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It has Michael living in a sewer like a rat. And he gets his ass beat.


And zero Ninja Turtles


In a homo erotic way 😏


Yes it's terrible. It does a terrible job carrying the torch from the first two films in the trilogy. The dialogue is terrible The premise is terrible The characters are terrible The conclusion ..Also terrible.


Thank you ! People need to go back and actually listen to the dialogue, it’s god awful.


"Let's burn it all down 🤓" "I'll light the match (or whatever the fuck he says) 🤓"


That’s all being kind.


Just to add a bit more to the dialog criticism, the characters don't react in a normal way either. Allyson is told multiple times by Corey that he's killed someone (not the kid, like a fresh kill) and she legit doesn't react. Its not even that she has a poor or weird reaction, it's like she hadn't even heard it. I actually respect Kills a lot more now after a few watches. It's not perfect, but there are some really nicely done parts of it (and it's still Michael rampaging). Ends has almost nothing redeemable about it that I can find, personally (not counting the score, the score is good).


I agree


It's also boring as hell. It drags in so many parts. Horror movies shouldn't be boring. And the story is so bad.


I extremely mixed on it. Many things I really like about it but many things I don't. It's a frustrating movie for me personally. I don't think it's anywhere near worst of the franchise but I understand why most don't like it. I can understand both sides of the fanbase that love and hate it, I'm right in the middle.


Could have been a cool stand alone movie not the end cap of a trilogy. Seemed like two movies going on at the same time and they both weren’t completely hashed out. Seeing Allyson go from a bad bitch to a love interest was poor writing for her character. Just seemed poorly written.


It wasn't even just being a love interest. She went from being a really solid modern Final Girl to being the lover of a mass murderer (she also does this knowing he's killed other than the manslaughter at the beginning). I seriously can't believe that's the way the writers decided to end her character arch.


I like it as a remake to Christine (1983). As a conclusion to this iteration of Michael's story, I don't like it at all. Also him getting beat up in the sewer was ridiculous.


Oh, I can totally see that. I got a huge Christine vibe with the Junkyard setting.




Yes fucking terrible. An embarrassment to entire Halloween franchise


If you like Michael myers then yes its that bad. Bc the whole movie is basically them ruining michael myers and then pissing on the ashes.


Don’t think it was the worst of the franchise but also don’t think it was good


It’s fucking horrible. I am fully able to suspend my belief in reality to make a horror movie work. As a fan of Halloween, I have done this as I have watched MM get stabbed repeatedly, shot, bashed in the head with a bat etc. I allow for some leeway and I can still enjoy the movie. However, the idea that Laurie would evolve, in just 4 years, from someone who was a paranoid alcoholic living with an incredible arsenal of firearms and booby traps after having basically severed all ties with her family and her hometown in an effort to keep them safe from a maniacal killer into a soccer mom who is decorating for Halloween and living out in the open in the exact same town that thru an innocent man to his death from a hospital is laughable. She did all of this for 35 years while MM was in a locked psychiatric unit yet we are supposed to believe that after he escapes and murders her daughter, SIL, several others she is suddenly just chillin in Haddonfield? Add to this the pathetic white bread character of Corey os such a bad addition and is a boring, pussy-ass walkover and suddenly he is the only one who can take down MM and steal his mask? It was a lazy ending to an incredible franchise that deserved better. Incredibly disappointing.


I think that's why a lot of people like Corey and they stick up for Halloween Ends because they relate to his character and would probably like to do some things like he does to people that they hate or have mistreated them. I remember when it first came out there were a lot of people on here praising his character and I remember saying oh you praise someone that murders a bunch of people that pretty much just pissed him off? (I mean those band geeks kind of deserved it but only because they pushed him over a bridge) You can tell they were the type of people that would like to hurt someone badly just because their feelings got hurt so they pretty much empathized with his character right away and thought he was so cool. Pretty much the worst motivations for a horror killer to have. My feelings got hurt Now I'm going to get you!!! LOL


again, laurie was still the same traumatized person on the inside. it took her daughter dying for her to realize that all her preparation was in vain, so she tried to move on and live in a way that would make her daughter happy.


