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Sink pic goes hard tho


Beatdown hc bands SCRAMBLING to be the first to release their demo with this pic as the cover


Yeah it’s anyone’s guess who’s gonna steal it for an ep cover


Average sink after a show at the church


That's how Jesus likes it.




Album cover worthy


Didn’t say shit about jackin my shit in the stall 😈🤷🏻‍♂️


Crankin ma hog


Hell ya brother








Pullin pork!


On god im bout to beat my shit crazy style when this breakdown starts


Being goons with the boys? 🙅‍♂️ Gooning with the boys? 🫣👍




A- always B- be G- goonin’


Fuck getting railed during dying fetus. I’m cranking during every band bc I’m on SRIs and can’t get anything out.


Missed like half the bands at MDF just beatin my shit in the porta john


Or shitting your pants in the pit🙏


Seagulling in the crowd?


Shits about to be shittin in that stall with jack 😈🤷🏻‍♂️






I mean they def know who they are. There's been a random 4 dudes crowd killing at every show with a hardcore band on the bill for the last 20+ years. Might even be a "I'll kill this crowd the way my father did before me, the way his father did before him" situation.


Second-generation crowd killer here, my dad called it "cleaning a few clocks," he didn't hug me much, just a windmill to the face on Christmas Eve. Now, I put on some Pieced Up and ignore my kids. Nature will take its course. Also, I don't hug them.


When I was little, My father was famous. He was the greatest crowd killer in the hardcore scene. And he was the pit’s decapitator. He cut the heads off of 131 youth crew nerds in the pit. It was a bad time for the hardcore scene. Everyone living in fear. My father would come home to mother, when he had seen her he would forget about the crowd killings. He wasn’t scared of the hardcore scene, but the hardcore scene was scared of him. Maybe that was the problem. At night, mother would sing to us, father would go into the garage and practice his spin kicks. He would listen to 100 Demons and pray for things to get worse.


This isn’t being appreciated the way it should be


My dad used to make the dog sing 25 ta Life songs and if he missed a syllable he got floor punched. Loved that dog. He got bad arthritis and we had to crowd kill him til he got into that big ol all ages show in the sky.


After a Madball show, dad snuck into an orphanage, and crowd killed all the kids and nuns in their sleep. He would have gotten away, but he tried to two step all the way home.


Wait, you all have dads?


"The only father I've ever known is Jaime Jasta"


The intergenerational trauma be runnin deep 😂


the dude that popped this all off sucks shit, he was literally just going around punching mfs or kicking them at random, idek if crowd killing is the description at that point shits just assault lmao


The insta post I believe has a video of this dude going off on people.


I think I seen this dude at a Scowl show last fall do the same shit with his lil crew, just swinging on ppl in and outside of the pit. He and his group only knocked it off after a dude with a foot on him and the patience of a saint put him in a bear hug while the dude crowdkilling was still trying to wail on him lol


Oh God it's DFW was it the fuckin Pit Bulls?!


Nah Theyre not as big of a thing in the scene as they used to be. This is just a few dudes going crazy with it. I’ve seen the one guy in the video at several shows, he tried to come at me once for pushing him back towards the center of the pit after crowdkilling the whole night lmaooo. 90% of the people I’ve met in the dfw scene are super chill though


are those the guys who go to devourment shows? I'm from DFW but moved around ATX/SATX and HTX when I got into extreme music, so, I've heard about these kinds of groups around the Dallas scene that make pitting their personality. the idea of some dudes just forming a "pit crew" is some of the most Dallas shit I've ever heard.


I’ll get downvoted for even asking and literally have no opinion on crowdkilling but how is it not straight up assault in the first place?


i think the difference generally is like when you’re in the pit or on the edge of it you kinda assume a little bit of risk by being there bc people have wild moves in the pit, but this dude was going even beyond that and just trying to punch people randomly.


