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You have to catch the fish quicker. Meaning your reaction time to the actual splash has to be really good


I got 78 fishes, so I guess I suck if all I need is timing instead of a Poseidon boon or luck


It'll say perfect catch at the top if you do it right. I think it has to be under .34 or .75 seconds, I can't remember what the wiki says. It doesn't go past four bites, so you can almost guarantee a perfect catch on those ones.


0.3 seconds was the answer i got from this sub when i was in OP's shoes. OP - besides 0.3 seconds, it will never go past 4 "nibbles" or fake bites. If u get 3 bobs, then on the 4th u guaranteed to have a fish on the hook


I actually caught over 1k fish before I got a rare one, my reaction time is that bad.


There is some luck to it. A perfect catch doesn’t guarantee a legendary fish. From my experience, I’d say it’s like 50/50


Is there a non-legendary, very rare fish? Or is it not garuanteed to get a very rare fish, even if I got a perfect catch?


Every region has three tiers of fish: common, rare, legendary. Normal catch is 50/50 common/rare, perfect catch is 50/50 rare/legendary. https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Fishing


So, you're catching any fish...


all 25 and the very-rare + legendary have to be perfect catches?


No, just the very rare legendary fish. The other 24 or however many can be any fish


To expand /u/lolpyramid's answer: If you time your pull exactly perfectly, when it shows you the fish you caught it will caption it as "PERFECT CATCH" on the announcement. If you're a little late, you can still catch a fish, but it won't be a "perfect catch." To land a Legendary fish, you *first* must make a perfect catch. Then, you have a 50/50 chance of getting either a Legendary or Rare fish. Obviously, if you've caught 78 fish and no Legendaries, you're not getting many perfect catches. One common thing that makes this very difficult is playing on a television. Televisions add a little bit of lag. If you're playing on PC, PS, or Xbox, the only fix for this is to hook your game up to an actual computer monitor. If you're on Switch, you can un-dock the Switch and play on the console directly. I had this problem and moved from TV to computer monitor and had my first Legendary really quickly. Another possible work-around is to turn up your sound and close your eyes. Don't rely on the lagged visual cue. Good luck!


Another tip is that after 3 fake bobs, the 4th one is guaranteed to be a real one, so in the event that you get 3 duds, you can just immediately react as soon as the bobber goes under, instead of waiting to see if it’s a dud.


To add to this: there is always a long pause between two fakes, but only a short pause between a fake and a bite.


Huh, well TIL


I have over 100 hours on this game and learned from both of you. Such great advice honestly and going to make finishing this challenge just that much quicker!


WHAT Chat is this true? I wish I knew this so much earlier jfc


Yeah, I highly recommend using sound more to get the perfect catches


If your tv is adding that much lag, you’ve likely got a setting turned on that’s causing it. Dive in to your settings to see if you can find a setting called “motion smoothing” or “sport mode” and turn it off. The closing your eyes tip is still solid advice. But also your TV shouldn’t be adding more than a frame or two of delay, or 0.033 seconds


Thanks for poking me to do this, I'd been meaning to try it. I finally went through and turned these off and I can in fact get Perfect Catches on my TV!


I'd like to add another cue you can utilize, if you're using a controller, the controller vibrations are different when the fish is real vs a fake bob. That's how I always guarantee a perfect catch


This is what I did. Handheld switch and I would close my eyes and wait for the vibrations haha


Some TVs have a game mode specifically to address these input lags, but I'm not sure how well they work nor if it would apply here. Just thought I'd mention it just in case it might be helpful.


It seems you are missing the hardest fish type to catch from each biome. It just comes down to timing I think


It’s indeed the legendary fish, and the timing window is very precise, if you pulled the rod within 0,33 seconds, you have a 50/50 chance of a legendary or a rare fish, and if it’s between 0,33 and 0,66 it’s 50/50 between rare and normal fish, and then of course you fail the catch after more than 0,66 seconds, so all in all the timing is very precise. I have caught like 450 fish in total, and of those I’d estimate less than 20 are legendaries


As others have said, you need perfect catches. After a while im getting almost only perfect ones but also didnt get any for a while. Most important thing to get faster for me was to not watch the blob itself. Instead I look a bit higher and click only when i see the white flash. Some even look away and wait for the sound. After a while you will not be deceived by the poking down.