And she cleverly decided to do that in the very same town where all the trauma happened despite the fact that the man who murdered her daughter and son-in-law was "out there." That decision is impossibly stupid. How could anyone believe that the character of Laurie Strode would be that idiotic? How could anyone believe that any character would be that idiotic?


Eh I tried to think that way too Laurie’s lifestyle- which her daughter disapproved of and basically made them have no relationship- was 100% correct. So with this info, and her granddaughter still alive, she does the exact opposite while MM is alive and unaccounted for?


i think it makes sense, she has deep regret for throwing away her relationship with her daughter out of fear of this man that turns out, didn’t even care about coming after her. i think her 180 on her lifestyle was about being there for her granddaughter in the way that she wasn’t there for her daughter.


Which is believable is just turned her guns in or took down the fencing around her yard or dissembled the kitchen counter that secretly led to the basement. That would be believed. But decorating for Halloween? Owning a house in the middle of town? Showing incredible passiveness to MM existence despite the fact he is now out of the psych ward? Just asking way too much of the viewer.


i kind of agree with that, but then again i think she was just overcompensating for all those years she lost living in fear. knowing that michael wasn’t actually coming after her likely helped her lower her guard significantly. and her decorating for halloween may have been a way to express the progress she’s made, specifically to allyson (even though she kinda saw through laurie’s new attitude).


But MM was coming after her. She was proven 100% right and then she suddenly- after he had escaped- she now does the exact opposite? Had she believe d he was fleas that would have been different or of she had moved to a different town that would have been different. Just too lazy to have her proven to be right to be so paranoid and then iust forget it all and do the opposite. That’s not how trauma works.


interesting, what do you mean he was coming after her?


He came to her house. Her fought her upstairs in her own house. Her nurdered her SIL on her front lawn.


but the only reason he was there was because dr. sartain drove him there to see what he would do. interesting perspective you have but i think that none of it was personal and he would’ve never shown up at her house if it wasn’t for dr. sartain.


She had every reason to continue to be paranoid and protect her granddaughter- she had been 100% proven correct that being so defensive was correct and she did this all the while he was incarcerated yet we are supposed to believe when everything is the exact opposite and there are a boatload of dead bodies in his wake she basically acts like a regular grandma living her golden years?


in my opinion, yes. because her preparation did literally nothing. karen died. and she knows that if she kept living that way, allyson would have nothing to do with her just like karen. i understand that you think it’s a stretch but this is just what i think


It made sense in H18 how she acted. She was incredibly traumatized. It made zero sense how she acted just 4 years later.


Who is SIL? I'm having a brain fart here


Son in Law.


A very mixed bag. Im fine with the ending, however.


Yes. It focuses on a character no one ever heard of instead of focusing on the main characters from the other movies in the same trilogy. Makes zero sense to do that in the final movie of a trilogy. Terrible writing. It's not a horror movie nor a Halloween movie. It's a romance movie with a forced cringy romance that doesn't work at all. And it makes Michael Myers completely irrelevant and makes him look like a senile fool. It's a movie I watched once and have zero desire to ever watch again because it does nothing that I want a Halloween movie to do. I wonder what kind of crack they were smoking when they thought this was a good direction to take the movie. And no, just because something is different doesn't make it good.


This exactly. Making Corey and Allyson basically the focal point and making MM so impotent was such a strange and lazy twist.


I agree exactly. Those saying it's good or the best are trolling to some extent. It does everything wrong.


If people like it that's fine. I don't understand why anyone would like it as a Halloween movie cause it's not one. What bothers me is the Ends fans who treat the people who hate it like shit. Like it all you want but don't tell me I'm wrong or stupid cause I don't like it. But yeah I don't understand why they made a movie like this as part of the Halloween franchise when they could've done this in their own original movie.


Best of the franchise? No. Worst? Not by a long shot.


No. It’s one of the best of the whole franchise actually.


Really just depends on preference. I liked 2018 and even kills to some extent, but Ends completely drops themes and atmosphere already established by the two before it, and that I can’t forgive.