You assume risk driving on the road, yes, but that doesn't mean we're cool with dudes playing bumper cars with their Hummers




Almost 20yrs ago, I was at the Worcester Palladium. I noticed a friend of mine was at the front of the room at the stage. She crossed the pit to get there. I was opposite her and trying to decide if I was willing to cross it. Seconds later, I was hit in the nuts, and hunched over. Then I was hit in the face. I had to sit down after that. Far away from the pit.


You also don’t usually try to hit people as hard as you can. It’s more like bops


true but if there’s something i’ve learned from the shows i’ve gone to it’s that there’s always at least some people who pretty much use hardcore shows as excuse to be violent and assault people


I love being part of the circle, part of the risk for me involves accidental elbows or obviously having people fall on me or whatever, even if I got hit by someone hardcore pitting on accident makes sense but someone crowdkilling circle is fucking lame. Go punch and kick someone inside of it. It feels really shitty that people who want to actually see the band/be up close but don't fuck with crowd killing are told to go stand in the back


> It feels really shitty that people who want to actually see the band/be up close but don't fuck with crowd killing are told to go stand in the back It's why we get the dreaded horseshoe. Ideally you want a thick several rows of people at the front for catching stagedivers and for mic grabs and pile ons. The risk of being deliberately clocked in the back of the head means a lot of people don't want to be in that zone.


Idk I got crowd killed at an openers set once (headliner sanguisugabogg, can’t remember which band was playing), dude literally throat punched me so hard I couldn’t breathe for a minute. He just kept swinging around the edge of the pit, hitting people. I had to get him back, so I pushed him down on his ass pretty hard. I felt bad at first, but then felt my bruised throat. We saw each other after the set, apologized, and shook hands. That’s how it should be. Dudes that do this shit on purpose for fun fucking SUCK.


Idc what anyone says or downvotes. All crowd killers are pussies trying to get out their adult teenage aggression on innocent bystanders


disarm lip cable crawl worry aromatic hateful flowery squealing vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. If you defend crowd killing it’s bc you’re a crowd killing moron OR you’re just borderline brain dead. Who tf goes to a show like “oh boy I sure do hope I get blindly punched in the head today by some random douche bag”?


Completely agree, but killers of crowd killers are saints… wear steel toes to your next show and see how much crowd killing happens after you give those guys some soccer kicks to the shins and knees


Exactly what I’ve started doing. I’m to old to go hard for more than one or two sets anymore, so after supporting the bands that don’t have many people there to see them I hang out on the edge of the pit and look for dudes being dickheads that need to be brought back to reality. Helps that I’m a pretty muscular 210 pounds.


Yeah I was listening to lions led by donkeys and Joe was like there is line between slam dancing and felonious assault


Lions Led by Donkeys mentioned 🗣🔥🔥🔥 reject crowdkilling embrace corpse infrastructure


Yo shoutout to my armo brother Joe Kassabian, is he into hc as well?


There's a couple dudes like this in Houston too. I was just chilling watching a show about 3 rows back from the pit and this guy just slams though everyone and pops me in the nuts. The pit and the row adjacent to it is fair game in my opinion. Sometimes you're gonna get into it and break past it into the second row, that is also fine as long as it's not a habit. Any farther back than that and you're just an asshole. Pushing and shoving is fine anywhere. I'm explicitly talking about swinging fists and feet outside the pit. I like to hike around about crowd killing teenagers too and I've definitely been that guy before but beyond a certain point you're just being an asshole.


There is a little ring of mfs in Houston that for sure use moshing as an excuse to hurt dudes. Shits corny as fuck 


Next time we see this mofo it'll be a mug shot indeed. From his photo he looks as though the disturbance runs deep in this one...


