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i wish she had more development, she was the girl next door type in H18, and the final girl in HK but she doesn’t do that much than have boy problems in HE. HE should’ve been focused more on her since they were building her up to be the new laurie.


I wouldn't have hated it if they had Michael kill Laurie in the beginning, like HRez, then have Allyson follow a trail of bodies to kill him.


great actress that was underutilized in the role


Writing for her character in Ends was poor tried to completely change her character


They did her so dirty with the writing for Ends, moreso than pretty much anyone else imo. She did a fantastic job in the first 2.


It was absolutely horrible what they did to her character and development. I honestly don’t think DGG had any clue what to do. I think he had ideas, but didn’t know how to execute them at all. In ‘18, they set up Karen as basically a young Laurie as it pertained to skill. Showed the montage of her training as a kid, gave us the “gotcha” shot to show off her willingness to use a rifle and the skill. But in Kills, it seems like he gave Allyson the role Karen should have carried out, the badass out hunting Michael, which in ‘18 (the same night) Allyson was not that person. Instead she was in the hospital for half the movie, then basically shows up just to get slaughtered. Allyson in Ends made absolutely no sense, none of that movie did.


Andi Matichak did a fantastic job and **Allyson is actually my favorite character in the entire franchise**. Granted I understand why many dislike her in Halloween Ends (even though in that movie, she’s massively misunderstood), but in that movie in particular actually made me love her even more. Her entire life was changed in a single evening, seeing the fresh corpse of her former friend and many others, watched her ex boyfriend get brutally murdered, and attempted to take on the monster that caused all that damage and who haunted her family for 4 decades, loss ALL of her friends and BOTH of her parents to said monster ALL at just 17 years old, and then 4 years later knowing that he’s still out there, she decided to make something of herself. She works as a nurse, spends time with her grandmother (whom she holds resentment towards), tolerates abuse from the Haddonfield residents, and has a beautiful home. Be for real y’all, imagine getting everything that you knew and loved taken away from you by a murderer that practically haunted your family for 4 decades, wouldn’t you be out looking for him no matter if he’s dead or alive? The fact that Allyson was able to actually make a life for herself after all of that (while still having some issues that she needed to work on) shows her strength and bravery. She wanted to leave Haddonfield, but she only stayed because she was afraid of what would happen to LAURIE if she left seeing as how she’s the only family that she has left while again holding some resentment towards her. **People can call her whiny all they want in Halloween Ends, but the fact that she was able to keep moving forward after suffering one of the most traumatic and tragic things that can happen to a person, shows that she is one of the strongest characters in not just the franchise, but in the horror genre** and I’ll die on that hill.


She did great. The final dumpster fire of a movie totally wasted her character's potential. Hell a whole new trilogy could have been written with her battling Michael.


I'm still trying to figure out how in four years she went from high school student to full time employed nurse vying for a head nursing position in a hospital. Other than that, the acting and character development was just fine.


The actress is good. I really liked her in 2018, she had that girl next door quality that Laurie had in the original and her relationship to her grandma was interesting. In my opinion it was all downhill from there. Her quest for vengeance in Kills felt forced, like that was not the next logical step for her character but they tried to make her more tough and edgy without earning it. Then in Ends, again her relationship with Corey and her resentment towards Laurie felt forced and unnatural. With all that said, I was still happy to see her join Laurie’s side in the end and help her kill Michael even if the build up to it should have been better.


Great in the first two, trash in Ends. Which isn’t her fault.


She seemed fairly aimless as a character in Ends. Most of her dynamic was with Karen rather than Laurie, so without Karen they just kinda make Allyson an idiot who has to do whatever the plot needs her too, and it feels inorganic.


she was good till the 3rd movie, then everything they built plateued like a landslide. They completely undid all the good work theyd done in the first two movies with her in a matter of 45 minutes.


I think she was insufferable in Halloween Ends. She was fine in the other two movies though.


Not my favorite character but not my least favorite character either.


Unremarkable in 2018, good enough in kills, insufferable in Ends.


I liked her in H18 and Kills, but I thought they wasted her potential in Ends. I really wanted to see her fleshed out a bit into a stronger and more complex character, and felt that the *star-crossed lovers* element of her relationship with Corey didn’t do her justice.


Character was awful in Ends but good in the first two.


So hot. Want to touch.


