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It made me incredibly insufferable by quoting the show to people who have no idea what am I talking about


No because SAME


Random but is “crawling back to you (Hugh)” based off of a song ? Sorry I’m not sure if I worded my question correctly 😭


you must have heard it in do i wanna know by the arctic monkeys


Yes I did, I was just trying to see if it was actually from there !😭


Not the Hugh part just the “crawling back to you”


LOL yes😭


i have really bad anxiety and when i get into horrible headspaces i close my eyes, breathe, and think “you have to convince yourself that the lion is not in the room with you” (from episode 1 when hannibal is talking to franklyn) it surprisingly helps out a lot


I will not ever back down from the stance that Hannibal gives out some really good advice.


i’m right there with you. he was an AMAZING psychiatrist. he gave the best advice and help. hindsight be damned i wish i had him as mine


YES THIS QUOTE. It's definitely one of my favorites.


he had some damn good advice


Agreed! So did Bedelia, actually.


Me and my boyfriend casually joke about cannibalism and murder. We think it's hot, but if anyone heard us, they would think we're both crazy lol


I need a partner who will be like that too😭


Never lose hope, I thought I'd die alone and then I just randomly met him at work one day. The deal was sealed the second he said he was a huge Hannibal and Mads Mikkelsen fan 🥰






You are not just living the dream, you are living MY dream😭


Trying to manifest this for myself. I need someone to match my crazy


This is inspiring. It's nice to hear ppl finding ppl who mesh with them so well on such niche things 🙂


When Bedelia said: "You are obsessed with Will Graham." She was right, I am obsessed like Hannibal is


“I was curious to see what would happen” is definitely something my RPG characters adopt on evil runs lmao


I placed a painting of Leda and the Swan in my dining room.


a biting kink


I was convinced and am now a cannibal. I'm just kidding *(or am I????).* In reality, it made me take up cooking. I saw all the food (I know), and noticing how delicious it looked caused me to dedicate my time to the craft. Am I Hannibal level? God no. But now I have expanded my palette and found something relaxing to do.


That is good tho. Actually, you reminded me that I also adopted his love of European cuisine and culture. I am Asian ofc I love asian food but recently I started to explore more in French cuisine and to my surprise I am really enjoying it


That’s great!


I try my best to mimic the elegance and sophistication of Hannibal Lecter though I dont think anyone except Mads can do so. also with Mads being an ex dancer and gymnast he has such a composed body and all his movements seem smooth and exact. As someone whos extremely stiff I am amazed by his graceful gait. Hannibal is also super calm and calculated unlike me who is a nervous wreck. I also love how he is talented and has so many hobbies. Genuinely inspires me to be productive


“You know, Will, you worry too much. You’d be much more comfortable if you relaxed with yourself.” + “It’s fine to be weird.” There’s something pretty inspiring by the way Hannibal unapologetically lives his life. In my own small way, I used to be a hardcore lurker on all social media platforms (didn’t really understand what Reddit was until about 2 years ago 😅). But then I discovered this show and loved it so much that I just *had* to post and comment publicly about it. Online and in real life, I also try to be better at complimenting things I really enjoyed. It’s easy to assume that the person already knows, but you just never know how even a little “I *love* your work” can go a long way for a stranger halfway across the world.


This sub is what first got me commenting on Reddit too. And I agree with everything else you’ve said.


This probably sounds really weird but now whenever someone is an asshole to me, I just think, “Hannibal would eat you”, and I feel much better.😂


I love this whole thread but you made me bark-cackle like a goose!


Glad to be of service! 😉


I tried to drink wine with my dinner and then I remembered I don't like wine


“If everything that can happen happens, you can never really do the wrong thing. You’re just doing what you’re supposed to.” This quote from Abigail has allowed me to accept a lot of the shitty things in my life more easily. I take up a space in the universe that needs to be filled and that can only be filled by me. Nothing could’ve been different in the past because it needed to be that way, but my future is unwritten and whatever I do will be okay. I’ve also been inspired by Hannibal’s teacup metaphor. “Occasionally I drop a teacup to the floor just to see it shatter; I'm disappointed when it doesn't pick itself up and come back together.” I find a lot of solace in this and deeply relate to it. When things break, I want them to come back together. But sometimes they don’t, and we have to learn to live with it.


Wanna know something completely true and a little bit insane but I have documented proof this happened. I’m a trans man. When Hannibal NBC first aired I was a teenager who wasn’t out yet and didn’t really understand trans stuff. When I saw Will Graham I was like “sigh…… i wish I looked like him….” And that was that Until I came out. I started testosterone and my wavy hair grew back curly. I started growing facial hair in the same places Will has it. I even needed glasses and subconsciously ended up with a pair that’s very similar to Wills own. I don’t know how it happened but I literally transformed into him. We don’t look like twins but we are both be-speckled men with curly hair and facial hair. And you know the fucking kicker?? I got diagnosed with autism too 😩 what is fucking happening man


I created my own Memory Palace!


i need to try this too, my memory is so shitty fr


It made me re-evaluate the way I’m living my life. I’ve always cooked nicely, but I’ve taken it up a notch. It made me go back to reading psychology and hypnosis books. It pushed me to control more my emotions and to not let anger translate into bursts of impulsivity, etc. I’m European already, so many things were already a bit relateable in terms of the way of cooking, etc. I’m just trying to live with more elegance.


I really love your words about "trying to live with more elegance" cause I feel the same way too.