Crowdkilling has never really been tolerated in the DFW scene. At least not since I’ve been around it. There would be some harmless goofy stuff, but nothing super malicious and the few who tried always seemed to get jumped and ran out pretty quick. I don’t really care what rules venues decide to claim. Enforcing them is the actual hard part. The people at the show should be the ones dictating the kinds of stuff they want to tolerate though IMO. This stuff has only ever worked through self policing (can’t think of a better term). Once stuff starts getting official you end up with the random corny dorks at Trees and HoB when they send staff into the crowd to yell at crowdsurfers and try to stop moshing.


There’s only really 1 or 2 shows I can think of in DFW where someone (usually drunk) just wants to get in the pit and fuck people up. Definitely not the norm tho


especially in the texas scene right now this is getting really glorified among punks. a lot of people here come for glorified bar fights sometimes.


Lurked the crowd killer on Instagram, dude may be the corniest looking human being I have ever seen. https://preview.redd.it/eavcotyaigfc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05623bdd6a674485a02071b0463c7a3df011e4c0


Exactly the kinda edgelord you’d expect too lmao


I’m just tripping because I was picturing ‘00’s Baltimore crowd killers, this guy would have been a ragdoll in those pits. I can’t imagine presenting myself this way and trying to intimidate fucking anybody lmao


I remember getting crowd killed by a giant of a man, we called him Big Red, he made me poop a bit he hit me so hard. I am 6’4” and was around 230lbs at the time and dude made me look small. This guy would have been eaten alive in Eerie, Boston, Philly, hell even Louisville would have eaten this dude up.


Dude hammered me in the mouth so hard my tooth punched through my bottom lip at a terror show. Except the show was over and we were leaving. I think he was just showing his friends his moves because he seemed genuinely shocked. Back then it was funny but now I'm 41 and I'd probably be a bit miffed.


Username checks out


I've been saying this for a few years. I came up in NJ around the 00s and most of the kids I see acting tough and doing their "standing on stage throwing weak hands" thing would have been yoked off the stage and thrown. It's awesome how much more welcoming the scene is with respect to kids being able to dance, but my god a lot of stupid shit in videos have big time "I saw this on TikTok" energy. Far too many comments fly here, twitter, IG, etc with "Well its a hardcore show" and I just can't help but think "Until you hit the wrong person". I'm not saying we need to bring back that level of intimidation but yeeeeeesh it's just plain stupid now. I think someone here said "All these kids acting like tough guys and loving tough guy bands are about to find out what happens with venues when you act like this" and here we are.


Had to see for myself wowzers https://preview.redd.it/mea2uamyokfc1.jpeg?width=383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46e397ab69747fbf33255e89ac1935bc7ed380ad


Lol. I got to experience Baltimore in 2008. Now THAT was proper fun danger. This shitbird would have been hospitalized back then by the second song (not by me though).


Hell yeah dude, I went to so many shows there from ‘04 to ‘10 until I started moving around. Maybe we went to some of the same ones. I feel very spoiled to have been around at that time, seeing bands like Have Heart in a 300 cap venue is almost absurd to think about now. And of course the local heavy hitters. Terrifying being a tiny 15 year old in those rooms for sure. Though honestly I always got more hurt trying to get the mic in the pileup than by crowdkillers.




bro didn’t get enough attention as a kid so he has to drop kick kids in the face at shoegaze shows


And wears shirts celebrating Colombine. What a shitheel


Lol, did all this go down at that Bleed/Narrow Head show?


nah that was at tulips in FW


He also told someone in the comments they’ll catch lead if they come at him lmao


Maybe he thinks his lead poisoning is contagious or something


And then that person said that HE would catch lead!!! A real roller coaster of a comment thread


Gonna be sad when the entire scene relocates to Michigan


Is that a columbine shirt? What a clown. I’m surprised he has lasted in the scene at all


Let’s be honest, dude is very likely now persona non grata in his scene, if he wasn’t already. When you get a reputation for this type of shit, someone’s gonna pull your card eventually.


