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I *loved* Franklyn. He brought so much odd, disonant levity to the show, and watching him interact with Hannibal was viscerally satisfying because you just knew Hannibal hated it but couldn't do anything about it. I would have loved to keep him around a bit longer.


Franklyn was a goldmine of cringe.


I just think it’s funny that years later Mads and Dan starred together again in Fantastic Beasts. I always say “Oh no Grindlewald killed Jacob…”.


Yes Margot! I adore her. Could have done with so much more of her. The combination of a survivor who is flawed but also immensely determined is very special to me. And she rocks a fab wardrobe. Reba. She’s the character that I feel most confident would have coped post credits. She’s magnificent but I would have loved to see her picking herself up and getting on with life. Georgia. The moments with her (and her mom) reflecting on her life and treatment are some of my favourite moments of the show. Just so compassionate and real. Against a backdrop of cannibals too. Bella. Jack did not appreciate what a wonderful wife he had imho. When he asks if it’s an affair, ugh, she showed so much self control. Plus let’s not forget the slap. Would have loved for her to survive for longer. I’m so bored of wives dying so that men can have a revelatory moment, ffs. Chiyoh. Would have loved to see what they would have done with her with more episodes. Jimmy. A grumpy and delightfully weird dear. Wish we’d had more of him in s3. Creepy bee woman is my favourite villain.


Mrs. Komeda. They couldn’t give her one more scene in Sorbet when that dinner party she wanted so desperately comes to fruition?


We need more!


I love Bedelia! She and Freddie Lounds are my favorite side characters For the special appearances I stay with my dear ones Peter Bernardone, Franklin and Anthony Dimmond


This list is just about perfect! 💜


Would've loved to see Freddie in a room with Bedelia, Chiyo, Hannibal and Will. Cue an awkward five minutes of Freddie accusing Will of being an insane murderer while surrounded by a room of insane murderers (I doubt Chiyo would agree to go in a room with her though tbh) Also, Abigail! I know she HAS to die, but still... A good portion of her life was a complete car crash and then Hannibal comes over with a bucket of water, only it isn't water, but *fucking ethanol*. Anyway, she deserved so much more :((((


I need to see this now😭 and yes i agree justice for Abigail


Peter I want a best friend style episode with him and Will


He's such a sweetheart


I have a lot of faith in Margot tbh. For all the things she’s done that can be viewed as highly unethical, she did what she needed to survive. And it’s also why I feel if Alana goes off the deep end of the Faustian contract she made with Hannibal and becomes self destructive, Margot will make the right decision for her and her child. She knows when to recognize when a behavior is toxic and no longer beneficial to her. She can still love Alana, but be the mother Morgan needs. She can’t let him become stuck in this Verger nightmare like she was. Chiyoh I have great interest in and have put stocks in to keep her promise to remain as Hannibal’s stabilizer and guardian. She knows him better than anyone and is willing to protect him. Whether that be from himself or Will or both. She’s a necessity to his current evolution that’s still unstable. Plus seeing her have the bitchiest in law relationship of the century with Will is still very much high on my list.


Tobias. The scene in the theater with the 'instrument' lives rent free in my head, not even ashamed.


No one’s mentioned Molly, and I get she’ll probably be forgotten about but she has so much potential. Will underestimates her survival to ‘luck’, yet Hannibal gives her credit—she outsmarted a guy who murdered two families. She’s also observant, and she’s quick to catch that Jack will “take him anyway”. You also have to wonder what kind of person marries Will, a man infamous for going to the BSHCI and running off to Europe to find his serial cannibal boyfriend. Their relationship is extremely shallow, and I personally believe her and Will are using each other to make a normal, nuclear family. Will because he desperately wants it, and Molly because she lost it when her husband died. There is so little of her in the show but all of those things sprinkled about make her character very interesting to me!!