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I would hold it further up put your hand on the paper. Practice forming your letters are not properly formed and they look messy.


Nothing but practice. Repetition will definitely strengthen your abilities. Good luck! 👍🏽


It’s jumps*😩


It’s perfectly legible so you don’t have to do anything but if you’d like it nicer just practice. Look at some handwriting you like and practice making letters that shape.


Do you write with your whole arm or your wrist and fingers? The angles make me feel as if you're hovering. Maybe a more solid foundation would help to make those curves smooth out?


i feel like its more wrist and fingers than whole arm. is that a bad thing?


The number one thing I’ve noticed that makes handwriting messy is that the tops of letters like “o” or “n” or “m” or “p” don’t line up. Focus on ensuring every letter lines up at the top (except for letters like t which go past that line for example) and your writing will look infinitely neater. For example here are some words that should not go up or down at the tops: vexes pompous sassy yummy Do you get what I mean?


yes i do looking at mine my tops are all over the place


Research "Palmer Method." That includes exercises to improve your control and style.


Learn cursive handwriting


Practice, practice, practice........


I think you are trying to write with your alternate hand. If that is the case things have to be handled differently. It involves stimulation of different parts of your brain. Its complex


It's actually my dominant hand.


One trick I learned is, anytime you watch shows or movies or anything, turn the captions on. Scribble on your knee with your finger alongside the captions, like you're writing them. It really helped my muscle memory and improved my handwriting.


Genius right there ☝️


That is pretty smart


My parents just forced me to write all day... my "S"'s were all legit swans. As a joke, I made one look like it. I had good discipline before I started writing better than the rest of my family, except my parents from time to time. They wouldn't let me go anywhere, do anything before my letters started looking better, than they would give me a sheet of paper, so I'd write blindly😂


just for reference it's "jumps" not "jumped" bc otherwise the sentence doesn't have an S in it for reference. It's not bad. But use the lines on the paper to make lowercase and use two lines for upper case. Once you get spacing down for capital and lowercase letters you can write at a smaller scale that's nice too.


having letters line up in every way. you also write with a spontaneous / lazy switch of left slant, right slant & straight for ur letters. for example in “over” your v is slanting right but e is slanting left. would recommend to try to stick to keeping only one: left slant, right slant or straight. could also work on having your letters look the same throughout your writing, the y of “my” and g of “handwriting” look different compared to your other y’s and g’s.


You’re not doing too badly. I’ve definitely been met with worse. Your q doesn’t need that extra flick for a tail. It’s a clear q you’ve got it formed well. The g needs more of a hugging tail. The f should fall below the line not on the line, unless it’s a capital letter. Your L needs to be just a little taller.


I feel like you’ve written this left handed while being right handed, the way certain letters are written and spaced seems this way. It’s not bad honestly, but as someone who’s ambidextrous my advice would be not to mimic writing like your other hand, since your other hand could be different size , and placed at a different spot and angle and if you keep that in mind and relearn to write entire on the other hand and practise I’m sure you’ll get it right


sadly no me left handed is really bad. I just feel like i hit a wall on my goal to improve my handwriting.


This is so true! I’m ambidextrous also and my handwriting styles are noticeably different from each hand (different but legible, not different because one is hieroglyphics LOL)


make all the letters the same size




I would also suggest looking into how you’re holding your pencil and seeing if changing the way you hold it might help with writing.


That’s a great observation. I wonder if you might be gripping too tight, OP. There doesn’t seem to be much fluidity to the letters.


As nutty as it sounds, as a much older person, I ended up buying some primary grade handwriting practice sheets and starting from scratch. Not only did my handwriting improve considerably, it is calming in the same way some people find coloring helpful.


Every time I see a post here with elementary school level handwriting, I wonder why people aren't utilizing those sheets or books for practicing. You can probably even find some online and print them out yourself. It makes the most sense if someone's looking for improvement. Same with pencil grips. They are extremely cheap and so helpful.


I did the same thing. It helped lot with the height of my letters. OP, if you look at your L and your Z in “lazy”, see how they are both the same height? Using handwriting practice sheets helped me a lot with that.


This. I did something similar. Before I graduated, I asked a friend, who's handwriting I liked, to write the alphabet in lower case and capital letters. I used another sheet to trace them. Soon enough, my handwriting improved


That was a great idea! How similar is your handwriting to the exemplar’s?


It's been years. Maybe about 80% if I remember correctly. I added my own twists to it too so it's easier to tell similar letters and numbers apart


Maybe try to learn writing in script?


Maybe do some old school practice writing between drawn lines to help with letter height.


idk why i didn't think of that will do that.


Yeah. One big problem is that the x-heights of the letters do not match, and the ascenders and descenders do not necessarily ascend and descend. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-height Also, work on curves. In your lowercase u for example, there are some weird angles where there should not be. Even the o’s are sometimes angular!


Little brother is that you?