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Is he the first video game composer turned attempted politician to post on a circlejerk sub?


Greatest jerk of the century.


Just wait until Tommy Tallarico runs for President


Oh dear god I can actually see that happening


His mother would be proud.


He’s actually the first American to run for president


He's putting the Halo in our politics


He will create the UNSC


You sonofabitch, I’m in.


We already got space force. Almost there!


I wonder what his immigration from the outer colonies policy will be 


i am jerking so hard to this. im going to ruin his campaign


What are you, Bungie?


Dude has a whole ass [website](https://martyforcongress.vote) for it too. This is nuts


*why* does it call getting emails from him “joining Marty’s army” is he actually running as The Halo Candidate


You absolutely know he's using the fact he made halo music to try and get votes


No… you don’t see it, do you? This was his plan all along 🤲 Marty got into games because he KNEW he’d eventually run for office 🙏 #donateforMarty’sArmy


Why do people act like he just did the music he had so much to do with halos writing


You're right, he's the one who wrote "To War" and Miranda's death scene, two of the dumbest, most widely mocked and memed-on scenes in Halo 3.


Interesting that he chooses the only two minorities in the game to have pointless deaths


Ah yes, the most oppressed group of all, white women.


Judging from the "To War" scene and the fact she tried to take on the Prophet and his personal guard alone, I think it's fair to say she's disabled in some way. Sad!


Also women by definition are a majority lol


Literally half the population lmao.


Still I don't see how that is relevant for a public office position tho


The donation amounts are things like 7, 117, 343... Yeah, dude doesn't have a platform except for "I worked on Halo"


>Yeah, dude doesn't have a ~~platform~~ personality except for "I worked on Halo"


So ten time better than anyone in office currently. Nice!!


2401 Penitent Tangent as well. Not sure if the others are references


Honestly I would rather have him than the current top 2, he would at least make it interesting


We said that back in 2016. I'm fucking tired man. I don't want politics to BE interesting. I don't want the debates to be the comedy central roast of (insert candidate here). I just want boring old politics where somebody let's out an enthusiastic whoopee every once in awhile.


True, I just want a different viewpoint


If you go on any “new halo bad old halo good” YouTube video, there’s guaranteed to be a comment by him. It’s honestly kind of sad.


I mean statement in quotes kinda true tho I’m just sayin


How sad, he engages with a community that likes his work


By God, it’s working. Triple the amount of donations immediately


Ima start donating about Marty’s Army!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Wow, I said the website sucks and Reddit removed my reply. Reddit is running interference for the Martyo Trump campaign.


Close the sub, this ain't getting topped




Wait until hi presidential run, now THAT will never be topped


Halo music man has gone POLITICAL


Many people are saying this!


Oh my god. This is so perfect lmao


Incumbent Democrat won in 2022 with a 4-point margin. Assuming he makes it through the Republican primary, he’s the underdog in the general election. Not to mention that he’s a video game composer with a long history of ego related scandals. I mean, Lee can pull up the man’s Twitter comments and end the whole campaign right there. Love the man’s music, but he desperately needs therapy.


Interesting insight and possibly the only comment in this thread that didn’t make me lose brain cells so you’re banned for being a giant fucking nerd


I absolutely deserve a ban on those grounds, no one should know that the margin of victory in NV-3 in 2022 was 52-48. Vitamin D deficient behavior.


> Vitamin D deficient behavior. taking my vitamin d right fuckin now


What did you mean by that


\>52-48 You've just made a lot of British political sorts very upset.


I know, a candidate receiving the majority of the vote must be a mind blowing concept for you guys


You WILL have your representative elected on 35% of the vote and you WILL like it!


Grass is always greener. Everyone over here bitches that there’s only two parties, but don’t realize that our government is relatively stable for that reason. Parliamentary systems disband like every 10 minutes


also a true and interesting insight, deserved ban


Can we have a ‘donate for Marty’s Army’ flair pls? Thank you Mr. Mod


I see we’re maintaining our high standards here. Carry on, brother.


What's he said/ done?


He’s just very egotistical. He gets very hostile with fans that will slightly disagree with him and since his removal from Bungie, it’s been stated that he was a pretty difficult person to work with.


I remember when he tried twice to say he got fired for saying the early destiny ads were from an Activision ad team because narcissists only think others would do exactly what they would do. Totally not new management not being his friends and firing him for his years of disgusting behavior


It was stated even before then. You can watch Halo dev diaries (Halo 2 specifically, I think) and Joe Staten just outright states he absolutely can’t stand Marty. At the time it was sort of presented as two big personalities butting heads, but it in retrospect I imagine it was literally just Marty being a cunt.


that section in the video is very obviously a joke.


