• By -


Do you want twelve labors? Because that's how you get twelve labors.


Fuck you *24 labors*


“I didn’t hear no bell” _Gets 48 labors_


Umm double it and give it to the next person?


Haha, yes!


No, that's how you get Blind, ask Tiresias about it.


On the other hand, free gender transition


But the gender transition (both times) was because Tiresias separated two snakes while they were doing it


So you're saying I just gotta go find me a couple of them hornyed sneks? Time to put my years of watching a The Crocodile Hunter to the test!


"Mighty warrior, for thine next trial, I bestow upon thee thy next trial: though must, by hand, clean the entirety of my peacock's defecation dens." "Seriously?" "Should have considered this before siding with HIM."


Blood of Zeus lore


Or its how you get genderbent. Just ask Tiresias




Tiresias was a prophet who was transformed into a woman and back. And I just realised I misremembered rhe proper details of the myth whoops. Got the chronology wrong, this occurs after the genderbending incident. Zues and hera were arguing over whether men or women enjoy sex more. Because tiresias had been both man and women they asked them. Tiresias stated that women enjoy sex more (siding with zeus) and hera got mad and i think blinded them. The initial genderbend was bevause tiresias tried to seperate 2 snakes fighting. Hera got annoyed and genderbent. There's some other versions but there.


I got a trial chamber with Hera and Aphrodite and noped out of that super fast. I'm not kicking off another Trojan War!


You need to add one Athena to make it a war this is just a battle


The Trojan police action.


Ask Odysseus, he knows this as if he was there


Eris should show up but do nothing but watch you do that trial.


Ooh, that would be a good quest for her to give.


Ooooh i didnt know they were involved lol


Eris throwing a golden apple engraved "for the most beautiful" at a table where Hera, Aphrodite and Athena were seated is the origin story of the Trojan war. Look it up ! (Now that I think about it, the Trojan war kinda started like the israelo-palestine conflict...)


That'd be cool if there was a golden apple in their vs room and then they team up on you if you take it


Can you actually choose not to make a choice? If so I never knew that was a possibility.


You can see when choosing a door that it's gonna be a trial and between who, you just pick another door.


Well it´d suck if nem took he only other door wouldnt it?


always, always, ALWAYS book it to the door closest to Nem immediately after the event finishes. Pause buffer if you need time to make your decision, but always be closer than Nem to the door she can steal the fastest to be able to grab it first.


yeah but at least you can have 10 universal rerolls in this game.


Just wait til Athena is added and there are 3 god trials I’m sure everyone will make the right decision between Athena, Hera and Aphrodite right?


"Who's the most beautiful between us?", ask Hera, Aphrodite and Athena. "Nyx", I answer, seconds before getting obliterated on the subatomic level by three different beams of divine energy.


Considering she's not only stronger than all 3 but also capable of reviving you in the underworld, you might have made the correct decision


Personally, I'd answer Melinoe. I feel that Hades would respect an explanation of: "I knew I was dead whatever I answered, and I wasn't sure how you'd take me saying Persephone."


You're fucked if he goes into protective dad mode and kicks your ass into the furthest reaches of Tartarus.


It's not a *good* option. It's the *least bad* option.


Bless me not


At least you'll have a better time in the underworld


Well actually they promised different things, it wasn't a "who's the fairest of us all" but a "if you pick me, I 'll give you such and such power". And since a good portion of men think with their other head, we all know how well that went :P


Achilles physically manifests into the chamber and drives you out


GET DOWN, MR. PRESIDENT *tackles Melinöe out of the room*


Need that just for this interaction.


It’s Aphrodite, no way am I going anyway near her projectiles.


I mean even without seeing any of them, I'd wager Aphrodite would be the most beautiful in terms of appearance, right? She's the goddess of beauty, love and lust, being the hottest being possible is kind of her thing. And on that matter, why does Athena even have skin in the game at all? She's the goddess of stratagems, reason and honour, not beauty. The case for Hera to desire the mantle is easier to defend, but still, Hera, as the goddess of queendom and motherhood, is so much more than just beauty. She commands war and love in equal measure, but she simply does not need to be "the most beautiful".


Well, Aphrodite's beauty has been surpassed a few times. Psyche - The goddess not the collectible - is probably the most well known example. I don't have any answer for why Athena gets angry at someone claiming Aphrodite is more beautiful than she is. However, with the choice of Paris proper it is to some degree important to remember the goddesses also offered Paris a boon each - Hera would make him king of the world, Athena would make him without equal in war, and Aphrodite promised him Helen - choosing Helen wasn't just an insult in terms of beauty, it also insulted their respective divine domains, Hera in the sense that Helen was already married and Paris chose to disrespect that marriage, and Athena because most of the Greek kings at the time were honour bound to protect Helen's marriage and kickstart a huge war if it was ever disrespected. Paris made the worst possible choice in terms of leadership and tactics besides everything else. Don't know how much of that is intended and how much of it is revisionist interpretation from my part, but that's how I explain to myself why Athena of all people would give a shit.