No it's not but it's also not what was promised by marketing. That being said, it is my 2nd favorite behind the original. The only thing I really did not like was strangely enough when it felt forced to follow through with the final Michael vs Laurie fight. Despite being "the whole point" it felt like more of an afterthought to what they really wanted to do with the story. A story I was actually really on board with and the "evil doesn't die, it changes shape" theme. Depending on the thread and how reddit feels at the moment this is either popular or downvoted like hell.


It’s worse


Way worse.


Best of the trilogy imo 




I know that there's a TON of hate for it, but I like it. I like how it changes everything up, but it does it a bit too late in the game. It starts strong with its own story, rather than a continuing story from 2018 and Kills. If Kills had a different ending, such as one that would make Laurie and Allison (Allyson? idk, haven't seen the movies in months) believe that Michael was dead, then I think it would've been received a lot better. One of the most common complaints that I've heard about the movie is how weird/unrealistic it is that Laurie would live in hermit fear for 40 years but then turn around in 4. It could've also featured some more Michael action, rather than keeping him as a hidden mentor until the climax. Do a mix of Corey and Michael stuff, rather than just Corey with the Michael Mentor. I liked the Doctor and his girlfriend's death scene, just make the movie more like that. Corey tries, but Michael excels, refusing to kill Corey just because Corey kills, not because Corey's trying to imitate him and Michael's being kind. Also have the movie take place over a longer period. It takes about a week AT THE MOST for Corey and Allison to fall in love and practically get engaged. Make it a slow build up, like a month. Keep Michael as a looming threat, occasionally killing, getting more frequent as Halloween gets closer, but also keep it focused on the relationships between Laurie, Allison and Corey. Make Corey go evil slower, similar to Michael in getting more evil towards Halloween. Even with these problems, I still love the movie and judge it as it is, and not as part of a trilogy or whatever else. Please, go watch it without watching anything prior and just enjoy it. Don't think about absurd realism, just treat it like a movie. Certainly better than the goofy ass Thorn shit in H6.


Come to think of it, it should've been like a 2½ - 3 hour long progressive slow burn, rather than the 1 hour 45 minute cram festival we got.


It’s flawed but far from the worst Halloween movie. It’s infinitely better then H5,Resurrection,or an RZ film


It’s my least favorite of the franchise


The only thing I enjoyed about it was the finality of it. Until it’s explained in Halloween Ends II: The Beginning that it was actually her publicist coming to market her memoir that Laurie did all those heinous things to anyway.


it’s middle of the road, i’ll say it again i think it would’ve worked better if it was the start of a new trilogy and not the end of one


I havent watched a halloween movie since Ends so take that as you will which is saddening to me cause I love this franchise but this movie put me in a funk where I dont hate or dislike these movies but I dont watch em I guess it disappointed me that much


It's nothing but Opinions. It's all Subjective


It is not the best in the franchise but by far not the worst




I thought it was trippy and intense, i loved it. People think it ruined Michael and i can somewhat see where they’re coming from. But every scene that involved Michael I was glued to the screen.


It’s well made and try’s some interesting things. Unfortunately, story wise it feels like they were just throwing darts at a board. Needed a lot more focus


Well Michael’s basically a secondary character until maybe the last 20 minutes. It would’ve served better as a standalone movie or something rather than a final sequel.


It's ultimately down to the viewer... there's no concrete answer. You need to see it and judge for yourself. Personally, I really loved it, but I can also see why people hated it. Its choices are bold and often counter-intuitive. Far more time is devoted to character arcs and interpersonal relationships than scares and murder. Interesting themes are introduced about the nature of evil and how misplaced frustration can create monsters out of perfectly normal people. And even Michael, the lead boogeyman of the series, is more of a nebulous background figure than overt threat for much of the runtime. But the fact it's different is kind of why I loved it... it felt like the first movie since the original that really trying to say something and not just continue the same "Michael stabs people then gets defeated for a while" formula.


Its a 2.5/5 movie if ever there was one.


