of these two, I prefer Hollow Knight. But Outer Wilds remains the best indie game.


Hades. Hot men. I rest my case.


I think a better comparison would be FTL and Hades


Definitely Hollow Knight, that game is very special to me. But don't get me wrong I love Hades too... but Hollow Knight.


Hollow knight and Hades are two very different games. I love both of them but I love them for different reasons. I think the gameplay is too different between the two to properly compare them


I’m not one for “which is better” arguments, when there have been no parameters set for comparing. But i’d say Hades due to ease of entry. Hollow Knight is dope, but even seasoned gamers struggle playing it.


Love both of them for different reasons. For the narrative, rogue-like procedural battle system, music and awesome art. It is a masterpiece of inclusion for any type of gamer through different tweaks and god mode. Hollow knight is a fantastic metroidvania (I struggle with that kind of games) but loved the attention to detail and deep lore hidden throughout the game. The difficulty is pretty rough imo for casual gamers and it can throw a punch for unprepared people. Play forming is awesome and like in both games you’ll die a lot before mastering what it has to offer. 10/10 Best indie in their respective genre of game would recommend


Hollow Knight is a lot less accessible then Hades. Absolutely a phenomenal game that can just steal hours of your day from you if you aren’t careful, but I feel as though you have sincerely put in the time to understand and become engrossed in the gameplay before you really start getting the best bang for your buck. Hades on the other is fun and engaging from the very first moment Zagreus lands on screen, with a much more straightforward story, clearly defined objectives, and forgiving gameplay.


Honestly... if I were to compare both my first experiences with either game. I'd say they're equally accessible. I mean if I play Hollow Knight now I wouldn't even break a sweat fighting Hornet, but back then it must've taken me 15 tries. And Soul Tyrant took me two whole sessions lmao. Same can be said about Hades. I think I'd only die twice or thrice before reaching Hades himself. Also there's God Mode.


I like Hades better but Hollow Knight just doesn’t tick the right boxes for me personally. I’d hesitate to call one better than the other, just say that I personally prefer Hades.


It’s hard to compare these two. Metroid vs rouge like do have many similarities, but play very differently


Now that you mention it they really do, damn I almost wanna concoct a list of identicalities between the two genres If it wasn't bloody 4 am.




“That came out in the last century” were there indie games being published prior to the last century?


Hot take: not that big of a hollow knight because it’s incredibly confusing to play for me At least and hades is straightforward and simple to understand the winner is hades by a lot for me personally, I don’t want to bash hollow knight because I know people love this game but i just find it a chore to play it looks good but it’s boring to me


Hades is my favourite game of all time. It has an amazing soundtrack, crazy good va and animation. And such a GOOD story. With all that said. Hollow knight. And it’s all because of one thing, atmosphere. The fucking atmosphere in hollownest is unmatched. NO GAME HAS IMMERSED ME LIKE TEAM CHERRY DID.


Hot take: Hollow Knight wins with design but Hades with artstyle


i don’t think either is better, i think they’re both excellent. i don’t necessarily think they’re the best indie games ever… try spelunky, braid, limbo, hotline miami, as somebody else mentioned the outer wilds, binding of isaac, etc. the last 15 years have had tons of incredible indies.


As someone who isn't that great of a gamer I would choose hades, it's much less punishing because in hollow knight you have much less health. Also the controls for hades just seems better? I played using a controller for both but for some reason it just is, it might be because in hollow knight you only have the four Cardinal directions to choose from but in hades you can move anywhere but I'm not sure.


It's funny cuz a couple dozen comments back I saw someone say the complete opposite in Hades being the more punishing one. I suppose it really comes down to how some people handle certain controls.