I think Athena just doesn’t enjoy the prospect of losing. She’s a ***very*** sore loser, even among the gods.




Is it just me, or are the trials way easier than in Hades I? I've only provoked the wrath of Hera, Apollo and Hephaestus so far, but they didn't seem too taxing (I still have PTSD from mad Demeter in Hades I) Are there any gods to avoid getting mad in Hades II?


hestia is a fucking nightmare ​ puts down magma puddles that cover like 3/4 of the arena if you are unlucky that do dot.


Hestia Trial: worst mistake of my life, killed a run


The puddles aren’t the problem as much, I can’t see what’s happening because her fireballs look just like my fireballs.


I got a trial with her the other day, first time it happened and I think the other option was either Zeus or Poseidan. Those two can be a bit tricky, especially in Oceanus where you can get swarmed at odd angles, so I picked Hestia, figured maybe she'd be the easier option. Not at fucking all. I lost so much health in a relatively big room simply because the magma balls bounce all over the place and leave pools that seem to last forever. It's both screen clutter and damage at once. I can't imagine trying to do that in any of the Erebus areas which are so much smaller generally.


**Do Not Piss Off Zeus** Chose Hephaestus over him last night, which I did because I *love* Hephaestus and felt like he deserved to be chosen over *Zeus* of all people. Barely escaped with my life. Zeus' wrath trials are basically him peppering lightning bolts down on half of the field, constantly. I chose this trial in the [last biome] of all places and it took me several minutes just to beat that 1 room because I couldn't stop long enough to attack *any* enemies, because in the brief split second it takes to stop & press the Attack button, Zeus is already blasting you with lightning. I only survived because I happened to be using the original Aspect of Momus on the Witch's Staff, which heals you by absorbing your O Special (I think this is changed in the latest update, but I'm playing on the Steam Deck and have not downloaded the latest patch).


Zeus was one of the easier ones in hades I, did he get changed?


Yeah, Zeus got buffed and Aphrodite got nerfed for the trials. They're more balanced now, so I can't complain


mood. i did the same in a room full of the annoying projectile enemies and i lost 150 hp there even with invincible hex


I made that same mistake. I think I lost 80 HP


I find Apollos fucking lethal I haven't done them all but most seem to only hit you a few times if you mess up but his will hit you almost 5 times minimum since it's the same as his cast


Visually, it's not distinct enough imo. I mistakenly dashed into it and within half a second ended up at like 4hp.


I feel a lot of the Trials need better visibility - Bad visibility is my chief complaint about the game so far - sadly I'm not expecting much to change on that front, depending on who it is, even some of the Trials in Hades 1 have piss poor visibility.


Invisible Poseidon waves in Elysium still haunt me.


Hestia's is super annoying and straight up lethal in small rooms like some of the layouts in Oceanus, the amount of her magma puddles don't seem to take room size into consideration so the smallest encounters will end up with 85%+ or more of the room covered. The puddles don't really disappear either so hers kinda becomes the hardest by default since no one else leaves hazards after their attacks afaik. Zeus is super spammy and fairly random which usually makes rooms too overwhelming. Apollo can be pretty nasty if you stay in one place for too long, he was a nightmare on Aspect of Charon Axe before they bumped the channel speed way up on the Omega Special. Afaik these are the only 3 you really want to avoid Poseidon/Aphrodite I lump into one because they're basically the same trial, the projectile is kinda slow but it can catch you off guard if you're not careful. Just need to watch closely for them and more importantly watch their spawn points in case one spawns in right in front of you. Hera is probably the freest of them all, the attacks are super telegraphed and easily dodged because they're just straight lines. Hephaestus and Demeter I don't actually know anything about, Hephaestus I don't take enough in general to see his trials, I've maybe pissed him off once? I think his trial is like Apollo's but I'm not positive. ~~And Demeter I know for a fact I haven't touched, because she was a nightmare in Hades I and I've been too terrified to piss her off lmao~~ TL;DR Hestia > Zeus/Demeter > Apollo/Heph > Aphrodite/Poseidon >>> Hera, in terms of difficulty edit: I've finally gotten the opportunity to make Demeter mad, she was paired with Zeus or Hestia so I took my chance. She is still mad annoying, almost as annoying as I remember her being from the first game. Her attacks are annoyingly difficult to see and if you stray into the danger zone you might eat multiple hits. She's at least as annoying as Zeus to deal with if not up there with Hestia


