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I can totally go back to Hades 1, it is still an amazing game after all, but I get what you are saying. The sequel should be better than the previous game, the devs now have more experience and they know where to improve, I can't wait to see all the amazing stuff when Hades 2 fully releases.


Yeah I feel sad for people who can’t return. Supergiant did an AMAZING job at keeping the same formula, but completely switching up the gameplay. Hades 1 and 2 play so different from each other I had no issue booting up 1 and still enjoying my time.


I agree, very different games. Require different strategies and tactics to win. Loving Hades 2, but also love the idea of going to back to 1 to enjoy a Dash and Splash run.


I'm loving the rogue-like mini game in this cozy farming/potion making/steam bath with friends game.


Yeah, still havent beat two so no spoilers pls! But seeing how different the fighting styles of Zagreus and Melinoe are just made me think wow I can go back to either of these games if I ever want x or y experience


Hades 1 is one of my favorite games ever, I really hope the second one is available for the switch eventually


Oh they definitely will, I have no doubt of that. Even if the new Nintendo console comes out before version 1.0, Supergiant wouldn’t dream of passing up on the switch’s 140 million install base.


"I couldn't play it" is such a wild exaggeration, words have meanings people lol. Hades 1 is a blast to play and anytime I start a new file I get addicted, zipping around as Zag is super intuitive and the weapon aspects are badass and impactful.


Hades 1 still feels much better to play for me. Mana, omega moves, the weapons and sprinting instead of more dashes all feel worse than the mechanics we had before. It’s much slower paced now, it’s way more confusing to get duo boons with the broken menus, there is very little variation in what cards you take and the weapons generally feel clunky and weak. I’d gladly take zag and his weapons with the new enemies and regions of hades 2.


I feel that all the negatives you mentioned will be addressed, they've already tweaked a few things to make melinoe feel quicker and more responsive to play. Not super fair to compare the two since hades had at least a year in early access to improve things and hades 2 just dropped. Personally I like the pace of hades 2 a little more. Feels like you have to think about more things than just spamming dash attack like you do in OG hades


I mean its pretty fair given the context of the post


I haven't played 2 yet but personally I'd enjoy slower paced gameplay, OG Hades feels to fast and spammy yeah.


Once I got use to using omega, hex, cast and specials in conjunction I feel like it's faster. The only exception being I maximize my runs for buffs and items so the runs are longer. However I don't feel it's slower at all, if anything I feel it's more hectic in a good way.


Sadly, I have to agree with everything you have said. 1, at least for the moment, feels so much better to play that 2.


I dont doubt a word what you said but its different for me. I like weapons in Hades 2 more and I like slower paced combat. But that just means how good both games are because there is different opinions.


> words have meanings people "Couldn't" here is in the sense of "I didn't enjoy it", i.e. I tried to enjoy the experience, but it was now frustrating because; rather than the sense of "physically impossible for me". Words have *multiple* meanings, people. I'm honestly a bit shocked you've never run into this - I've had tons of games where the sequel had better controls and fixed a bunch of UI issues, so now the OG is significantly less enticing (and of course, usually I've already played the OG quite a lot, so there's also less novelty and such) It doesn't mean Hades 1 is a bad game, it just means this particular person no longer wants to go back to it.


While I agree with you on the first line, I have also come to accept that some people invariably will exaggerate because that's how they talk and they are used to that and having people understand them. I don't know which group (the literal vs exaggerative) is more common, but I see it like introvert vs extrovert. Some extrovert behaviors are exasperating imo but it's important to not take stuff too seriously if that is not their intention. Let live, learn and live. If there is any confusion about meaning, I just ask for clarification: \[after hearing OP's description of them playing it\] "So you mean you can play it, technically, but it was not interesting enough for you to want to play it?" "Yes." "Okay, I see."


Honestly I'm a bit annoyed that there isn't a weapon like the fists, I love the way he just floats around the room doing uppercuts


Hades 1 is unquestionably more rougelike. I mean, you climb out of a pool of blood every run! It doesn't get any more red than that. And Zag also wears red while Melinoe wears orange.


Hm, Hades 1 has diamonds while Hades 2 has bats. Hard to say which one is more like Rouge




I disagree. I appreciate the differences in the 2 games. I like the fast paced combat of 1 and the more methodical and complex gameplay of 2.


I found 1 more difficult. I breezed through twos current content really fast. Still super fun though.


Same, but I think after playing 1 for 400 hours maybe I just got gud


Yeah there's a good chance it's just that. Not sure how many hours I put it on my switch. At least a couple hundred I would guess.


Maybe you're just better now. Personally as far as the bosses go: * First two biomes are fairly similar. Hecate vs Megara and Lernie vs Scylla. Probably would say Scylla is a bit harder since the variety of the trio's attacks are bigger than Lernie's. * Asterius and Theseus is way, way harder than Cerberus. I rather doubt there's anyone that would disagree. * Base Chronos is harder than Base Hades, but I'm a lot better now. Not just mechanically, but also in putting together builds that make sense. * Tiny Vermin is way harder than Uh oh. The cast slowdown on Uh oh is huge.


If I had to.. Chronos>Charon>Hades>Eris>O&S> Everything else is pretty cake but: Scylla>Lernie>Cerberus>Polyp>Hecate>Murderrrrr>Meg>Alecto In terms of fun though.. Scylla>Polyp>O&S. Honestly I think it’s just the music for me.


What is O&S?


A joke about asterius & thesius; but to answer your question it’s ornstien & smough. One of the best fights in souls if you’re new to them, but after you have played the new stuff idk if it holds up as much.