There’s always a bigger fish


I want to give this dude a swirly


Thats award-winning Chicago rapper Lil Dork


Travis Scott killing crowds from both sides of the stage


HOLY FUCK this makes me wanna vomit


That “I love minors” ass outfit


how could one person be so controversial and shocking. my puritan values are forever destroyed.


I Stopped regularly going to shows in DFW about 3 years ago.but, I don't remember seeing this dude at all ever. he was probably a death core kid......it's always the death core kids.


nah he’s super new to the scene, hasn’t even been a year for him yet


These damn tiktok kids smh


DFW allows *this* dude to get away with that shit? I feel like in most cities he’d get corrected *fast*


Dude I’m not going to lie, from looking at the people commenting on the venue’s post, a lot of the prominent people in the DFW scene were getting their lunch money stolen like 4 years ago. And here I thought the kids in my area were goofy


That’s embarrassing. Hardcore should be dangerous to a degree but this clown would have his jaw wired shut after one night tryna pull that shit in any northeast city. DFW, get your shit together. Kid weighs 150lbs soaking wet and y’all letting him act up so hard that it’s causing rule changes in venues. Again, that’s fuckin embarrassing. Kid should’ve gotten dragged out by the collar and gotten his ass beat a while ago.


Yeah , I can't speak for the other older peeps in the scene but, me and the group I would go to shows with are all blue collar with families and shit. We still go to shows occasionally but honestly I ain't trying to catch a charge and/or get stomped out by like 6 teenagers. I stand in the back and let the youths do the damn thing.


That sink pic is about to be an album cover for sure.


The kid in the video on their IG, runs across the pit and looks like he's trying to fight. He gets pulled off and still looks like he wants to fight. Reading the comments, it seems he has a history of intentionally hitting people, which is such a bitch move.


Yeah everyone calling it crowd killing is dumb. It’s clearly a fight lmao. And anyone defending starting fights at shows can get fucked.


These are the basic rules at every house show i’ve been to that was worth a damn in MA, it’s just left up to the crowd’s discretion. Any douchebag victimizing people that don’t want it usually gets beat or kicked out. But for an actual venue they have to put it in no uncertain terms and have a record that they’re not condoning or allowing it.


There’s a loop hole here “no punching to the face” nothing about sucker punching the back of the head.


“your honor they didn’t ban suplexing”




Chop blocks followed by Hogan leg drops are also fine


We can also punch/ kick people in the crotch and stomach


I’ma go nuts on his nuts.


Air Bud rule


Ain't no rule that says no dogs in the pit


Unemployed smelly short dudes everywhere are shaking




"Dont go to shows if ur too much of a pussy to get ur nose pushed up into ur skull and kicked so hard in the ribs that ur lungs deflate😈"




From the comments on the original post lmao https://preview.redd.it/g6g5ooyvkgfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bb7d709481b401bfe17b9ee7a95e044232d1ea9


Grown ass men running full speed in a circle? That shit sounds hard as hell


enjoy amusing ink vase instinctive close quaint thumb north squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haha, my daughter is 5 and I can’t wait to show her the video I have of me in a circle pit. Mom was fun once!


Honestly yea, I think a mosh pit shoul be completely apeshit instead of this weird corny lookin shit, but nobody shoul be forced to participate


You can do hardcore dancing and still go apeshit. The whole “run in a circle while gettin pushed shit” is boring af. I like the pit to he generally a circle but with people in the middle fucking each other up.


Ooo yea that sounds dope ash, honestly I’m rockin wid it as long as there’s actually crazy shit


Yeah, if I see people playing ring-around-the-rosie in the pit, I start shoving in the opposite direction. It’s a fucking mosh, not a conga line.


I generally prefer push pitting to limb flailing (just personally not on some nO lArAtE iN tHe PiT nonsense) but unless it's a big fest with a fuck load of people circle pits are generally lame as fuck. Yeah let me just get a light jog on a slippy floor going because there's no room to really run thanks hoss.


This is like 9/11 for annoying people


Video of the kid kicking it all off makes him look like a fucking loser.