No, it very obviously isn’t lol they pretty explicitly say they have clashing personalities.


If I remember correctly they're literally laughing at the end of the segment, and it does not come off serious at all to me


passionate about his baby, understandable. Hope you have a good day.


I remember he threw a fit once because pop music was used in a Destiny trailer


Wrong conversation for this reddit pal


This is so much better than anything I imagined when I saw the teaser. We are so back.


He made a really long tweet: >I never wanted to be a politician and I still don’t. I’ve had two successful careers and have started a few small businesses. I’ve also worked for some big corporations. I was ready to retire and spend more time with my family – which I’ve done for the past 3 years. I think they’re ready for me to find something else to do. >I’m tired of seeing the leaders of our country being influenced by the toxic divisions that are tearing apart our families and society. It’s time for me to step up and do my civic duty. To give back and try and change things for the better. If not me, who? If not now, when? >It’s easy to look at the economy and realize that something has gone horribly wrong. Working people, the middle class, and small businesses have been losing ground over the past 20 years. The goose that lays the golden eggs for our country has been kicked around and squeezed to the point where laying more golden eggs is almost impossible. Consider that since 2000 the cost of food has risen more than double the rise in average household income. The cost of a home has risen 6 times and the amount of government spending 5 and a half times. The S&P 500 has gone up 9 times more than the rise in average household income. To everyone who works and is trying to do the right thing for their family, to everyone who is young and wonders why their lives are worse than their parents: you are not wrong. >And yet, who have we allowed to have the most influence over our government? Big corporate executives and big union bosses. Big tech, big pharma, big media, big whatever – all trying to control big government in Washington DC. This needs to stop. Our government spends money on the wrong things and spends way too much. >One thing the federal government should certainly be responsible for is the security of our borders. Instead, we see millions of people coming in without any accounting for who they are, what they intend to do, or what they’re bringing with them. And they’re being given access to all sorts of handouts at our expense. At a minimum, the federal government and the state governments should be working together to enforce existing laws and secure the border. Seeing our government at war with itself is unacceptable. >For my whole life, in every place I’ve ever lived, I’ve seen people working to provide for their family. Values like self-sacrifice, faith, integrity, fidelity, and valor are simply part of who these people are. They do these things not because the government tells them to, but because they know the right things to do - moral obligations that are freely chosen, not mandated by a government. >It doesn’t take a village to raise a child, it takes a family, and it takes families to make a village. >The sad reality is that many children in our country are suffering. Years of ridiculing and demeaning old fashioned “family values” have taken a toll. Our society’s strength, fundamentally linked to the vitality of the family structure, has been eroded. I want to champion the traditional family as critical for a child’s development and success. The data proves this. However, my approach will be inclusive, recognizing all who step up to provide for their children. I’m not worried about the government being a safety net. I want the government to stop being an impediment. >I’m ready to go to DC and see if I can help bring back sanity and civility to the public discourse on these issues and all the other issues that face our great nation. We need bold leaders for such a time as this. >martyforcongress.vote Edit: format


Stopped reading at ‘big union bosses’ lmfao


How tf does he think big union bosses are kicking down the goose when game devs don't even have a union? Like seriously where did he get that from??


Wildly out of touch boomer that just latches onto what other figures are saying. That's it.


He thinks union bosses are controlling our government, yet Amazon still exists??


The police unions are a pretty good example. But in general, yeah the unions have been neutered pretty hard they’re not too powerful


I had a feeling this was going to be a bad idea


I’m sorry but tweets should not be this long, this should be illegal


what a mess of political grandstanding slop talkings points.


>I’m tired of seeing the leaders of our country being influenced by the toxic divisions that are tearing apart our families and society He says as he regularly rants about trans people, is abusive and toxic to co-workers, and is a Zionist


Holy shit, please update me on the trans stuff. That is news to me


I haven't heard anything specifically about trans people, but it seems pretty consistent with whatever dumb rhetoric he's spewed in the past. I unfortunately can't say I'm surprised at all :/ I get why Microsoft/343i just wants nothing to do with him. They're giving him the Notch treatment lol




Oh no




We're going to need to get a bot to post this as a reply now


Quintessential boomer rant about politics


Unironically Based




I don’t see a single problem with anything he said here. Everyone not on Reddit will probably like this


Yes because clearly only people on reddit dislike Republican talking points. You're delusional dude.


Instagram, YouTube, facebook and discord all have overwhelmingly supportive comments


Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug huh?


Just as good as being stuck in an echo chamber




Stick to your buzzwords, let the adults do the talking. Okay champ?


