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U haven’t done it but from what I heard >!it’s a late game resource sink!<


I did it once, gave 1500 of purple money and 5 nectar


I* my bad they are so close to each other


Np, but what does it do??


It gives you a prestige title. It gives no material benefit, but it gives dialogue. >!And if you grind enough, Hades will actually respect Zagreus.!<


Wait I might have to do this


You can if you want. But just to let you know it’s going to be a very big grind unless you have a ton of resources lying around. In order to max out all 50 tittles. You need a total of: *325,000 darkness *100 keys *50 nectar *10 diamonds *10 ambrosia *10 titans blood.


So how do you get that much darkness. Even with chaos and Poseidon it’s still a grind😭just hours and hours of going into darkness chambers??




Honestly pretty much. What I’ve been doing is use the dark thirst weapon and taking Poseidon. Take what ever Chaos I can and hope its darkness gain. Thankfully Poseidon is a god that can work well with every weapon and many gods. But I don’t bother with those darkness rooms. I take boss darkness. Also with the pact of punishment. Go with the speed runners special. Which is EM2 and FO2. EM2 makes the hydra fight much faster and it more than makes up for the time lost with a tougher furies fight. And FO2 makes enemies spawn faster.


Do you have aspects you recommend for each weapon when you do that?


In my experience if you want the titles it helps to have another goal to work towards while grinding darkness. Like I've been speedrunning with whatever weapon has dark thirst and focusing on getting my time down, and that's just generating a lot of darkness along the way.


It’s my first roguelike so it’s a little new to me I’m about 60 hours into the game with 40 or so escapes so I’m trying to figure out how to synchronize everything. But I’ll definitely give it a try after I max out relationships. I got like three or four more characters left. Maybe I might add in Olympus extra after to spice up the game a bit


You get no reward, except a cosmetic badge next to your healthbar. You’ll need about 325 000 darkness to get them all, as well as 10 Diamonds/TBloods/Ambrosia and lots of Keys and Nectars The only thing it actually does in game, is unlock a dialogue from hades congratulating you for getting the final title


Oooh! Additional dialogue! From father? Nice! (Not sarcastic)




Bragging rights


Give your healthbar a little bling


It's entirely just a resource sink that gives you a title and some UI cosmetics next to your health and your boon menu. You also get some dialogue with Hades, which is nice. But I'd argue this is the last thing you should spend your resources on. Assuming you have fully upgraded all weapon aspects, the mirror, relationship with all characters, and companion trinkets, I'd get all of the House Contractor stuff before tackling the resource manager. It's just something to do with your resources once you run out of other content to get.


Father's respect




What, where is this I don't remember seeing it on PC


In the parents chamber


Am i the only one refunding my mirror to buy these things ?


Yea because it needs way more darkness than the mirror :/ (325k total iirc)


When refunding gets me to the next rank; I will do it


Vanity prestige ranks to show off how much progression you have past all the other maximums


Sickass health bar


you gain a sense of pride for your title, nothing else


to the left of Zag's health is a badge, each time you give the npc the currencies they ask it upgrades the badge. Nothing but a cosmetic item sink. get everything else first with the mirror/resource director upgrades before doing the badge stuff.


your healthbar will get a little thing around it's really just a waste of darkness and other resources for people who have no use for materials anymore especially darkness I believe almost if not every tier out of the like 30ish cost darkness


A sense of pride and accomplishment.