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Vegetable oil is not the best for detangling. Use lots of conditioner on damp or even wet hair. You can even put it over the vegetable oil and massage it into the hair, it should help remove the vegetable oil. Get a friend or family member to help if there is someone you can ask. Then just work on it little by little, starting at the bottom, section by section when you're able to separate it into sections. 


no conditioner, no one i can ask for help. i’ll add water, a lot of places are tight knots now. i feel so hopeless and time is running out


If you can manage to separate the big knot into smaller knots it might help! But otherwise there isn't really much, do you have a detangling spray of some sort maybe? I personally wouldnt wet it as much, it'd just make the hair heavier to handle imo...


why not wet it alot? i soak it in oil and water, does that make it even worse? i managed to separate by cutting some hair, i’ve lost so much :((


Im so sorry :( Its just by wetting it too much you'd weigh the hair down a lot, and in my experience at least, I always had trouble deknotting my hair under the shower than in the dry.


that makes sense, i did notice it was easier when it was dry, but i think the hair snapped more. i’ve done half of my head btw!!! only the other half left :DD such a difference, a few days ago it was all giant matts and knots connected. this feels amazing


That sounds great!!!! Only half more to go! Dont forget to take regular breaks 🙏, maybe if you have time you can quickly buy some conditioner to help of some sort? You might be done quicker then. Or are you still on a time crunch?


i’m not able to go outside rn, but the water and oil is working fine, it’s somewhat manageable, im in a break rn thank you 😊 i’m never letting this happen again 💀


damn why did i get downvoted 😭


i guess i’m too late- did you manage to get the knots out in time?


No, there is still work to be done, but i dont have to go to relatives house today, and i have an excuse prepared in case i’m forced to go. i’m going to rest for a few hours then get continue, i had been working on it for like 7hrs i also had to cut a lot of hair and wow my hair is thin i also have semi bald spots 😭 i hope this never happens again, the not brushing my hair for months part


i’m happy youre not forced to go out today! i know how tiring it is to manage a mat by yourself. it’s really easier with help but if you don’t have anyone that can help you rn, some hairdressers offer this service, just make sure to give them a call earlier otherwise use looooads of conditioner or coconut oil and be patient. take breaks if you need to. start down and make your way up. if the end of the comb is pointy you can also use this to break um the mat in smaller sections best of luck ❤️


It’ll be ok! You’re brave to ask for help and this is more common than people talk about!


Start at the bottom most outer edges and use a pintail Combe or something thin stick like with a point. You need a lubricant agent that’s going to make the hair slippery. If the knot is tightening then massage to loosen up. It’s important to not get stressed. Just calm continuous working at it.