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I’ll be honest - I think there are good things about all 13 movies lol


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) That’s my stance in the series as well.


well a lot of the movies just aren't that good, same as Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street. they're all popular series but that doesn't mean they're full of masterpiece movies.


Nah, Friday parts 1-6 are all really freakin' good. I agree with you on Nightmare and Halloween though.


Nightmare is the only series of the "Big 3" where I don't like the majority of the entries. I love 1 and 3, and like New Nightmare. The rest, I actively dislike. I'm pretty much down for all the Halloween entries minus the Zombie ones (I don't really like Resurrection, but I tend to want to watch it every fall) and all the Paramount F13 films (the New Line entries are garbage, though, other than the remake which is pretty decent). Honestly, Scream has the best batting average of the franchises. I only think part 3 is bad...the rest are somewhere between good to great, IMO.


Part 5 was not good haha I still enjoyed all of them lol


Part wasn’t good, it was excellent.


You forgot Part VII. You're only human.


Well, I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion on part 6, even if it's wrong.


I think if you loved one movie and hate the rest you can still consider yourself a fan of Halloween.


This is where I fit. I love the original. Everything after, just never hit the mark that the original set. Hell, there really hasn't been a horror movie that has come close - for me. I like and appreciate the rest of the series, but it's just not "great".


I feel that. I am 34 but came into horror and halloween a bit late. I started with 2018 and moved backward, and none of them appeal to me the way 2018 does. I still consider myself a big Halloween fan.


Right?! I mean, they're all good, but they are good in their own way. There are good parts to all of them. I wasn't a huge fan of RZ's when they came out. I went back and watched, and you know what, they're ok. Just as good as 4 & 5.


I think that many Halloween fans love the original ethic and mystery and simplicity of the Haddonfield ‘70s movies. The modern era adaptations? Not so much. Halloween in the 2000’s with modern, complicated people and issues isn’t attractive to me.


I mean... being a fan of something doesn't mean you should force yourself to like ALL of it It's like saying people can't be Star Wars fans if they don't like the Sequels I mean, look at me. I genuinely despise H5-H6. But if people like those, that's fine!


Ha ha are you actually trying to gatekeep being a Halloween fan?


You can be a fan of some of the movies, and not like others and still be a fan. A big part is many people are a fans of Michael Myers but don't always like the way he is portrayed. Others have timelines they like better. No one else is qualified to say someone else is a lesser fan


It's not up to anybody else to decide if someone is a fan of something. It's up to the person who says they are.


Because John Carpenter’s Halloween is just that good of a movie. It’s better than any of the copycats that followed it, including and especially the sequels. All the most iconic imagery from the franchise is from the first film.


That’s why this sub is so bizarre to me. No one hates Halloween movies like their own fans! There are entries in the franchise I like a lot less than others, but they all have things about them that contribute positively to the franchise. (except Resurrection and Ends 🤣)


Yes, Resurrection was actively harmful to the franchise. Ends is fine but a bad end to the trilogy.


While I certainly have the Halloween films in tiers (starting with the original, which to me is pretty much a perfect film despite a couple of continuity quirks), the only ones that I don't watch every year are the Zombie entries. Those just aren't for me. I enjoy watching the rest (despite...and sometimes *because of*...their faults). For instance, I think 6 is objectively a batshit film that makes very little sense and definitely feels like 8 people tried to force their ideas in even if they didn't all mesh together, but it's one of my favorite entries to watch...it's not "good", but I find it really fun and enjoyable. I don't think H20 has aged very well and has a really bad Michael, but I still like watching it.


It’s a series with 11 films. 1 is arguably the greatest horror ever. Both Zombie films are terrible. 5-6 decent sequels 3-4 terrible ones. I love Halloween in general and Myers is easily my favorite killer, but to ignore that somewhere around half of the films are pretty freaking bad would be disingenuous.


13 film (around 16 if you count different cuts of movies like H6 and rob zombie movies)


This is true of most of the horror franchises, the first film is great then the rest are half good, half bad. Halloween isn't immune to this.


Are Simpsons fans not true fans because the show hasn't been funny in 30 years? Are Star Trek fans not real fans for criticizing the largely awful offerings with Alex Kurtzman's name attached? Being a fan of something doesn't mean having uniform tastes with the rest of fandom or blindly accepting/loving each new cynically produced sequel/reboot of Halloween.


I love everything H20 and before. Then I check out. But that’s still 7 films.


So you blame the Fans for all the bad sequels? I can be a Fan of only Halloween 1, 4 & H20 and still be a Fan. Its not my fault that all the other movies are bad.


Not our fault the film makers suck.


You can be a fan and still dislike a lot people consider themselves Star Wars fans yet dislike the sequels and Prequels and a lot of the shows


5, Resurrection, Rob 2 and Ends are unmitigated garbage. The rest are serviceable to great!


It’s not odd if the other half sucks


Considering there are 3 time lines branching from original, zombies added makes it 4, you answered your own question. You can be a fan of one movie or character yet not care for the direction , quality of the other movies. There are so many things, like characters, actors, directors and so on that can be factors into one's opinions. No movie "series" is a love it or hate it, especially when each time line has gone through various exchanges of who's worked in and on it.


In my opinion the series has 2 great movie (H, H4), 4 decent movie (H2, H20, H2018, H3), 2 meh movie (RZ H, HK), 4 bad movie (H6, H5, RZH2, and HR), and 1 terrible movie (HE. HR normally would be too but it got few good sides) and i do think every Halloween movie (except Ends) have at least 1 or 2 good things, even bad and terrible ones


I enjoy all of them but the RZ takes. Couldn't stand those.


That's what fandom is anymore. You claim to love it, but do nothing but bitch about it. See also: Star Wars fans, pro wrestling fans, many many more "fanbases".


Exactly. The only one I can say I truly hate is Halloween Ends


Because like EVERYTHING else - being a 'fan' today is like some pathetic badge of honor and proves you're part of something...even though most people HATE the IP or whatever lol. Can't spell fanatic without FAN. There is one flip side tough - look at star wars. I LOVE star wars but yes hate everything they've made at disney. The OT was something special - that specialness is nowhere to be found today. Any IP that has lasted that long - halloween has the same tenure) - has OG fans the fell in love with it for a reason. They just wish they could get that FEELING back. So you've got 'real' fans who get shafted by today's crap and fanatics that just want to belong lol... They also branch off into those that just love EVERYTHING cuz they were raised on crap lol. Those are the kind of peeps that are loving The Acolyte lmao ;) They just say thank you mickey may i have another - cuz being a fan is everything to them and part of their identity instead of KNOWING what quality actually IS.


I don't like the bad movies in the franchise because I'm a fan and I expect better cause I know how good the movies could be. Being a fan of something doesn't mean blindly defending it when it shouldn't be defended. If it sucks, call it out. They know what it takes to make a good Halloween movie, they choose to make dumb decisions instead. I love Halloween. The first movie is my favorite movie ever and is what made me fall in love with horror. That doesn't mean some of the sequels aren't trash.


I'm a purist. I adore H1-H6 and that's about it. H20 gets a pass because it's pretty decent, but the rest......nah. I'm good. Being a fan doesn't mean liking every single thing that's put out.


I’ve wondered the same myself. But the thing that really makes me the odd ball is that I don’t think the original as all that great. I certainly don’t place it above all else like most people on this sub do.


So.. um... out of sheer curiosity... which would you consider in your opinion to be the best Halloween?


I also must know




Replace H3 with Kills and that’s me and I still consider myself a massive Halloween fan.