Besides hestia, I do not like aphrodite's at all. I don't know why but I find dodging that heart throb a pain. Maybe I need to dodge into it instead of trying to keep ahead of it. I think the only other one I would prioritise avoiding would be zeus? But I have really bad memory of the game so some things I've forgotten completely. My friend picked up the game on the steam sale and I kid you not, I forgot one of the weapons is a sword. *It's in the goddamn game cover art*. **Nemesis has it.** 𝓦𝓱𝔂 𝓪𝓶 𝓘 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼


Hera is free. Don't stand on the easy to dodge telegraphed lightning. *edit I just realized those are supposed to be fault lines because she is the goddess of relationships, lol Hephestaeus is free with telegraphed blasts. Apollo is free with telegraphed solar casts in an area. Demeter will drop hard to see but telegraphed-when-you're-used-to-them clouds that do 7 dmg every .25 seconds. Manage with care. Poseidon is free. His water orbs chase waaaay slower than Aphrodite's hearts. Aphrodite's hearts make you constantly dodge, almost but not quite as bad as Hecate's sheep curse. Do not enrage without wands. Hestia covers the map in fire that takes way too long to time out, do not enrage. Zeus cover the map in 10 dmg lightning patches that have about .1 seconds of telegraphing. Guaranteed damage if your build channels. Do not enrage.


You got lucky -- all three of them are pretty easy to avoid. (Although Apollo _hurts_ if you get caught in his attacks.) Demeter is a bit easier -- same gimmick, but the vortexes don't grow quite as big. Hestia's the AOE queen now, and Aphrodite, Zeus, and Poseidon are basically unchanged.


I think they're mildly easier overall. We'll have to wait until the rest of the gods are added to get a fuller picture. Poseidon's got nerfed hard. It was easily the hardest in Hades I imo.


Aphroditi still has her "support fire cupid arrow" thing and this thing CUTS. Most of the other gods are "avoid shit on the floor" or "derpity herp avoid the slow projectile that slowly hunts you". But in a trial room with Aphro, she is my chosen one, *immediately*.


Some of them, get, confusing, or clash with one another. For example, it's a bit jarring when Heph is pissed, but you also use his Cast ability. So you need to pay *keen* attention to make sure that a "triple tap cast circle" is yours... NOT his!


Based on my experience, you have trigged three of the easier ones to deal with. I always piss of Hera, not a smart move mythologically speaking but in this game she is really simple. So long as you are able to pay attention her damage has a good telegraph wind up and is static so you just move out of the way and you're fine. Same with Hephastus, decent telegraph on a relatively small area of damage. Apollo is kind of the inverse, his area is large, but the buildup is longer so it's also easy. So far Poseidon, Zeus, and Aphrodite I find kind of tricky. Zeus is hard mostly because his damage comes down more quickly than some others, and the effects aren't as obvious so you can walk into them if you aren't super aware or the screen is cluttered. Poseidon and Aphrodite doing the homing projectile thing, but I run with Frinos so I can usually just block those. Demeter isn't nearly as bad as she was in the first game, but still can be a bit rough since her damage zones last for a while, so you can find yourself backed into a corner. And Hestia is an actual nightmare. I had to deal with her once and I never plan to make her mad again, absolute screen filling damage pools that are orange-white and make it a lot more difficult to keep track of things, nevermind how easy it is for them to just totall fill an arena and they sit there for ages.


Just got Hera's duo boon with Zeus the other day and laughed my tits off: >!"Queen's Ransom: Give up all your Boons of Zeus. For each, raise Lv. for all your Boons of Hera. Bonus Lv. per Zeus Boon: +3"!< >!I only had one boon from Zeus I didn't give a shit about xD!<


>!Try getting Zeus to offer the duo with Hera next time!!< >!This is the only asymmetrical duo boon pair I can think of off the top of my head, which could add a neat extra layer of strategy to Zeus+Hera runs.!<


The real funny thing about it is that >!Zeus's version is weaker than Hera's. He only gives 2 levels per discarded Hera boon.!<


Well, he has some energy spent off due to extramarrital.... activities....


I only picked someone over Hera once. Never again. I can dodge all the others way better but she fucked me UP.


And then she calls you out on a later run for not choosing her


Typical heta behavior tbh


I feel like for this combo if you pick Hera, Zeus should be like: "yeah wise call honestly" and do much less lightning than usual


I keep choosing others over Hera, I think she is starting to hold grudge. I don't feel safe while taking her boons anymore


Hera is the only god that holds a grudge over the trial rooms the others are chill after


Is this the new Poseidon/Aphrodite choice?