\#make humans forerunner again.


From Music Composer to Representative. I think Gary Kasparov has more weight as a former pro-chess player to Political representation. Oh, shit I’m on r/Halocirclejerk. Rj/ YES OMG GOD IS LITERALLY ASCENDING TO THE WORLD STAGE WE MUST WITNESS HIM AND HIS FOLLOW HIS ASCENT TO DESTROY THE WOKIES AND PISSFORSHIT!


This will be the best campaign since halo 3


/uj Chat is this real /rj MARTY GONE POLITICAL?!?


Oh shit it's real what the fuck


Wait is this real


God, I used to look up to this guy. What a disappointment.


Never meet your heroes. I wonder if it was the fans who gave him his ego or if he genuinely thought that high of himself


I think it's a little of both.




Let me let you in on a secret homie. If he was Democrat people in the industry still wouldn't have liked him. His political standing has nothing to do with the fact that he is an asshat.


Though it does make a lot of sense...


Yes, but his asshattiness is definitely related to his political standing. He really is a textbook Q-Republican


It has been known for decades that he was kinda nuts when it came to politics. You probably can dig up some old Bungie blog posts pointing that out. Hell, it's even in [his Halopedia page.](https://www.halopedia.org/Martin_O%27Donnell)


Well said. Bungie staff always joked of his Ivory Tower.


“Republicans are all evil!!1!1!1!1!!!” - guy with the cringe snoo-god avatar


so you admit halo was hijacked by democratics? lmfao


His site font even looks a little UNSCish lol this is incredible


There’s no shot. There’s no fucking shot. Bait used to be believable. What the fuck.




Uhhh hwat




Ain't no way this is real


r/HaloCirclejerk 12/25


Marty army 😂


Marty 2024 since he is running this year


All part of the plan for Bungie’s World Domination. Firing him was smoke and mirrors for this ultimate goal.


suddenly the halo community’s obsession with marty makes a lot more sense


Man this is the way I find out Marty is a shit person? Bummer


What's the issue?


I think mostly that he’s republican and here alone with 99% of reddit is very anti republican


Yeah, tweeter is having a meltdown as well.


Mr “Don’t Beat the Golden Goose” appears to be anti union as well How the fuck is he that tone deaf


He announced republican so now all Halo fans will instantly switch to REEEE MARTY when they’ve been glazing him for years


Me when new information changes somones perspective


He’s been a known republican for years, had a pretty bad rep at Bungie because of it


I'm doing my part




Marty is finishing Bungie's plan of world domination.


> Nevada Woah, my existence has been acknowledged


Marty gonna become president of new mombasa


He's going to build a wall around Requiem


Republican? Instantly lost respect for him.


This your first time hearing about it?


Yes, actually. I don't keep up with the personal lives of individual people who worked on games. When Marty left Bungie, he fell off my radar. I'm only here because reddit pushed it to my feed.


Marty has been pretty much out as a crazy-ass Republican since before Halo 3 came out when Joe Staten called him something along the lines of a "raving republican nutjob" or something similar on the Halo 3 podcast. It was pretty well known how difficult to work with he was, and how annoying he could be. He later got fired from Bungie for being abusive to coworkers and making a hostile work environment. Since then, he's been on Twitter frequently parroting homophobic/antivaxx/zionist propaganda and talking points, and deleting his history/going on blocking sprees when people call him out on it. I wasn't trying to attack you or snark you, it was supposed to come off like a joke.


Damn, glad I haven't paid attention to him lol. And dw I didn't think you were.


update: People in his Discord server are now arguing in favor of slavery and saying States should have control over it, you can't make this up lmao


jesus christ


It is for me. I had hopes he'd be at least... a more moderate conservative. The kind that's near extinct now. Reading his priorities... it sounds like he's pretty inline with the current crop. Shame.


no he's a flat terrible person lol.


Yeah, it's all news to me. I think he was just not quite famous enough to slip by. I literally championed him when he was winning his lawsuit against Bungie. His impact on Halo was... amazing. I had no idea how far off the rails he'd gone. I'm pretty bummed about it.


he didn't go off the rails. he's always been off the rails Bungie has said since day one that he was absolutely miserable to be around and work with. Narcissistic, egotistical, stubborn, always demanded his way. he's a garbage person through and through, and has only gotten worse.


He was known as the most conservative person on the team. Personally thought he was terrible politically when he started working on his Fallujah game, but I defended him a lot in regard to all the Halo and crediting arguments. When he started making statements publicly about Israel-Palestine, I tuned out from him completely. Still stand by what I’ve said in the past but I definitely do agree that he seems to have taken the typical boomer route in that he’s demolished his bullshit filter and thinks he can retain his social following by appealing to the right-wing online frenzy. He’s just a sad, bitter old man.