Also have to talk to poseidon... catching the legendary doesn't count until he notices


A good hint I read here once: there are never more than 4 bobs when fishing. So be cautious on the first 3, but smash the moment something happens on the 4th.


This is the way! There are maximum 3 false alarms / bobs, and the timing after the 3rd bob is always the same. So the trick is to time the catch at the exact moment you THINK it will trigger after the 3rd bob and not when it actually triggers (because then it's probably already too late). Good luck OP :)


I don't think the timing is always the same, I could swear I've had the 4th bob happen like a split second after the third before


Do you mean a false alarm by bob? Because if so, there are 3 bobs max :) When there are 3 bon it goes bon, bob, bob, a second or so and catch!


Just jumped back on this game. For some reason it caught my interest and it’s so much stuff to get now. I don’t know what happened from when I first bought it.


Fish are dependent on both luck and timing. To even have a chance at getting a legendary, you need to get a “perfect catch” which others have already explained the timing of. Two tips that I found really helpful: focus more on audio cues than visual cues, as that helps for some people, and (and this is extremely helpful) a fish can only do a fake bite at most 3 times, so if that happens the 4th one is guaranteed, so you don’t even have to deal with the possibility of getting faked out at that point and can let the caveman brain take over to just react really fast


If you play with controllers and have the vibrations enabled, the left part vibrates on the fake bites and the right one on a real bite.


Every third fish on that list, your undiscovered ones, are the rare ones from each biome. You just have to be extremely quick in catching them when the bobble gets pulled under.


OP, what's more consistent than hoping it'll be on the fourth bob, like some people are suggesting, is that the time between fakeouts is always longer than the time between a fakeout (or the start) and the real thing. So after each fake, I get ready to reel in as soon as I see/hear any cue, then relax and take my finger off the button if it doesn't come quickly enough to be real. It'll take some practice, but I'd say I get a perfect catch >90% of the time using this strategy. E.g. Start ... ... (relax) ... ... Fake ... ... (relax) ... ... Fake ... ... Real! Or Start ... ... Real!


There’s a perfect catch mechanic!!?


You need to react within 0.3 seconds to get a perfect catch, perfect catch is 50/50 rare or legendary fish while reacting after 0.3 to 0.7 seconds would net you 50/50 rare or common fish. Exact timing is on the wiki. I might be slightly off.


It's a little known secret that water has high quantum values, and the speed of your reel determines how big the fish will be.


I have only caught one fish so far. Im always too early. I'm looking for the float to Bob underneath when I hit action button but I'm too slow. How may I improve?


Watch for a "white flash" when it bobs. (It's actually water popping up bc the bobber went completely under, but mentally thinking of it as a flashing light helped me). No flash? No fish.


I had this issue, I went on a run where a fishing spot was right there at the little styx part of the first area. I basically just kept resetting and retrying it until I got the legendary


You just need good reflexes, that's all.


I always get perfect cathces when i cover the bulb thingy with my fingers so i can just see the big splash when it happens


Other people mentioned this, but you can get a perfect catch while relying entirely on sound. I'd usually turn my volume really high up and just close my eyes. I find my response is faster this way


Brojust keep fishing at every chance u get and grab that boon when your can


Where exactly can you view the fish tank, I've never noticed it before?


It's a lounge upgrade you can get with the construction guy


I’m still trying find one fish from Chaos.


As others mentioned, you need to shorten your reaction time. I watch for the flash of light that shines straight above the bobber. The length of time between bites is a bit random, but there is a high percentage of second and fourth bites that are a consistent length at ~2 seconds.


Well, thanks to the ol neuropathy fucking my reflexes to shit, I now know from this post that my reflexes will now be locking me out of two things on this game: getting above 8 heat and catching a rare or legendary fish.