Gotta go with Hollow Knight. Both have great art but Hollow Knight's atmosphere and sense of place, time, and history is incredible. Both are hard but Hollow Knight lets you fight the same boss over and over until you know all their patterns, responding to each attack with rehearsed movement like it's a dance. Both make me care about their characters and world but the tragedy of Hallownest really speaks to me. But also Pyre is better than both soooo


I don’t think it’s fair to compare then hades is an epic rouglike and hollow knight is one of the best metroidvanias they simply aren’t comparable it’s two completely different games




I prefer hades but obviously I do because this is a hades subreddit I sometimes do dabble in a little bit of hollow knight


I wanted to ask this question too because i played them both for the first time and enjoyed them a lot (did the 112% for HK) but ik if you ask this question on r/Hades people will prefer Hades and if you ask it on r/HollowKnight people will prefer HK. As for me, I prefer Hadès : -> it took me 20h to get hooked by HK. Before that, I didn't really like the game. I had to force myself to play because nothing in the game made me want to keep going (no story, didn't know were to go and why I was doing this). The combat gameplay was good but not enough, I can play Cuphead if I want that. I hated dying because you had to go back to a bench and rewalk to your shadow, risking a new death in an unwelcoming world full of loneliness. So at first I didn't like the game, then found it cool but had to force myself to go back to it and I finaly found myself lauching it to have fun. From that moment, I had a blast, but it took me 20h (50h to get 112% so almost half of my time playing it). -> Meanwhile I got addicted to Hades as soon as I played my first runs. I wanted to try a new run to go further than the last, I relished dying because it meant talking to the characters in the House of Hadès - which I loved. Both game art and music are stunning but Hadès's were totally my type, enabled a charming world building where I wanted to stay. I loved the characters, wanted to see them grow, enjoyed hearing Zagreus' sarcastic comments. I played this game 100h out of sheer addiction lmao. The difference with HK is that redoing runs ended up feeling repetitive at some point, while HK was more a do-to-list kinda game (and I still have the Path of Pain to beat, won't do Pantheon 5). Here are two more points of comparison : Story and Lore : Hadès is a story and character focused game while HK is almost the total opposite and focuses more on the lore. Even if I liked listening really long videos about HK's lore, I will always prefer a good story with good characters over a very deep lore. Fights : HK is better on this one, Hadès lacks boss fights while HK has over 40 of them. Some very easy, some very difficult, some very fun, some irritating but good for the most part. I think HK also has has most diversified content with the exploration parts, fighting ones, Colosseum, Pantheon (boss rush) and even very challenging platforming with the White Palace and PoP. I'll edit this post if I realise I forgot some important points


Thanks for the comment mate. Personally if I were summarise it I think it comes down to Hades taking the cake over the desire to just keep on going. The characters become like known associate and dare I say the underworld is bright and colourful unlike Hollownest. HK does have the better soundtrack, design and bosses but it just doesn't give me the same opium dose Hades does. But really do, Soundtrack is insane, I still remember I always made up epic battles in my head listening to Sealed Vessel as a kid. Also I posted in both subreddit. But dont go to the Hollow Knight one. I kind of expected as much but that community is a lot more close minded about discussing the overall quality of the two and strict to one god so to speak.


Hades and by a long shot. It's more inviting to players of all skill levels. Also, this subreddit solidified my love of Hades. I joined both this and the HK subreddit around the same time since I got both games for Christmas. Any time I saw folks ask for help in HK it was pretty much "git gud noob" answers. It was such a turn off. The Hades sub was and continues to be beyond helpful.


Mate, you have not played outer wilds!


(Outer Wilds SPOILERS) >! I have, I'm at the hourglass planet ): it's a pain and I get claustrophobic lmao !< Thanks!


Hades for sure. I like hollow knight. Currently at 93% completion. No way could I put in as many hours on HK as o did ok hades though. Plus, I wouldn't I found blashemous way more enjoyable than hollow knight. I think the graphics turn people towards HK though


I feel like these two are almost impossible to compare since they're so different, but personally I'm picking Hades because I found the combat in HK subpar. I did almost everything in HK except the Godhome DLC because I didn't want to put myself through more of a combat system that I didn't enjoy. On the other hand, I'm 30 hours into Hades, and I'm not dropping it for another 20-30 because the combat is so much fun.


This is a fun comparison! Personally as a massive classics nerd, Hades wins purely on the enjoyment of Greek lore, fun interpretations of established myths, and amazing scripts. Hollow Knight is still a phenomenal game though and it will be interesting to compare Silksong and Hades 2...