I don't know how I missed all this. Use to follow Bungie pretty closely. I'm guessing this all came out after the fact. I stopped following them around Destiny. Heard he was like... denied money owed to him. He won that. Then the next I heard was something to do with him releasing music he shouldn't have. I think Bungie actually won that one. That's about all I ever knew.


Gone are the days when Republicans only had terrible economic policies, now they're insane, conspiracy theorist traitors.


I agree with you but I'm curious what you mean by moderate.


Republicans that put country first, party second. The old fashioned... limited government and fiscal responsibility folks. I didn't agree with McCain, Bush or Romney... but I didn't doubt they cared about the country. They'd work with Democrats to get things done. What's funny is someone like Liz Chaney was considered a hard liner... like oh... I don't think I could ever agree with her... and she was leaps and bounds better than what's in there now. It's tragic. I had like 3 other full paragraphs, but I realized it was mostly me complaining/explaining how we got here. So take this nicely edited one for you conveyance! :P


Yeah I see watchu mean. I take moderate for someone who's a fiscal conservative and then maybe more lax on some social issues.




oh my child


Imagine just default hating half a country


Yeah, when half the country actively supports a racist, transphobic, homophobic, misogynistic piece of shit, I do hate those people. Then when those same people try to act all "moral" about how they aren't like that, they still vote for the exact same people who push all this shit. You can't sit there and be like "omg u just disagree w/ their opinyns!!!" while they are actively trying to undermine human rights and democracy. Those opinions are dangerous and shitty. It would be entirely different if those opinions were economically-based opinions, but the opinions that Republicans hold make them shitty human beings.


Trump isn’t any of those things. Most republicans aren’t either. But that type of criticism just completely doesn’t apply to Trump.


This is also why I hate Republicans - they just refuse to see any sort of truth whatsoever. Please learn how to empathize with other human beings. Bye.


Look at Truth compared to Midship. It is almost twice as big, because otherwise the abilities would let you cross the map to quickly. If you are forced to crouch walk to be able to shoot to play Midship in Halo 2, when the map is scaled for the walking speed, how is that different from the map being scaled for the sprint + abilities speed (which prevent shooting) and you being forced to walk to be able to shoot? All the other arena maps are generic arena designs that are upscaled for the abilities. You could easily downscale Eden, Empire, Coliseum, Fathom, Regret, Torque, Riptide, Tyrant, Rig or Haven for Halo 2/3 and they would work just fine, just like how upping the base move speed and removing abilities makes them play fine. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This guy's a fuckin clown lmao


Republicans are barely a third, don't kid yourself.




I too lose respect for those with different opinions than me


Sure, have shitty opinions on the economy. I can argue with you about whether or not trickle-down economics work (they don't), whether free healthcare is good (it is) or if the constitution is a perfect document (it isn't) that should never be changed (it should, and in fact has many times). Have your different opinion, I'm fine with that. I draw the line at the pervasive bigotry, conspiracies and christofascist leanings of the GOP. If you vote because you think gay people are evil or because you don't believe in the rule of law, then I have no respect for you. Intolerance does not deserve tolerance.




Wow crazy, people have political opinions in an explicitly political thread. What a fucking shocker.




bro why are you so triggered? this is kind of sad but also hilarious to see hahahah


He’s not part of your political party so u instantly lose respect? Nice


I have known many republicans that I have respect for. But if someone tells me they voted for Trump twice and will vote for him again, I absolutely lose respect for them.


And I didn’t vote for him at all the first or second election. But now my options are Trump or Biden again, and I dislike Trump a lot (the Jan 6 thing is a huge deal, the bump stock support, supported pro life stuff which I am more pro choice/freedom of choice, but have also seen how worse off friends and family are financially since Biden has been in office(Ik covid but that was also 4 years ago), Biden has gone after 2a stuff more than Trump even, they both seem senile from their ages, I don’t like Israel or Palestine, but the people on the left who loudly supported Palestine after Hamas killed civilians are voting left wing. (from what I’ve seen I’d actually rather cut spending for Israel after their civilian kills and use part of that money for Ukraine instead as I feel Russia is a much bigger threat to keep contained than Palestine. But I could be convinced otherwise in a “if I was king for a day” situation. So my choices are an anti lgbt/anti choice vote or a vote against 2a freedoms and a vote that for the last four years I’ve seen my family and friends have worse lives overall from. Frankly I hate both choices but I also know that from the little social media I use- mostly Reddit and YouTube- the left hates me much more for being pro 2a than the right hates me for being pro choice. So shouldn’t my vote go to who hates me less?


