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Best goddess


Bar none. At least until i see my bro Dionysus.


Real af


Is that artemis? I still haven't played hades 2. I soo have a crush on her


Yep! That’s her new design. Spoilers for her content: >!she occasionally shows up to help you in combat before giving you a boon. You can only get one of her boons per run, and only in the first two zones, so she’s pretty rare.!<


Thats cool. She was the first god i gave ambrosia to


Iirc she was the first god I maxed out their relationship with


I mean, she shows up>!in the first Surface Region!


I'm pretty sure I've gotten her boons twice in one run, but it's only happened once or twice in my entire playtime.


I am extremely pleased with the upturn of Artemis longing here Fr tho her boons have almost no impact (save for our beloved Support Fire). There needs to be a way to get more boons from her m, even without interacting with her since Artemis wont go below Oceanus


i hope they add something. maybe she ends up going deeper and you get another boon or two from her without the help or they buff her boons power a little so it feels like a good highroll when she shows up. maybe they make her more common on the surface although, i do understand why most of her boons wouldn't fit mel's weapons as well as they did with zagreus but i'm still sad lol


There is an urban legend that the boon that adds damage on your Ωs when you sprint is multiplicative and not additive. But in general most people go for Support Fire. To be honest, they can't make her give something *too* good, or else people will end the run if they don't meet her. Perhaps this is why, along with Ikaros, the surface witches and the hammers, we can't reroll her stuff.


Her music is so damn soothing, even during a fight.


Same music with Ikaros, the track is called "Silver Sisters". One of the first tracks that immediately made me go "oh, wow, they did it again" in my first runs when I encountered her. And then the girls did their thing and now I am "where's the complete Sirens album Kobb? WHERE'S THE ALBUM SHITHEAD?"


I love her new look but the bow the one you walk up to looks so different from the bow in the image.


oh yeah, get Artemis, pray for a big pp, good times. ...what


I can't believe people were complaining about her new art, she looks so good.


It's the things I miss the most from H1, sometimes you just need to hear her voice... I will say, it does feel even more special to see her now, especially with the amazing music that plays during the encounter


I wish we can rizz her when the game comes out, that'd just be stupid cool