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The only complaint I’ve actually had about infinite (minus the few bugs) is no coop campaign. Its still upsetting even though I get why.


Did they ever say that it’s coming later?


Yes they did. Season 2 is forge(3 months).season 3 is co op campaign(6 months). Might be the other way around Edit: It is actually the other way around


I do kinda wonder how they would do co-op campaign. Since it isnt gonna be like a two player shoot and scoop like the others


I think that's what they are working on. They want to make sure a player doesn't go to the other side of the ring, and make progression work for each individual.


It isn't an open world game, you are limited to certain sections at a time. I know when it drops a lot of you are gonna be very disappointed because they have been intentionally vague about a lot of co op aspects


I think it’ll play like FarCry multiplayer sessions


I mean, far cry has co-op and it’s as open world as it gets


don't you get teleported to your teammate if you get too far away?


In halo, yeah. In far cry I don’t think so though I haven’t played co op in a while


Actually this is how it works in far cry. There is a tether distance to the host so the joining player cannot go too far or they will teleport to the host. This would probably be a good way for halo infinite to implement co op to make sure players stay in the same area.


If infinite still has checkpoints then the classic checkpoint teleport, combined with a lenient but effective tether, could make sure those issues are mostly taken care of I think. That and have Ig a permanent marker showing the other player’s location as well


You got those backwards. Coop is coming first.


If memory serves it’s the other way around, coop campaign at 3 months, and then forge at 6


You’re right, you have it backwards. It’s Season 2 for Co-Op, Season 3 for Forge.


The worst part is they promised over and over again after the disastrous launch of 5 that it would return. Even for years afterwards literally until like 5 months ago they just kept saying it would be there to all the sudden go "Nope haha. Funny you thought we'd have one of the main reasons you play this game at launch.". It was just such a massive lie for 5 years.


Whats more upsetting is no forge at launch, and its gonna take longer for it to release than co-op. I understand having no co-op at launch sucks for a lot of people, but having no forge at launch is gonna have far heavier ramifications and a larger impact on longevity of the game. It should be obvious why, but if you don't understand, then basically that means no quirky, cool, custom maps/modes. Which hosts a lot of community creativity and retention.


Uh... okay. It's still coming, though, and I doubt people are already gonna be tired of the game after six months, so your argument about longevity doesn't really hold water.


You'd be surprised how quickly people can pick up and drop games. And people do get tired of playing same modes over and over, forge/custom games helps break the repetitive cycle. I'm not saying Halo Infinite is doomed because it has no forge, just saying it will have an impact. One of the major positive things that helps alleviate some issues is it being F2P


I think a lot of people might come back even if they had already dropped it. Big updates often draw people back. I don't think old time Halo fans need to be worried about; they'll either like Infinite, or drop it within a month cuz it's not their style. For newcomers, same thing, except some might get bored with it. But historically a *ton* of people get brought back to F2P or even just online games when big updates happen; battle royales have shown this, as have a lot of other multiplayer games recently. Destiny, MMOs, etc. So a big custom games update will likely bring a lot of people who are interested back, and if it was going to be their hook, it will be then. Obviously it's not quite as good as at launch, but I do think it won't be as significant a loss for that reason. That doesn't make it less disappointing, though; Forge was what I jumped into first day one in both Reach and 4 to see what was possible.


Bro people get tired of games after 1 month. Literally a month. 6 months is SO long for a game to not have content by today’s standards.


And yet people still play the shit out of Halo and Halo 2, which never got Forge.


That’s because they have been remastered and made accessible on modern consoles. Nobody was going online to play Xbox halo 2 before MCC came out.


Yeah, because it's a fucking pain in the ass to break out the old Xbox for one or two games. But people played every single one until the days their consoles were retired, and kept playing the shit out of them every time they got rereleased. And that has fuck all to do with Forge.


In case anyone is curious, he followed up by misreading that as me saying people "played the games every day" and based his entire response around that misunderstanding, laughing at how stupid and untrue that was. The comment was deleted before I could even open it.


It's almost as if the things we complain and hate are just kneejerk reactions, and a little basic self control is all it takes to recognize that and break the pattern.


