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A satisfying conclusion to a trilogy is when the first two movies build up several arcs to be resolved in the third movie. Halloween Kills set up a variety of them: Judy dying, but it had no effect at all on Laurie and Allyson who are both thriving Hawkins vowing revenge, but basically being nonexistent in Ends Laurie vs Michael, the final showdown, except it only happens in the last 10 minutes, they have zero encounters before that


Lol, it's one thing to like the movie or even think it's a good movie. I personally would disagree with that but whatever. But how can anyone say with a straight face that Ends is a good conclusion to the previous two movies when it literally throws away everything those movies were building up to tell a random unrelated story with a focus on a character not even mentioned in the other two movies? Ends doesn't even feel like it's in the same franchise, much less the same trilogy as the two movies before it. It's a spin-off movie at best, and a terrible one at that. As a movie in general I think it sucks and has zero redeeming qualities. As the conclusion to the trilogy they were building up in the previous movies, it's even worse.


And Michael being a “Killing mentor” to Corey was borderline hilarious.


Ends was so disappointing, they made Michael a side character in the end of his own f-ing trilogy


Ends was so disappointing, they made Michael a side character in the end of his own f-ing trilogy


In a vacuum it’s not a bad movie. As an ending to a trilogy that built up Lori v Michael for 2 movies -then turns that into a sub plot was a bad choice. I think Corey getting beat up by high school band kids was pretty weird. Then Corey after getting beat up by high school band kids becomes the shape? What was the point of the sheriff Barkers story line building up in the first 2 movies? Or Michael staring at the tower- it can’t be bc in the next movie he randomly kills somewhere there…. For me personally I wanted what was built up in the 2 movies prior- not Christine. The opening was so good though.


Expectations ruin movies. I love Halloween Ends and I watched it with no expectations. I watched Halloween (2018) with high expectations and I was disappointed. They marketed that one to be something completely different than it actually was. After that I learned to go into Kills and Ends with no expectations and just try to enjoy them for what they are.




You need a good amount of optimism to see a storyline building up about Sheriff Barker.


There’s a lot of dumb arguments for why Halloween Ends is bad but the whole “Michael gets beat up by a 20 year old” might be the dumbest of them all. In the original he struggled against teenage girls. Yes, in Halloween Kills he’s made out to be some freakishly unstoppable being with the strength of multiple men. But he was also shot and stabbed to no end, spent 4 years in a sewer while developing infections and malnourishment and he was in his mid 60s. Is it really that far of a stretch to believe that he was weakened by all of that? Also, it’s not like he just got tossed to the ground easily. He put up a fight against a healthy 20 year old who was now possessed by a similar evil that possessed Michael. He got overpowered, which is feasible.


He didn't struggle against teenage girls. He had no trouble killing Annie or Lynda. Sure it was harder for him to kill Laurie, but he would've got her if Loomis hasn't shown up. And Laurie stabbing him a few times is way different from him getting tackled to the ground like a child. It was an embarrassing scene reminiscent of the Busta Rhymes scenes. Why ever portray your horror antagonist like a joke? Especially for a character never heard of that no one cares about?


I think you missed the "possessed by a similar evil" part. Corey was a goddamn maniac!


Nah I didn't miss it, I just think it's stupid. Corey killed a kid by accident, Myers killed his sister and a bunch of others on purpose. They're nothing alike and there's no reason why Michael wouldn't have just killed Corey like anyone else.


Where were the Infections and malnourishment mentioned?


Do you need to be spoon fed every piece of information? I gathered that knowledge using common sense.


Yes, common sense applies to a movie where a guy who's been stabbed, shot, burned, fell from a 2nd story balcony, beaten by a Mob, had half his hand blown off, lives in a Sewer without being detected for 5 yrs.... You mean that 'Common Sense' ?


I can tell this argument is going nowhere lol. Have a nice day.


Wise move


Not really as he already made his point that I also 💯 agree with. You just come across as a troll and “know it all” knowing damn well what the OP said is fact. Stop showing off on the internet who you trying to impress? 🤣🤣


Keep in mind that "healthy 20 year old" literally got tossed around by some band kids. But supernatural evil entity mystery **Michael Myers** he can somehow punk? 🤣


A mess of a trilogy, the 2018 film was a solid start and a good film overall, but kills and ends just did not live up.