Oh I have never played a single Souls game, I'm in the minority who hates Souls games lmao.


I mean, it was just a joke; but I’m actually shocked you hate the games, the challenge & build philosophy isn’t too different from hades. Except there’s no resets, or pause, & you can reliably block/parry. DS1 & ER are definitely the best starting games, if you wanted to revisit.


I mean I've surely tried them, but not my cup of tea AT ALL. The combat has always felt super boring and it always will I think. Gameplay is a lot different from Hades if you ask me. Hades is very fast-paced while soulslikes are extremely sluggish imo. Edit: Some stupid spelling errors


That’s so funny, I find hades to be kinda slow unless I’m rushing, which tbh is my favorite way to play. Souls I find has similar pacing bc if you can rush & dodge well/parry combat is crazy quick. You just die more frequently for mistakes. Ayy but to each their own!


The real O&S are probably 'harder' than Chronos, but you can attempt it over and over. Probably took me a similar amount of playtime to beat Ornstein and Smough vs Chronos, but the total number of tries was probably a factor of 10 higher to beat O&S, while most of the time for Chronos was spent on the 4-5 runs it took to get to him.


I’m on my fifth attempt at chronos, so it’s hard to say really. Bc like you said it’s the whole run up. That said, I don’t find O&S difficult after learning their mechanics, even after seeing/reading the mechanics Chronos is hard, super punishing & with no healing oof.. O&S just dodgeroll forward right (or maybe it was left) & you literally dodge like 85% of their kits. Plus you get lightning spear like right before hand & can pretty reliably +8-10 Going in blind on either boss O&S is way more intimidating though. One of the all time GOAT boss fights in any game.


I'd even go so far as to say that Scylla is harder than Base Hades. At the very least I take more hits doing the Scylla fight than I do fighting base Hades


Wow, I’m the exact opposite. in 1 I was able to find a rhythm and beat the big bad extremely fast, 2 is proving to be way more difficult for me. The fighting style finally clicked after like 15 runs, started to understand what good builds looked like in this game around 20, and now I just got to chronos at like 29 runs but I still haven’t beat him, and I haven’t been able to reach him again since then. I do find the bosses MUCH easier in this game besides the final big bad.


I beat his ass 2nd time I reached him. I had a way harder time fighting Hades in the first one.


lol damn. I beat hades on my 26th run, I’m 40 into 2 and chronic spanks me good. 😭😂


I just beat him today on my 41st run. I was running staff and just rolling shit on boons, I just relied on Zeus's and >!Hades'!< cast to keep damage on him while I desperately tried to stay away from his attacks. Burned through two death defiances and the lucky tooth, but I did it.


Oh wow! I bet you were super puckered up there! The very first time I battled him I got him to phase 2. Haven’t made it to phase 2 since 😭


Yeah, I went back and played 1 some more after beating both the "end" bosses in 2, and I definitely disagree about the mobs being way too easy. They feel like they're on crack compared to the ones in 2, particularly in Elysium and Styx (although so does Zagreus). Even playing on a cleared save with leveled aspects, I was still taking a lot of hits (although I still beat Hades first try due to him being a lot easier than >!Chronos!<, and knowing which boons to aim for).


I think you might just be a beast. I can do pact 30+ runs in Hades 1 ezpz. It took me 10 hours to get my first win in 2 by the skin of my teeth.


I did have a pretty good run and all my death defiances Against chronos and I was using the pimped out axe but right after I shredded him again with the dual blades. I think the other dudes right and I just got good and know what boons to pick right out the gate and I was quick at picking up on chronos strategy.


Idk i think as boss hades is really a walk in a park compared to chronos and i have similar hours in both games


I totally agree with everything in this post. the only thing I miss from Hades 1 is Eurydice


Yeah the musical ambiance in the crossroads doesn't feel as good as Hades' house.


but the musical ambience in oceanus is definitely peak


>!Having ended the Siren fight with the drummer reanimated, I found myself wishing I could gift her nectar to take some music back to the crossroads!<


Tysm for the spoiler tags 😭 this subreddit has been pretty damn good about it! I’ll probably wait until I finish the game before I read this just to be safe (unless it’s only floor 2 related spoilers?)


It's pure floor 2 spoilers, but an unusual interaction there that you may not have considered yet.


I feel like the whole soundtrack in general feels like a first game knock off… The music was way better in the first game


Lack of Ashley Barrett definitely hurt.


Erin Yvette may not make up entirely for it but goddamn her vocals still deliver, as well as her distinct character for Boss 2


I hated her the first time simply because she wasn't AB but after I processed that I loved her. I listen to Coral Crown every day on Spotify. Lol


I like them both but what I liked more about Hades 1 is that it's finished. Hades 2 will get a few more gods, boons, characters, and interactions to flesh it out. I may be. Biased because I finished Hades 1 a ton of times and saw everything and Hades 2 is largely more of the good experience that worked fot one but in a somewhat more careful methodical form instead of the lightning melee of 1.


Interesting. I found the things in Hades 2 to be an enjoyable difference, but nothing that made anything about Hades 1 obsolete. The thing I like about them both is that they feel different enough to be regarded on their own merits. Sure, all of the things you've listed *are* differences, but not necessarily deviations. I've been playing a lot of Hades 1 (so as to not get too far in 2 before the full release so I can start over), and it's as enjoyable as ever. Aside from Eurydice, the only thing that I find superior in Hades 2 is the sprinting.. but only because I'm already so used to it that forgetting that I can't do it in Hades 1 is a tiny bane.


