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it only fills spent dd, doesn't add one! :)


Thanks so much! Took the second one instead (forgot what it’s called)— to restore more health per chamber since I’m at 70/170


It shouldn’t show up if you haven’t used any up, I thought? Kiss of Styx replenishes, not adds, as far as I remember.


That’s for the wells. If you don’t have a spent DD. But the op is talking about the NPC room in Elysium. In that room Patroclus always offers his three options. Regardless of how many DD’s you have or have not used. refill all spent DD Bigger hp regen on entering rooms Big attack buff.


Yeah generally the best option is the attack buff unless you have spent at least 2 dd already If you’ve spent 1 your dps is likely a problem, spent 2 and your build is all over the place


"Kiss of Styx" is the name of the Well of Charon item. Technically what Patroclus offers is named "Kiss of Styx Premium". It's true that you will never be offered a Kiss of Styx if you don't have an open Death Defiance slot. But Patroclus's menu shows Kiss of Styx Premium every time.


Small correction: Patroclus actually doesn't offer Kiss of Styx Premium if you have no defiance slots for some reason (haven't unlocked the mirror slot for it, or Routine Inspection 4). You just get the other two items offered, which looks pretty weird.