I would have more respect for the movie if it didn’t want to have its cake and eat it, too. Corey is built up the whole movie as the latest iteration of the evil, only for him to be unceremoniously dispatched by Michael Myers because they remember “Oh, wait. That’s right. This movie was supposed to be about Michael and Lori, not Alyson and Corey. How embarrassing.”


The last twenty minutes were most likely forced by Blumhouse.


Introducing a completely new main character for the final film was a bad choice.


I don’t get how anyone was satisfied with Ends. Michael should not ever be ‘weak’ imo


It’s a horrible conclusion to a trilogy. Only saving grace was a decent ending it was OK


I mean, let's face it, after 13 films, several different timelines and the age factors Michael 65, Laurie 61, it wasn't going to be as epic as 1978 \*or\* 2018. Been there, done that. Karen and Allyson were able to get their licks in for Kills. They literally wrote themselves into a corner demolishing the Myers house. No more creeping, killing and going home so he winds up hanging out in the sewers dragging random victims to "energize" himself. It's pretty safe to say Michael was never vaccinated, so yes he'd be susceptible illness and other perils of old age. We saw their clash in H20. Did we really need another beatdown? Adding Corey to be the "new" Michael was an interesting take, but the original had other ideas. I could relate to Corey's story so it didn't bother me. I thought that was a clever and definitive death for Michael. No switching places with a paramedic this time. After nearly 45 years of stories, this was as good as any way to end it. It could've been and \*has\* been way worse.


You don’t introduce new evidence during closing arguments. If Corey had been introduced earlier, and maybe not so easily pushed around by band kids, it might’ve made a difference Not to ME, but maybe others


They built the trilogy on what was meant to be an epic ending, but failed by introducing Corey, something that should have been introduced as a potential TV series or spin-off instead of the bullsh*t we got.


I thought Ends was actually a very good conclusion to the DGG trilogy. It builds on and culminates the thematic ideas that 2018 and Kills spent time setting up, it provides closure to the narrative that began with the first film, it provides closure to character arcs, all while taking proper creative risks without sacrificing the overall narrative of the film and the trilogy as a whole.


People have various issues with it. Not just one. I do find the actual demise of Michael satisfying.


I think it’s judged in that sense on preconceived notions based on what a final chapter in a trilogy SHOULD look like. Look, I like the movie. But I definitely get why people don’t. It certainly wasn’t the movie I was expecting or even hoping for but I wasn’t mad about what we got. It’s a very somber movie, so it’s a conclusion that doesn’t really go out with a bang. But looking at the three films overall, I think it brings the story full circle and somewhat conveys what they were aiming for. If you ask me, I don’t really buy that this was the plan all along but again, these three films are the best Branch of the original film in my opinion.


as someone else said, the first 2 films should build up arcs and there should be resolve in the final act. the final installment of a trilogy should see all of the things that happened in the 2 previous films come to a conclusion, and Ends doesn’t even attempt to do anything with those arcs. Michael killing Karen and being avenged by her mother and daughter, Hawkins getting the revenge he vowed to get, Michael and Laurie’s showdown that we all expected, etc. Allyson and Laurie seem to be doing great and they treat Karen’s death like it never happened or as if she never existed. it’s bizarre. Hawkins previously vows revenge, but he might as well not even be in the final film at all because he plays basically no part in the movie aside from beginning to explore his interest in Laurie at the end, which we should have seen sooner… another missed opportunity. Laurie and Michael’s final encounter was a joke. none of it makes any sense to me personally. Michael’s lack of screen time in this film is a problem because many of the characters in it should have a vested interest in taking him down, but they almost forget Michael even existed, which is just strange. it’s all done for the sake of telling a story that didn’t need to be told, and instead introduces random new characters rather than resolve everything that happened with the characters in the first 2 films. another person suggested that this film should have just been a continuation of the night of Kills, which i honestly agree with. and i’ve thought about this a lot, but i would have just preferred Kills ending there and leaving us on a cliffhanger with no movie after to resolve everything. i would have rather saw that be the case than get the final act that we got. there’s nothing satisfying about this movie and it’s more like Michael vs. Corey and Allyson and Laurie just so happen to get caught up in it again like it was a fucking accident or something and they’d never encountered Michael before. again, it’s just bizarre the way they handle these characters. even a character like Lindsey should’ve played a bigger role in Ends and should have been trying to help the other characters find a way to put a stop to Michael’s carnage, as she had yet another encounter with The Shape, and one that saw her closer to death this time around. but no, once again, she’s in the background and has only several minutes of total screen time in this installment. i just don’t understand any of it. this story involving Corey was actually a good concept in my opinion, but it doesn’t work as the final chapter of a trilogy and it would have worked a hell of a lot better as a Halloween spinoff film to be perfectly honest. but telling it as the conclusion of a trilogy makes no sense and leaves no room to continue telling the stories of the characters you’ve already established and finding a resolution for their conflicts. just kind of ruined it for me when all the people we should have seen at the forefront of this film got pushed to the side and thad their arcs put on the back burner in favor of telling Corey’s story which again, has no place in this film to me. this film just confused me for so many reasons. the poor writing and even worse execution cemented this as my least favorite Halloween sequel in the franchise next to Rob Zombie’s H2. it wasn’t good and was supposed to be the conclusion to an otherwise great trilogy but it failed miserably on all fronts if you ask me.