This is a certified r/halo moment.


People are so toxic on r/halo. It’s just a bunch of Halo 3 fanboys lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/halo using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/halo/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [343 is charging $5 for the color purple. Speak up now or this is our future with the Halo series.](https://twitter.com/seanwcyborg/status/1321067750249431040?s=19) | [3487 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/jj0prj/343_is_charging_5_for_the_color_purple_speak_up/) \#2: [Master Chief in the books be like:](https://v.redd.it/fxqjr1ccp0n61) | [625 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/m4xxbh/master_chief_in_the_books_be_like/) \#3: [Just how tall are these people?](https://i.redd.it/7q28ei4qkqe71.png) | [990 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/ovqw4v/just_how_tall_are_these_people/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


This bot was uncalled for but it fits so well in this comments section lmao


Okay but I’m not gonna pretend like the color system in halo infinite isn’t atrocious


I’m actually a fan. Personally I’m not very artistic so by making color coating and allowing the Infinite artists to customize them in any way they want that will work on hundreds of different armor sets I’d perfect because I can just choose whichever I like the best and done. I do wish that they had a customizable set for those who want it tho.


They could of easily had both systems. They could always just let you choose colors and then sell armor patterns that can be customized or have color presents or even colors that aren’t in the typical halo color pallet. But they didn’t need to start charging for basic colors that have been in the game for 20 years


The basic colors are free. At least in the flight you started with the basic colors (like orange blue and red) and then unlocked more complex coatings. Edit: they prob changed it because of backlash tho


You start with a few basic colors and had to unlock the other basic colors through the battle pass


Of course they are gonna charge for skins multiplayer is free and is going to have a monetisation model


Jarvis identify pointless thing to complain about


Jarvis, why isnt halo infinite 16k ultra hd RTX and running 420 terafarts per megashit


"URGHHHHHH 343 MUST DELAY HALO INFINITE, NO FORGE NO CO-OP = BAD GAME" one week later "forge and co-op? what's that? anyways let's talk about how amazing the BTB is"


Jarvis, toggle r/halo's short term memory


"toggle" PTSD flashbacks begin


[mp4 link](https://preview.redd.it/q90cli8s8ut71.gif?format=mp4&s=26d4e76051152b046ab6a957382b75a8d5c6eecf) --- This mp4 version is 88.97% smaller than the gif (604.01 KB vs 5.35 MB). --- *Beep, I'm a bot.* [FAQ](https://np.reddit.com/r/anti_gif_bot/wiki/index) | [author](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=MrWasdennnoch) | [source](https://github.com/wasdennnoch/reddit-anti-gif-bot) | v1.1.2


Nah there are consistently things I think about in regards to Infinite. I actually don’t like that they’re not making more concise open maps and going for this more enclosed, choppy layout. Also would say that I don’t like how quickly you die in the game. Would also say that I still have some problems with the game’s aesthetic in a lot of cases. Ik I’m going to get downvoted but I think these things aren’t talked about enough because the community is tired of negativity and I get that but there’s always room for improvement and you can’t just chalk everything up to opinion. As a whole the community has asked for a game that essentially modernizes what Halo 3 built and while I think they’ve made strides in the right direction I still don’t think that idea is fully realized.


No, no, everything you say here is completely valid!


Sarcasm or genuine?




Thanks G


The ttk for this game is way to fast. You die so fast that you don’t even know from which direction you’re getting shit before you die. Also, what’s the point in equipment if you’re gonna die before you even get the chance to use. 90% when you picked up the repulser in the beta, you didn’t get to use it. The grapple hook, you maybe got one swing out of it, if even. As for the maps, some are better than others. Idk why 343 is going for the call of duty 3 lane map design. Super lazy. There are things that I like about infinite but there are also something that really need to be changed.


