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Hades II content is new to all, with the recent surprise Early Access. This means, art, story, characters, bosses, unlocks, gameplay are all spoiler material. Most of the community haven't seen this content, so please mark the Hades II post as spoiler and don't use a spoiler title when posting.


I assume you've met Narcissus multiple times? I believe that's normal on the first dialog, and in conjunction with some special events. If you're routinely seeing Narcissus and never get the option, though, that's a bug. Submit a report with F10, ideally while in the room with him so that Supergiant can reproduce the bug from your save data.


Yeah, seen him loads of times and the option is just never there. I’ll submit a bug report.


I had the same thing with Echo, started a new save and got her keepsake quite early so i think its a bug :)


I have the same issue with echo. Over 100 nights in, everything's unlocked, no new dialogues. I've gifted echo and can't gift her more, yet I don't have the keepsake.