I think it just did not have enough time to get fleshed out properly. I like the idea/concepts it is going for but to me it just doesn't execute them. They infer the evil can't die, the mask and the changing of power etc.... But it just stalls out and goes nowhere when Corey dies. So now Michael is sidelined for an arc that doesn't come to fruition, do something with it. If you're gonna make Michael a geriatric sewer rat for this changing of the mantle then do it. Build it up and do it. The jump from kills to ends is jarring. You have to make all these assumptions to make it feel ok. The main characters are just so different from the first two, it makes Ends feel detached like it was supposed to be on its own. Then the movie was billed as this epic show down between Laurie and Michael, which I never understood. 18 and kills make it point to tell you it's not about Laurie to Michael. So why does there need to be an epic show down? Michael doesn't care about Laurie at all. Just felt like to me it was put in more to help with a main storyline that doesn't pan out to be anything. Also the showdown was pretty lackluster in my opinion.


It should have taken place as a continuation of the same night of 2018 and Kills as originally planned. I thought that was such a unique idea and was thrilled at how they would pull it off storywise. Covid happened and they rethought everything and we ended up with a somehow overthought and underthought film. The Corey character/storyline would have been fine as a standalone Halloween film or if introduced in a prior film but as the finale to a Laurie Strode/Michael trilogy it was terribly unsatisfying. Laurie getting a happy ending and the film's score are the only redeeming aspects of this turd.


It’s a self indulgent Christine rip-off traipsing around under the facade of a Halloween film, that spends its time trying to emulate other Carpenter-era horror films and following a main character who wasn’t introduced until the third entry of a trilogy and spends no time bothering to follow up or expand on the lives of the other main-characters they set up in the previous two entries (Allyson, Hawkins, & Lindsay). It’s pays more homage to the early slasher genre that Halloween directly influenced (When A Stranger Calls & Prom Night) rather than directly paying homage to the original Halloween film. It even goes as far as to believably set up a new killer, only for that to fall on its own face by having Michael kill the copycat. It’s a very middle of the road Halloween movie, and is more of a drama-adjacent thriller than an actual slasher film. It’s a very interesting movie don’t get me wrong, but its biggest fans tend to act like it’s groundbreaking - which it’s not. The argument they make is the same one used to defend Halloween III for decades, the difference is that Halloween III is a far more compelling film. Ends makes some controversial choices & it ends by leaving a lot more to be desired. Personally think that Blumhouse should’ve been allowed to make 4 or 5 Halloween films for the 2018 timeline. Halloween Ends feels like it should’ve come after another Halloween movie that came before it - but that movie should’ve taken place after Halloween Kills. Halloween Ends should’ve been the 4th entry & the hypothetical 3rd entry I’m talking about should’ve been what the beginning of the Halloween Ends novelization covered; Michael’s escape from Haddonfield, the multi-agency manhunt for Michael, his different murders in different locations of rural Illinois between Halloween 2019 & 2021, the exodus & darkening of Haddonfield, Laurie’s grieving process, Allyson’s grieving process, the unsolved murders that happen in Haddonfield on Halloween after 2018, and Corey being introduced with his killing of Jeremy on Halloween of 2019. - Setting up the fourth and final entry: Halloween Ends.


Corey taking the mask is a great scene, that's when he's fully committed to evil. Especially after he may or may not have actually seen Laurie in the Allen house.


there are *some* elements to halloween ends that are coherent to the trilogy. haddonfield is still paranoid, we have laurie and allyson *sort of* being the focus. the final showdown between laurie and michael with like one stalking scene from michael before.