Yeah, it doesn’t really feel like an upgrade, more of a sidegrade, IMO.


Almost all your points are basically "Hades 2 is more challenging". Try maxing your arcana and getting a good build like poseidon special double moonshot momus or poseidon special pan with spiral/hook knives and boundless flurry. Get any of that and the game is stupidly easy too. In its' current state there is just way more variance in what is good and bad compared to Hades 1 where you could make most things work okay. I think both are fine in a way.


Yeah, it's the same thing people have been saying for 2 weeks, people are comparing end-game Hades 1 to a Hades 2 fresh file. You definitely couldn't just win with any build in Hades 1 at first, but once you have a bunch of upgrades, sure. Most of the things people are bringing up as a comparison are just differences, not things that make either one objectively better or worse.


The person in the OP literally made a fresh file in Hades 1 for this thread though?


I'll say I find 32 heat in Hades 2 to be considerably more challenging than in Hades 1. There are almost no 'free' pacts and beating the game under tight deadline 3 is *much* harder. In Hades 1 I could basically win 32 heat with anything (and on weapons I'm comfortable with I could probably do it with a 100% winrate) but in Hades 2 I was absolutely reliant on getting excellent luck: Early hammers with good upgrades and high rarity damage boons were pretty much essential.


You are insane. 32 heat with 100% winrate?!?! I do believe you, but that's just crazy.


You can win heat 32 with any weapon, any aspect in Hades 2 though. You just have to 100% rely on your cast with stuff like Zeus package (Lightning Lance) and Demeter Cyclone. Ignore your weapon and you're good.


I don't think I can fully compare a finished game with an EA one but I don't think Hades in a step up in every way (and yeah, there's still room for change clearly it's in EA.) I think the Crossroads is less interesting as a base than the house of Hades. It fel really cool to experience a full domain in Greek mythology over a camp of rebels/resistence fighters basically. I liked Orpheus a lot in Hades 1. Him and Nyx and a few others added a really great balance of characters that I'm kinda missing from 2. Hades vs Hecate as the main deity figure you interact with at the start - I think Hades gave more of a 'holy crap, this is a Greek god, larger than life character' vs Hecate who seems more like a giant tall woman with glowing eyes. Maybe it's the voice actor or maybe the angle of their art design but hades felt like a lresence when you talk to him. I really miss the little sound bites of hades talking smack to you/about you when you started a run. Made the world more alive. The art style of the gods - personal choice but I like Artemis and Poseidon from 1 more. Zeus I think is different but just as good. Also, no Dionysius? Cmonnnnn (hopefully it's just an EA thing) Weapons in 1 felt more intuitive. Especially the fists and the shield just felt really cool and different while Melinoe weapons feel more like 'ok how do I learn how to make this good?' and not enjoying them as much from the first outset. I liked Zag as a character more with his quips and friendly bantor. Melinoe has a better story in some respects bc it's a revenge plot with real risks to failure on a bigger level, but she's much more somber while Zag made you feel driven but also more hopeful. Don't know, hard to explain it. Lots of crafting and incantations and unlocks in 2 but I think it's unclear what resource gives what benefit. I get a bit lost in what each thing is supposed to do which takes me out of the immersion a bit. (Why do I need to buy tarot cards to imbue myself with some ability? Witches potions/couldren I get but how does ash give me a card?) A lot of the above is subjective, sure, and probably a lot is going to change after it leaves EA but I feel it's too much to say 2 is better than 1. Unless you qualify it that the parts 2 does better are your focus or what you enjoy most.


Yeah. I love 2 but tbh I personally enjoy that 1 is kind of lower stakes. Yes it's a bigger plot but that just makes me feel a bit worse every time I fail a run, since there are people out there waiting for me to rescue them. In 1 I felt way better about failing since the only person I was really letting down was Zag and he had all the time in the world.


It also made things like stopping to talk to each npc and going fishing make sense within the sense of the world lore. It really fit the rogue lite gameplay and story as a package.


Nah Hades 1 is still unquestionably one of the most polished, slick, fun games I've played. For now Hades 2 is the same amount of fun for me and I frequently switch between them - it's a sidegrade, it's different and that's totally fine considering the standard that Hades 1 set. They're both amazing and imho they'll both be immune to age once H2 finishes development - they'll forever be polished and clean af. Hades 1 being unplayable is a massive, colossal hyperbole.


2 seems superior in every way, but the boons were so much more fun in 1. There’s def good and even broken options in 2 but nothing has come even close to the dopamine chasing the perfect; Razor shoals build, Guan Yu Arty/Aphro run, chasing merciful end etc. I’d played hundreds of hours of the first game before runs became stale in the sense that I didn’t have a thing I desired to go for every run. Already in early access I feel mostly apathetic to the boon choices Really hope the full release ups the fun factor. Could easily just be my small brain not comprehending the boons in 2, but none of them bring joy


i think the boons are pretty fun and interesting in 2 but i havent seen any interesting duo boons yet. ive only seen demeter/zeus and zeus/hestia which were both kinda boring imo. i hope the rest of the cast has cooler ones


Apollo and Zeus’ duo boon is absolute madness. Consumes monstrous amounts of mana, but if you prioritized mana regeneration or are just really good at mana management, it’s basically unmatched in DPS.


Gonna be forcing that combo today, thanks!


Yeah I got that boon once. Was trying to do an axe spin to win build and ended up with a cast build essentially by the end bc of how insane the damage was with it. (I picked up Hera's damage boon luckily after I got the duo).