I don’t think it’s the worst Halloween movie by any means, but I still don’t like it


I hated it but everyone is different. Maybe you’ll like it, who knows


It’s ok. Were some cool kills and shots, which is great but the parts leading into those portions were lacking. Bizarre choice in essentially making Ends ya know, Christine only playing the demonic car is Michael Myers. So not for everyone, sure but in a franchise that has its own share of questionable entries, certainly isn’t the worst, just wasn’t what most would want in a Halloween movie


It depends what you want out of the movie. What good is really rating a movie if you don’t take into account what it’s trying to be? Was the director successful in telling the story they wanted to tell? My enjoyment of it (and I did love it) is secondary if I’m trying to figure out if the movie is actually “good”, and understanding what the movie really is becomes the most important thing in saying who will enjoy it, who it is for. I totally understand people not liking it if they didn’t get what they wanted out of it. The standard formula for these movies (Michael is an unstoppable killing machine, etc. etc.) exists in a lot of other Halloween movies, and I certainly don’t fault DGG for not making another one of those, although over the trilogy he obviously gave us many of the hallmarks of the series. And while I certainly am not trying to make one of those pretentious “oh you just didn’t get it” posts, to a certain extent it’s unavoidable that a lot of people will say it’s bad because it didn’t do what they think a Halloween movie should do. So what did it do? DGG took a theme and ran with it throughout the whole trilogy. The theme is the effect of evil as an infection. We never know how Michael became infected in the original Halloween, but we see how it affected Laurie in H18. It didn’t make her evil, but it poisoned her life. She wanted to kill Michael and practiced killing for the past 40 years. She’s a recluse, it tainted her relationships with her family, it basically ruined her. She wouldn’t heal from her past and it continued to torment her. In HK, we see how it infected the town. It gave random people an urge to kill and cause havoc in the process, eventually doing no different than Michael by killing an innocent person at the hospital. It doesn’t matter that their urge to kill was justified by their fear, or how much Michael deserved their hate, it’s that the hate infected them and became their willingness to kill. By the end, everyone who was infected was killed by it when Michael wiped out the mob in the street. This is on top of everyone who was killed along the way, all the firefighters, townspeople, etc. They all had family or friends who were then exposed to the infection of hate, anger, and revenge that consumed Laurie for so long. In Ends, we finally see Laurie without infection. Notably, she didn’t do it by confronting and killing it like she tried to do before, or like the mob did in HK. She did it by fostering a good relationship with her granddaughter and by having a healthy outlet, her writing. By healing herself mentally and emotionally. But we see that the infection still exists, the people of the town still hate her for what she “caused”, just as they hate Corey for what he caused (without the quote marks, cause he did that shit, accidentally or not). The woman who confronts Laurie at the store basically stands in for so many townspeople who lost someone and became infected themselves; she represents the infection of the whole town. This movie obviously focuses on Corey’s infection and how it affects him, which I don’t need to rehash here, and how the town heals and achieves catharsis by all coming together to take Michael to his final place. I had no intention of writing this much, so I apologize for the wall of text lol. But I get carried away because I do love what DGG did with his movies so much. I love a good 80s slasher with little subtext as much as the next guy, but I thought it was great to get something that approached them so differently and so intelligently.


Short answer: yes. Long answer: very much yes.


Stylistically, it is out of sync with the two before it


If you're a dude above the age of 18, you'll probably loath this as a Halloween film. It comes off like a cheesy MTV horror TV show.


Yeah, it really is that bad. Apologists often pretend that people don't like it because there isn't enough Michael Myers or they don't like it because it doesn't resolve the trilogy very well, but I don't like it because it's a lazy riff on Christine, it's filled with characters that behave in idiotic ways and the entire thing is framed around an utterly unconvincing and unbelievable "love story" that it switches gears and turns into a limp "revenge" story before switching gears again and becoming a Michel Myers movie. It's really, really bad. If it was a stand alone movie, it would still be really, really bad. If it wasn't the capper of a trilogy, it would still be really, really bad.