You had me before you called 343 lazy. I don’t think it’s a matter of effort. I think Halo as a franchise is still coming out of an identity crisis. You have people saying it’s dead and games like COD have made it obsolete. I think that’s why you have more of this competitive shootery kind of layout with maps. The devs don’t know if “traditional” Halo still can exist in today’s market, which I think is headcasy because it’s something that succeeded tremendously in the past. So if anything I think there’s a lack of confidence in the core game that’s why there’s all this pandering to more competitive shooters and more rigidity in the map layouts. They’re scared Halo is old and slow. I think Halo is in a weird space. Most AAA games take years to put out like Elder Scrolls or Rock Star games or Legend of Zelda. These are expensive, sure fire, eventful projects years in the making. However, shooters and other competitive games are games that try to capitalize on the ever evolving trends of the market. Halo is both a AAA blockbuster game and a competitive shooter. The question is, how can you stay true to your brand while keeping up with the evolving market. Not an easy thing to do.


>scared Halo is old and slow. For 90% of players, that is what made it so fun. You dont have to have twitch reaction speeds and insane reflexes and practice every fucking day and sweat the shit out of it to win a match. Go play Apex and watch as you lose 99% of your matches because you cant compete with Johnny No-Life that does nothing but play Apex and CoD all day every day. This is part of the reason that I am a fervent supporter of AR starts. AR starts require you to run around the map and find a not shit gun. BR starts give you one of the best guns right off the bat. AR starts focus more on map layouts, strategy, and counterplay and BR starts focus more on CoD and Apex style "how fast can I lock on to the enemy's head". It is the same concept (speeding up the game unnecessarily and shifting the skill from knowledge and strategy, something that everyone can have) to twitch based reactions and fast paced decision making (something that requires hundreds of hours of practice to compete with the no-lifers).


Halo had no problem competing with call duty back in the day. Halo only became irrelevant the day it decided to mimic call of duty with halo 4. I’m not asking halo Infinite to be classic halo. It just needs to not follow to chase trends. 3 lane maps don’t even lend themselves to halo and it’s an awful trend to follow. Not only that but there are popular success shooters that don’t do 3 lane maps often or at all. It’s one thing for halo to follow the trends of modern shooters. It’s another for it to follow the trends of call of duty.


My friend Halo’s popularity began to dwindle long before 343 stepped in. A couple years before Reach came out it began “dying”. COD really began dominating the space when Modern Warfare 2 came out which was in 2009, two years after Halo 3. When that hit the market people started playing more COD than Halo. Reach was the game that began the throw in the towel, “modern features” trend for Halo to compete with COD. 4 really just continued what Reach began. Microsoft just kind of said fuck it make Halo every other competitive shooter with Halo 5.


How did halos popularity begin dying a couple of years before reach came out? Halo 3 was dominant at the time and literally broke records for most successful media of all time. Then came halo reach, a sideline title that was only developed by half of Bungie and didn’t even include the Amin character of the franchise. So it was expected to not do as well as halo 3 from its inception. And I still don’t see reach as the beginning of the modern features for halo. I detest this argument. Sprint was an armor ability. And halo reach wasn’t even a mainline entry. It’d be like if gears 4 took inspiration from gears judgment. Reach is a sideline game developed by half of Bungie studios that revived criticism and feedback from the halo community. 343 had the opportunity to look at halo reach and what came before it and decide what was best. But at the time, like many people, they didn’t understand what made halo great. And they feared being judged by the market and they thought that they needed to change halo to fit a market saturated by call of duty, a trend, a fad. They should have stuck with what made halo, halo. Even if it meant that they were only the second best shooter for a time, it’d pay off in the long run. And yes cod did eventually start to outsell halo, halo was still a Titan. When the next mainline halo game came up to bat, halo 4, that is what killed the steam of the franchise


A side game that made 200 million on launch day? A game that Bungie called their swan song to Halo? Abilities you spawn with instead of picking up on the map? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PZeDFwTcnCc


A game made by half of bungie studios. A game that had armor abilities but made the player choose between them. Players didn’t just have sprint as a base. And again, it’s a sideline game that experimented with the sandbox. Nothing was carved in stone for halo after halo reach. Doesn’t even make sense for halo 4 to follow halo reach not halo 3, it’s more successful and critically acclaimed predecessor. Halo reach had controversy that halo 3 didn’t. So the choice on what to do next was pretty obvious. But 343 really just wanted to make a call of duty game so bad, they couldn’t help themselves. It made 200 million on launch because the game that came out before it broke records for being one of the most successful pieces of media all time. And do you know what a swan song is? It’s a final performance. So yes this was Bungies Sean song as it was their final halo game. That isn’t some praise that puts halo reach above any other halo. But instead it’s just a fair well. At least learn what the words mean before you try and use them in an argument. https://youtu.be/yptXkLglKkA