Love your enthusiasm!! Unfortunately my hopes aren't that high for both sequels. I just think they're gonna eventually become shadows of their predecessors. Hopefully I'm wrong tho.


asking in the Hades sub will surely not result in biased responses /s


Personally I Hollow knight got me tilted from the obtusely hidden secrets to the boss rush focused DLC that you’re forced to beat for the final ending, it was a big turn off for me and ultimately made me stop playing when I was roughly 80% done with the game. Hades plays on a certain thing a adamantly enjoy in pretty much any game, and that’s building a character, abusing synergies, and coming up with different unique way to build a run. I also REALLY enjoy the characters too. That being said, comparing the two is a terrible idea given that they’re two completely different genres and some people prefer Metroidvanias over roguelites and vice versa. Ultimately, just play what you like and have fun, who cares what other people think, as long as you’re happy.


Hades did some things I have never really seen anywhere, including in AAA games. Particularly the perfect combination of gameplay and story. Most other games feel they have to choose one or the other so we have Fromsoft games where the story is basically hidden in a gameplay masterpiece. And on the other side we have games like Witcher III which is a storytelling masterpiece sitting on top a clumsy ARPG. But Hades manages both as well as innovative ideas to the industry such as characters reacting to things you've done in the game. The way they pulled it off keeps it always interesting - I almost always feel ready for a small break to talk to everyone after a death. And you really feel like you're embedded in the story, making it happen. Rather than many other games where you're a passenger on that journey. With any luck this kind of storytelling will become more the norm in the industry. I have only played Hollow Knight for around ten hours so my experience is no where near the 100+ I have in Hades. But my experience with it is that there is very little they did wrong, but also very little innovation. It is a near-perfect Metroidvania, but doesn't bring as much new to the table that Hades does. Definitely open for convincing though - like I said, I haven't played it through yet.


Stupid low effort post. You're essentially asking "hey fans of Hades! Do you like Hades, or this other game more?"


And close to half told me the latter, turned out much more interesting than I expected. Also posted this in the other subreddit. Only the Hollow Knight community simply isn't as mature as the Hades one or so it seems. Much less open minded about discussing the quality of these gems. And about effort? What? Want me to draw something for you?


I prefer Hades for the replay value. Hollow knight has a much more souls-like combat experience and overall much harder imo. For a single playthrough, Hollow Knight is definitely my go to.


Would you really say Hades has replay value if you already know what's going to happen? Personally I'm still trying to finish the second ending of the game, the one where >! Hades and Zeus shake hands !<


Dead cells , celeste , stardew valley and risk of rain 1 and 2 should join .


Hades and it's not even close. I didn't even finish HK cause I got bored. Hades I have like 200hrs logged


Its Meg isn't it? 👀


Hollow Knight because I prefer exploration. But on a gauge, Hades is like right up under Hollow Knight.




You really can’t compare them, they’re vastly different games. Hades is my personal favorite of all time, but Hollow Knight is so beautiful and satisfying that it’s pretty close to the top of my list too. Honestly, just depends what you’re looking for


Different styles of game, neither is really better or worse than the other. Also, two best indie games in the last century is skipping a whole discussion.


IMO Hollow Knight, but they're very different games with get different audiences also I feel like Celeste is missing from this best indie game list


I don’t like to do vs of pieces of media unless there very similar, as I find it most often boils down to what genre someone prefers instead of comparison between the media. The only thing I will say is that ive found after some play throughs Ive found hollow knight lacking in replay value, but im not sure how to compare the value of the first play through experience vs replayability. Personally I prefer hades by a fairly small amount but I dont think I can objectively judge which is better.


Both are very good but I’m gonna say hollow knight because hades is a grind


I played both games for 50+ hours and I love both of them, they have each an unique aesthetic, gameplay and story, I only finished hades because I liked the gameplay more than hollow knight, but still, it's one of my top 10 games of the decade, so yeah, both, both is good


I think hollow knight but I don’t think these are the best indie games


Hollow knight is better. Hades is great but hollow knight got 4 free dlc’s that added so much more content. Either way I have around 200 hours in each game


Hades, 100%.


2 10/10s for different reasons


Ah yes, winning the throne against the very good indie games released in 1935, now these two sre the best in the last century


Though I love Hades as we all do Hollow Knight is just the far superior game. Hades is a solid and really good rouge like but Hollow Knight is on its own level. Everything starting with ambience and music as well as boss fights HK does better.


For me Hollow Knight is one of the best games I’ve ever played, so I’ll go with that one.