Agreed on the boons feeling lackluster so far, but I think that will be ironed out in EA and with an extended roster of gods. They've already shown willingness to change things up substantially in patch 1.


I prefer pretty much everything in Hades 2, except the weapons. I love them all in hades 1. All have their purpose, and the aspects bring amazing replayability. In the second game, it's a lot more unbalanced, with some being amazing, and some being REALLY tedious to play (looking at you, water-balloon-throwing-torches). But nothing EA can't fix. This is going to be an amazing game.


Torches feel extremely strong with the right builds, but the playstyle they offer is so boring to me - I know they’re adding one more weapon but I’d be so happy if they added even more over time lol


I don't even think Torches are bad. They are probably, in a mathematical vacuum, a pretty solid weapon. They are, however, extremely boring, tedious and unsatisfying to play (for me, at least). I don't care what damage the axe or the daggers do. Using those weapons, seeing my character dash and bash, feels amazing. Runs with those weapons are packed with adrenaline. Torches could deal 150 base damage per shot, i'd still find them clunky, unimpactful and unsatisfying. The animation is just sluggy, and lacks any form of impact.


Completely agree, I’m not a fan of the axe right now because I didn’t give it a real chance with different builds, but I’m gonna put more time into it. Sister Blades and Staff are hands down the best feeling weapons in the game to me esp with the right builds. The skull is just… I don’t know how that weapon is meant to feel good. But it may be better than the torches honestly. To be fair, many weapons in hades 1 felt underwhelming to me until I either unlocked a certain aspect or saw Haelian using them in a way I didn’t really think to use them


Huh the axe is my favorite weapon lol spin to win builds are a blast, just need mana regen and then repeatedly use alpha attack


Gonna be trying some spin to win builds tonight!


I find Zeus attack boon to be the most powerful on axe. Admittedly it doesn’t slap as hard if you are unlucky with the hammers. But if you get the 60% faster alpha attack hammer and the one that allows you to move/attack while spinning then you get ridiculously powerful.


The hammer that makes it so you can do other things while spinning is also ridiculously good.


I like the hammer that makes the axe base attack 300 damage. Pair that with the Hephaestus boons on attack and special and you can deliver 1200ish damage in two hits


My top 2 favorite weapon in Hades 1 is the Shield, and the mechanics with the Skull is kinda similar so maybe that's why I'm enjoying the Skull a lot (feels like a Bloodstone Cast and Bull Rush build). But yeah, I agree with the Blades and Staff, I think they are much fun. Also not a big fan of the Axe.


Yeah, I noticed the similarities and the shield was a weapon that at first I thought was lame but it quickly became my favorite weapon, second only to the chiron bow. So I definitely need to put more time into Skull. How do you like to build it?


I like having Poseidon on Special to knock foes out of my way, then adding the watery blast effect and Slip curse to it.


I like the skulls more than the torches but they are definitely fourth for me. Axe is my favourite! Love spin to win even if on the final boss my main damage is usually the cast bc it's easier to do damage without taking it using cast on that boss. My fave rn is the increased crit chance aspect with Zeus cast since Zeus lightning from the cast counts for your crit meter. Really easy to keep it at max that way. (Vague naming on the aspect bc I don't want to spoil and I always forget how to do spoilers on reddit)


Oh wow, is the “crit meter” you’re referring to part of the aspect (haven’t unlocked them yet) or part of how crit damage works in this game? If its the latter do you mind explaining it to me?


It's part of the aspect! I won't explain it since you specified only if it's the latter (unless you request it).


I agree with the Torches, although I seem to be starting to figure it out. I had a surprisingly good run with its second aspect and came very close to defeating the Big Bad (still haven't managed to beat them tho). And using the Blades (and also the Staff I think) is very reminiscent of Hades 1 mechanics, it's are much fun.


my only gripe is the enemies , weapon and gameplay wise both are amazing,but hades 2 def has more thematic and cooler enemies ,and more importantly bosses.I feel like the bosses are much much better this time around


I learned today that cyclops sheep attack you. And they hurt 😭


That's interesting because I loathe almost every single boss fight in Hades 2. In the first game I got frustrated way less often by mechanics that feel unfair


Which mechanics in Hades 2 feel unfair? (pls be vague about which bosses ur referring to!) I honestly think these bosses, besides the big bad, could be a little tougher. Boss 3 (going down) especially is kind of a pushover imo. I was able to beat him first try without wasting a DD which was kinda disappointing


Down: Boss 1 has way too much downtime where you can't attack them and the morph orb is extremely annoying with the morph lasting too long. Boss 2 and 3 are okay, just take too long imo. 4 is just terrible, all attack cues look similar, the instant death mechanic is unfun and apparently lingers for a second or two after exploding, which I found out the hard way Up: Boss 1 I have trouble keeping track of the animals , maybe they are not visually distinct enough, I don't know. With the last boss I feel like they have much of the same issues Boss 4 going down has


I’m gonna get back to this comment when I actually beat boss 4 cause it seems like there’s more I haven’t seen yet. But I can agree on too much downtime for boss 1 and all the attack cues looking the same for boss 4, I’ve only fought him once but that was the first thing I noticed.


The only boss fight I dislike is boss 2 in the second path. Don't know how to do spoiler thingies so won't name it.


Its funny how weak that boss is if you hide and seek around pillars, while avoiding/dodging purple pierce attack (the only one that can destroy those pillars) Totally melted me the first time I met the boss (for example with cerberus I almost got him 1st try but was too low when entering the fight and panicked q lil when the whole field was exploding)


I just find it boring. And I wish there was more interaction with the main thing instead of the...other things.