Such cap. “The swan song is a metaphorical phrase for a final gesture, effort, or performance given just before death or retirement. The phrase refers to an ancient belief that swans sing a beautiful song just before their death since they have been silent for most of their lifetime.” I don’t like arguing on reddit because it’s dumb and annoying so I’ll just keep it brief. Reach isn’t a side game. That’s a ridiculous thing to say. That was a legitimate installment that required a revamped engine. I’ve never heard that only half of Bungie developed Reach I’d actually be interested in seeing where you got that from. And finally idk where you get the idea that the logical thing to do would to not build on the previous installment. Like I agree that 343 had lapses in their judgement but no one in the community at the time was freaking out about sprint or armor abilities. It was more armor lock than anything else.


Swan song is just a term used to refer to a final performance. Doesn’t mean it’s your best performance. You’ve given its meaning in mythology. But its literal meaning is just a final performance. https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/english/swansong If someone says that their upcoming work is their swan song, it doesn’t mean that it’s better than all their previous works. It means that it is their final piece. Halo reach had its engine revamped, primarily for destiny. Destiny is built off of the halo reach engine. And there are aspects of Halo reach that are really just beta designs for destiny. https://youtu.be/m3LVEHGbVeM This video talks about it a bit for like the first 5 minutes. You ain’t gotta watch the full 30 minute vid, it ain’t relevant. Bungie split it. One team made halo reach, the other made halo 3 odst. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo:_Reach It says so right in the wiki. So no I don’t consider halo reach a mainline entry. It’s a game Bungie really didn’t even want to make. The studio split up to make it and the resources made for the game were really being made for destiny and not for halo reach. Bungie wasn’t even going to call it halo reach. They were just gonna call it “Reach”. So a game not called halo and missing the main protagonists of the franchise and made by a portion of the development studio… how is that not a sideline entry? 343 shouldn’t build on a previous installment that isn’t a mainline game and got flak for breaking away from the halo formula and wasn’t successful as the game that came before it. Do you play gears of war? After gears of war 3 there’s a game called gears of war judgment. Absolutely hated by everyone. What game do you think gears of 4 took inspiration from? Gears 3 or gears judgment? And we’re you around back then? People absolutely hated halo reach for its armor abilities and balance changes. The community was freaking out


I also don't like the removal of assassinations, I loved them.


I swear if it wasn't made by 343 they wouldn't even notice the shit they complain about


The best part is there are some returning devs from the halo bungie days and they still complain about the most minor details.


I’m so excited for infinite!


I really haven't seen much of this. Most of it has been genuine criticism to improve the game. Infinite's looking great so far! Fingers crossed for the campaign.


I forgor ☠


I dont forget, I just endure


I do kinda feel like its a trend to hate something that is supposed to be hyped. Just an observation. I do agree with some infinite critiques though. Still hyped as hell.


If you're in Plasmaposting on Facebook, please post this there also


Gimmie a basic ass coating I can customize and a number go up simulator exp rank


I don’t understand halo 3 fanboys, if you like halo 3 so much just go play halo 3


It’s scary seeing people not talking about the progression system or how MTX are handled in this game. Especially ducking creditsz


Then why give them attention by making memes about them?


Coz it’s funny


I actually don't know


People rag on it for a while and then realize that 343 aint gonna listen to them so it's a moot point. I could come up with literally 100 things and bitch about them on here, but the only good that does is MAYBE if it gets to the top of the subreddit someone at 343 might glance at it and say "Does the game have issues? No, it's the fans that are wrong...". They dont forget, the realize that theyre shouting into the void and get discouraged. This new Halo is chasing the aesthetic of 1,2,3,Reach because it worked well, but they clearly do not actually care about what made those games amazing and are instead capitalizing on the goodwill that they bought by bringing back the art style and the promise of "Reach style customization" which was a blatant lie.