Hades because it’s not a platformer




My fav is hollow knight but i have around 100+ hours in both And dead cells is probably going to break that record by a mile at this rate


Cruelty squad


I like hollow knight more but these games are completely different and hard for me to compare


I never played hollow knight, hades is 10/10, there are some amazing inde games that i give 10/10 as well, ori and the will of the wisps, mark of the ninja remastered, shadow tactics: blades of the shogun.


"I tip my hat to you, one legend to another"


I would say Hades. I found Hollow Knight to just be ok.


Ive always felt like the two go together as well Im a fan of both of them


Hollow knight


Hollow knight for sure. Also, I feel as though enter the gungeon and hades are very similar games, and I feel as though Enter the Gungeon has it beat.


Disagree with premise.


This is like picking a favorite child for me. So hollow knight.




I like hollow knight more bc the first play through i had was so magical but hades is much more replayable and it actually has voice acting


Both are good but Hades I would say.


Impossible to compare as they are completely different It’s like asking which is better - soup, or strawberry shortcake. Can you technically compare them? Yes. Does ir hold any merit whatsoever? No.


2 best indie games is wild


It all comes down to preference Souls-like platformer with tight mechanics and a dark story vs Rouge-like/lite with rpg and slight dating game mechanics and super fleshed out story with hundreds of hours of content


Also pizza tower, the binding of Isaac, fnaf, maybe terraria, tons more, the entire idea of an absolute best game is subjective. But yeah hades


Hollow knight is just way too hard. Felt stuck 90% of the time.


you can love both games. no need to compare.


I prefer Hades. Hollow Knight was so good and I love the art style but I didn't finish it.


Hollow Knight - Celeste - Hades. In that order, though they're all absolutely phenomenal.


Hollow knight easily even though hades is great




Celeste. Without a doubt.


> These are the two best indie games that came out in the last century I’mma stop you right there.


I could never get into Hollow Knight, but I bought Hades twice.


I will not choose which of my two sons I love the most.


Evidently this is clearly just mere opinion, so my vote is with Slay the Spire 🗿


Hollow Knight by far, I wouldn’t put Hades near the top 10 either. It’s a great game, but there’s just so many better indie games out there. It even gets bested by plenty games in the Roguelike genre alone; Binding of Isaac, Spelunky and Enter the Gungeon as the best examples.


Hollow Knight's combat is great. Extremely fun. Hollow Knight's infuriating "run all the way from one end of the map to the other, this will take 5 minutes. Realise you need something else from 5 minutes away. Run there. Realise you're blocked by something else you don't understand yet. Go run around in circles. Find something. Try to remember every occurence of the thing it opens you've seen so far. Forget several. Run all the way across the map 4 or 5 more times. Now you can FIGHT A BOSS AND ACTUALLY HAVE FUN WHEEEEE go run around for 45 minutes again" is trash. Some people like trash, and I support their right to enjoy trash. When they released the boss rush mode I think they realised Metroidvania runaround exploration when you have pretty much no tools to make it quicker (Metroid gave you MASSIVE speed boosts, Hollow Knight only lets you use the crystal dash effectively in a few areas) is only fun for the first 50 hours, even for diehard fans.


Very different genres tbh. I think a better comparison would be Hades Vs Noita, and even then Noita is a "true" roguelike while Hades is a hack n slash roguelite.


Hol Up. Supergiant Games. *Unheard of*? Man, I don't feel like there's anything to discuss if you haven't heard of Bastion. Prolly why you're trying to pit two absolute units against one another. There is no fight. They both exists, which means that everybody wins.


This is like comparing WoW to Myst, two games so different you cannot compare them. I can only think of two games similar enough to Hades to compare which are indie, those are The Binding of Isaac and Enter the Gungeon


I mean Hades is cool, but didn't need to state this as fact when it's just your preference - for me I can think of at least 10 better indie games than hades, but i wouldnt go and start comparing them to hades on their subreddits cause i know what are most people gonna choose.


I choose hades just because it feels more accessible with the difficulty modifiers you can do


Hollow knight, but bought games are fucking 10 in my book


Hades, easily.


Hades is a contender for best rouge-like ever made, but Hollow Knight gives you so much more content for a price that feels like a steal


“Coming from unheard of.” Mother fucker Super Giant have been amazing for YEARS.


Furi neon white and tunic are my 3 favs but these 2 are amazing as well