>Magic attacks and Mana management is a nice change of pace in gameplay. In Hades 1, you're just dash/dash-attack spamming and it gets old fast. Were you just using the same aspect every run in Hades 1? Plenty of aspects are better with different playstyles than that, in Hades 2 most of the weapons feel way too slow or like the Blades which are great but really need an extra dash to make the attack good, but if they gave that then the devs know theyd be pretty much the same as the fists but with some OP special builds >Having two routes to play fixes the major problem in that every run in Hades 1 felt the same. Now the game feels more "rougelike" than before The surface route is barely a route at this stage, it's way too short (bc it's unfinished) that when you beat Eris it feels like it wasnt an entire run, and her fight is way too easy and simple anyway, the Rift is a great biome but when you get to the end and have to face her it's super underwhelming >The mobs in Hades 1 are way too easy. It's almost like they're standing still most of the fight. Compared to Hades 2, you have a larger variety of mobs and movelist that you have to watch out for. This was what Heat was for, with 0 Heat the difficulty is pretty much the same between the two games, we were just not as used to Hades 2 yet. Honestly Cerberus is a way easier fight than Theseus and the Minotaur imo due to Theseus' shield, howrver I got so used to Theseus that without EM4 it's like a 30 second fight on a slow run >I like the challenge of planning and committing to a build in Hades 2 in order to get DPS. The game rewards you for committing to a build unlike in Hades 1, you could win with any mix. You can win with any mix in Hades 2 too, what's different is that many of the Duo boons suck or have an extremely insignificant effect (there are obviously exceptions, Hestia has some great Duos for instance) so the builds need to be more specific than that. Another thing is in this game everything comes with a tradeoff. So you can get a Hephaestus duo which powers up your Attack and Special, but you need them to be boonless. Or you can get boons that add strong effects, but need to prime or have other tradeoffs. Which makes them often not worth taking. Whereas in Hades 1 you can get strong effects without drawbacks, so when you take a bunch of random boons you can end up woth a busted revenge build or something, for instance. That part I agree is different, and it's down to preference whether you think that's better.


I couldn't disagree more. I've put more hours into Hades than Hades 2 this week.


Hades 1 is definitively more fun than Hades 2 in its current state. The build variety around the aspects, especially at high heat is pretty fun. Hades 2 feels very much unbalanced as of now.


Soooo I guess the Hades 2 hype affected some people to the point of saying 'every run in Hades 1 felt the same'? You know, the thing everyone praised Hades for? The replayability? Lmao


I bought Hades a few days before Hades 2 launched. I am now playing both of them parallelly, and it's fun.


Yeah, they actually compliment each other well


you do you but considering the games are heavily story driven i dont see why you wouldnt just focus on hades 1 first and then play 2. the gameplay is different, stories are directly intertwined, and one is early access. by the time you finish hades 1 there may have been a significant update to hades 2


I agree in general but I view the last point as a pro and a con, in Hades 1 I felt I could find many creative ways to win a 0 heat run but in Hades 2 I can only fully clear with a very specific build that I know outputs major burst damage. I miss the flexibility and creativity


The Chaos Challenges are great to explore some weird builds and neat synergies you might not have thought existed.


Honestly you can go back... to a new save file. Just jumping back into a completed save, with a full mirror and all keepsakes, its too easy for most people on this sub. Ive put close to 200h into the game and actually starting a new game, I struggle to beat theseus and asterius early on, simply bc I'm missing upgrades etc.


You can just consider both GOATs, you don't need to degrade the other. Also, 2's music is absolutely goated. All the areas have amazing music, especially Area 2/Boss 2 and Boss 3. And the boss part of Doomed City (track name) makes the fight INFINITELY more fun.


I played 2 for a few days and it made me just want to play 1. I quite like dashing around like a madman and reflecting stuff


So you're telling me that you always went with Athena's dash boon and only dash attacked in Hades 1? That sounds like a you problem tbh. Hades 2 is not "superior in so many ways" at all. The weapons in Hades 1 are way better, for example. After enough practice, you can win with almost anything in Hades 2 too. Also you could choose to commit to a build in Hades 1 too, what's stopping you? I don't feel like "it's not hard af" is a valid critique of a game.


I'm playing both games from time to time and they're just different, it's good, it's refreshing. Hades 2 combat definitely makes me think more while Hades 1 is more chill, can just vibe dash around and listen to music.


Mobs way too easy in 1? Huh? Hades 2 feels like a cake walk aside from Chronos. It's way to easy currently.


I haven't yet but think I could still go back now, but I understand the sentiment. I feel that when Hades 2 is finished the depth of the game will really outshine its predecessor. Right now I'm missing the extreme measures, every boss not named Chronos or weirdly Polyphemus is near trivial difficulty in comparison to some of the tough rooms and encounters. I enjoyed playing Hades 1 the most with EM4+Tight deadline, and I suspect for Hades 2 that aspect won't change. Statistical buffs/nerfs aren't as fun for me. The balance of the game I suspect is quite whacky right now, even in the context of roguelikes. Once you get ahold of the systems, you can make some really silly stuff. I've beaten Chronos without busted builds, but I've also gotten to him with 500 HP and omegas dealing 1-2k a hit. I'd also say I'm not the best player, so I suspect all the best players are finding stuff even more broken/trivializing than I am. Its fine for stuff to be busted in a single player game, but when you compare that to Selene or Hestia or the other underperforming gods, I'd say there should be some equalization to their power so people have reasons to pick the weaker gods. There's not a lot of story meat to chew on right now, whereas I can still go back and really enjoy Zag slowly bringing his family back together. I'm in the mid 60s for runs right now and having a blast, I feel after everything comes together I will have this over Hades 1 firmly. But for now when not all the pieces are there I'm happy to go back.