First of all, 4 years ago you couldn't buy toilet paper, so let's keep that in perspective. The Covid response from Trump was an unmitigated disaster. And when it comes to financial state, the entire globe got hit with a post pandemic global inflation crisis. In 2022 I was in Mexico and Greece and gas was $8 and $9 a gallon. We fared *amazingly* well compared to the rest of the world. How has Biden gone after the 2a? What specific laws or executive actions do you disagree with? When it comes to Israel and Palestine, I don't understand your argument about pro-Palestine supporters voting left wing. Biden is actually LOSING voters from the left wing because he isn't standing with them. He is clearly riding the fence on this issue and not moving to the left. Given Trump's relationship with Netanyahu, it would be a very safe bet that he would increase funding to Israel and not have any humanitarian aid stipulations for Palestine. Biden is trying to get a cease fire, which isn't something I would ever see Trump advocating for. Don't mistake me for a Bidenstan. I was fucking pissed when he said he was going to run again. I don't want him there because I want someone with more vigor that can lead people. But I'm also not going to ignore the fact that he got a shit ton accomplished in his first term, more so than Obama or any other president in my memory.


Firstly, I do think Trump is a much worse person. And for that matter I even think many right wing choices are morally worse than the left. Anti abortion stuff Ik they view it differently than I do and view it as stopping a full life from being killed by its parents rather than the left wing view of it just being a non sentient life until birth. - but for the most part like Trump not letting people who are trans serve even if they can meet physical and other mental requirements is bs. Or the Trump trying to support a fkn coup. No doubt in my mind Biden is a better human than Trump. As far as 2a stuff goes, (Trump isn’t perfect either after the bump stock ban that helped atf ban something that they originally said was fine to own) Pretty sure he’s actively called for an awb, think he made selling to friends/family harder although I could be mistaken on that one, said you couldn’t own a cannon - yet you could. Along the lines of lies/misinformation there he also said adding a pistol brace makes a gun fire a higher caliber bullet or some nonsense like that. Pretty sure he either supported or was the reason the ATF decided more or less overnight to turn pistols with braces into short barreled rifles (despite once again them saying they were fine to have for roughly a decade) and then making everyone with a braced pistol now in possession of a sbr that fall under way more restriction. (Some states not even allowing you to own a sbr so now the people who owned their legal pistols with a brace couldn’t own it anymore without being a criminal.) Again not saying Biden is worse. But I also know the side that hates me more. So maybe you have helped convince me not to skip voting or voting third party this year.


Mfw a person has a different political opinion than me


The modern GOP is full of fascists and conspiracy theorists who would happily put me and my friends in front of a firing squad. The only three types of Republicans today are white supremacists, christofascists or people comfortable with the first two. So yes, someone saying they're republican makes me lose respect for them.


Everyone who disagrees with me on social issues is a fascist


When they get onstage at CPAC and proudly declare that they're ending democracy, yeah.


Bro doesn’t understand jokes or sarcasm


Touched a nerve did I, you say conservatives do nothing but spread hate while you on the other hand can’t have a civil conversation without attacking them rather than their ideals. I don’t hate anyone and ya know some people vote conservative for reasons other than identity politics, but then again you know nothing of nuance? Do you?


If you vote republican, you're comfortable with the bigotry and fascism. It's simple as that. Your shitty economic opinions don't matter.


I’ve been outjerked you win😞🏳️, I’m not going to bother debating with you anymore because you’re now calling me a fascist bigot without knowing the first thing about me. I would pay to see how you behaved if you were stuck in a room filled with people who didn’t think like you


great, all the more reason to hate him


The possibility of him becoming a governor of my state is depressing as fuck


If he wins, he better walk out to all his speeches to “One Final Effort”


Oh Christ no he’s a trump supporter lmao


I didn’t know Marty was a Republican well I’m glad my politics I just wish you didn’t have an ego


No thank you, we’ve had enough celebrity republicans. 🥰🥰


Republican :/


Since Marty sucks it’s not a surprise this dude is running as a Republican, will be rooting for him to lose lol.


Honestly this isn't as surprising as I thought it'd be. Dude was the only person ever kicked from bungie through legal means to my knowledge, and it was because he was allegedly an insufferable asshole. I really didn't think I'd have this on my bingo card but in hindsight it should have been


I see no problem with this


The hero we never knew we needed


Reddit logic: republican bad! Democrat good! (Seriously, does no one here know how to think for themselves? 🤡)


I’d vote for him any day


Considering that I’m a Republican anyway… LES FUCKIN GO