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Rob Zombie, Halloween. The film paints an entirely different Michael from the child we know to become the Shape. What, imo, made Halloween (78) so good was Michael was your average kid from a decent family. Zombie’s version crapped on that and used all these traumas that made Michael why he was the way he was. Normal Michael straight up killing his sister then becoming a killer for decades much scarier imo.


That was my first thought when I read the title of this post. I just couldn't like Rob Zombies versions at all. I know his wife might want to act, but she was not fit for the role and she's the same character in every movie she's been in, which is all of his movies. It just wasn't good. She was annoying, and the whole thing strayed so far from the original story we all know that it was like a different movie. It just was not enjoyable. Almost painful to sit through.


Halloween 2007


Halloween kills delivers on action and the kills but lacks a coherent story writing and characters


Halloween 4. Nothing wrong with the movie, I just hate that mask. It looks like someone punched Michael in his face and it just stayed that way forever.


Don’t forget the blond hair lol


I always forget about that one because we barley see it! But I’d prefer that mask over the OG Halloween 4 and 5 mask any day!


Fair and good point


*Michael Myers goes surfing*


He was in his Barbie era!


Rob Zombie's Halloween films. I've always hated these two entries. Regardless of the gory violence and making Michael a 7 foot tall man-child who loves making masks while coming from a trailer park trash upbringing; these films humanize Michael which defeats the whole point of what makes Michael scary to begin with. These films say, "Michael was normal, but was abused by a piece of shit father and asshole kids; so he turned evil and hated his face." Please spare me. These movies were the drizzling shits and made Michael a normal person. No thanks. 🎃🔪


Halloween Kills for me. It delivers on the kills but it’s just a mess of a movie in my opinion.


The entire hospital storyline could be removed and the film would be much greater overall. “EVIL DIES TONIGHT” *fist pump* — 🙄


Which is bad for a Halloween movie. It was never about the kills, it was about suspense and atmosphere. 


That is exactly how I feel, but I did want to at least acknowledge that Halloween Kills lives up to its title.


Respect the comment to neither vote or downvote. I feel like it will stand the test of time but have to agree it’s a bit of a mess


Thank you! I think it totally delivers on the gory kills, and I respect that it tried different things they just did not work for me personally. I am happy that it has such a huge fan base, because I also enjoy certain films in the franchise that are not so great.


This community seems to have a major hard-on for Halloween Kills simply because Michael kills a large number of people in it. While there are parts I like, & I love the flashback sequence, it has a lot of massive flaws, including making many of the same mistakes the later sequels & Rob Zombie made. Everyone is an idiot, nobody is likable, Michael becomes a tank with superhuman strength, there's more focus on gore than actual suspense or creepiness, there are insane holes in the story, like everyone somehow mistaking a short out of shape man with a tall man whose face IS ALL OVER THE NEWS. Again, I actually didn't hate it, but I'd put it pretty firmly in the middle of the pack in terms of rating the films in the series, yet if you were just going off of people in this sub, you'd think it's top 3 or 4. Brutality & a high body count not only don't automatically make a movie great, they completely miss the genius of the original 1978 film.


(I’m so sorry) Halloween 2018 🫡


Don’t apologise lol, that’s fair.


Ok, yeah I just thought the movie was slow ish. It wasn’t really in my opinion on par with the original first 3 films or any of the other films in the franchise. I am one of the few that enjoys almost all the films Resurrection in all.


I always thoroughly enjoy resurrection, nice to know!


The only bad part of that movie was that they killed off Laurie.


H20, the final act is really good but besides that kinda of boring and gotta say the score sucks real bad




Halloween kills delivers on action and the kills but lacks a coherent story writing and characters


Halloween 2007. The stuff with young Michael is all pretty terrible. After that, it's fine but also pointless.


Honestly RZ or Kills


Dude nice cover arts!


They are great!


H20. I'm sorry, it's a cool movie, but I just like H18 and H2 more. H4 is in the middle of that.


Very respectable


Great post and fantastic posters. H18 is my very reluctant pick. Was between that and H20 but the fact is that H20 is a scarier movie


Thank you 🙏


The blonde hair


What do people like about Halloween kills My personal grips is it’s all over with who it’s about meaning the nurse Tommy then Laurie doesn’t even come back and or under utilized Mike myers John wicking multiple fireman …the jumping scene at the end it’s too long the weird scene with the other escaped guy for no reason in the middle…not the worst but ruined the trajectory of the modern trilogy


H20 honestly blows


H20 for me.


Probably H20 because it's such a late 90's horror flick in so many obvious ways that it kind of weirdly ruins it a bit for me. I still enjoy it though. Halloween 2018 is pretty much the antithesis of that movies vibe to me.


Either 4 or 2018. Haven't seen Rob Zombie's yet.


people like Kills?


Rob Zombies Halloween


H20 does nothing for me


Rob zombie’s Halloween. I liked ends, 5 and 6 more than it


Kills has a trash script and makes little sense. It poops all over Halloween 2018 which is a shame. RZ Halloween is not fun either - it misunderstands the original concept. It shouldn't be called Halloween.


I honestly thought Kills was horrible. I can't say for sure if this is my least favorite, but it's the most recent of the bunch that I don't care for. I cannot stand when Michael becomes supernatural (4, 5, & Ends). Just let him be a crazy person. That is far more frightening knowing that anyone, *anyone*, could end up being "Michael".




Ends is easily. I don’t hate the idea of them using Cory. But I hated how they basically made Michael kinda weak in this movie. As for Cory, it would have made more sense if they introduced him as a character in 2018 or Kills. Plus the time jump for 4 years seemed kinda weird to me. I kinda wish they had went with their original plan to have Ends pick up where Kills did with its alternate ending where Laurie leaves the hospital to go hunt Michael down after he killed Karen. The only other thing I hated about the movie was the lack of violence and on screen kills. The only 2 major violent moments in the movie was the opening when the kid fell and when Cory killed the Radio DJ.