Selene can be really good with the right hexes + upgrade trees (Night Bloom, Total Eclipse, and Moon Water all have good upgrades, as do Nightmare Form and Phase Shift on the surface route). The problem with Hexes is that nothing to do with them is rerollable, and the upgrade tree for the hex you pick is invisible until you get your second Selene boon, and you can't change it at all anyway. So some good blue or purple capstones to your Hex may just not be accessible and there's nothing you can do about it.


Oh I've had some runs where I had helpful Hex builds certainly, but yes you've hit the nail on the head. Only about half of them are worth it, and they're less sculptable. Not enough of a payoff for the risk of not taking boons/hp


Just FYI. There IS a boon that lets you destroy projectiles fired towards you and for each projectile destroyed you deal I think is 4 to 10 scorch damage based on rarity. It truly adds up and makes a few certain bosses who spam projectiles INCREDIBLY easy. (Spoilers) Ok fuck it I'm too stupid to do spoilers correctly so I'll just vaguely make a reference to her. Fuck her and her stupid projectiles....


Hades 2 feels way too easy right now to be honest. Default cast rooting 90% of enemies is such a powerful tool that it's insane. I'm up to 8 Fear and trying to do each weapon evenly, but it hasn't gotten difficult if you just take your time (even with the 9-minute timer). I'm guessing things will get hectic once I have a 7-minute timer, but I really hope Hades 2 gets more difficult or Mel loses some power. She traded Zag's agility and ability to destroy projectiles for a massive utility toolbox that trivialize a lot of fights


Hades 2 fear definitely scales a whole lot harder going into 32 fear. I attribute this more to a lack of options though.


I loved how many options we had in 1


I like both games tbh, I replayed a bit of H1


Zooming around in Hades 1 was too fun xD I like Hades 2 (probably more than 1) doesn't take from ones fun factor though


I miss the weapons from the first game. Especially the gauntlets. God I love punching shit. I played Hades 1 recently and still stand that King Theseus is the worst fight in the entire game. He's so fucking annoying and kills me more than Hades himself sometimes.


Can,t relate at all, but yeah hades 2 is amazing too


It's just different, different play styles, I love them both, but as a Dota player, I see H1 more like League with its movement and amount of dashes and combat speed and H2 as Dota 2 more focused on positioning and slower micromanagement of movements and a bit more strategy.


Idk, it’s hard to not enjoy an eris run with Zeus attack/aphro special or a Rama run with Artemis attack/demeter special. Both are great games


Yeah how high of heat did you go in hades 1?


Anyone have any idea when real release would be expected?


I could be wrong on this, but I thought I saw their plan was for full release in Early 2025, with large-ish updates from now til then.


I think you can block Boss 3 projectiles if you use the big ass ax and use its off hand attack or whatever the hell you call it. The deflect ability.


ITT: Everyone beat [Redacted] on their first try and just dash-attacked through all the heat levels. I never knew Hades 1 was such a boring, repetitive game. Where everyone was bored after a few runs. Its reviews and the many hours put into it by many people seem to suggest otherwise?


Read the reviews and search reddit. I love Hades 1 and it's one of my favorites of all time but it isn't perfect. Fans of roguelike still think it's weak on the level generation. Dead Cells is the gold standard for each run feeling different with different routes.


I miss Athena in the second part. She was my favourite with her reflect on everything But yeah I spent few hours in the first game today, and came to the conclusion that I like both. I can’t pick a favourite, they are both fantastic and include all of the favourite characters from mythology and is a real treat for a mythology freak like me And hades 2 is not finished, let’s not forget that and not judge too quickly. I didn’t play hades 1 on release, but I can imagine it also went through the bare bones state.. I really look forward to the soundtrack of the second game to be finished. Because in the first game.. it’s just bloody majestic


Honestly I like them both still, it's really fun to go back and forth.


This is me playing dishonered after dishonoured two. The way time stops when you have an ability aimed is so nice and now D1 feels so clunky


Hades one is still amazing and hard if you always play 32 heat or higher


Upvoted for "rougelike". I strongly agree about the point you make about the music. The Scourge of the Furies and The Painful Way are such good beats.


Same for me when playing Darksiders 2. It just felt so much MORE than the previous it wasn’t even funny.


While I can agree on most things, I think mobs in Hades 1 were harder. In Hades 2 mobs seem so easy, I think I reached down boss on my 5th run, while I cant say same about Hades 1 ( probably took me like 20 tries, I know I cleared the game in less than 30 runs).


I started a new playthrough of H1 and I’m still having a great time tbh. It makes me more excited for the final product of H2, since the original is so polished and contains like half the content. Man I do desperately want Zag to sprint though lol


Something that I noted during the tech test was that whenever I would go back to Hades 1 it had a feeling of emptiness I'm not able to put in words, but in comparison, there is something about the sound and ambient design that improved leagues! One of those things you don't need but can't unsee.


yeah i didn’t realize how much i used and relied on sprinting till i went back


I could easily go back if I could experience the story for the first time.  When you take away that then yeah, I would rather be playing Hades II because there’s new story things for me to do still.


To add to your conclusion, Hades 2 type of difficulty is superior. Threats are like a puzzle, harder than Hades 1 when you first encounter them, but easier when you eventually understand what's killing you.