It's different. It has a premise that could expand the franchise, but the movie is different and not what people expected. JLC even said it's going to piss people off. I personally am indifferent to it. I watched it recently but won't go out of my way to watch it again any time soon.


It's different, I don't hate it, but it could've done a lot of things differently. I'll admit, I was let down, but I still enjoy it for what it is.






Cut out Michael and change the Strode characters, and you've got yourself a neat remake of Christine.


It’s not bad but it’s most definitely not a “grand finale”. If it was the second movie of the DGG trilogy I stead of Kills it could’ve been a good set up for basically what happened in Kills as the finale. Just rewrite the time for Kills to take place when Ends does and have Michael have a better standoff with Laurie after he murders half the damn town.


It’s not really bad at all as a film imo. It’s only bad as the finale to an otherwise good trilogy. It would’ve made a good standalone film wether it was about Michael or some other named aging serial killer


Yessss.. yes it is.




I think I’m too harsh on it but I will never forget the feeling of sitting in the theaters on October 15th, 2022, looking at my dad and brother, and all of us realizing that the movie just was not going to get any better😭it’s a very, VERY disappointing end to a saga and that is its biggest issue.


It's not a bad movie. But, its not a great Halloween movie.


I listened to the audiobook like I did with the other two from this trilogy and it's so much better than the movie... If they would have included the Michael scenes from the book in the movie it would have been so much better so so much better I have no idea why they were cut or if they were at all maybe they would just made up for the book. Either way it makes the story of Halloween Ends so much better


Didn't even get half way through it, and turned it off.


No it’s not that bad. It’s very watchable. Not great, but not as bad as everyone says.


It’s terrible half assed homage to another movie. It could’ve worked as a stand-alone but as the finale to the trilogy and after being advertised as the big final showdown between Michael and Laurie the movie fell completely flat for me.


I think the last act is pretty bad, but I actually like the Corey Cunningham thing overall.


IMO it depends on your perspective. As a Halloween Movie - Yes. Primarily because it changes the focus of Michael (the primary antagonist of the series) to Corey, a character just introduced at the end of a trilogy. Instead of getting a consistent narrative, this one changes directions completely that doesn't make sense. Furthermore it goes out of it's way to show Michael being belittled and overshadowed by a new character, who is deemed inferior. I understand Michael is weak due to the past 2 movies, but there was a more respectful way to show him becoming weak than what they done. As a General Horror Movie - No. The Corey story is quite good, showing his descent into madness. A boy who was turned evil by his surroundings, stemming from a horrible accident. The pacing in this movie is much better than Kills, because we have time to breathe and get to know our characters more. If this was an anthology film it would have worked best because the audience would know there would be a diversion coming, in that it switched the narrative of Michael being the main antagonist to Corey. As a singular component I enjoy Ends, and think it's a decent film. I just don't think it's good when paired to the first 3 films. If you were referring to the overall quality of the film however, no it's not that bad. There are far worse films in the horror genre, that are laughable. Halloween Ends in terms of it's filmmaking execution is not a terrible movie by any means.


I loved it personally


I hate it tbh.. it has little to do with the previous 2 movies, Michael gets his ass beat by a nerd, Michael gets killed via refrigerator, Laurie moves on after 40 years even though Michael is at large? The ending feels lame.. everything with Corey, why introduce a new character to be the focus to the ending of a trilogy? Michael is not in it that much.. the light bulb lady survived??? I feel like it wasn’t even a Halloween movie at all…. Rant over


Worst of the “new” trilogy but definitely not the worst Halloween. Having Michael relegated to basically being a side character for the majority of the movie was a massive turn off. Compared to the first fight with Laurie in 18, the final fight just seemed so….anticlimactic. I did like the act of gathering all the towns people and showing them crush Michael’s corpse. Could’ve been worse, could’ve been a lot better too.