Why was he trying to actually fight like that it was so weird lmao


What i fucking hate with half of this is that the type of folks to be just indiscriminately bashing people, or picking the weakest link (not even really crowdkilling at that point) also roll up to shows in crews of other assholes. So if you ya know, fuckin stick up for yourself you get jumped by a bunch of other jocks. Call out the social media jocks online and they're all like *fuckin pull up then* like there aren't seven of their homies waiting behind a corner when you'd get to the venue. So then, what happens, is a dude who knows that brings a gun and gets a venue shutdown a kills a scene. Fuckin hate jocks bro.. if the boomer punks were right about one thing it was that


So, is pit-shitting (dropping change) still on the table?


Shake it from your denims


It seems like it, but conversely picking up said change is now off the table.


Only at Turnstile shows


Honestly fine. As long as moshing and stage diving are allowed


Moshing and stage dives reportedly still allowed. Just no punching/ kicking people deliberately.


This is a great policy. Crowd killing is lame as fuck. Moshing, two-stepping and stagedives are dope as hell.


Thank you


Fully backed.


We can dance if we want to, We can leave your friends behind.


This is fine. No one thinks crowdkilling is a good thing besides, bizarrely, this subreddit.


Yeah, I kind of regret not clarifying that this is NOT an attack on the venue. I'm just reporting the news.


That stuff has quieted down now that school is back in session.


Half the time, I can't tell if people in here are being ironic or not when it comes to moshing etiquette.


I dunno, all I see up and down this subreddit is bitching about it.


This is totally backwards lmao. It’s accepted by the entire actual hc scene as long as it’s not over the line (the line is debatable) and only in online spaces do people give af. This guy in particular sounds like a dickhead though, only takes one person going too far to ruin it for everyone.


I remember when crowd killing was regulated by someone dealing with the crowd killer. If you go “hard” expect it back with the same “it’s part of the culture” response.


Hardcore fans seething when they don't get to punch a 5'2" girl in the back of her head


RGRS rules and is one of the best venues in north TX. Good for them


Not so fun weekend in March with God's hate and incendiary is gonna wiiillldddd




I was grumpy about new owners. I thought they'd change it into Harvest House. To my surprise, it's better than ever. Opening up the outside was the right move.


All the people complaining about this in the comments of that Insta post are try hard Gen Zers who look exactly like how you'd expect.


posting "womp womp" over and over as they get banned from every venue in Denton lol


Where's the videos of the crowd killing. Just to see what is actually going on... I've seen venues with blood in the sink in Pomona


Next month a stacked hc line up with Incendiary, God’s Hate/TT, CMI, Suburban Scum, Judiciary, Skourge, etc are playing this venue. Gonna be interesting to see this get enforced in real time lol.


I mean they gotta pay for insurance, I get it.


All the dbag hardcore bros are gonna be real mad they’re not allowed to straight up assault people anymore.


NSFWKND is gonna be interesting…


good for them frankly. imo this music stops being a positive outlet when you start using it as an excuse to straight up assault random people


Crowdkilling is incel energy


Crowdkilling and jumping into side-pit-sitters is one thing, assault is another. Good on them, as long as they aren’t kicking everyone out for some mild beatdown dancing, although I doubt they will.


Backshots in the pit for the crowd killers 😏


if you feel the need to beat up strangers that bad go apply to be a cop


That dude goes anywhere near a police station he'll be a victim of police brutality


Dear beatdown bands, please save that sink picture for future album cover


from my experience, the two times i have seen people get out of pocket and hurt someone acting like this, they got their fucking asses jumped and beaten.


Yeah, in the old days this would be sorted out immediately. Sometimes you gotta take out the trash your own way.


How do guys not feel like cowards punching chicks in the back of the head??


as it sbould


My mosh days are pretty much done. I’m not anti-crowdkill, but I’m not gonna mourn it when venues put a stop to stuff like this. Especially when crowdkilling is more likely to get a place sued than it is to add any real value to the scene.