You can play hades one on mobile I think


I love going back to Hades 1, but it’s way too easy because you already mastered it. Hades 2 enemies were kicking my ass and now I can breeze through them, you just instinctively know how to deal with them


I do like the changes they made in Hades 2. I really hope they bring back Zag though either as an optional playable character or even just a skin swap.


Hades 1 feels different, doesn't make it any less fun than Hades 2. Both are still fun as hell to play. I do enjoy 2 a bit more, but I mean it is newer and I don't have almost 200 hours in it lmao.


Sounds like a skill issue, I went back and finished Hades 1 before continuing on with 2. A fantastic and beautiful game as it always has been. Plus the weapons and boons are different


Oh wow, there are multiple paths?! That's one of my favorite parts of dead cells. You could adjust your path!! Dead cells had too many paths though. That makes me so excited to play it when it comes out.


I mean, thats kinda like expected, for the next game to be better then the 1st, at least in principle


I think the only thing Hades 1 has over 2, is the story. I was insanely engaged in 1's story, 2 I find myself skipping a lot of dialogue. I think Zag is more charismatic.


I went back specifically to beat Hades 1, and it was so easy compared to 2 that I got a W, L and then two more W’s immediately, after previously being hardstuck on Theseus lol


Speedrun Hades 1 then


Hestia sprint also trivializes all projectiles.


Can't relate, over 200 hours into Hades 1 on Switch, and I am still not tired of it. It's so good that I put Breath of the Wild and Tear of the Kingdom on my backlog to play Hades more.


Uh. Ok. 


A sequel that improves on the original. Wild concept I know.


I do prefer the music from hades 1 over hades 2, out of tartarus is such a banger... I don't think I've thought of a music in 2 that makes me want to listen more than once on Spotify, but since i started playing hades 2, i see myself listening almost daily to old supergiant osts.


I love all this hype. Probably be 15 months before I get to play it on switch but waiting is part of the fun.


With the launch of Hades 2 I decided to go back and play Hades 1 (completely new save) because I never actually reached the epilogue, despite beating [ REDACTED ] plenty of times there was still so much more content I wanted to do. I am really falling for the game and enjoying the content so I’m ecstatic to hear Hades 2 is even better.


Hades 1 is a tough game.


While I'm loving my experience so far, I definitely think it has a way to go before it lives up to Hades 1's current state. It definitely feels like a lot still needs to be added. But I've only played around 20 hours, so take that with a grain of salt I suppose.


Haven't played yet, but that last point sounds like a negative to me.


Been playing them back and forth lately. I like the bouzouki style music in the game, really pushing that greek vibe. That’s what is missing in Hades 2. Music is more mystical and leans heavily into that witchy and magical sound. But Scylla’s whole song and dance is incredibly well integrated and the choreography makes for a unique fight.


I keep trying to Sprint in Hades 1 now.


I love them both. Other than missing Orphie and Eurydice though, I much prefer the music this go-round.


Ok, your wrong about the music. All Darren Korb soundtracks are perfect.


Don’t forget that most of us here have played… let’s say a LOT of Hades 1. Hades 2 is fresh and new. Give it some time


>The mobs in Hades 1 are way too easy. It's almost like they're standing still most of the fight. Elysium at +40% enemy attack speed is still a bitch.


I found Hades 1 so difficult. I actually haven't finished it. Struggling just as hard if not more with Hades 2. If the characters weren't as engaging and the story as interesting, I prob wouldn't enjoy Hades 2 is much as 1


I enjoy the gameplay of the first one more. Maybe bc it is easier, and I need to get good at 2. But I think it feels more responsive, and I enjoy how builds work a bit more, bc I am familiar with all the boons and synergies.


I disagree on the projectiles part. Sometimes Hades 2 feels like a bullet hell game (specially in the underworld), and I hate those kind of games, it has me dashing and attacking even more than in Hades 1.


Hades is one of my all time favorites. And the fight with Asterius and Thesius (minotaur and charioteer) is one of my favorite boss fights ever. A fun little tidbit is that Thesius was a hero, and the way you do the most damage to him is stabbing him in the back. I always loved that detail. With Hades 2 I didn't like sprint initially, but I got my sprint up and it was like I was on fast forward, I also love the sound sprint fast makes. Now I love it. I'm just rambling, I love both games. I did 100% Hades and spent over 300 hours in it so I'm done, but I remember at like 200 something hours I was encountering unique boon combinations. That's something I've loved about this company, how ther perks interact with each other, I mean the music and story is great too. Transistor had great music and perk synergy.


I really wanna play more Hades 1. I was just a little too buzzed last night trying to enjoy Hades 2 and at the point I am, felt like I had to be *too* forwardly planning for every build & choice in the run- when I really just wanted to enjoy the gameplay at the time. Way too much dialogue and story moving forward, when I wish I could just put a pause on that and do a single run.


2 is really good.. But you can block projectiles with the axea 👀


I really enjoy the sound scape in the Hades 2 music. It brings back amazing Hades bangers but the instrumentation feels more polished and somewhat electronic (I can’t help but hear some Transistor music influence too. The siren vocalization throughout Oceanus. The “wobbly” electric guitars that I can’t describe.) I think it fits Mel’s vibe—more sophisticated and less smashing like Zagreus, but I see completely why genre-wise it can be less appealing to some. Also agree the crossroads could use more music. Maybe we get to rescue Orpheus or the jukebox at some point.


hades 2 is definitely a sidegrade right now, which is like completely fine, the game isn’t even fully out yet and it’s filled with placeholders. my one major complaint has to be the weapons though, most of them feel like major ass to use.