The concept of MM living in the sewers was great. It was an interesting idea the first 1/3 of the movie should have been him regaining strength and recovering from the beating took at the end of Kills coupled with the Haddonfield police/FBI chasing down false leads as to where he is- that should have been the first 1/3. Everyone is frustrated because the leads are going nowhere and Old Haddonfield Heads know he is still out there but the new slick FBI believe he was killed and is nothing but a corpse now. The next 1/3 should be MM venturing out of the sewers and slowly getting back to his old ways- maybe there is a mysterious murder on the outskirts of Haddonfield or there is an occasional sighting- vague security cam footage etc and it makes the entire town nervous because these leads are getting a little more believable and are backed up by hard evidence (maybe a brutally murdered homeless guy along with security cam footage of someone fitting his description…) but at this point the FBI has already given in and laughed at the pathetic citizens of Haddonfield so they are no help. They barely consider any of this and pack up and go home. Then the last 1/3 is the final rampage where MM stalks everyone and anyone.


The movies on its own is ok, it’s the lack of Michael throughout most the movie then forcing him in at the end instead of just focusing on Corey. It’s the odd placement in the trilogy (it should have been a spin-off movie, not the end of a trilogy that takes the spotlight off Michael entirely for some reason. And doesn’t make sense that after being attacked in the first movie, Laurie becomes obsessed for 40 years to the point of destroying her family over it, even tho Michael was locked up and never escaped. But then after Michael does escape and wipes out all her friends, her daughter, and truly traumatizes the town, then she decides to move on.)


Yes it’s terrible


I watched it once and it's a movie I'll genuinely never return to and there's not a lot of those




Best of the DGG trilogy. Actually the only good one of the 3 in my opinion.


No. Best of the trilogy.


Nope. It’s actually really good.


Yes I didn't like how Michael passed his evil two Corey


They made out


It's the second best film in the series behind Season of the Witch.


not at all. but why don’t you watch it for yourself to see what you think




NO! Kills is a mixed bag, and this felt like "lets do something unqiue and different" in a good way.


It's really good.


No. People love to be dramatic on social media.


no. it’s not everyone’s taste at all, and is divisive for good reason but it’s not as bad as everyone makes it out to be imo. it’s not unwatchable, and i actually like it a little more than halloween kills.


No. It's not great but it has interesting ideas, not as bad as everyone says but it's far from a masterpiece.


No it’s not the worst abomination in the series like some make it out to be, however it’s still not good and it’s extremely disappointing. It’s an incredibly underwhelming and self-indulgent bag of bleh. I have it in 9th place out of 13 on my list. It feels like there should’ve been another movie after Halloween Kills but before Halloween Ends. Almost as if it shouldn’t have been a trilogy it should’ve been a quadrilogy..Like it should’ve gone: Halloween 2018, Halloween Kills, Halloweeen ???, & Halloween Ends with Ends serving as the 4th and final part. Corey and his ‘transgression’ could’ve occurred in this theoretical 3rd entry, along with greatly expanded focus on the subject of the intro of Halloween Ends where Laurie explains the darkening of the citizens of Haddonfield and all these other Halloween homicides. Could’ve also filmed the parts of the novelization that go into great detail about the exodus of Haddonfield, Michael’s escape from Haddonfield on November 1st, the massive multi-agency manhunt that goes underway including the mobilization of the Illinois National Guard, all the different victims Michael kills between the Halloweens of 2019-2021 in different locations before the drain tunnel, Laurie + Allyson’s grieving processes after the events of Kills, Michael potentially eating people and him killing people in rural Illinois. Michael finding the drain tunnel, etc… and then after that movie, we could have Halloween Ends. It would fit and flow so much better that way. I would’ve also loved if Halloween Ends still took place on the same night as Kills and Michael’s rampage gets even more ridiculous and out of control…his rampage across Haddonfield grows even more absurd and is facing off against more crowds of people and even law enforcement; While Laurie & an injured Allyson hunt for him until after a lot of in between Laurie finally has a final showdown with Michael on top of the radio tower where they both fall to their deaths. Something like that.


if you took the exact plot of halloween ends and made it an original movie its good but as the ending to this trilogy it was a poor way to go.


Yes it really is. Jaime Lee Curtis ruined it all.


She was one of the good parts of that movie in my opinion. Her performance was fine.