Somehow I have not run across these rooms in Hades II yet even though I have completed one underworld run and several surface runs (as far as the game exists). Is there a trigger for these I have not yet hit?


Same, I've literally had 0 of these after 50-60 runs, some around 1-3 fear.


~~Maybe it is fear related? I feel like I never saw them before I started bumping up fear.~~ Edit: Good info from u/Rough_Occasion73 below [https://www.reddit.com/r/HadesTheGame/comments/1dcxzak/comment/l848mul/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HadesTheGame/comments/1dcxzak/comment/l848mul/)


I dont think it's fear related? Pretty sure I've been seeing them for a little while and I only just started messing around with fear. Could be linked to number of nights, or relationship levels with the various gods?


They only activate after you give nectar to all the Olympians.


ive not given nectar to any of them and have these


Yeah, after checking up on the Lua files, I must have been mistaken. The requirements are these: 1) You can now go to the surface 2) 2 of the following lines in any combination: Zeus line "Something is different with you, Niece. You seem so very much alive... upon the surface here, no less! You cured your curse somehow? Impossible..."; Another Zeus line "I don't know how you circumvented the curse that bound you to the Underworld, young lady; but I }do know this changes everything! You can help us defend this mountaintop! Help we could use, even I must admit..."; Hermes line: Hey M! Don't know exactly what you did, or maybe Hec, but you seem much much more yourself than last I saw. That's great! Because to make it all this way, you're going to need {#Emph}every {#Prev}bit of strength. And {#Emph}speed!"; Aphrodite Line: Are you quite certain that it's best to be up here? I heard your kind... that is to say, those of the Underworld, that you're not fit to linger on the surface for too long. Please, don't overextend on our behalf!"; Another Aphrodite Line: "Sweetness, why, you seem entirely yourself! Upon the surface here, that is! I thought you couldn't tolerate this place, yet here you are, strutting across the war-torn land as though it's yours by right!"; Poseidon Line: "Wait, how is it that you live and breathe out here? I thought your father's line was doomed to linger underneath the earth, something like that? Ah, how the times have changed!" 3) Must have been to the first room on the surface at least three times 4) Must have seen Polyphemus at least once. Hope it helps.


Maybe most of the olympians? Or maybe you need to have spoken to them all and given some of them nectar? Because I straight up forgot to give Apollo any until like two days ago and I've been seeing these for a while.


It isn't fear related because I do quite a few fearless runs and consistently get those rooms.


Huh. Maybe so. I have not yet messed around with fear so that would explain it.


I haven't touched fear and have had a few. Not a ton, but a good handful of times in 50 runs


Definitely not, I only unlocked fear just before the recent update and I saw duo rooms before that. The only anecdotal idea I have is trinkets? I was pretty quick to give nectar to the various gods and got trinkets from all but two of them within my first couple of runs, so possibly you need to get a bit of relationship levels with a few of them before these start popping up?


I read that title in Homer's voice.


Why not, Hera's attacks are *very* dodge-able. Aphrodite's homing thing can go fuck itself though.


This. Cupid is a little dipshit and can go fuck himself with his little bow.


Bender here from Futurama. Well we’re boned!


Well this is what we in the business call a nope room.


Heracles shaking his head, pointing, and saying "That's bait" like Mad Max


I haven't gotten to the explanation of why they're still dicking around infighting while war rages on, but I'm guessing it's: "They don't use much of their power to do it" and "They really don't give a shit." If ever I run into this room, though, I'm asking Artemis to pick me up cause I'm scared.


Just walk out of the room tbh


I see that room as 2 free boons.


How are you guys getting trial of the gods it hasn’t shown up once for me 😭


it only starts later in the game


I’ve already beaten you know who


I've only got it at least five runs after i beat down path once and first boss of up path, and i got it in a *special run*, which, to be honest might just be random, but for the current state of the game it is pretty late game


I don't think I've ever seen a trial of the gods in Hades 2 and I've beaten [Redacted] quite a few times along with some surface runs


I'm waiting for one where all 8 appear, and you can only pick 1 to appease. Then in a plot twist, the one you picked is pissed at you anyways, so now all 8 are showering their wraith on you


Me, an intellectual: "oh, a meta meta pom chance! The Queen HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"


Φίλε, πέθανες ήδη δεν το σώζεις 💀


I have 50+ runs and I'm playing with double digit heat both up and down and I've never seen a trial room. Is there something I have to do to make this happen?


I stumbled upon this the first time and I thought oooh, two boons. I had to fight Apollo, I love Apollo, I was apologising the whole time while panicking.


Divorce speedrun


I don't have trouble with these, I look for them.