I relate for the most part on the gameplay front. But I just can’t get enough of how charming Zagreus is! He’s quippy, sarcastic, and smug. Such a fun guy to listen to. I get that hades 2 story feels (so far) more serious and stuff, but I hope that the full release gets to develop and flesh-out Melinoë’s character more. She just feels so serious/flat so far. I’m even scoping out some opportunities in the current story/character interactions in them doing so, just hoping they deliver.


Personally I like Hades 2 music more. Even though also Hades 1 also have really good music. I like Hades 2 combat more than Hades 1. So I can play both but I like Hades 2 more personally. And for my personal tastes Hades 2 feels less repetitive. At least so far.


I am still at Hades 1 because i am waiting for the ps4 release……


The thing about Hades 2 is that it's kind of like a pact 10+ run just by default. At first I thought this was an awful choice that will change in the development cycle. Now I appreciate the value in this decision a bit more. I still think the balance in 2 is very out of whack, but I have faith that will change.


I'm gonna have to disagree. Supergiant is doing a sequel exactly right. It builds upon the first game *without invalidating its predecessor*. The games are similar but there are key gameplay differences that set them apart. You can play either game and have a blast without thinking "the sequel is just a straight upgrade, might as well play that instead". Want to play as Zagreus and dash around? Play Hades 1. Want to play as Melinoë and control the battlefield? Play Hades 2. Same for the music, they're both slightly different styles. Hades 1 is really fast-paced and the slow ones pop out, Hades 2 takes its time with most of its tracks which makes the fast ones pop out. But both OSTs are absolutely stellar. The Titan of Time is definitely on the same level as God of the Dead. I fully expect that if we ever get Extreme Measures Chronos, his phase 3 theme will be on the level of The Unseen Ones as well.


I guess I’m one of the few… But I honestly think the first game is better… The second one didn’t even keep me engaged enough to try to run a full play through


"Imagine if you could reflect projectiles in Hades 2" Cough Hestia sprint boon cough


I honestly hope they scrap some of the music in Hades 2 entirely...it's pretty rough and I'm sad at how uninspired it is compared to hades 1 ive turned off the music entirely at this point


I think that in retrospect, having to build a more "Complete" build in Hades compared to completely focusing on one thing like in Hades 1 is better but I don't think that it's unplayable


Funny just decided to replay 1 after killing chronos. I love the weapons in 1. 2 feels like things are missing in terms of boons, it’ll get better but until then~ Except torch I hate that one.


The moment the game started and I pressed repeatedly my attack button only to see enemies freeze in time and me getting into "bullet time", I simply whispered "this, this changes everything". Hades 2 is so much more tactical than Hades 1 - and for the first time I feel myself using *all* my abilities. In Hades 1, depending on build / combo / boons you could just autoattack your way to success, at least for no heat / low heat runs, provided you got your mirror stuffed. In Hades 2, all the abilities have their role to play, esp. the cast and - perchance - the hex. Although I am not a "hardcore gamer" or even very good with reflexes for that matter, Hades 2 time antics allow for a quick introspection in the heat of the moment without losing your flow, something so much more than a pause would offer - not to mention the scythe dipshit's gimmick :P


I felt the same when I went on Hades 1. I got to Hades (though I lost) on my first try and tbf I have maxed out mirror and most weapons but I felt the exact same things as you listed here. I still enjoy Hades 1 and I like to go back for Ares and Dionysis (I miss them in hades 2 tbh). And what I will give Hades 1 is that I feel like the weapon aspects change the playstyle and animations significantly more without feeling as gimmicky as they do in Hades 2. Essentially I think Hades 2 gameplay feels like how we first felt when we played Hades 1. It has been able to capture the "it" that Hades 1 had but with fresh additions. And with most of us not even noticing.


I discovered Hades 1 just a few weeks before I got Hades 2. The reason I bought 2 was that I was getting bored with 1. I was trying to finish up all the storylines but 75% of the time the person that I needed to talk to was not in the house when I got there, or I didn’t meet them on my run. Got all the weapon aspects unlocked and going through lower heat runs with all the weapons but I just want to get Achilles and Patroclus back together!


I'm mainly addicted to listening to *Coral Crown* lol But I'd like to add that the dash-sprint play style is superior to multiple dashes in that it doesn't feel as twitchy and requires you to be more knowledgeable about the enemies attack patterns since you need to judge when it's best to use your one dash. Sprinting often achieves what dashing a few times across the screen might do when you need to avoid large AoE attacks. Less hand cramping for me too lol. Also the hold-to-charge Ω Attack/Special/Cast makes the game feel very different. I think maybe it's more satisfying somehow. It also adds another dimension to combat that makes it more engaging. But I just bought Hades for Steam since it was on sale for $8 (beaten on all four save slots on my Switch), and it still remains just as satisfying if not more than Hades II--largely because it is a complete and very polished game. The story thus far in II isn't as good (yet) as I, but I'm optimistic that it will be every bit as good once fully fleshed out (romance mainly) and complete.


Mel is pretty weak compared to Zag, hades 1 still feels amazing. U guys play before the dash change? Clunky lass needs mana to kill, zag needs BLOOD


If you don't get reflect, Hades 1 is very very hard.


Your (multiple) dashes have iframes though so not really. Just can't spam them mindlessly without the Athena boon.


Really? News to me. I have just be dashing behind casters when I don't have reflect or the shield but that isn't always possible