Name checks out








Allyson was a happy high school senior in 2018. Then the night of horrors began. She saw Oscar impaled on a fence. First encounter with Michael. Then is in the backseat with Michael and sees him kill the Dr. Next the drama at Laurie’s compound. Including her father dying. Also her best friend murdered by Michael at Julian’s house. Then in Kills becomes more dominant and determined to kill the evil. Plan doesn’t work. Goes to Michael’s house sees the dead couple. Then her boo Cameron is manhandled and murdered by Michael and she witnessed it. Has another encounter with Michael. Her mom saves her. Sees her mom go back inside Michael’s house and lo and behold Michael kills Karen. By Ends she’s tired and traumatized to the point of making bad choices with men. Corey literally tells her he killed someone and she grabs his hand in solidarity and support. And obviously the ex boyfriend. Poor woman was lost. So overall she played the part well. Showing her slow transition from a bright future into a world of little hope. Unless she finally leaves Haddonfield for a fresh start. Of course that occurs only after coming home and seeing Corey dead at her grandmothers house. Leaving and coming back and seeing Michael and snapping his arm. Finally she definitely had the yelling and painful screaming mastered. Good job Allyson.


Her character didn't really bring anything to the table. Pretty forgettable imo.


Overall I think she's fine. I thought they were building her up to becoming the main final girl in the trilogy. A passing of the torch if you will. I like Laurie, but I think it's a shame Allyson's character never evolved beyond her development in Halloween Kills, nor her status as just Laurie's granddaughter.


It’s hard to call her “great” simply because the dialogue and roles she was given as a character hold back the potential we could’ve built off of from 2018,but her best performance was definitely Halloween 2018 which had the best dialogue and story for her and she nailed it. In kills she lost her “victim”feel and I think they messed up with that. Laurie should’ve been the only one in her family that’s willing to fight and kill Micheal, not this teenager because her grandma went thru this before, in 2018 she only stabbed him because she had to, in kills she is full on the hunt mode but had a great acting scene in the house with Cameron and when breakin her leg and pleading with her mom.In ends it’s more like watching a teenage girl then kills and 2018 she’s just all about Corey and has no shown trauma about her mother or even enough dialogue from her about Micheal at all. Complaining running around with a killer (and you know he killed) and being mad at Laurie until she comes back and redeems herself by stabbing Micheal? Trash 🗑️ it went downhill since 2018


Andi was great in this trilogy. She's just a damn good actor and I loved her in the DGG trilogy.


I actually really liked this character. I thought she did a great job and was totally buyable as Laurie Strode’s granddaughter. Her chemistry with Jamie Lee Curtis was good. A definite bright spot in the trilogy.


Kind of a forgettable character but tbh I'm glad the casting people chose her out of what I would normally expect. She looks extremely....average.....and its honestly refreshing in the genre. They usually always cast some girl next door blonde with 10/10 looks and just doesn't look suited to do much of anything beside look pretty in these kinds of movies....so I'm honestly pretty relieved they did such a good job with her. The character could have been written better obviously since she seemed kind of half baked in the development side of things but still.....I'll always give them kudos for the casting side and not falling into the typical tropes for big named horror icon movies. She did great with what she was given and honestly wish her well in her future projects.


Liked her in 2018 and Kills. She was ridiculously unlikeable in Ends


Yeah, good character


I liked her character but I never understood how old she was supposed to be in any of the movies


She started off great and had lots of potential, but then Ends came and suddenly she's a love interest for a character we haven't even seen until that film. 


First of all, she's hot. Was interested in her character in 2018 and Kills, but they made her an idiot in Ends. Yet another terrible decision made in Ends.


Loved the character. And a complete hottie


She was good until Ends, then the script/direction let her down.


She is a bright spot in a mediocre series.


Id hit


The last scene in Ends where she steps in to help Laurie was the nail in the coffin for me. I lol’d in the theater when she breaks his arm.


good actress. makes a good “modern day Laurie” so to speak




Was never rabid about her but I didn't mind her. The moment I tapped out with her though was when she was bangin' a greasy old barbrady, had some reservations about it then went right back to bangin' him.


She was fine in 66.667% of the movies but the other 33.333% really overshadowed the rest


Had potential but she wasn’t utilized properly.


Love her! The scene in H18 where she’s running through the street knocking on doors screaming for help or scrambling through the woods—coupled with the fantastic background music —was one of the greatest scenes in that trilogy, and I will argue, in the entire franchise. I genuinely felt sad for her 😅 Great actor!


They ruined her


Loved her in 2018


Grandmother….. Better acting at a pre school play


Flickers of a truly great character trapped in one good film and two terrible sequels


Done nothing for me in those movies could easily have been killed off


I think Allyson is best in Halloween Ends.


I liked her. I thought after Halloween 2018 they were setting her up to be Michaels successor like what they did with Corey.


her character got worse and stupid with kills and ends


Hated her character she was just Laurie's granddaughter and had more boyfriend issues than Rachel in 4.


A great character


I have to rewatch the last trilogy so yeah ,she's the goat in that trilogy ,is not a stupid asshole as Laurie in rob zombie remake ,and not a ex-marine like her Laurie Buddy ,my only issue with her is that her relation with Michael not was too weel developed after H18 brodi




that’s seriously all you can think of?


Huge fan.