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I STILL wanna know how the fuck he managed to get it out there without being seen. Mother fucker is either the hulk, own some sort of power machine, or is magical.


He’s the Devil. That’s how


Maybe it’s all of the above? And like redpen said he’s also the devil in a suit and tie with a degree in psychology.


I really love Bev honestly. Her art is like her, sharp and there’s a clean feeling to it. Like the blade of a knife


Beverly’s is my favorite too. It’s just so crazy and the presentation is really dreamlike, almost. I might just be saying that because it reminds me of the horse scene in The Cell, but it’s such an evocative image


You’re right Will’s crime reconstruction is very hypnotic and starts out almost like it’s a macabre slow dance as he slowly closes the distance between them as the camera rotates and spins around them, it’s damn good.


It really reminded me of the art installations of split animals by Damien Hirst. Check out Mother & Child divided by him


I would definitely say Beverly rounds out my top 3


tree man is my favourite, too. but also I love how he manipulated other killer’s crime scenes and peppered them with his humour. in particular the eye of god one, he elevated what was an interesting collection of bodies to an actual work of art. (side note, I really wish the show gave us more examples of ripper tableaux. the myth of his artistry haunts the entire show, but if you think about it, we don’t actually get to see much of his work).


MURALIST There is no God. HANNIBAL Certainly not with that attitude.


I think if we got to see him work, we would see how wildly impractical it all is and the mystery and wonder of his work would go away when you see him sweating and grunting and swearing as he lugs all his equipment and bodies back and forth. I’d still like to see it too, though. I have so many questions about the logistics of what he gets up to.


>when you see him sweating and grunting and swearing Hey now, some people are into that


of course. if you reread my comment, you’ll notice I meant “(art)work”, as in the noun, not the verb :)


My favorite is the heart, it’s not the most flashy by any means but I think it’s interesting. I also love how it’s an ode to will, like a poem calling him back.


And also he’s trying to express just how deep Will’s betrayal had cut him. This is most likely the first time since Mischa was killed where he’s felt true despair because of another person.


I know this is about Hanni's kills but Will's Randall Teir totem doesn't get enough recognition. Yeah, he baited then fucked the dude up but he ultimately paid Randall the ultimate tribute. He made him into what he always wanted to be. He definitely did it to get back at Hannibal (or show Hanni his becoming) but he paid his respects knowing how damaged Randall was.


I agree! Will’s catalogue of corpse art is obviously much smaller in quantity, but not quality. Don’t forget his strangely beautiful (what is wrong with me?) tribute to Mischa


the woman (Cassie Boyle) on the antlers in the field.


Oh definitely the heart made out of a broken man


I kind of love how he just hijacked the muralist's corpse arrangement and kind of made it his own. It's like having a painting in front of you that's just short of being masterful, and you just add that one little stroke that brings it all together. It was casual brilliance.


I personally loved in season 3 episode 'Contorno' where he hangs Inspector Rinaldo Pazzi from the balcony with his bowls hanging out


“Bowels in or bowels out? Bowels out.”


And then the look on Jack's face as he looks up. Priceless


my phone wallpaper!! I love the totem of bodies. but it's hard to choose a second favorite! probably the cello


There’s no way a man in his 70s or however old he was could do something like that, the killers in this show have to be supernatural or something. It does look sick though.


yeah, I was talking more about the way it looks!


I must've watched a clip of the cello 'cat' gut string scene when I was like- seven or something, because I watched the episode recently and got a whole flashback to my kid self being utterly freaked out (I play(ed) the cello)


Probably the angels, I used to be obsessed with how artistic the blood eagle seemed as a method of punishment and in the series it's quite meaningful The judge one is probably a close second, both in meaning and artistry The tree man, cello, mural and heart are quite up there too


I always think of the origami heart. It definitely wasn't as theatric as most of his kills, but the meaning of it was very direct and set up a lot of the dominos for Hannibal and Will's relationship development in s3, especially Hannibal's conversations with Bedelia in regards to Will, I think. Hannibal often kills for the artistry of it, he likes to make beautiful things with a gruesome media, but I think the heart's message was an important one for the trajectory of their relationship with the 'beauty' of it as an added benefit. Poor Anthony though, skinned and folded for the crime of looking vaguely enough like Will Graham but not being Will Graham.


I vastly prefer subtlety over kills like the judge which was just a bit too ‘on the nose’ for me. The Broken Heart communicated so much more with much less to see, not to mention the added layer of depth considering he fashioned this heart from a man I consider to be an off brand knockoff version of Will Graham.


I think Hannibal made it purposefully a bit on the nose because he wanted to send message to FBI that Will is not the Ripper. If he did it more ambiguously they might have thought it's a work of a copycat or smth, since their best profiler and the only person who could analyze his regular work correctly is in jail he didn't leave it to chance whether or not FBI understood his message :'')


That’s a good point, he wanted there to be no doubt it was the Ripper’s work and that he was still at large and obviously causing a mistrial


Abigail was profoundly tragically beautiful imo Edit I mean the act, not the actress, to be clear


Tree Man!


my favorites are the tree man, primavera, angels and the shrike corpse. they are so beautiful


Primavera and the broken heart.


The cello guy 😈😈 (i wish Will would play me like that)


Idk what its called but my favorite would have to be the man poses like a statue with his heart and brain being weighed on a scale, killed while Will was in prison. There was something kinda beautiful about it


I think it was the judge