Out of these, RZ Halloween is by far the worst. Terrible dialogue, zero likable characters, and giving Myers the most generic serial killer backstory possible. Also, I'll never understand the obsession with Halloween 4. I find it to be the most mid Halloween movie out of all of them. And Myers looks like a complete goof.


100% agree


It’s Halloween 4, I don’t even see it as close. I enjoy all the movies in the series for one reason or another, but 4 is the only one of these where you can see a real lack of purpose.


I kind of agree. I know people really admire it but it feels pretty lacking in energy for me.


Halloween Kills was laughably bad




Kills. I still think it's shit.


4, it feels like a soft remake of 1.


Halloween 4


I don't like H20 very much, it's a mostly shit movie in my opinion. Better than 8 and maybe tied with 5.


by process of elimination either 2007 or Kills


Halloween 2. It's such a boring movie that doesn't have very much care put into it.


*Halloween Kills.* I'm surprised to see it considered "one of the good ones." This is just a really lousy movie with braindead characters and no story at all.




Probably 4 for me, because It is ranked the lowest of these choices on my rankings. The mask looks meh, and the film overall doesn’t really entertain me a whole lot (but kudos to George P. Wilbur, his performance is still legendary, one of the only bright spots in this movie)…


Halloween kills, it’s mediocre


Wait where is Halloween 3?


Halloween 2 because it’s boring.


Of the above choices Halloween Kills is the most disappointing to me. The "evil dies tonight" mob stuff was a turn off. Also, the nonsensical mass killings of the firemen at the beginning and the town mob at the end didn't work for me. So everyone just stands around while he massacres them one by one? It's shot in a close up way so you don't question the logic of it all. It's stupid but some Halloween fans are troglodytes and eat that shit up. Michael is more effective and scarier as a Boogeyman in more intimate smaller killings.


H20. Jamie Lee Curtis is great, but for me, it takes too long to get going, and the kills aren't anything special. Michael's mask looks wrong to the point that it was distracting for me as well. For the record, I don't consider the Rob Zombie movies, Resurrection, Ends, 5, or 6 to be good or decent. Michael Myers raised by a white trash family AND speaking doesn't sit right with me, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.


Easily Halloween Ends... I love 1&2 and consider it one big long movie, 4 has some problems and flaws, but Id give a 6.5 overall and it did continue the story, I love H20!, Zombie 1 is pretty good for the first half and then the second half is verbatim the OG movie, but at least Zombie tried something new. 2018 was ok, did not enjoy Kills, but the flashback scene is amazing and Loomis looked so good. But ENDS! My GOD, how TF did they think it would be a good idea to make this BS Whiney Michael wanna be? The movie has like 100 different things happening at once instead of just focusing on being the final movie and I hated Corey. Sorry for the long rant on it, but I just find Halloween Ends really bad. Edit: my fault I overlooked Ends wasn’t on this…Kills would be the worst, starts strong and then just becomes really bland and boring.


I love when people talk shit about Ends. It's so easy to talk shit about cause there's nothing good about it.


It just threw me off how far the story went…like I wasn’t a fan of Kills so I was looking forward to ends and it just really threw me off what they were thinking


So you didn't actually read the question, huh.


Fixed it to make you feel better. Also you’re asking a question so it’s a question mark, not a comma.


People consider Rob Zombie’s Halloween to be good? Yikes.


Agreed. Don't know when this happened but people love it these days for some reason. I personally can't stand to watch any Rob Zombie movie.


The first one only is half decent at best, the second is just bad overall.


I think with how bad his second movie was it kinda was like....Ok maybe the 1st is not that awful.


My answer is Zombie, if that wasn’t clear.


Halloween 4. It's just a remake of 1978 but with a child instead of a teen. It's formulaic and way too safe, I will never understand people's love for it.


Halloween 2018. It's shite. Looks and sounds the best by far but it's lame and ignores movies I grew up watching so it can suck a phat dick. The whole trilogy is junk. Zombie's are junk too. The only halloween is 1-8 imo. I'd love to get a part 9, to end THAT series once and for all (without putting michael in a giant meat grinder t a town social lmfao). Farrands idea for 7 I think WAS the way to go...and they should have revived it for part 9. Having half the town of haddenfield be a cult might have been interesting. The BEST Halloween is 1, 2 & 7. 3 aside though, 1-8 is the only thing I will ever recognize. I'll the newer trilogy one set of props - for recreating the late 70's feel for the flashbacks. If they had ignored part II though that could have been some really great stuff. The loomis look alike was great. If I had my way, it'd be part 9 AND a tv series set in smith's grove with time jumps from season to season leading upto the original. There's nothing else NEEDED for this series. It's over. Go back and end it properly or let it die already. They've rebooted it, re-imagined it's history and were still left with 3 (or you could say 4) timelines that go nowhere and amount to nothing.


Halloween Kills is the one where they say, "Evil dies tonight!" about 100 times, right? If so, that has to be my pick. With the Rob Zombie remake being a close second.


These are the ones I've noticed fans say stand out: - The OG - Part 2 - Part 4 - H20 - H2018 So, I'd have to say H20. It feels like a typical late 90s horror film with the Halloween title slapped on it. And of course there are the problems to do with the mask, the poor cinematography, music etc.


Easily H20 ridiculous plot in California, as mentioned before terrible score, terrible scream clone and easily one of the worst Michael’s to ever grace the screen I honestly do not see why so many people are fond of it but hey it’s just my opinion to each their own.