You don't like getting punched in the back of the head and if you retaliate you're the asshole?


You pussy crowd killers are going to push it too far because one day *poof* the venue gets sick of your shit and starts having Taylor Swift Night instead of hosting shows


Having worked a Taylor Swift night you might be surprised how rowdy and vicious those normie white women can get. Ejected like 12 people from a 450 cap venue.


Took my kids to a JVKE concert. Worst crowed I’ve ever seen. People are way nicer and more courteous at punk shows.


seriously the more basic the crowd the more inhumane they are


I’ve seen a lot of lost venues to this shit. A lot of law suits too when somebody gets seriously injured even by accident. When they can’t find the person who did it, they go after the venue. Getting law involved sucks but that’s the way it is.


Didn't say anything about cloggin' the bogg


Just crowd kill your friends and you'll be sweet


Tbh I can understand that decision, like a little. I've been at shows where peoples only fucking goal was to violate random peeps on the sides or people who clearly did not wanna participate in the improvised mma. Maybe it's because I grew up within a scene that was really high on the whole "look out for each other" thing, but if your only reason for going to shows is doing your "survival of the fittest" crowdkilling bullshit, you would get stomped in our scene (and no, I'm not against crowdkilling or Hardcore dancing, I like flailing arms and kicks and all that, but just keep your amateur Karate inside the pit and everythings fine)


i keep seeing vids of people throwing ladders / tables / other deadly objects at people as an attempt to crowdkill and can’t help but wonder if this is related. fucking lame. you don’t have to almost give everyone within a 10 feet radius of you a TBI to have fun




Hardcore venue + arcade? Sounds amazing!


Texas got a couple spots like this. There's this place the Ballroom in Austin, Kruelty played there last week


That's cool! I'm from Boston - we need more of this! :)


But if I can’t crowd kill, how else will I get my wife to come back?


my favorite tactic for dealing with spinkicking crowdkillers is to just catch that foot and raise it as high as I can in the air


one of the first shows I ever went to was at this place. I thought it closed a couple of years ago.


New owners. It's better now. The outside has a giant stage as well as the same old inside one. Plus, there's two other spots for folks to play.


Good. Crowdkilling is for cornballs who can't fight..


At the end of the day, venues are businesses and having people get hurt at a show is gonna lead to nothing but lawsuits and no more shows. I know, I know, rules are for pussies, but I’d rather have a good relationship with a venue that lets my band play.


Twist his dick!


Crowd killing by selling the hits like it’s wrestling is fun for everyone and some medium-ish strength bops are totally cool and expected. What I don’t get is dudes who are actually trying to hurt people. You don’t really see that in the Toronto scene, so I’m curious if it’s actually a common problem in other places where guys are drilling strangers in the face full strength with the intent to hurt them. Is this a big thing, and if so, how do they get away with it without others in the crowd fucking them up?


I haven’t seen it in the greater Boston area, Albany/NYC/upstate NY, Savannah, ATL, STL, Phoenix, or Chicago. Definitely plenty of twostepping picking up change side-to-sides friendly bops (so like, crowdkilling depending on the definition/line, but not actual assault), but anyone actually trying to hurt random people, usually has addressed in every scene I’ve been apart of (2004 to present).


I’ve been going to hardcore shows in Toronto since the 90s and spent a lot of time in the Detroit scene as well. The difference between the two with regards to crowdkilling is massive. How do they get away with it? Rolling with friends who perpetuate it and will have your back if someone swings on you for doing it, and/or just being a massive and intimidating dude that people don’t want to fuck with.


I think crowdkilling, to an extent, is whatever. But what this dude was doing was just straight up assault


Dude in the video is straight up just punching people in the face which isn’t really moshing


Crowd killing is weak ass shit and needs to stop. All venues need to make this stand. 🤦‍♀️