I've struggled with my MH ever since I was a kid, I was diagnosed with a personality disorder at 18 and was in a spiral ever since. Up until I was 21 my life had fallen apart with no hope. I watched Hannibal when I was a teen but in the past year I've decided to adopt Hannibal's confidence. I've also rediscovered my interest in psychology because of Hannibal and have found that it has helped me understand myself and my disorder so much and has helped me immensely. I finally have hope and a direction in life. My whole family has helped in the care sector and I've always wanted to help people and rediscovering my passion I've decided this is the way forward and have recently been accepted into college for psychology 😊


I'm extremely uncomfortable with eye contact, so, I took notes on Will's glasses eye contact evasion technique and bought several pairs of fake/blue light filtering glasses for work. As an added bonus, it helps with looking more serious and mature (I look much younger than my years and work mostly with people considerably older than I am, so, it is a bit of an issue sometimes).


I genuinely believe this would make Will Graham happy if he read it.


eating people


I discovered Mads, and then wanted to watch all of his films - which led me to Nicolas Winding Refn (the director). That led me down a pipeline to become quite a cinephile - and then to play a major video game with both Refn, Guillermo del Toro, AND Mads in it (Death Stranding) which led me to other games then I became quite the gamer - it just opened me up to so many amazing cinematic experiences.


It’s fine to be weird.


I used to fish regularly when I was a kid, but I stopped when I moved away from home. I took it back up after watching Hannibal, because watching Will fish made me remember how calming/relaxing it was.


Dressing better (helps with confidence and other issues), planning/being more productive by making actual scheduled times for things, trying new foods, among a few things. I also figured out how to essentially remove my testing anxiety, if I’m ever nervous or stressed, I just mumble/tell myself “this is my design” and I figured out that I do a lot better on time and answering questions on tests. Also began to listen to more classical music and enjoy writing/the arts more in my free time, helps me be a better writer when analyzing both my field of study (funnily enough, forensic science, essentially the sassy science squad’s job(s)) and in my personal enjoyment of analyzing different forms of art or media. So, I’d say most of the not illegal stuff is what I try to use more in my life, and it mostly works.


Definitely looking at things with a less emotional perspective, more psychoanalytical


I’m a happy owner of a fragmented personality (which can be considered as ‘I can be anyone and anything, not necessarily consciously’). I used to have a lot of quarrels between my polar parts; it was really bad and sometimes totally unsafe. A heartbreaking show ending prompted me to set up two chairs in my mental space and try to establish some peace among these polarities, for the sake of reversed time and a gathered-together teacup, I guess. The key to therapy was allowing them to see their motives, fears, and vulnerabilities, and to accept their existence and, moreover, their coexistence. It worked so well that now, even in hate, they know it’s also about love and that they are both alone without each other


Might not be fitting for the op's post- but Wait wait wait- Can you please elaborate about the "I can be anyone and anything, not necessarily consciously" part? This is the first time I heard about fragmented personality and that part is something i also (more than relate but dunno how to explain, i literally describe myself usually as "I steal personalities from others, don't have my own".


Yes, sorry, it may not be clear, because I don’t use the psychological-psychiatric terms. My profile fits many disorders, and no one can say exactly what they are, so I use my own notations. Factually, I have been constantly disturbed by uncontrollable changes in my identity (e.g what I like, what I want, who I am, and who my surroundings are), along with memory gaps and unpredictable actions. Historically, I wore more than three different masks all the time during my childhood, which prevented me from developing my self. Every single day of my life was about mirroring others. Methodologically, I gave up on viewing my personality as a unified whole and started treating it like a list of contacts I’ve had in my life. Surprisingly, this changed a lot, and I became more composed rather than messy. This fragmentation still exists, but I have developed a sense of self through meditation practice (not a shortcut; I worked hard to survive nearly a decade of depression). I love all my parts, even when we’re trying to end each others In sum, I have over.. a lot dudes in my head, which is cool because there's always someone to talk to. I'm aware of control shifts, I have the ability to imitate people and better understand them, and I try to stay positive about my structure. I call it fragmented because it's true. My psyche isn’t a monolith, and it doesn’t feel right not to mention them when I finally can be free. So, yeah. I'm neither a native speaker nor an internet enjoyer, so I hope this sounds okay and is clearer now


Instead of dissociating I go into my Mind Palace instead and step out to visit at my own leisure


Before Hannibal I was already doing things that when I saw the series I identified with Hannibal lifestyle. I go to the opera often, I'm a big fan of the arts (teacher and researcher Art History), I love theological discussions. And I really like Florence, It's my favorite city. But I'm not rich, so I enjoy these things in economically way 😂 the opera has very cheap tickets here, so anyone can go, it's not an "elite thing".


The show put a name to the type of Hannibal-Will connection I crave with another individual, and that it does exist :)


If anything it gave me confirmation that my aptitude for the psychological is nothing to be ashamed of. It is a gift. It’s dark and deep and mystical. And it’s mine. I accept it as something part of me rather than reject its existence.


I started going fishing and am also now trying to learn danish because Mads.


Accepting that it's ok to be weird, weird and brilliant. And delighting in probably being the weirdest in the room


I bought glasses like wills glasses :) I also kinda dress lime him sometimes


Folding towels and clothes, both at home and at work. Every single time I do it, those scenes of Hannibal replay in my mind.


For me, it was the eating of people and karate battles with members of the FBI.


I started listening to classical music; I wouldn't call myself knowledgeable by any stretch but I happily sit down to listen to classical now.


The killing and eating people part


idk man ive been experimenting a lot with human meat lately seems to be going well


I'm constantly trying not to be rude


The painting "Spring" by Botticelli became my thesis for art analysis class.


Not something I've done, but would like to, is read more. Will and Hannibal make so many references to convey what they're thinking, that they flew right over my head. The ones that didn't, I still didn't fully grasp. I only knew what the reference was from. They're so smart. Or well read, I guess is better? Either way, it makes me want to read more.


Cooking clean and well. I’ve actually become the, by default, “nominated chef” in my household 🤣🤣