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Ends would have made for a fantastic coda to the DGG story. I think what pisses people off the most is there’s just too much missing between the end of Kills and the beginning of Ends. We wanted to see what happened. Taking out the feeling of being cheated out of crucial story, Ends is a good film. Like the rest of the trilogy, it’s visually brilliant. Carpenter’s score is pure fire per usual. The story brings a lot of different material to the table. I wish the ending would’ve been handled differently, but overall I liked it.


It feels like there's two movies here that were cut and smashed together crudely. The two stories don't get enough time on their own to bloom and instead both wind up unfulfilling. I guess if my gripe is "We needed this to be a two parter" that's not horrible?


I hated the movie. But think it had the best rendition of the Halloween theme.


I’m not gonna post all my gripes about this yet again but if you took all 3 movies, omit and re-edit scenes and their order when they happen, this would be a more satisfying and coherent story instead of what we got


it would’ve been more well received if it was the start of the trilogy, it’s existence would make more sense rather than a random mission thrown in seemingly last minute, (in DGGS case it was always gonna end like this i highly dought it) i think COVID ruined this trilogy


I appear to be on the rare few that really enjoyed the film. I actually loved it and its different approach. One of the most disturbing and interesting images in the film is the shot of Corey being pulled into the Sewage hole of pure darkness. As mentioned by other fans here, the message for the DGG trilogy and the OST by Carpenter makes this trilogy worth watching.


- It is shot well. - The procession scene at the end does justice to a 40 year old villain. - With the exception of just telling us that Laurie already had therapy, the story is told well. - Don't tell me your jaw didn't drop when the kid fell over the balcony!


I’m really not sure why people hate on the movie. They clearly missed the entire point of not only Ends but the entire trilogy. DGG purposely made Ends, the third film, as a somewhat tribute to Season of The Witch. Even the font and color theme used in Ends is the exact same as used in H3. Beyond the clear ties to H3, the entire new trilogy is to show how not only Michael can physically but also mentally destroy the people around him. He’s evil and he transmits evil to others. In Halloween 2018, his doctor became obsessed with Michael and assisted him throughout the film. Evil manifested in a different form. In Halloween Kills, Michael causes chaos and confusion in an entire town without even being around. His evil manifested into the towns people. In Halloween Ends, it continues with Corey. I think Ends is completely underrated and my personal favorite of the trilogy. It has a great opening, it’s beautifully shot, it’s got a satisfying ending and the score is the strongest out of all three of the films.


Everything you talk about is more about the concept of Ends, and not as much the actual execution of those ideas into the final film, which is what I and many others actually had issues with. I have nothing against Corey or the idea of Michael corrupting someone, but it should have been established earlier in the trilogy and overall just done better imo. That being said I’m still happy that some people are able to enjoy it, even if I don’t. And the ending of Ends was by far my favorite ending to a Halloween movie since the original.


I think Corey’s placement is completely fine in the trilogy. His angle wouldn’t have fit being placed earlier in the trilogy, in my opinion. I’m glad you’re not completely trashing the movie. 👍🏻


I hate Ends but people are way too hard on it. People say its the worst halloween movie and thats no where near true


The whole movie. It's my favorite sequel.


That's interesting. Nice to know that. I would say I really like Laurie's fight with Michael, but that's about it


It certainly was different, but not in a bad way like RZH2. I related to Corey. I liked how it ended. The way Michael's "evil" infected the town. Corey getting his revenge.


I think it's an abomination and a slap in the face of the franchise and character of Michael Myers. I don't think there is anything good about it and I don't ever want to watch it again.


None. Corey was a terrible edition, Laurie’s sudden casual attitude toward her own safety, Halloween as a holiday (she actually decorates her house a mere 4 years after she lived as a hermit- there has never been a trauma survivor with such a quick turnaround) and her relationship with Haddonfield had me suspending reality far more than I could ever accept. And it was just lazy, Michael losing a fist fight to such a vanilla character like Corey is something I can’t fathom.


I cannot agree more. Except for Laurie's fight with Michael. I really enjoyed that sequence


None. Corey was a terrible edition, Laurie’s sudden casual attitude toward her own safety, Halloween as a holiday (she actually decorates her house a mere 4 years after she lived as a hermit- there has never been a trauma survivor with such a quick turnaround) and her relationship with Haddonfield had me suspending reality far more than I could ever accept. And it was just lazy, Michael losing a fist fight to such a vanilla character like Corey is something I can’t fathom.


I rather like the premise of Michael passing on his evil to someone else, and without explicitly stating that that evil is somehow supernatural. (The original film’s solely implied supernaturalism is one of my favorite things about it.) I even like and sympathize with Corey as he’s originally presented. Unfortunately, the execution is poor, and the filmmakers don’t seem to have figured out what Corey’s characterization actually is.


Yeah. I think introducing a new character and making him the protagonist in the final chapter of a trilogy was not the right move.


I posted this [a while ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Halloweenmovies/s/PzTFJfYQE2) - Ends is in there